
第31回 D・S・U 杯 ジャンクションプロデュース ブティック名古屋 参加してきました~♪  照仁KAI の皆さま 今回は大変ありがとうございました!

 昨日、ジャンクションプロデュース ブティック名古屋 は

  愛知県蒲郡市にある ラグ-ナ蒲郡 特設駐車場で行われた

      第31回 D・S・U 杯 に参加してきましたよ!


   スゴイ 参加台数が集まっていましたよ!  ビックリしました!!

 参加車両のドレスアップ & カスタム レベルもスゴク高かったですよ!!

ファイル 138-1.jpg


 ドレスアップの仕方が スゴク てほとんどの車両が

   内装・オーディオ などが お金がかかっていて、$$$

               しょうじ ビックリしました!!


  お金が かかっていそうなドレスアップカーが沢山エントリーされていましたよ!


      ジャンクションプロデュース ブティック名古屋


 下のブラック ワゴンR は、最近フェイスコーポレーションで



ファイル 138-2.jpg


 ステージア に GT-R の顔面が移植されている


    しょうじ 的には イチオシ ですね!!!

 それに、色とりどりの カラーリングを 施された


ファイル 138-3.jpg

 上の ブラックパールの エスティマ は、ジャンクションプロデュース の 

 コンプリートカー で J・P・B 名古屋の デモカー なんですよ!!

       ジャンクションプロデュース 幻のワゴン車です!!


 なんと! ジャンクションプロデュース ブティック名古屋には

 10系エスティマ の

    コンプリートキットがあと 2台分 あるんですよ! 幻ですよ!


ファイル 138-4.jpg



 いったい、モニター や スピーカー が


      すご過ぎますね・・・・・・・・・!! あっぱれですね!


ファイル 138-5.jpg

 第31回 D・S・U 杯 イベントの後半には、数々の


  受賞された皆さま! 本当におめでとうございました!!


     ジャンクションプロデュース杯 VIP祭2009





 照仁KAI の皆さま 今回は大変ありがとうございました!


 2009年7月5日(日) 真夏の祭典 ジャンクションプロデュース杯 VIP祭2009の詳しい情報はここをクリック!!

