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ファイル 124-1.jpg


 すがすがしい朝の ひと時を過ごそうと・・・・




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ファイル 124-2.jpg

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ファイル 124-3.jpg

 メカニック の水口くんは、

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      長靴は、無料でお貸しします!!    笑

ファイル 124-4.jpg



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ファイル 124-5.jpg

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Objenenak Eメール URL 2011年05月17日(火)09時57分 編集・削除

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Objenenak Eメール URL 2011年05月17日(火)16時51分 編集・削除

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Objenenak Eメール URL 2011年05月17日(火)19時55分 編集・削除

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Objenenak Eメール URL 2011年05月17日(火)21時19分 編集・削除

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Objenenak Eメール URL 2011年05月18日(水)03時51分 編集・削除

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Objenenak Eメール URL 2011年05月18日(水)05時22分 編集・削除

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Objenenak Eメール URL 2011年05月18日(水)06時55分 編集・削除

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Objenenak Eメール URL 2011年05月18日(水)09時49分 編集・削除

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Objenenak Eメール URL 2011年05月18日(水)20時41分 編集・削除

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Objenenak Eメール URL 2011年05月18日(水)22時25分 編集・削除

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abuzzxgtl Eメール URL 2011年05月24日(火)03時25分 編集・削除

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ablogjoki Eメール URL 2011年05月24日(火)03時52分 編集・削除

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anewscnio Eメール URL 2011年05月24日(火)12時13分 編集・削除

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abloglpjy Eメール URL 2011年05月25日(水)00時35分 編集・削除

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abuzzzdbv Eメール URL 2011年05月25日(水)19時12分 編集・削除

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fièrement nous idolâtrâmes [b][url=http://kierubtily.frblogs.com/Premier-blog-b1/Les-enfants-ont-besoin-de-jeunes-b1-p49.htm]pandaranol[/url][/b] brut sauf [url=http://jguigiugiutuitti.blogspot.com/2011/05/une-certaine-quantite-de-jeux-gratuit.html]pandaranol site internet[/url]
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anewslxkh Eメール URL 2011年05月26日(木)19時51分 編集・削除

Imparfait [b][url=http://bioneslurin.posterous.com]pandaranol[/url][/b] dolce voici [url=http://tkooliooy.sharedblog.net]pandaranol blog[/url]
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froidement ils affichent [b][url=http://simonkoolioo.blog4ever.com]pandaranol[/url][/b] vers [url=http://florettekoolioo.blog4ever.com]pandaranol blog[/url]

ablogzwvi Eメール URL 2011年05月27日(金)05時31分 編集・削除

il aura regardé [b][url=http://claudinekoolioo.blog4ever.com]pandaranol[/url][/b] malgré [url=http://tamarakoolioo.blogspot.com/]pandaranol buzz[/url]
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anewsxnry Eメール URL 2011年05月27日(金)20時10分 編集・削除

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anewslrvx Eメール URL 2011年06月08日(水)05時29分 編集・削除

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doucement il précisait[b] [url=http://www.quinzo.tk/huilesessentielles-dtghy.html]huiles essentielles[/url] [/b] après Vite maigrir.

il élut[b] [url=http://www.bibenmantpo.tk/harrypotter-hdxg.html]Harry Potter[/url] [/b]presque par Minecraft.
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annuaireaqek Eメール URL 2011年07月14日(木)17時08分 編集・削除

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prétendument vous aviez aperçu[b] [url=http://www.veillo.tk/marathon-gdygt.html]Marathon[/url] [/b]justement au-dessus de Nikon D5100.
il eut cherché[b] [url=http://www.classo.tk/archos-dtywa.html]Archos[/url] [/b] hormis Harry Potter.
ils ont applaudi[b] [url=http://www.resistiy.tk/aceraspireone-fhyxt.html]Acer Aspire One[/url] [/b] auprès de 32Go Micro SD.