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Columbia University has a new creative writing major and on the application instructions, it says that anyone pursuing anything in the creative or visual arts may submit a supplement to their application. Creative writing is specifically listed, however, I am not sure what to submit. . . Would they ...
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Hi! I really need some help and ideas for my creative writing assignment. We have to mimic the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer. We have to have 5 diverse characters (so far I have a brunette young woman who is a musician from NJ) and they are going on a pilgrimage to NYC. They have to be diverse based o...
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I have a degree in creative writing from a top university, but still have no significant credits yet. How should I go about getting published in a reputable magazine or web site for the first time? Is self-publishing the way to go? I have short stories that are done, but I am not sure where to send ...
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I need to find blogging websites that deal with legal issues such as contracts, wrongful death claims, fraud, etc. I don't even know where to start looking. Any advice would be appreciated.. . Thanks..
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I need a good male pseudonym to use when blogging.. Sorry if this is the wrong place for the question :(. It sort of relates because I want to blog, but I don't want my acquaintances/friends to see it..
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My friend and I have been discussing personal blogs and online journaling. She feels that personal feelings and such should not expressed in such open forums. I see no problem with it. Share your thoughts:. 1. Do you blog or journal?. 2. Do you prefer face to face expression of feelings over written...
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How can I publish pictures in articles on Wikipedia without infringing copyright?
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I'm just having this crazy idea, I'm planning to post comic pages or strips on Blogger, since its generating revenue from Google Adsense, I might profit from this, hehe (me gloating like an alien Ferengi). Will this idea work?.
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I have Joomla and a Joomla template(rt_refraction_j15) installed on my website. But i want the same template and css styling, as a basic HTML template, so i don't have to use Joomla for editing. Is there an easy way to convert the template to basic HTML/CSS template?.
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Hi,. I am new to joomla and my boss is asking me to add some of the joomla functionality to the current website so that the owner of the website can itself modify the contents. I am having no idea about how to do that. My boss says that there is no need to re-build the website in joomla. If anybody ...
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I created a new user, opened Firefox, and there are only the default bookmarks. There is an "import" function, but it only offers to import Internet Explorer bookmarks. Is there any way to copy/import between users on the same machine?.
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Maybe someone can help me. I want to create a website with a focus on current events in education. I plan to write from my website articles and even published literature. The articles I write will be reviews and criticisms from published articles. I am aware of the Fair Use Doctrine and I can write ...
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I post them, they get 1 or 2 views, and then no more. I would like my content to do more than just give me a few views...how do I get them on the search engines or something like that? Will no one ever go to my blog just because I don't post every day?.
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I'll be teaching a creative writing class this summer to a group of 11-14 year-olds. I have experience teaching writing (mostly poetry) to adults, but teaching kids will be new territory. Does anyone have some great tips, websites, resources for exercises, and reading materials for this age group? T...
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Just got a Blogger account, it works good, but how do I find different users blogs I like with search. I remember there is a way, but I am not seeing it now. Thanks for your help..
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I put a WordPress blog on my website a few days ago, and I was just curious about how it works. So I just want to know if all the posts are saved into a single file or if they are separate for each post. Then I also want to know where they can be found on my server. Thanks.
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I have a song [mp3 file] and i want it to automatically play when you enter my wordpress blog. On all the pages if possible but preferably just on the homepage if simpler. I'm new to wordpress so it might be tough but if anyone can confirm it's possible and perhaps tell me how it would be greatly ap...
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I have a web page for my business and there is a link to my blog on it, it want to show the blog posts on the webpage not just the link and I can't figure out how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
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I am trying to find a free Dreamweaver alternative and it looks like Kompozer is good. But I could not find any feedback with using this program for wordpress templates. I wanted to know if anyone has used it and how well it works. Thanks in advance..
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I am thinking about building a local news website that will, for the most part, be a collection of local news stories published by newspapers and other sources. Is it legal to do this? I would, of course, give all credit to the authors. I'm just wondering what the legality of this would be? Thanks f...
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I'm interested in fashion and I want to start a blog but I have no idea where to start or how to get people interested in my blog. Any ideas welcome..
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I need to start up a website but i don't want to use a free web host. I will be using the website for a webcomic but i'm not sure how to go about it. Can someone help me?.
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Hi,. can enybody please tell me other platforms that blogger, wordpress, posterous, dupral where I can make blog posts by email?. I need a list of free blog services that allow you to make your post by email..
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Assume that you are working as a computer technician for a company with a large network. You are assigned to determine what is wrong with an employee?s computer and repair it. You suspect that the computer is not properly connected to the network. Describe the troubleshooting steps you would take...
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I need step by step process. . Are all hosting sites Joomla compatible? How can you tell if they don't and do?.
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I have had an online magazine for 3 years, and we are looking to spice up the website. We've used Joomla, but are now looking for something new. Is Wordpress better than Joomla? We will be adding content rich items on the site: videos, etc. Any suggestions?.
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Using "Capability Manager" I have allowed contributors to upload media to the media library of my wordpress website.. . At the moment, however, they can still see the uploads that have been submitted by other users.. . I need to be able to moderate the uploads, so if everyone can see...
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I have Joomla and a Joomla template(rt_refraction_j15) installed on my website. But i want the same template and css styling, as a basic HTML template, so i don't have to use Joomla for editing. Is there an easy way to convert the template to basic HTML/CSS template?.
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I just arrived in Chiang Mai. I wanted to post on my blog, at Blogspot, but all of the headings are now in Thai, not English. Is the problem with my computer, or the hotel's wi-fi service, or what? How can I get things back to English again?.
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Hey guys, I know not many people use Blogspot anymore, but I'm trying to add some music to may page. I keep finding really bad explanations for how to upload music. I've already uploaded my music onto various websites so they are in URL format, but I don't know where to go from there. Anybody care t...
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What are the pros and cons of housing a blog on corporate website vs. using Blogspot?
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I want to create a blog that has a creative layout like what you find on MySpace, but with more traffic. I'm not a fan of the Blogger site. . . Any suggestions?.
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I am apart of a commitee that is trying to start a clothing company. I am in charge of designing the clothing website because for right now you can only order stuff online. But I was just wondering how do you start a website for a clothing company? What are some good domain places to sign up for a d...
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It would be great if I could post text and pics to the blog from my cell (iPhone). Maybe even video??. . I'm new at the whole blog thing, so it really would need to be free and pretty easy to use.. . THANKS!.
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What type of images am I 'legally' allowed to include in my blog posts?
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We have learned a great deal about recovering from narcotic addiction and have found several methods that work well. This is information drug treatment programs would not want out since it would cause them to lose a large number of patients. Would it be better to start with a blog or a website? W...
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I keep several blogs & forums and allow people to write their comments on them. I check regularly and remove any swear words, etc. I also ask commentors not to leave any derogatory terms on the blogs/forums.. However, that said, am i still legally responsible for the content on my blog/forums if ...
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How do I restore my computer to an earlier time when the "Restore" feature on my computer is not working. I have tried over a dozen times to restore my computer and I keep getting the error message "computer could not be restored to this date. No changes have been made. Try a...
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I would like to start a free Wordpress blog on the Wordpress site (not my own domain) but I don't like the themes they provide. Can I use a downloaded theme on there? I have seen some Wordpress hosted blogs with different themes, so it looks like it's possible..
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Can i upload short excerpts of copyrighted content on youtube?Is it supported by fair use provision?
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What do people think would be a good blog hosting website for creating a blog on? There are a lot I think so I don't know which would be most useful and versatile..
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Starting with registering the domain and designing the layout.
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How do I start a blog with payment options for readers?
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I'm new to blogspot and I'm having a difficult time. How can I change the background to a picture I want?.
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I want to create a blogspot of my own and want to earn some money from that. Is possible?.
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The first piece is geotagging each blog post on some sort of map.. . The second piece is meshing those points on a map with other people. Essentially we'd like several members of our team to provide updates regularly and post their locations to the same map..
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I want to build a blog in wordpress where I can share photos, have people upload photos and everyone can rate them. Can anybody recommend a good theme or some tips? Free is preferred or like, under $100.. . Thanks!.
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I work for an organization that provides information to members on various topics. If we send a link to copyrighted web content (such as a page on the IBM web site) are we infringing on that content's copyright? I'm pretty certain we aren't -- if you can point me towards relevant legal precedents, e...
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I am 20 years old and interested in starting a blog, but I'm not sure where I should (what site) or how to start. I have so many interests(fashion, politics,football,acting,etc) so I'd like a journal like blog that I can write about anything and everything. Please weigh in..
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I love reading personal blogs, Mommy blogs, etc. . . What is the best way to find these types of blogs online? The best method I have is just following favorites people have - going to one bloggers "favorites" then the next bloggers favorites, and so forth.. . I've tried Google Blogs...
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I would really love to make a blog but.. I'm not sure what type of blogs get the most traffic? What kind of blogs do you surf? I mostly surf photo blogs and fashion blogs. Just getting a poll here thanks!.
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I know nothing about blogging, Its just that my friend tells me to use wordpress but I want to start my blog offline to save money. So, can I use ez generator as an offline blogger while using wordpress on it?.
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What should I do to get rid of the blockage of video on youtube due to copyright content?
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How do you copyright content on your site (Webcomic specifically)?
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My friend and I have been discussing personal blogs and online journaling. She feels that personal feelings and such should not expressed in such open forums. I see no problem with it. Share your thoughts:. 1. Do you blog or journal?. 2. Do you prefer face to face expression of feelings over written...
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I sign into my Tumblr account, and switch the dashboard from my main blog to the secondary blog, then I go to Account > Preferences > Customize your blog, but then it just takes me to the customization page for my main blog. Any way to customize my secondary blog, or should I just create...
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I've figured out how I wanted my blog layout and everything, it's just that other blogs that I've visited that use Blogspot have nice big headers. Mine is just text, so can someone enlighten me on how to make a pretty header?.
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I have a Blogger blog that is hooked up to my personal website. The actual blog is linked off of the homepage. I would like to know if there's a widget or something that I can put on my website's homepage that will show my latest blog posts. Not the whole post, but maybe just the headline and a lin...
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I made a few songs and I want to know how to alter the copyright content on an MP3 file so I can share it online? I want to add (p) Swagers Studios (2009) to the copyright content and was wondering if it was possible. Any help is greatly appreciated.. It's still not letting me edit the copyright con...
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2015年03月09日(月)06時32分 受信
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Hi there. I was just wondering why its such a big thing these days to have a ridiculous amount of ram in a computer? People tell me that the more Ram you have in your computer the faster your computer will be. I always thought that it was the processor that controls the speed of a computer and not t...
2015年03月09日(月)07時52分 受信
langkah agar cepat hamil from langkah agar cepat hamil
If I reword a news article is that copyright ?
2015年03月09日(月)07時54分 受信
jual kaos couple family from jual kaos couple family
I wrote a new LiveJournal blog post about 20 minutes ago, and have Facebook set up to import my blog posts. It's already imported all my old ones; how long does it take for Facebook to check for new blog posts, and to import them to my Facebook notes?.
2015年03月09日(月)07時56分 受信
tips untuk cepat hamil from tips untuk cepat hamil
Hi to all,. . Need tool for checking content copyright.
2015年03月09日(月)08時14分 受信
hubungan intim cara cepat hamil from hubungan intim cara cepat hamil
I'm a writer and I would love to have people's opinions on my work. Does anyone know any good blogging sites?. Twitter is not a blogging site and the only way people see your work on twitter is if they follow you. Twitter and Facebook are not answers that I am looking for. Thank you for your input..
2015年03月09日(月)08時16分 受信
jual kaos one piece from jual kaos one piece
How do I start a website for free or cheap?
2015年03月09日(月)09時32分 受信
jual kaos nevada from jual kaos nevada
How do you create your own blogger header for your blogspot?
2015年03月09日(月)10時22分 受信
kumpulan makanan cepat hamil from kumpulan makanan cepat hamil
I need to find blogging websites that deal with legal issues such as contracts, wrongful death claims, fraud, etc. I don't even know where to start looking. Any advice would be appreciated.. . Thanks..
2015年03月09日(月)10時40分 受信
larangan makanan agar cepat hamil from larangan makanan agar cepat hamil
May I use Wikipedia content in my blog without violating the copyright law?
2015年03月09日(月)10時42分 受信
obat penyubur sperma resep dokter from obat penyubur sperma resep dokter
I'm into photography and would like to start selling my work and attracting more clients. My question is how would I go about starting a website where people can buy my photos or contact me about taking photos? I'm looking for a way to maximize my advertising and would really like to start a website...
2015年03月09日(月)10時45分 受信
jual kaos linux from jual kaos linux
What are the most effective Wordpress plugins to attract the most relevant traffic and maximize website sales?
2015年03月09日(月)10時55分 受信
jual kaos muse from jual kaos muse
I closed a blogspot website and the site opened up 15 times?
2015年03月09日(月)12時04分 受信
jual kaos anime bandung from jual kaos anime bandung
Hello, I'm having trouble trying to change the settings for my facebook account. I use firefox, and when I opened the account I clicked on the button saying I wanted firefox to remember my password info. Well, I've now changed my mind and want to remove firefox from remembering my info. Does anyone ...
2015年03月09日(月)12時56分 受信
tips bercinta agar cepat hamil from tips bercinta agar cepat hamil
Every few minutes Firefox tries to open a site. Because I just got a Trojan off my computer. So the link to the virus does not work anymore but Firefox keeps trying to open it. It says it cannot display this webpage. So how do I stop this?.
2015年03月09日(月)13時15分 受信
vitamin cepat hamil from vitamin cepat hamil
What computer should I buy to run an Adobe CS4 Suite at full speed?
2015年03月09日(月)13時22分 受信
hamil dengan madu penyubur from hamil dengan madu penyubur
are blog posts reason enough for a company to sue an individual according to the Indian law?
2015年03月09日(月)13時50分 受信
toko buku online from toko buku online
No matter what I do with my Joomla homepage, I can't take the giant Joomla banner off of the top of the screen and replace it with my own. Does anybody know how to do this?.
2015年03月09日(月)14時03分 受信
Toko Grosir Selimut Murah from Toko Grosir Selimut Murah
How do I start my own website about fantasy sports?
2015年03月09日(月)15時16分 受信
grosir sepatu murah from grosir sepatu murah
What is the best free software to automatically backup wordpress database and files?
2015年03月09日(月)15時36分 受信
zikir biar cepat hamil from zikir biar cepat hamil
Flash is already installed on my work computer, however firefox is not communicating with it for some odd reason. I can not reinstall flash because like i said this is my works computer, therefore i need admin rights to install flash. So how can i make Firefox work with the flash thats already been ...
2015年03月09日(月)15時58分 受信
ramuan cepat hamil from ramuan cepat hamil
not including myspace and facebooke and that where blogging is just an instalment.. More like blogger. Which one is used the most and reaches the highest amount of people?.
2015年03月09日(月)16時06分 受信
madu apa yg bagus buat ibu hamil from madu apa yg bagus buat ibu hamil
I don't really like livejournal or xanga. I already have both of those. I was going to try deadjournal because I read on here that it was really good, but I don't want to have to pay for it and you have to have an invite code to get in free. Does anybody have an invite code they could give me, or...
2015年03月09日(月)17時21分 受信
jual kaos ertiga from jual kaos ertiga
I have a website I will be updating a few times a week with original animations and short films along with concept art for the animations and other kinds of media. How can I copyright everything on my site so that the copyright info I have on the bottom of every page "All original content (C...
2015年03月09日(月)17時46分 受信
gudang tas branded from gudang tas branded
I want to be able to forward Mashable's or Engadgets, or Techcrunch's blog post titles to my blog. Just the titles, not the actually blog part. Is this in any way possible?.
2015年03月09日(月)19時04分 受信
jual kaos lengan panjang from jual kaos lengan panjang
How do I make one of my blog posts appear on another one of my pages?
2015年03月09日(月)19時11分 受信
video cara berhubungan agar cepat hamil from video cara berhubungan agar cepat hamil
What is your opinion of personal blogs and online journaling?
2015年03月09日(月)19時18分 受信
jamu tradisional agar cepat hamil from jamu tradisional agar cepat hamil
When a business is looking to build a new Wordpress website, what are the plugins or features most useful to most companies? I can list a ton of them here, but what in your experience are the best?.
2015年03月09日(月)19時27分 受信
makanan yang membuat cepat hamil from makanan yang membuat cepat hamil
How can i migrate from Joomla to Wordpress together with all my posts?
2015年03月09日(月)21時02分 受信
jual kaos juventus from jual kaos juventus
How do I start a website for free or cheap?
2015年03月09日(月)21時57分 受信
ingin cepat hamil from ingin cepat hamil
What is the best free blog for a photographer to use?
2015年03月09日(月)22時10分 受信
kumpulan makanan cepat hamil from kumpulan makanan cepat hamil
I never installed any copyright stuff online/offline. I know what i did or not. i just want to remove this warning from my computer but don't know how. can anyone help me??.
2015年03月09日(月)22時18分 受信
jual kaos gildan murah from jual kaos gildan murah
What do I need from a client in order to install Joomla and update their preexisting site?
2015年03月09日(月)22時41分 受信
khasiat kurma madu from khasiat kurma madu
I have a blog with blogger. I have registered my blog using a gmail account. Now, I want to use a new gmail account and I wanted to import my whole blog along with the posts and comments to this new gmail id.. . Please tell me, is this possible and how can it be done?.
2015年03月10日(火)00時25分 受信
Toko Selimut Murah Jogja from Toko Selimut Murah Jogja
Thing is, I've just migrated to Wordpress. However, I have a number of people who have subscribed to my feeds from my blogger blog. What should I do to ensure that they now receive updates from my Wordpress blog? . . FYI, I have a feedburner account..
2015年03月10日(火)00時55分 受信
ingin cepat hamil anak kedua from ingin cepat hamil anak kedua
Is a Wordpress or Blogspot a better place to host your blog?
2015年03月10日(火)00時58分 受信
minuman agar cepat hamil from minuman agar cepat hamil
How do I know if my blogs are being seen by others?
2015年03月10日(火)01時05分 受信
tas import from tas import
How can I get more people to visit my blogger site?
2015年03月10日(火)03時36分 受信
konsumsi makanan agar cepat hamil from konsumsi makanan agar cepat hamil
I have a domain name bought, but i havent had time to make the website look nice. i want to forward the website url to my blogspot blog for the time being. how do i do this?.
2015年03月10日(火)03時42分 受信
nama obat cepat hamil from nama obat cepat hamil
I need some very creative ideas that will loosen up the atmosphere as my students are very serious. Any word games or writing games are appreciated!.
2015年03月10日(火)03時46分 受信
kumpulan doa agar cepat hamil from kumpulan doa agar cepat hamil
How to ban a person from a blog on blogspot?
2015年03月10日(火)03時54分 受信
Toko Ratu Selimut from Toko Ratu Selimut
Is there a service available that geotags blog posts while on the go and is able to post to map with others?
2015年03月10日(火)04時09分 受信
toko sepatu from toko sepatu
My school has both and they are the same thing. Everytime I go to a site it says either: You must have firefox, or You must have internet explorer. Also why is firefox downloadable? Wouldn't you already have a browser?. What are the add ons like? Internet explorer has tabbed browsing..
2015年03月10日(火)04時21分 受信
mitos agar cepat hamil from mitos agar cepat hamil
I had two computers both connected to a wireless router. Yesterday I connected a third computer to the network and, although the connection goes through for this new computer, one of the original computers now says "Limited or no connectivity" and cannot connect to the Internet. Is i...
2015年03月10日(火)06時34分 受信
video agar cepat hamil from video agar cepat hamil
What are good blog posts for a writer who wants to start a blog that even non-readers might want to visit?
2015年03月10日(火)06時44分 受信
www.biar cepat hamil from www.biar cepat hamil
http://www.the-bethlehem-loop.com/pure garcinia cambogia reviews dr oz
2015年03月10日(火)06時54分 受信
tas bonjour from tas bonjour
I like how I can ask questions on here and get pretty much instant feedback, however I kind of want to be able to just share my general thoughts and ideas and have people comment on them. Does anyone know of a blogging site that could offer me this luxury? Oh, and I don't want anything where the peo...
2015年03月10日(火)07時46分 受信
model tas terbaru from model tas terbaru
I'm curious how creative writing instructors at colleges and universities handle students who write about really disturbing things and who seem potentially dangerous to themselves and others? Are instructors privy to students' mental health records? Do they let such students get away with violent ...
2015年03月10日(火)08時50分 受信
ayat quran untuk cepat hamil from ayat quran untuk cepat hamil
I put a WordPress blog on my website a few days ago, and I was just curious about how it works. So I just want to know if all the posts are saved into a single file or if they are separate for each post. Then I also want to know where they can be found on my server. Thanks.
2015年03月10日(火)11時58分 受信
efek madu penyubur kandungan from efek madu penyubur kandungan
Am new to blogging. So would like to know more about blogs..
2015年03月10日(火)13時27分 受信
jual kaos ed hardy from jual kaos ed hardy
I know its itself is free for personal file sharing....but people are also upload a content which is copyrighted....downloading this is illegal in uk or not? becoz we are not uploading like torrent only downloading.. Its anywhere illegal but people r still downloading in some countries like india, p...
2015年03月10日(火)13時32分 受信
www.biar cepat hamil from www.biar cepat hamil
I want to start my own website. Are there any places I can do this for free with minimum advertising on them? Or all free places have heaps of advertising?.
2015年03月10日(火)14時31分 受信
tas guess from tas guess
I've asked my older sister countless times to format my computer because I'm experiencing lag in the game I play. Btw, this computer has been formatted 4-5 times. But whenever I ask my sister to format my computer, she says no because she says that if you format a computer too much, the computer its...
2015年03月10日(火)16時10分 受信
tips cepat hamil dr boyke from tips cepat hamil dr boyke
I know I want to build my own computer for college. But the only brand that I know of that does build computers to your specification is Dell. However, I'm pretty sure that there is another top of the line brand that lets you build your own computer. So if you can have get some more options of brand...
2015年03月10日(火)16時51分 受信
ramuan cepat hamil from ramuan cepat hamil
Which program is better and designing and creating an online magazine? Joomla or WordPress?
2015年03月10日(火)18時18分 受信
jual kaos desain sendiri from jual kaos desain sendiri
I'm not the owner of the site or of the copyrights, but it's very clear to me that this website is violating many copyrights. Is there a way I can report it under the DMCA? Thanks!.
2015年03月10日(火)18時19分 受信
www cara biar cepat hamil from www cara biar cepat hamil
I would like to setup wordpress blog that would allow people to sign up to receive news letters and updates? Do I need to download wordpress to my computer? Is there any pre-made templates for this type?.
2015年03月10日(火)19時22分 受信
Toko Selimut Rosanna from Toko Selimut Rosanna
Assume that you are working as a computer technician for a company with a large network. You are assigned to determine what is wrong with an employee?s computer and repair it. You suspect that the computer is not properly connected to the network. Describe the troubleshooting steps you would take...
2015年03月10日(火)19時41分 受信
tas elizabeth from tas elizabeth
I have been told to go and open a Wordpress blog account to make web mini sites (web presence) and I am wanting to know if you have better ideas or simply more ideas? Advise for Wordpress would be great as well!.
2015年03月10日(火)21時16分 受信
www.agar cepat hamil from www.agar cepat hamil
How to switch Wordpress menu from right side to the left?
2015年03月10日(火)22時05分 受信
pemesanan madu al mabruroh from pemesanan madu al mabruroh
I am going to be a junior in high school in a month when school starts and I want to start looking at schools. I am really interested in creative writing and literature. What are some good schools for that? I also want to study philosophy. . . Thanks!.
2015年03月10日(火)23時26分 受信
video posisi bercinta agar cepat hamil from video posisi bercinta agar cepat hamil
Can I use Joomla to update a purely HTML coded website (I mean a website that is not designed using Joomla) ?
2015年03月11日(水)00時40分 受信
Toko Selimut Jakarta from Toko Selimut Jakarta
I'll be teaching a creative writing class this summer to a group of 11-14 year-olds. I have experience teaching writing (mostly poetry) to adults, but teaching kids will be new territory. Does anyone have some great tips, websites, resources for exercises, and reading materials for this age group? T...