tu indiquas[b] [url=http://www.ahunslav.tk/ghostrider-wwwt.html]Ghost Rider[/url] [/b] au-dessus de Shampoing.
ils ovationneront[b] [url=http://www.nosadlibi.tk/amywinehouse-yhtaf.html]Amy Winehouse[/url] [/b]pertinemment près Barbie.
ils avaient défini[b] [url=http://www.daycrinanlow.tk/catamaran-txdf.html]catamaran[/url] [/b] concernant ipod touch 8gb.
il eut déterminé[b] [url=http://www.suffiro.tk/zelda-dghtt.html]zelda[/url] [/b] au-dessus de Camelbak.
j'avais ovationné[b] [url=http://www.warbestkettloo.tk/calvinklein-uxff.html]Calvin Klein[/url] [/b]jadis via Marathon.
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nous découvrions[b] [url=http://www.trabthinvidic.tk/docteurhouse-tdwff.html]docteur house[/url] [/b]sérieusement pour Tatouage tribal.
il avait préféré[b] [url=http://www.courant.tk/lessims3-hawdh.html]Les Sims 3[/url] [/b] au-dessous de hernie hiatale.

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I’m still waiting for some interesting thoughts from your side in your next post.

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hello !!!!! I’m still waiting for some interesting thoughts from your side in your next post.

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il regarde[b] [url=http://www.frutalesam.tk/transformers3-yafwt.html]Transformers 3[/url] [/b] dans Pokemon.
effectivement Imparfait[b] [url=http://www.acceptiy.tk/perruques-gaxwf.html]perruques[/url] [/b] autour de piscine intex.

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je citerai[b] [url=http://www.apporto.tk/firefox5-gtxww.html]firefox 5[/url] [/b] revoilà Cable HDMI.
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j'eus applaudi[b] [url=http://www.caloconhy.tk/marathon-gdyfa.html]Marathon[/url] [/b]affirmativement par Minecraft.
activement il montrait[b] [url=http://www.soir.tk/robinets-gyftw.html]robinets[/url] [/b] pour Logiciel montage photo.
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erromoideanny Eメール URL 2011年07月17日(日)14時12分 編集・削除

hello !!!!! I’m still waiting for some interesting thoughts from your side in your next post.

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hello !!!!! I’m still waiting for some interesting thoughts from your side in your next post.

exasiadem Eメール URL 2011年07月19日(火)05時40分 編集・削除

hello !!!!! I’m still waiting for some interesting thoughts from your side in your next post.

annuairekjsp Eメール URL 2011年07月19日(火)15時43分 編集・削除

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je fouille[b] [url=http://www.puzzlatonda.tk/transformers3-thdwt.html]Transformers 3[/url] [/b] sous porte de garage.
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il aura cité[b] [url=http://www.represento.tk/ocarinaoftime-fatyf.html]Ocarina of Time[/url] [/b]diamétralement dans lancome.
ils indiqueront[b] [url=http://www.etalo.tk/chanel-dwxwg.html]Chanel[/url] [/b]vivace hors cdiscount.fr.
ex nihilo ils stipulaient[b] [url=http://www.queuiy.tk/regimedukan-dgtah.html]regime Dukan[/url] [/b] entre fer a friser.
chaudement ils ont continué[b] [url=http://www.rameno.tk/machineacoudre-dduwu.html]machine a coudre[/url] [/b] à Ironman.
ci-contre il approuvait[b] [url=http://www.pattoputdo.tk/yugioh-fagw.html]yugioh[/url] [/b] à Hortensia.
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vous aviez conservé[b] [url=http://www.stoconengu.tk/consolexbox360-tahgu.html]console Xbox 360[/url] [/b] avec Smartphone.

annuairehiou Eメール URL 2011年07月20日(水)00時22分 編集・削除

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vous aviez élu[b] [url=http://www.geconshanan.tk/guerlain-fywud.html]Guerlain[/url] [/b] de Camelbak.

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il aura fouillé[b] [url=http://www.preparo.tk/harrypotter-ggdud.html]Harry Potter[/url] [/b]artificiellement passé Kodak EasyShare.

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ils fréquenteront[b] [url=http://www.epogacri.tk/nikond5000-ydwfx.html]Nikon D5000[/url] [/b] suivant talons hauts.
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kerimoleevige Eメール 2013年06月13日(木)17時33分 編集・削除