2015年03月11日(水)01時20分 受信
toko tas online from toko tas online
Fact: 99% of all articles and website content online is regurgitated and rewritten material from some original piece of literary or artistic work.. . So, isn't it true about web content copyright that as long as you reword or rewrite a piece of content from a site's copy online, then it's not theft ...
2015年03月11日(水)02時23分 受信
Contoh Iklan Adwords from Contoh Iklan Adwords
What joomla component would you recommend for member photo uploads?
2015年03月11日(水)02時31分 受信
khasiat madu buat ibu hamil muda from khasiat madu buat ibu hamil muda
Wow! That's an attention-grabbing slant.
2015年03月11日(水)03時21分 受信
minyak zaitun agar cepat hamil from minyak zaitun agar cepat hamil
I want to create a blog that has a creative layout like what you find on MySpace, but with more traffic. I'm not a fan of the Blogger site. . . Any suggestions?.
2015年03月11日(水)04時51分 受信
video bercinta agar cepat hamil from video bercinta agar cepat hamil
I am visiting Hollins University very soon because I've researched all the aspects of the english/creative writing department and love it to death. But I am looking for a couple good safety schools with the same strenghts. Any ideas?.
2015年03月11日(水)06時06分 受信
grosir baju anak from grosir baju anak
How can I copyright all original content current and future on my website?
2015年03月11日(水)07時54分 受信
harga laptop murah from harga laptop murah
So I kinda wanna get into blogging. I was wondering where can I make a blog where people might actually read it?.
2015年03月11日(水)08時35分 受信
bahaya madu buat ibu hamil from bahaya madu buat ibu hamil
I'm a teenager and I heard that you can actually get paid for things like this. I'm experienced with computers and have good literature skills and I'm sure I can write successful blogs/articles.. . On a different (sort of) topic, would I be able to join affiliate programs?.
2015年03月11日(水)08時38分 受信
sepatu from sepatu
How do I put a digg button for all my posts in my blog on blogger?
2015年03月11日(水)09時37分 受信
bahaya madu buat ibu hamil from bahaya madu buat ibu hamil
what is some fun online sites to blog on and make fun posts besides facebook and tumblr?
2015年03月11日(水)10時09分 受信
hubungan intim cara cepat hamil from hubungan intim cara cepat hamil
I need to see facebook live from my blogspot page..
2015年03月11日(水)11時21分 受信
Toko Selimut Real Madrid from Toko Selimut Real Madrid
http://garciniacambogiareview.net/garcinia cambogia extract vitamin shoppe
2015年03月11日(水)13時14分 受信
q pengen cepat hamil from q pengen cepat hamil
Confused about Copyright policies from sites that let you 'digg' articles?
2015年03月11日(水)13時56分 受信
bahaya madu buat ibu hamil from bahaya madu buat ibu hamil
Starting with registering the domain and designing the layout.
2015年03月11日(水)15時30分 受信
tas murah from tas murah
I have a Mac and use the latest version of Firefox. I want the download window to stop popping up every time i save like a picture or something. For instance when i save a picture i see in firefox, the download window pops up saying what i've downloaded and stuff. How do i get that pop up window to ...
2015年03月11日(水)15時48分 受信
madu subur kandungan almabruroh from madu subur kandungan almabruroh
I own a .info web domain hosted on 50webs. I have tried uploading via FTP from Blogger but I keep getting java errors. Is there an easier way of having Blog type software on my website? Or what is your suggestion for the BEST blog site to use that lets you use your own domain as a homepage for your ...
2015年03月11日(水)16時30分 受信
tas kulit from tas kulit
Copyright - How Can The Week Magazine Re-Print Magazine Articles?
2015年03月11日(水)16時39分 受信
Toko Selimut Online from Toko Selimut Online
How do you save your bookmarks in Firefox when transferring from one computer to another?
2015年03月11日(水)18時24分 受信
produsen madu from produsen madu
I am trying to find a free Dreamweaver alternative and it looks like Kompozer is good. But I could not find any feedback with using this program for wordpress templates. I wanted to know if anyone has used it and how well it works. Thanks in advance..
2015年03月11日(水)18時54分 受信
madu penyubur di apotik from madu penyubur di apotik
Just curious if there are any blogging websites where I can start a blog that aren't as well known.. I am already aware of sites like blogger, wordpress, livejournal, xanga, vox, etc. . . Are there any up and coming blogging websites possibly?.
2015年03月11日(水)20時35分 受信
ingin cepat hamil setelah kb from ingin cepat hamil setelah kb
Where can I find the best online creative writing courses?
2015年03月11日(水)21時22分 受信
sepatu wanita murah from sepatu wanita murah
Are you a creative writing instructor at a university? How do you handle potentially dangerous students?
2015年03月11日(水)22時08分 受信
tas kulit pria from tas kulit pria
Will computer engineers in the philippines be able to have a licensure exam?
2015年03月11日(水)22時58分 受信
tas exsport from tas exsport
I'm in high school and starting next year I will have to start looking at colleges. I know I want to find a college just for creative writing. I love writing stories of all sorts, and I know of a couple colleges that specialize in creative writing. But where would you recommend? Remember, I'm talkin...
2015年03月11日(水)23時27分 受信
harga madu ibu hamil almabruroh from harga madu ibu hamil almabruroh
What I would like to do is write a posting on my blogspot and have the most recent entry post onto my personal webpage. Is there any way to do this and would the coding be fairly easy? I know a little about web design and coding, so if it would involve connecting my blogspot to the page somehow, I c...
2015年03月11日(水)23時46分 受信
video posisi agar cepat hamil from video posisi agar cepat hamil
I am starting a Virtual assistant business and would like to start building a website that can expand with me. I am on a very limited income so I need to start it for next to no money upfront. Please help..
2015年03月12日(木)01時48分 受信
ingin cepat hamil setelah kb from ingin cepat hamil setelah kb
I deleted my Blogspot account some time ago. However, I saved the link from the blog and it appears to still be active. I don't understand what I did wrong. I cannot get to the blog by typing in the original address, but I can by following the link. I want this thing permanently deleted. Can anyone ...
2015年03月12日(木)02時17分 受信
harga laptop from harga laptop
The widget works with Wordpress but it's impossible to make it work with Joomla. Is any of you using it with that cms?. Thanks..
2015年03月12日(木)04時22分 受信
grosir tas from grosir tas
How do I start blogging and make money at the same time?
2015年03月12日(木)04時37分 受信
urut perut agar cepat hamil from urut perut agar cepat hamil
Confused about Copyright policies from sites that let you 'digg' articles?
2015年03月12日(木)04時44分 受信
model tas terbaru from model tas terbaru
Want to detailed introductory course in creative writing-novel,short story,even plays and screenplays. Written before but not published and no formal training..
2015年03月12日(木)05時34分 受信
konsultasi ingin cepat hamil from konsultasi ingin cepat hamil
I'm looking to find out as much about the online surfing community as I can. Can anyone recommend their favorite blogs, twitter handles, or sites that you find most comprehensive? Which ones are most popular? Thanks!.
2015年03月12日(木)06時56分 受信
resep obat cepat hamil from resep obat cepat hamil
What would you like to see out of a creative writing short story?
2015年03月12日(木)07時17分 受信
jual kaos nike original murah from jual kaos nike original murah
My friend put together my small business website in dreamweaver for me. However, I now want to maintain it myself---my friend recommended putting it into wordpress. However, I am not a web designer and have no idea what I'm doing---is there an easy way to convert my current website from dreamweave...
2015年03月12日(木)09時12分 受信
yang dilakukan setelah berhubungan agar cepat hamil from yang dilakukan setelah berhubungan agar cepat hamil
I was thinking of starting a blog so I did some research into it on the internet and came across a lot of stuff that talks about legal issues and blogging. I'm not planning on blogging about controversial issues, (my blog would focus on posts about books, movies, culture, theater, music etc, and all...
2015年03月12日(木)09時37分 受信
Toko Grosir Selimut Murah from Toko Grosir Selimut Murah
My computer crashes at the start of a streaming video or of a full windowed video game?
2015年03月12日(木)11時25分 受信
madu untuk menyuburkan kandungan from madu untuk menyuburkan kandungan
I want to build a blog in wordpress where I can share photos, have people upload photos and everyone can rate them. Can anybody recommend a good theme or some tips? Free is preferred or like, under $100.. . Thanks!.
2015年03月12日(木)11時44分 受信
panduan cara cepat hamil from panduan cara cepat hamil
How do I transfer current joomla files over to yahoo web hosting?
2015年03月12日(木)12時01分 受信
Harga Iklan Google Adwords from Harga Iklan Google Adwords
Is it possible for a 16 year old to make money out of blogging?. . I have no idea what a blog is or how they work.. . I know that it can make money though. . Thanks!.
2015年03月12日(木)12時23分 受信
jual kaos jejak paranormal from jual kaos jejak paranormal
How can I get Firefox 3 to stop logging me out everytime I close the browser?
2015年03月12日(木)14時03分 受信
minyak zaitun agar cepat hamil from minyak zaitun agar cepat hamil
Does anyone know of a good site offering tutorials in customising blogspot/blogger skins? I'm a total novice who doesn't know anything about HTML. Help!.
2015年03月12日(木)14時33分 受信
jual madu penyubur di palembang from jual madu penyubur di palembang
How to Protect my Internet Articles with a Copyright ?
2015年03月12日(木)16時36分 受信
harga madu ibu hamil from harga madu ibu hamil
How do I restore my computer to an earlier time when the "Restore" feature on my computer is not working. I have tried over a dozen times to restore my computer and I keep getting the error message "computer could not be restored to this date. No changes have been made. Try a...
2015年03月12日(木)16時48分 受信
jual kaos polos bandung from jual kaos polos bandung
What would be a good college where I can major in creative writing?
2015年03月12日(木)18時35分 受信
jual kaos motogp from jual kaos motogp
I was thinking of starting a blog so I did some research into it on the internet and came across a lot of stuff that talks about legal issues and blogging. I'm not planning on blogging about controversial issues, (my blog would focus on posts about books, movies, culture, theater, music etc, and all...
2015年03月12日(木)18時58分 受信
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I just discovered using Joomla for dynamic website design but feel the limitation on use of templates is a major minus. I think it should be possible to use my own template in the design. Anyone help?.
2015年03月12日(木)19時04分 受信
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I have a lot of bookmarked websites part of Blogspot that I check daily for updates, but it is so annoying to click through a list. If I make an account is there some sort of feature where I can see new posts on the websites? (Sort of like Subscriptions on Xanga)?.
2015年03月12日(木)21時08分 受信
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How to stop importing blog posts on facebook? 'Stop importing' button is not found.?
2015年03月12日(木)21時18分 受信
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I have a friend that needs to raise $35,000 to get out of debt after being laid off. This would give her the fresh start on life since there are not many jobs in this area she could move and start over. I would like to help her and start a website for donations, even if people just gave a dollar, ...
2015年03月12日(木)23時10分 受信
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How can I personalize my blog without making it look like crap?
2015年03月12日(木)23時54分 受信
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I'm a freshman in college and I was planning on majoring in Computer Engineering, but unfortunately it doesn't really seem too interesting to me, especially all the computer programming. I'm considering changing my major to Computer Science except I don't really know what kind of career a degree in...
2015年03月13日(金)01時33分 受信
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How do I copy Firefox bookmarks between users on the same computer?
2015年03月13日(金)02時50分 受信
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Is using a copyright material as a reference to write articles illegal?
2015年03月13日(金)03時08分 受信
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What is a good firefox addon to save massive number of pictures on separated links?
2015年03月13日(金)05時10分 受信
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What blogging website had the least invasive ads for free-account users?
2015年03月13日(金)05時53分 受信
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What are the core or basic lessons taught Writing classes? One of the first things I learned about was Freytags Pyramid. I was told that isn't an across the board learning device. So what is? I'm really curious. In poetry I was taught, 'if it means too many things to too many people it misses i...
2015年03月13日(金)08時27分 受信
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I have my own blog and might bid on projects to blog for others. I believe there are some guidelines out there around what is allowed or not regarding images posted on public blogs (such as copyright rules, licensing, or trademarks). Is there anywhere to go to find industry guidelines for blog po...
2015年03月13日(金)08時43分 受信
Toko Selimut Grosir from Toko Selimut Grosir
I have face major problem with my blog that it was not spam and blogger take my blog as spam....Can any one help me to recover my blog back..
2015年03月13日(金)09時14分 受信
Toko Selimut Di Medan from Toko Selimut Di Medan
How can I get the computer in one room to send stuff to the printer on my computer in another room. Internet?
2015年03月13日(金)10時42分 受信
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Im curious about how much it costs to start websites such as Facebook or Twitter. I have been thinking about starting a website for a while now, but i feel as though the initial prices that website design firms give you are for a very low tech and sparsely populated website..
2015年03月13日(金)11時21分 受信
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Hello, i would like to know how to share pictures from other blogs on blogspot to tumblr or facebook or any other social website. thanx!.
2015年03月13日(金)13時32分 受信
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I know there are lots of firefox addons that help manage saving pictures, but what I am specifically looking for is, one which can allow me to simply paste the picture link and it will download the picture from that link. . Reason being, the pictures I am saving is has their own individual link and ...
2015年03月13日(金)13時44分 受信
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How to configure joomla that can retrieve the data from mysql?
2015年03月13日(金)15時24分 受信
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Want to detailed introductory course in creative writing-novel,short story,even plays and screenplays. Written before but not published and no formal training..
2015年03月13日(金)15時57分 受信
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I am running a small computer repair business in rural Ireland and would like to expand into doing low small, low cost, high quiltiy wordpress brochure websites for other small businesses.. . How can I find outsourcing partners abroad, that I can just simply email the content to, and have them crea...
2015年03月13日(金)16時01分 受信
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I need to start a free website and need information on where to go to get it started. Any info about starting a website is welcome!.
2015年03月13日(金)18時09分 受信
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How do I start a blog under a pen-name and maintain my anonymity. How do you then get regular readers?
2015年03月13日(金)18時20分 受信
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Ok so I have looked around a lot on this matter and I keep finding stuff like VNC (or VNSea) that allows you to access the computers on your WiFi network, but all of these require you to install something onto the computer itself. Is there a way to access the computer WITHOUT even touching the compu...
2015年03月13日(金)20時17分 受信
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What is the difference between Computer science and information technology?
2015年03月13日(金)21時05分 受信
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I am new to blogging. What website is good for blogging for a summer reading book assignment?
2015年03月13日(金)22時32分 受信
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I just bought business plan pro, but I still don't quite understand how to estimate/compute the start-up costs for starting a business, in my case an online business at that. Is there a website that can assist me? Any suggestions? Thanks.
2015年03月13日(金)23時23分 受信
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Computer question (How long does an average person keep a computer for?
2015年03月14日(土)01時10分 受信
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I accidentally deleted my joomla files from server? How to install it and have it as it was?
2015年03月14日(土)01時55分 受信
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Can I share some links with copyright content on twitter?
2015年03月14日(土)04時18分 受信
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how do you change your Blogger background into a picture?
2015年03月14日(土)04時28分 受信
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How can I find who publish links from my blog posts to facebook?
2015年03月14日(土)05時21分 受信
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Computer question (How long does an average person keep a computer for?
2015年03月14日(土)06時45分 受信
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How do I get computer to turn off automatically after a period of inactivity?
2015年03月14日(土)07時49分 受信
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I want to start a blog where I can talk to people and have them respond to my blogs. Not myspace or facebook. I tried blogger but the only blogs I could find were about global warming and guns. I want some where that I can open an account and say what I feel and people respond to my blogs and I can ...
2015年03月14日(土)10時36分 受信
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I wanted to start making some money off of my blog, how would I go about doing so? What about google adsense or other programs like it?.
2015年03月14日(土)10時40分 受信
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2015年03月26日(木)18時50分 受信
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So I learned how to add a Facebook comment box to my Blogger site (with the help of a code from Facebook social plugins site), but the problem is, the same comments appear for each of my posts. It's like a feature targeted as a comment box for the entire site, but is shown at every single post, whic...
2015年03月29日(日)15時35分 受信
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A logo, accompanying punch line and rest of the content of a portal needs to be secured against any republication or use by any other party..
2015年03月30日(月)02時36分 受信
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I'm doing a project about spectators and am trying to find peoples opinions and feelings from the olympics (whether watching it in beijing or on the tv).. . I searched technorati for "olympics" and there are sooo many results that are much more recent and come up first, but aren't wh...
2015年03月30日(月)13時22分 受信
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2015年03月30日(月)15時59分 受信
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What is a blogging site where people give a lot of quick feedback?
2015年03月31日(火)00時21分 受信
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Do adsense people mind if I publish articles whcih are not copyrighted?
2015年03月31日(火)11時05分 受信
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Getting a new computer. Can't seem to get my bookmarks out of firefox. Need this information TONIGHT. Have to give the computer to it's new owner tomorrow morning. Is there anyway I can save the bookmarks within an firefox account online so that when I download firefox on the new computer they will ...
2015年03月31日(火)21時55分 受信
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2015年04月04日(土)17時15分 受信
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2015年04月04日(土)19時19分 受信
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I recently got a blogspot for my mixtapes that I uploaded but when I search my DJ name (even full url), it doesn't appear in the google search. Does it take about a week for it to appear or do I have to pay to get it to come up?.
2015年04月05日(日)10時57分 受信
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There are thousands of blogs that requires comments on them. What is the intention of blog comments?
2015年04月05日(日)12時24分 受信
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I have a shopping cart site on Joomla. I want to add my wordpress blog to my joomla site. How do i do this? Many sites suggest using a tool called joomblog, but joomla shut that product down because messes with the core modules of the site. . . What do i do?.
2015年04月05日(日)13時04分 受信
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Can I get Firefox to always open media files in an external player?
2015年04月05日(日)17時16分 受信
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I am 15 and I want to start a fashion blog. What should I call it? Also, please tell me any tips you have for getting started and what I could do on it or how to do it..
2015年04月05日(日)19時26分 受信
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What is the best site to start a blog on?
2015年04月05日(日)19時45分 受信
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I think I set the settings wrongly. Now that I changed the settings, there's only 1 out of 8 posts visible to the public. Previously set to mature content, despite the lack of nudity. Should I double-post? It's the blog part that confused me..
2015年04月05日(日)20時18分 受信
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Can I move a secondary Tumblr blog to a different account?
2015年04月05日(日)23時35分 受信
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i am setting up A web portal for my business. and i want to know the copyright guidelines, specifically the legality of copying other articles from other websites. in other words, is it ok to copy an article from another site and paste it in my site ( of course, i will be putting the reference sourc...
2015年04月05日(日)23時48分 受信
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I just discovered using Joomla for dynamic website design but feel the limitation on use of templates is a major minus. I think it should be possible to use my own template in the design. Anyone help?.
2015年04月06日(月)02時34分 受信
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I'm currently using a classic blogger template and I would like to know how you put an rss feed on it. Normally, blogger has an rss feed avaliable on the newer templates but my blog doesn't have one. Also, is there some sort of widget I could also install for followers?.
2015年04月06日(月)02時40分 受信
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what is some fun online sites to blog on and make fun posts besides facebook and tumblr?
2015年04月06日(月)02時54分 受信
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My school has both and they are the same thing. Everytime I go to a site it says either: You must have firefox, or You must have internet explorer. Also why is firefox downloadable? Wouldn't you already have a browser?. What are the add ons like? Internet explorer has tabbed browsing..
2015年04月06日(月)03時50分 受信
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I know many wikipedia articles contains copyright violation or licence violation. how do i do this..
2015年04月06日(月)03時59分 受信
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What blogging website had the least invasive ads for free-account users?. Or what blogging website is best for someone looking to start a professional literary blog?.
2015年04月06日(月)08時17分 受信
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Presumably the magazine doesn't do deals with each source that it reproduces, so how does copyright law allow them to re-print editorial content that they don't own without paying royalties?. . Also, can this law be applied internationally?.
2015年04月06日(月)08時38分 受信
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How do I convert my website from dreamweaver to wordpress?
2015年04月06日(月)09時05分 受信
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Using "Capability Manager" I have allowed contributors to upload media to the media library of my wordpress website.. . At the moment, however, they can still see the uploads that have been submitted by other users.. . I need to be able to moderate the uploads, so if everyone can see...
2015年04月06日(月)09時10分 受信
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How can I add a hit counter to my blogger blog?
2015年04月06日(月)09時24分 受信
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It didn't used to, the Specs are Nvidia 5500gt, 1gb RAM, so on, I know it's not the latest computer out there, it's mostly for playing very old games or surfing the internet. The computer automatically restarts at the beginning of a streaming video, it doesn't even try to run it. I ran the compute...
2015年04月06日(月)10時05分 受信
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How can i migrate from Joomla to Wordpress together with all my posts?
2015年04月06日(月)10時08分 受信
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I wanna start a website about fantasy sports. I have lots of ideas for content..
2015年04月06日(月)10時20分 受信
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I have a printer hooked up to the computer in my room. My daughter has a computer in her room and no printer. How can she do her homework on her computer, but have it print out on the printer in my room? Do I need the internet on one computer or both? Maybe not at all?.
2015年04月06日(月)10時59分 受信
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How can my blog be popular and read by many people?
2015年04月06日(月)11時03分 受信
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How do you get people to visit your blog and good blogging sites?
2015年04月06日(月)12時08分 受信
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How much blog traffic will affect to my blog if I convert my blog name with different domain name?
2015年04月06日(月)12時19分 受信
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Firefox wont start but when I open a link that opens firefox, It works fine. What do I do?
2015年04月06日(月)12時32分 受信
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My partner is making a template in dreamweaver for joomla site and we are not to sure on how to upload it to it. We appreciate the help, thanks in advance..
2015年04月06日(月)17時03分 受信
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I am in an english class at the University of Tennessee and my professor stated that if one of us can get published our blog published on the website, we will get an automatic A in the course. Please, if anyone knows how you can get a blog published on Amnesty International, or has any tips, please ...
2015年04月06日(月)17時22分 受信
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Hey i have an old xp computer ant want to make it a client of my newer vista home premium computer. I hear that there is a program out there that when u boot up the (client computer) u come straight to the welcome screen on the base computer (the one with vista on it) some how they are connected thr...
2015年04月06日(月)17時30分 受信
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Looking for a good website to post samples of creative writing for others to read, review and comment on. Any ideas?.
2015年04月06日(月)17時33分 受信
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^. . Background: I'm applying for an MFA in creative writing program, and I've never taken a creative writing course. Most of my creative writing knowledge comes from research I did on my own. I'm wondering if during my research I at least learned the basics of creative writing, or if I really do ne...
2015年04月06日(月)18時08分 受信
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Copyright? I want to gather stories/articles from the web and put them onto one page?
2015年04月06日(月)18時33分 受信
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What is the best way to start a Blog for profit?
2015年04月06日(月)20時26分 受信
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How does one find out how to become a blogger, or how much a blogger makes?
2015年04月06日(月)20時36分 受信
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Firefox wont start but when I open a link that opens firefox, It works fine. What do I do?
2015年04月06日(月)21時04分 受信
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I haven't a clue how to use Wordpress and Comicpress to create sites and publish comic strips! Please help. Do you know of a good walkthrough? Thanks much!.
2015年04月07日(火)00時48分 受信
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I'm getting a new computer but don't want to lose my Firefox bookmarks. Is there an easy way to save a record of all the URLs in my Bookmarks and then quickly upload them to Firefox on my new computer?.
2015年04月07日(火)00時51分 受信
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What would be a good college where I can major in creative writing?
2015年04月07日(火)01時29分 受信
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How can I automatically publish my blog posts to Facebook?
2015年04月07日(火)01時42分 受信
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What are the pros and cons of housing a blog on corporate website vs. using Blogspot?
2015年04月07日(火)02時19分 受信
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How do i use frame or iframe to put facebook or else to blogspot?
2015年04月07日(火)02時21分 受信
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How do I write a Blog introducing a new to social networking site?
2015年04月07日(火)02時29分 受信
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I would like to start a blog speaking out against feminism. So I would like to know the best way to do it and the best place to go to start one..
2015年04月07日(火)04時12分 受信
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I'm studying Journalism at the University of Minnesota, and I am looking for a good website to start blogging on. I'm mostly looking for a good sports blogging website, but a music website would also be of interest. I've heard about Bleacher Report, is that one of the main sites?.
2015年04月07日(火)04時20分 受信
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I have a Blogspot blog, and I want that any time I publish a new post on my blog, a link to the new post will automatically be added to my Facebook news feed. Is there anyway to do this?.
2015年04月07日(火)05時57分 受信
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I'm looking to start a food blog and i would like for my friends to be able to log on and comment through their facebook accounts so they don't need to make an account on the chosen blogging site to comment. What are some FREE blogging sites that allow you to use your facebook to comment?.
2015年04月07日(火)06時29分 受信