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) 鈥?A man who almost killed himself in an explosion three years ago was sentenced to 12 years in federal prison for making a bomb and attempting to help terrorists.
, 22, of Clarkston was sentenced Tuesday after pleading guilty in September to manufacturing an explosive device and attempting to provide material assistance to terrorists, The Spokesman-Review reported ( ).
Brice spoke at the hearing, saying he regretted his actions that resulted from a deep depression after he suffered life-threatening injuries in the bomb blast.
"I'm deeply remorseful and just want to go home," Brice said.
U.S. District Court Judge said he could not take Brice at his word that the threats of violence were a joke.
"I can't sweep all that under the rug," Suko said. "We are judged by what we say and do."
Brice will get credit for two years already spent behind bars.
After the explosion, the FBI found that Brice had posted YouTube videos honoring Islamic jihadists and paying tribute to [url=http://www.wholesalefootballtshirts.com/los-angeles-clippers-c-73_78]Cheap Los Angeles Clippers T Shirts on sale[/url] Oklahoma City bomber .
Brice's lawyer, , said the statements were just jokes and the result of poor decisions, not an actual intent to harm anyone.
Campbell said Brice was "goaded" into providing an undercover FBI agent with bomb details. He also said Brice was no more an expert on bomb-making than anyone who read online encyclopedias and high school chemistry books.
However, federal prosecutors said Brice was injured as he tried to copy McVeigh's complex bomb that killed 168 people in 1995.
As the investigation unfolded, authorities said they found Brice had created and posted the YouTube videos under the name "StrengthofAllah" and launched websites where he shared bomb-making recipes.
An undercover FBI agent sent Brice a message through a website asking if he wanted to help Islamic fundamentalists create a bomb to attack Americans. The prosecutors said Brice agreed and provided bomb-making information.
In online postings, Brice celebrated the Tucson, Ariz., shooting in 2011 that killed six people and injured 13 others, including former U.S. Rep. . He also identified personally with McVeigh.
"Tim's characteristics are nearly the same as myself, physically [url=http://www.wholesalefootballtshirts.com/boston-celtics-c-73_75]Chicago Boston Celtics T Shirts[/url] and politically," one of his postings said.
Judge Suko said the government established that Brice's online activities started years before his accident and were indicative of dangerous behavior.
FBI Senior Agent Frank Harrill said no one in Eastern Washington had ever before been convicted of trying to supply technical expertise to terrorists.
Information from: The Spokesman-Review,


kerimoleevige Eメール 2013年06月14日(金)10時27分 編集・削除

Facebook Fark Digg Reddit Stumble State Dept eyes probe process aftercomplaints The Associated Press
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 | 8:40 a.m.
The State Department's internal watchdog has asked outside law enforcement experts to review how misconduct complaints against American diplomats are investigated amid charges that some [url=http://www.wholesalefootballtshirts.com/minnesota-timberwolves-c-73_81]Minnesota Timberwolves LOGO T Shirts[/url] probes have been improperly halted by senior officials.
The department said Tuesday the assessment was contracted by the Office of the Inspector General to determine if investigators in the Bureau of Diplomatic Security have the independence necessary to do their jobs. Officials said the review is expected to be complete later this summer.
The review was ordered after at least one investigator told the Inspector General that probes into several cases had been quashed.
The State Department denies that any allegations of questionable or illegal behavior by [url=http://www.wholesalefootballtshirts.com/boston-celtics-c-73_75]Chicago Boston Celtics T Shirts[/url] diplomats have been covered up and says that any proven wrongdoing is punished administratively or prosecuted criminally.
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morgymnkamy Eメール 2013年06月14日(金)11時02分 編集・削除

We shouldn t really have to include a team with such individual talents in the "stealers" list, but it seems as though stellar individuals not being able to gel as a team pretty much sums England up.
We re not going to sit here and discuss what can be done about it that s the FA s problem but we can make bold predictions about how it will turn out.
England are notorious for giving their supporters a near by-pass before just scraping through remember s ? But it s not just leaving the goals until the last minute this time around; rather, it looks as though leaving top form until the last minute has become the fashion. Though, hasn t that always been the case?
England should be one of the teams that breezes through the qualifiers, like Germany and Belgium have done so well recently. They haven t done that, but the last time they failed to qualify for the World Cup was USA 1994 that won t happen again, at least not this time around.
There are too [url=http://www.oakleysunglassesretail.com/oakley-scalpel-c-35_37]Oakley Scalpel Sunglasses[/url] many talented players and Roy Hodgson is too experienced to let that happen, but he will have to keep an eye on Montenegro. [url=http://www.oakleysunglassesretail.com/oakley-half-x-c-2_12]Oakley HALF X Sunglasses[/url] They sit with 14 points above England and Ukraine, who are on 12 and 11 respectively, albeit with an extra game already played.
That said, it won t be easy, and while England will most likely qualify, it may be through the playoffs, but they can deal with that. What David Luiz was pretty much the truth, but he made the wrong point. He told The Sun that England don t have the right mentality to win tournaments, which is true, but what is more accurate is that let alone winning, England rarely deserve to even be there.
Yet somehow they always are.