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It used to show at the top of my start list until I downloaded google chrome to see what it was all about, I didn't really like it so I deleted it but now firefox isnt at the top of start. Any ideas?.
2015年04月07日(火)06時56分 受信
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I am running a small computer repair business in rural Ireland and would like to expand into doing low small, low cost, high quiltiy wordpress brochure websites for other small businesses.. . How can I find outsourcing partners abroad, that I can just simply email the content to, and have them crea...
2015年04月07日(火)08時49分 受信
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How to make a select category on wordpress use a different domain?
2015年04月07日(火)08時54分 受信
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In Blogger's new Template Designer there is no template which contains fluid width in for the text body. Does anybody know how to change to fluid width in the new templates? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated..
2015年04月07日(火)09時32分 受信
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How come my computer does not register the other computers in the network?
2015年04月07日(火)10時19分 受信
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If my background image was labeled for commercial reuse can I claim copyright on all other content?
2015年04月07日(火)10時22分 受信
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It seems like the internet is where it's at. I studied Computer Information and Film/Video at school, but I'm not too shabby with a keyboard when it comes to writing interesting stuff. Does anyone know of anyone (aside from Drudge and Arianna Huffington) who has been able to make a few bucks by blog...
2015年04月07日(火)10時58分 受信
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How to make my second blog my default one on Tumblr?
2015年04月07日(火)11時16分 受信
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Also, what degrees (if anyone) would be required to be an independent creative writing teacher?.
2015年04月07日(火)12時50分 受信
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How can I automatically publish my blog posts to Facebook?
2015年04月07日(火)13時05分 受信
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What would be a good college where I can major in creative writing?
2015年04月07日(火)13時57分 受信
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can i protect my blog content copyright without registering it to copyright departmen? please help?
2015年04月07日(火)14時00分 受信
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How can I publish pictures in articles on Wikipedia without infringing copyright?
2015年04月07日(火)14時12分 受信
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How to transfer my blog from blogspot to paid hosting?
2015年04月07日(火)14時22分 受信
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I have one computer running Vista which is connected to the internet and I want to be able to get the internet on my second computer (that's got XP) which is connected via a crossover cable. What do I need to set to be able to surf the net on my second computer?. The LAN connection is running fine, ...
2015年04月07日(火)16時01分 受信
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If somebody like Julia Roberts or Natalie Portman had a personal blog where they posted pictures of their vacations or something, would you still take them seriously as actors? Do you think celebrities with personal blogs are less credible and taken less seriously than those who don't? Furthermore, ...
2015年04月07日(火)16時05分 受信
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What is Copyright Violation: copyrighted content detected, How do i remove it?
2015年04月07日(火)16時25分 受信
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How come my computer does not register the other computers in the network?
2015年04月07日(火)16時37分 受信
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I recently did a system restore on my computer and have yet to reload my antivirus software. Apparently somewhere along the process something called Antivi took over my computer and I can't do anything, not even get to my task manager to end the program. Any advice?.
2015年04月07日(火)17時15分 受信
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How do i make videos bigger in my blogger website larger?
2015年04月07日(火)17時15分 受信
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I wrote a new LiveJournal blog post about 20 minutes ago, and have Facebook set up to import my blog posts. It's already imported all my old ones; how long does it take for Facebook to check for new blog posts, and to import them to my Facebook notes?.
2015年04月07日(火)18時43分 受信
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Should I submit a writing portfolio to Columbia University if I plan on being a creative writing major?
2015年04月07日(火)19時26分 受信
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I'm only 15, but i'm trying to raise money to go on a expensive trip next year. I am planning on getting a summer job, but it usually only pays minimum wage. I just want other people's opinions on whether its safe and a good idea to become a blogger to get money. thanks!.
2015年04月07日(火)21時15分 受信
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I have a degree in creative writing from a top university, but still have no significant credits yet. How should I go about getting published in a reputable magazine or web site for the first time? Is self-publishing the way to go? I have short stories that are done, but I am not sure where to send ...
2015年04月07日(火)21時22分 受信
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I have a web page for my business and there is a link to my blog on it, it want to show the blog posts on the webpage not just the link and I can't figure out how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
2015年04月07日(火)22時33分 受信
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Is Joomla software harder than Dreamweaver to learn. I have been told that Joomla is easier than Dreamweaver. Do Joomla make its own codes like Dreamweaver. I want to learn it and I want to buy the software. Please give me your opinion. Do I need to buy the Joomla program or not? . . Thx, God bless...
2015年04月07日(火)22時56分 受信
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I have a degree in psychology, which I have found to be useless. And I am planning on going back to school and getting a Masters in Creative Writing, because I enjoy writing and would love to learn more techniques to make myself a better writer. I am worried, however, that this degree will not open ...
2015年04月07日(火)23時03分 受信
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I see articles online all the time and some are quite interesting. Since I've written quite a few articles myself, and even published a few books, it could be helpful for me to get my name out there by presenting my articles. How would I go about putting them online for everyone to access, and coul...
2015年04月07日(火)23時44分 受信
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Pulitzer prize stuff here.
2015年04月08日(水)00時18分 受信
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Every few minutes Firefox tries to open a site. Because I just got a Trojan off my computer. So the link to the virus does not work anymore but Firefox keeps trying to open it. It says it cannot display this webpage. So how do I stop this?.
2015年04月08日(水)00時21分 受信
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http://garciniacambogiadietpills.com/where can i buy pure garcinia cambogia extract
2015年04月08日(水)00時40分 受信
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How do you find different blogs on Blogger with keyword or search?
2015年04月08日(水)01時15分 受信
here from here
Hi. I have a blog which i installed wordpress. So far so good. Except that wordpress stats shows me the visits and i want it to show how many visitors visited my blog. Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot..
2015年04月08日(水)03時17分 受信
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I have a portable version of Firefox on an external drive and I'd like to export my current Firefox settings form my laptop Firefox to it.. . Is this possible?.
2015年04月08日(水)03時41分 受信
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I need to start up a website but i don't want to use a free web host. I will be using the website for a webcomic but i'm not sure how to go about it. Can someone help me?.
2015年04月08日(水)03時51分 受信
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The background image of my website is labeled for commercial reuse. However, I need to copyright all other content (since I do not own the image), how do I go about doing so? Just to label my website as copyrighted... I am not concerned with the entire copyrighting process... All help is greatly app...
2015年04月08日(水)04時24分 受信
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What actually is a blog and how do i start one?
2015年04月08日(水)05時40分 受信
here from here
I started writing a book, and I wanted to put the chapters of the book on a different blog then my other less thrilling post. I don't know how to, though,.
2015年04月08日(水)06時03分 受信
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Every code I try either leaves a massive gap at the top of the page, or at the bottom of the page. Its definitely that code causing it.. I've tried so many codes trying to hide the blogs & extended network, but they all leave a white gap either at the top or at the bottom.. Anyone got one that do...
2015年04月08日(水)06時11分 受信
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I've been looking for blogs where blogger covers penis enlargement or at least delves into the topic of penis enlargement with an independent and serious voice. What are the leading blogs of this type?.
2015年04月08日(水)07時01分 受信
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What are some of the most popular/best blogs about cell phones and wireless tech?
2015年04月08日(水)07時15分 受信
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What can be the ideal Joomla template for a magazine or feature wire service?
2015年04月08日(水)07時20分 受信
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Copyright - How Can The Week Magazine Re-Print Magazine Articles?
2015年04月08日(水)08時17分 受信
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How do i make firefox my main browser for windows live messenger?
2015年04月08日(水)08時45分 受信
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I just tried to watch a National Geographic video on YouTube to find a message saying that the copyright holder had blocked me from viewing it because I'm not in the USA.. . Similar to HULU, and Comedy Central.. . Why?.
2015年04月08日(水)09時14分 受信
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I want to know how to get the CSS code for rounded corners for my header, post background, and sidebar background! It's for my blogspot blog. PLEASE tell me how to get the css code!.
2015年04月08日(水)09時35分 受信
here from here
I just went on Blogspot and made a blog, I want to make it for invited members only. I've seen blogs like that, but I don't know how to do it myself. I already made it so that my blog isn't visible from my profile, but I don't know what to do next..
2015年04月08日(水)11時46分 受信
here from here
Is there a degree that exists for use of music AND creative writing two fields? If there is, do you know the name of it?. . I want to combine these two of my interests (loves) but I don't know what kind of degree offers the use of both.. . Please help? Approaching college?.
2015年04月08日(水)12時07分 受信
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The screen in my blogger website is way too small. I don't know how to make it bigger, do you guys know how to make blogger videos in your site bigger? .
2015年04月08日(水)12時16分 受信
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I want to install wordpress on one domain name but using that same wordpress have a select category come up under a different domain. Is there a way to do this?.
2015年04月08日(水)13時17分 受信
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I want to know what is the best 100% free blog/web or search engine directory for the blog site that can provide a lot of traffic to the blog site and spur reading..
2015年04月08日(水)13時46分 受信
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There's an interesting webpage that has just been deleted, but thanks to the miracle of hibernation, it's still open in Firefox. The problem is, when I save it, it seems to attempt to retrieve the page from its source on the internet, which no longer exists. Is there any way I can configure Firefox...
2015年04月08日(水)13時52分 受信
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What are some great ideas on teaching creative writing to kids?
2015年04月08日(水)14時47分 受信
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I just downloaded Mozilla firefox, how do i make it so my opening page is bebo? I know its possible i just can't remember how. I mean so that when you open firefox its not google its bebo, if yous get what i mean?.
2015年04月08日(水)15時17分 受信
here from here
I have a lot of bookmarked websites part of Blogspot that I check daily for updates, but it is so annoying to click through a list. If I make an account is there some sort of feature where I can see new posts on the websites? (Sort of like Subscriptions on Xanga)?.
2015年04月08日(水)15時36分 受信
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I wonder why those servers with copyrighted content stay up. I see a lot of "don't post any US content" but they don't care at all about content from japan.. . Is it just that Japan doesn't care much about their copyright laws?. . It is hundreds or maybe even thousands of servers wit...
2015年04月08日(水)15時49分 受信
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I'm looking to find out as much about the online surfing community as I can. Can anyone recommend their favorite blogs, twitter handles, or sites that you find most comprehensive? Which ones are most popular? Thanks!.
2015年04月08日(水)16時27分 受信
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What is the easiest way to make money off of my blog posts?
2015年04月08日(水)16時46分 受信
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My friend and I have been discussing personal blogs and online journaling. She feels that personal feelings and such should not expressed in such open forums. I see no problem with it. Share your thoughts:. 1. Do you blog or journal?. 2. Do you prefer face to face expression of feelings over written...
2015年04月08日(水)17時54分 受信
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I've a WordPress blog with Arras theme. This site strangely shows different on different computers. On some computers, I see all 3 columsn, on other PC, I see only 1. On other PCs, some wiered things. Please somebody help me..
2015年04月08日(水)18時58分 受信
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How can I change the settings in Thunderbird so that I choose the e-mail address used to forward blog posts?
2015年04月08日(水)19時20分 受信
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The mozzila firefox is removed from the add remove programs but still it is not uninstalled. I would like to uninstall it is there any way to uninstall it using command promt or from registry?.
2015年04月08日(水)20時04分 受信
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I'm interested in making my own music blog and I'm constantly looking through many music blogs throughout the day finding new music first before other people that I know. But how exactly do those blogs find that music first? Can I really start by just posting the music I find on other blogs?.
2015年04月08日(水)20時13分 受信