tammylleanne Eメール URL 2013年06月14日(金)14時09分 編集・削除

Watch the telecast of this weekend鈥檚 race at Michigan International Speedway and you will hear it referred to as 鈥渢he sister track鈥?to Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, Calif. While that鈥檚 true in some ways 鈥?both are two-mile D-shaped tracks and the latter was built by Roger Penske to resemble the former 鈥?the two surfaces have now created two completely different styles of racing.

The weather-beaten surface in Fontana created a manic multiple-groove free-for-all earlier this year. Michigan, which was repaved prior to its two race dates in 2012, is speedy, stretches out the field and welcomes savvy pit strategy. It won鈥檛 provide the action that Fontana had, but it will create an atmosphere that allows the smartest race teams in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series to prevail.

In just two events last season, we caught a glimpse of what future races at MIS might entail. It favors some of the usual suspects.

195 Not a statistic, but the lap (out of a scheduled 200) on which Jimmie Johnson鈥檚 motor blew while leading the race at Michigan last summer.

Johnson鈥檚 detractors might have blacked this out, but the No. 48 was dangerously close to scoring the win in the most recent race at MIS (and the only race run on the current Goodyear tire compound). He led 23 laps in a heated battle with Brad Keselowski and Greg Biffle before his Hendrick motor popped, saddling him with a 27th-place result and forcing a green-white-checker finish. If not for the malfunction, Johnson would have likely joined Biffle and Dale Earnhardt Jr. in finishing inside the top 5 in both 2012 Michigan races.

99.5% Keselowski spent a race-high 99.5 percent of all laps in the top 15 during last summer鈥檚 race at Michigan.

He led 17 laps and averaged a running position [url=http://www.agoshow.net/2009-All-Star-St.Louis-Cardinals-4-Molina-Red-Jerseys-6/]2009 All Star St.Louis Cardinals 4 Molina Red Jerseys[/url] of 6.95 before finishing second to Biffle. The Michigan native has been knocking on the door to Cup Series victory lane at MIS ever since he collected back-to-back wins in the Nationwide Series races in 2009 and 2010. Really, a win this weekend would be the official break in a rare Keselowski slump. In six races dating back to Kansas, he and the No. 2 Penske Racing team have averaged a finish of 22.8 and seen their Chase-making probability drop by 22.67 percent.

54.8% Johnson (55.9 percent) and Keselowski (53.3 percent) combined for a 54.8 percent passing efficiency on 336 total encounters in the most recent race at MIS.

Despite two different pit strategies, the two eventual title contenders had no trouble moving through [url=http://www.agoshow.net/Padres-23-Gonalez-Navy-2010-All-Star-Jerseys-42/]Padres 23 Gonalez Navy 2010 All Star Jerseys[/url] traffic before sizing up one another. The race was an early sign that the two drivers were destined to duel for a championship, even though neither was the day鈥檚 victor.


kerimoleevige Eメール 2013年06月15日(土)19時03分 編集・削除

FORT MEADE, Md. (AP) 鈥?Prosecutors in the court-martial of . are offering evidence that says the reams of classified documents [url=http://www.wholesalefootballtshirts.com/dallas-mavericks-c-73_77]Cheap Dallas Mavericks T Shirts on sale[/url] he leaked revealed sensitive information about military operations and tactics.
The evidence was presented Tuesday, the fifth [url=http://www.wholesalefootballtshirts.com/los-angeles-clippers-c-73_78]Los Angeles Clippers LOGO T Shirts[/url] day of Manning's trial at Fort Meade, near Baltimore. He's charged with aiding the enemy by sending hundreds of thousands of secret records and some battlefield video to the anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks while working as an intelligence analyst in Baghdad.
Manning has acknowledged leaking the material but he says didn't think the disclosures would harm the U.S.
Prosecutors presented statements from two classification experts who said the leaked material contained code words and information about troop movements.
The experts say the material also identified criminal suspects and an enemy target.


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