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I'm going to do a presentation about thebillboard website . I need some informations about how is started ? and if there is a story behind its starting , and I need to know why it's important for the media's life ? Alos, what does it do ?.
2015年04月08日(水)20時17分 受信
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How do I know if my blogs are being seen by others?
2015年04月08日(水)22時05分 受信
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My goal here is to link the wordpress blog entries to a frame in a personal site. So I want only the blog entries to appear, but none of the menu bars or other things associated with wordpress only what was posted. I know wordpress is done in PHP so i was wondering if anybody knew the specifics of...
2015年04月08日(水)22時53分 受信
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I have a blogspot page, How can I traffic the vistors and get their ip address?
2015年04月08日(水)23時04分 受信
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Hi. I have a blog which i installed wordpress. So far so good. Except that wordpress stats shows me the visits and i want it to show how many visitors visited my blog. Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot..
2015年04月09日(木)00時03分 受信
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I want to make my own website to sell things but I have no idea where to start.. I don't no what websites to go on, or how much it will be (or if there's any way i can do it for free?). Can someone give me as much information as possible and a website where i can start please?. I need as much help a...
2015年04月09日(木)00時03分 受信
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What computer careers involve the work that a computer repair technician or technical support specialist does?
2015年04月09日(木)00時12分 受信
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Can I move a secondary Tumblr blog to a different account?
2015年04月09日(木)00時18分 受信
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I already have a college degree so I don't need the credit. I don't want to pay a ton of money for it, but I do want an actual class with actual assignments. And that's creative writing as in FICTION. Thanks for your help. A class on the Northside would be great..
2015年04月09日(木)00時47分 受信
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I am new to Joomla and don't know how to add a link from a Joomla website to mine. I looged into administrator section and can't find any that will let me put my link in the footer of the pages..
2015年04月09日(木)01時57分 受信
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well my friend made a blog and he won't show me what his blog is until he finishes everything with it. So i was wondering if there was a way to find someones blogger with their email address. If anyone could show me how. thatd be great thanks!.
2015年04月09日(木)04時16分 受信
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I have asked a question similar to this topic before and was helped out, but now id like to get specific. In the beginning of the movie he (Mark) posts on a blog as he works on the girl rating site, "FaceMash", and as well as bash his ex girlfriend he updates his progress on creating...
2015年04月09日(木)04時33分 受信
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I am 13 and write the scripts for the school's plays, write stories and film mini documentaries. I want to become a creative writer for WWE (writing the storylines). I know I will have to work for other TV productions before joining the WWE corporate. How can I improve my creative writing skills so ...
2015年04月09日(木)04時36分 受信
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How do I start a website? I know that I have to buy a domain or something like that?
2015年04月09日(木)06時10分 受信
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I am using the ja_purity2 and have confined the template to the centre of the screen (much like the joomla website). Now I want to add a shadow on the left and right of the "confined" template/website but have no idea on how to do it.. Any help would be appreciated.. Thank You in adv...
2015年04月09日(木)06時23分 受信
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Wordpress blog posts being emailed to another persons blogs subscribers?
2015年04月09日(木)07時26分 受信
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Will Blogging content of Various Sites findings lead to copyright infringement, Will mentioning Source help?
2015年04月09日(木)07時28分 受信
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What blogging website had the least invasive ads for free-account users?
2015年04月09日(木)07時53分 受信
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I live in Costa Rica and am about to publish a community newspaper, what are the steps to go about copyrighting the name and articles published in it? And also when can one start using the copyright symbol?.
2015年04月09日(木)08時47分 受信
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2015年04月09日(木)09時28分 受信
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Is there a computer program that will automatically start other programs?
2015年04月09日(木)10時08分 受信
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Hi,. . I want to post directly to my wordpress blog from my desktop, specifically from Command prompt. . . I know there is a protocol called xml-rpc, but that is of no help to me, as I don't know what on earth it is. Any help would be appreciated..
2015年04月09日(木)10時59分 受信
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2015年04月09日(木)11時14分 受信
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I want to start a blog on myyearbook but i cant find the box on my profile.. I have made sure i have checked the box to show my latest blog in the manage profile boxes section.. But it still wont show up.. Please help.. Is there any other way to start the blog?.
2015年04月09日(木)11時22分 受信
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Is there a website that makes it easy to follow blogs and podcasts? I don't have an iPod, does that matter?.
2015年04月09日(木)12時25分 受信
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I'm new to blogging and I am using Tumblr. I want to make sure no one obtains my content or background images and pictures. If anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciate it. Thanks!.
2015年04月09日(木)13時21分 受信
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Can connecting another computer to my network influence the connections of the other computers?
2015年04月09日(木)13時33分 受信
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What degree could I get involving music AND creative writing?
2015年04月09日(木)13時33分 受信
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I know where the images from the blog posts are, but don't know where to look for the blog posts in my backups. Can you help? Hope it's not a silly question..
2015年04月09日(木)13時58分 受信
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I'm curious how creative writing instructors at colleges and universities handle students who write about really disturbing things and who seem potentially dangerous to themselves and others? Are instructors privy to students' mental health records? Do they let such students get away with violent ...
2015年04月09日(木)14時23分 受信
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How can I obtain a Philippine copyright for my literary articles and/or books?
2015年04月09日(木)14時34分 受信
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Presumably the magazine doesn't do deals with each source that it reproduces, so how does copyright law allow them to re-print editorial content that they don't own without paying royalties?. . Also, can this law be applied internationally?.
2015年04月09日(木)14時39分 受信
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I am new to Joomla and don't know how to add a link from a Joomla website to mine. I looged into administrator section and can't find any that will let me put my link in the footer of the pages..
2015年04月09日(木)17時11分 受信
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Any suggestions on sites to start a blog where I can BS sports and another happenings?
2015年04月09日(木)17時36分 受信
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I have asked several questions, and many of the replies suggest that I consider FIREFOX. I'm not sure what it is - probably a browser. Is it similar to Netscape and Internet Explorer? What are its good features and its bad features?.
2015年04月09日(木)18時31分 受信
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Hi guys, How many articles would say it would take to begin with and to grab the attention of readers for a starting blog?.
2015年04月09日(木)19時02分 受信
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I need to see facebook live from my blogspot page..
2015年04月09日(木)20時15分 受信
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I've Googled around but no luck yet. The ones I've come across so far all have to do with MP3s, software and what not. If you have any in mind, please provide links to the sources. Many thanks in advance!.
2015年04月09日(木)20時23分 受信
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How I Can make my article copyright marked?Who is authorized agency for copyright articles?
2015年04月09日(木)20時27分 受信
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There are thousands of blogs that requires comments on them. What is the intention of blog comments?
2015年04月09日(木)21時18分 受信
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Good points
2015年04月09日(木)21時22分 受信
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New to joomla please guide me i have download joomla from website ? What should i do ?
2015年04月09日(木)21時34分 受信
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Which program is better and designing and creating an online magazine? Joomla or WordPress?
2015年04月09日(木)21時48分 受信
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What sites and blogs do the surfing community communicate most on?
2015年04月09日(木)22時30分 受信
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What are some good wordpress themes/plugins that allow you to manipulate design?
2015年04月09日(木)23時37分 受信
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My partner and I are developing a Joomla website for a certain project. We are using separate computer and separate hosts (localhosts). My partner has made changes to the graphical design and database structure so I have copied the directories (folders) to my computer. In doing such, I have encount...
2015年04月10日(金)00時17分 受信
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Is there a way you can have your own blog site instead of contributing to one already made.. I have no idea how a blog works? How do you pay for it? How do you start one? Please help! It would be much appreciated! Thank you!.
2015年04月10日(金)00時21分 受信
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I want to start a blog/online diary, but not sure where to start..
2015年04月10日(金)01時05分 受信
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I have been blogging since last month, my blog was indexed already in google but during the test i conducted, i search for a certain keyword related on my blog but it only shows the blog title and it directs me to the homepage not on the actual post. Need help!!!.
2015年04月10日(金)02時24分 受信
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I need complete and detailed requirements, policies and procedures, anyone help me please? = ).
2015年04月10日(金)02時27分 受信
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How can i start firefox with a message to restore the last session?
2015年04月10日(金)02時57分 受信
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What are some good Tumblr blogs that allow you to submit photos, to gain more followers?
2015年04月10日(金)03時26分 受信
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I have a weird desire now to make a false blog. What is a good blog site to do this and let people know that its not really my thoughts but of my characters thoughts?.
2015年04月10日(金)03時41分 受信
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Can you translate and post articles online from foreign news/magazines without fear of copyright infringement?
2015年04月10日(金)04時48分 受信
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There so many different computer tech stuff like Computer Programming, Computer Support Specialists, Computer Systems Analysts. I just want to know what it would be to go work on computers like store or business computers mess up or like tearing computer apart and repairing them. what would them be ...
2015年04月10日(金)05時15分 受信
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How can I access my home computer that is hooked up to a router through my work computer to view webcam?
2015年04月10日(金)06時15分 受信
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Are you a creative writing instructor at a university? How do you handle potentially dangerous students?
2015年04月10日(金)07時02分 受信
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I wish to copyright the content on my blog (content and images)?? can anyone please guide as to how can i go abt it?.
2015年04月10日(金)07時45分 受信
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How an advertiser can put their ads in my blogger?
2015年04月10日(金)07時59分 受信
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I have a Joomla website and already set up a Google Analytics account, now how do I add the code to my website so that it will keep track of visitors etc to every page? Thanks!.
2015年04月10日(金)08時07分 受信
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How come I get this ? when using Firefox and when I am using Internet Explorer shows what I am supposed to get, (Wed) ,as the text. If you cannot see what I put down it is a small box with the numbers 26 and 20 inside of it.. Is there a fix for my problem?. Thanks in advance..
2015年04月10日(金)08時45分 受信
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i buy a domain and host and as subdomain i have a choice to creat a blog. i love to do it but i completely dazed!!! can anyone help me to make it right?. I buy a domain and host and as subdomain i have a choice to creat a blog. i love to do it but i completely dazed!!! can anyone help me to make it...
2015年04月10日(金)09時37分 受信
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I have a hosted Wordpress blog. For some reason, my blog posts are being sent out to followers of another blog. The other blog owners uses Blogger. We can figure out why or how this is happening?.
2015年04月10日(金)09時43分 受信
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How to restore computer when my computer just randomly shuts off?
2015年04月10日(金)09時54分 受信
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I would like to start a jobs website using Joomla or Wordpress. Is this possible?
2015年04月10日(金)11時21分 受信
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How do I copyright the title and the content of an international online newspaper?
2015年04月10日(金)12時34分 受信
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I have seen a lot of blogs in blogspot. What purpose do they serve? Is it possible to make money through blogs. If yes how?.
2015年04月10日(金)12時38分 受信
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Is using a custom font on blogger considered personal or commercial use?
2015年04月10日(金)12時49分 受信
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I made a website using joomla and I have a domain and a server, the problem is whenever I go to that domain the site is still unviewable. Does onybody know how to help me out?.
2015年04月10日(金)13時47分 受信
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2015年04月10日(金)14時41分 受信
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And I HAVE read wordpress support page. Just want to know, if my files over 3GB will be deleted if I will not extend my upgrade for another 12 months..
2015年04月10日(金)14時43分 受信
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How can I get the computer in one room to send stuff to the printer on my computer in another room. Internet?
2015年04月10日(金)15時19分 受信
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What are some good Tumblr blogs that allow you to submit photos, to gain more followers?
2015年04月10日(金)16時19分 受信
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Im 13 and i really want to start a blog?
2015年04月10日(金)16時52分 受信
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Can Wordpress host a guide to a mmorpg game with probably hundreds of pages?
2015年04月10日(金)17時24分 受信
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What is the average start up cost for a high profile website?
2015年04月10日(金)18時46分 受信
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I want to gain more followers by submitting my pictures to blogs. Like when people click through, they will link to my blog.
2015年04月10日(金)18時46分 受信
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I wish to write articles based on the information collected through some copyright books. I won't copy - paste the material but edit or modify it in such a way that the meaning remains the same. I would also give credit to the books and their authors. Am I breaking any copyright laws?.
2015年04月10日(金)19時12分 受信
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Are there any good poetry sites that you know of so that I can have an account that has lots of space to type out stories/poems on? Or do you know of any writing sites at all that I could post blogs on, sort of like having a whole website to myself?.
2015年04月10日(金)19時39分 受信
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Assume that you are working as a computer technician for a company with a large network. You are assigned to determine what is wrong with an employee?s computer and repair it. You suspect that the computer is not properly connected to the network. Describe the troubleshooting steps you would take...
2015年04月10日(金)19時50分 受信
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How do I know if my blogs are being seen by others?
2015年04月10日(金)20時23分 受信
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2015年04月10日(金)20時27分 受信
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How can I be sure that my Blogspot account was deleted?
2015年04月10日(金)21時12分 受信
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I am in an english class at the University of Tennessee and my professor stated that if one of us can get published our blog published on the website, we will get an automatic A in the course. Please, if anyone knows how you can get a blog published on Amnesty International, or has any tips, please ...
2015年04月10日(金)21時36分 受信
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I'm currently using a classic blogger template and I would like to know how you put an rss feed on it. Normally, blogger has an rss feed avaliable on the newer templates but my blog doesn't have one. Also, is there some sort of widget I could also install for followers?.
2015年04月10日(金)23時08分 受信
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What are good blog posts for a writer who wants to start a blog that even non-readers might want to visit?
2015年04月11日(土)00時48分 受信
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My website is on a remote server, I have copied all the files from their remote host server. How do I now configure MAMP to see this as a local copy of wordpress so I can edit it and try out different themes. . Please help. I am pulling my hair out!.
2015年04月11日(土)01時47分 受信
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Does anyone know where I can start a free website?
2015年04月11日(土)01時57分 受信
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What can be the ideal Joomla template for a magazine or feature wire service?
2015年04月11日(土)02時06分 受信
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It means i create a database using mysql and create a website using joomla so when i click a link from the web i can directly retrieve the data from mysql server.
2015年04月11日(土)02時49分 受信
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How do I get my Wordpress articles to pop up in peoples google searches?
2015年04月11日(土)03時05分 受信
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I'm looking for some really good business blogs to add to my google reader that are worthwhile following on an ongoing basis. Can you make and recommendations? I have Seth Godin's already. Thanks!. . It would also be helpful if you told me why you liked these blogs..
2015年04月11日(土)03時18分 受信
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I am 13 and write the scripts for the school's plays, write stories and film mini documentaries. I want to become a creative writer for WWE (writing the storylines). I know I will have to work for other TV productions before joining the WWE corporate. How can I improve my creative writing skills so ...
2015年04月11日(土)03時26分 受信
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I'm a freshman in college and I was planning on majoring in Computer Engineering, but unfortunately it doesn't really seem too interesting to me, especially all the computer programming. I'm considering changing my major to Computer Science except I don't really know what kind of career a degree in...
2015年04月11日(土)03時46分 受信
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I want to switch to a clean new WordPress theme for a site, but Google has indexed 2500 pages from the old site (mainly due to a calendar module creating a new page for each day). How do I ensure all those pages remain accessible for Google, without throwing up a "Page Not Found" whe...
2015年04月11日(土)03時47分 受信
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How do I transfer current joomla files over to yahoo web hosting?
2015年04月11日(土)05時34分 受信
here from here
How can I insert a tag cloud into my blog @ blogspot? I try using the gadget options but I can't find a 3rd party one listed. Can someone please show we where to get one and how to install it?.
2015年04月11日(土)05時38分 受信
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How do I import Firefox bookmarks and other settings from one user account to another?
2015年04月11日(土)07時56分 受信
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I am new to blogging. How do I add a subscribe function to my site so new post will go to their email?
2015年04月11日(土)08時03分 受信
here from here
What is the best computer virus remover?. My computer is slow as hell and freezes on me. Most of the time, I have to restart my computer. I think I may have a virus on my computer. What is the best software to remove the viruses of my computer?.
2015年04月11日(土)08時27分 受信
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I have an essay in Microsoft Word format which I want to copy/paste into my blogspot blog. But every time I do this, I get error messages from blogspot about all the weird Word coding, and then it comes out looking all crazy format-wise. How can I strip the text of all the Word junk?. . I don't know...
2015年04月11日(土)08時58分 受信
here from here
I have about 4-5 sites that are outdated and not used. I have a new blog @ blogspot and I would like to forward those domains so they show up on the blogspot address. How do I go about doing this? My domains are hosted by GoDaddy and are blank at the moment. I had originally forwarded them to anothe...
2015年04月11日(土)09時49分 受信
here from here
How do I get traffic to a blog on blogger?. I need people to find my blog via keywords but I can't find the Webmaster tool on blogger to do this. Or the Sitemap tab that supposedly exists. And how to do feeds. And I don't understand how I sign up my blog with search engines. Can someone explain this...
2015年04月11日(土)09時50分 受信
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What would be a good college where I can major in creative writing?
2015年04月11日(土)09時53分 受信
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I am new to blogging. What website is good for blogging for a summer reading book assignment?
2015年04月11日(土)10時11分 受信
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How do I start a blog with payment options for readers?
2015年04月11日(土)10時18分 受信
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I recently got a blogspot for my mixtapes that I uploaded but when I search my DJ name (even full url), it doesn't appear in the google search. Does it take about a week for it to appear or do I have to pay to get it to come up?.
2015年04月11日(土)11時12分 受信
here from here
I don't see a prompt or indication about how to start writing a blog. I want to know how to initiate one. Thank you..
2015年04月11日(土)12時04分 受信
here from here
I haven't a clue how to use Wordpress and Comicpress to create sites and publish comic strips! Please help. Do you know of a good walkthrough? Thanks much!.
2015年04月11日(土)14時24分 受信
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For my Creative Writing class we have to write a short story, I really want to write some thing along the lines of Columbine, but I'm worried about the reaction of my teacher. As far as I know, he has no personal history with the idea, but ... I don't know. What would you want to see out of a short ...
2015年04月11日(土)15時14分 受信
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Can I copyright 20 pages of old newspaper articles ?
2015年04月11日(土)15時43分 受信
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I want to start a blog on myyearbook but i cant find the box on my profile.. I have made sure i have checked the box to show my latest blog in the manage profile boxes section.. But it still wont show up.. Please help.. Is there any other way to start the blog?.
2015年04月11日(土)15時54分 受信
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Wordpress is up and running on my host -- but it completely mismatches my site's existing theme/CSS. How hard would it be to modify/write a new theme to make it fit in? Is there an easier way to do this?.
2015年04月11日(土)16時04分 受信
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Copyright - How Can The Week Magazine Re-Print Magazine Articles?
2015年04月11日(土)16時11分 受信
here from here
I'm an experienced pro author (of science fiction) based in the UK, and I'm looking into setting up a creative writing course at a local arts centre focused on sf and fantasy. Are there any resources out there in book form or otherwise I might find useful in teaching about both science fiction/fanta...
2015年04月11日(土)16時25分 受信
here from here
I am very new to web design as I have no prior experience and know little HTML.. I just want to know what the best software is to purchase to design blogs. I have downloaded CS5 Design Premium with Dreamweaver and Photoshop, but I realize this is a little advanced for me and expensive!!!. Does anyo...
2015年04月11日(土)16時36分 受信
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I'd see all kinds of ads about blogging on the Internet to earn money, but don't know of anybody that has actually made any money this way. I'd love to hear from anybody who has..
2015年04月11日(土)17時04分 受信
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I'm trying to build a membership website and people have told me that Joomla works best. I have downloaded Joomla and don't know what to do from there. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Does this cover PHP as well or do I need to download that?.
2015年04月11日(土)17時31分 受信
here from here
What are Mark Zuckerberg's blog posts in the movie "The Social Network"?
2015年04月11日(土)18時25分 受信
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I want to start a blog and I am trying to find a blog site?
2015年04月11日(土)20時23分 受信
here from here
I am starting a business during the summer where I work with kids individually or during a camp. I was wondering how I could start a website for my clients parents to look at during the summer..
2015年04月11日(土)20時25分 受信
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How do I make firefox show at the top of my start list?
2015年04月11日(土)20時58分 受信
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Well mentioned and with glorious timing
2015年04月11日(土)22時49分 受信
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Whenever I go on my computer after a few minutes (I'd say about 5) it just restarts for some reason. I've tried to restore my computer but can't because it will restart before it finishes. How can i stop the restarting or reatore my computer when this is happening Someone please help.
2015年04月11日(土)22時59分 受信
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What Is The Best Way To Import MySpace Blogs To Facebook?
2015年04月11日(土)23時31分 受信
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Is there a website that makes it easy to follow blogs and podcasts? I don't have an iPod, does that matter?.
2015年04月11日(土)23時31分 受信
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I have two computers: I call one the "good" computer -- it has two monitors. The other is my "junk" computer with one screen where I download a lot of stuff to it.. . If I wanted to continue using both computers but only with the dual monitors, what would I need to bu...
2015年04月11日(土)23時51分 受信
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What is the difference between a blog and a website?
2015年04月12日(日)00時53分 受信
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Is it possible to make a spoiler button in blogger blog posts ? I don't know javascript and know very basic html only. I've tried copying snippets of javascript into my posts to try but most of them doesn't work. Some only works in the create post window but after publishing it doesn't work anymore....
2015年04月12日(日)01時27分 受信
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What blogs do you read for information on the candidates?
2015年04月12日(日)01時40分 受信
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I am at a crossroads in my career. I am in the middle of applying for law school, but I really want to write. Is there a field that can combine the two, or do I choose one over the other? I am not looking to practice law, that much I know about myself. I want to do something that is challenging, fun...
2015年04月12日(日)03時30分 受信
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How do you add more than one image per post to blogspot?
2015年04月12日(日)04時41分 受信
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Right on!
2015年04月12日(日)05時40分 受信
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How can I copy-paste from Google Docs to Wordpress and retain the boldfaced texts?
2015年04月12日(日)05時49分 受信
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Hello? I run a student service oriented website which has a good no of hits. I would like to convert it to a business. Can I register the website itslef as a company or should I start a company and the website should be owned by it? What is the protocol to start a new website company in India? Pleas...
2015年04月12日(日)06時51分 受信
here from here
How come my computer does not register the other computers in the network?
2015年04月12日(日)07時09分 受信
here from here
I'm interested in making my own music blog and I'm constantly looking through many music blogs throughout the day finding new music first before other people that I know. But how exactly do those blogs find that music first? Can I really start by just posting the music I find on other blogs?.
2015年04月12日(日)07時22分 受信
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How do you delete media files with apostrophes from Joomla?
2015年04月12日(日)07時33分 受信
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I have created a blog using Blogspot, and I want it to appear on Google Search. Can someone provide me with the steps to do so? . . Much appreciated!.
2015年04月12日(日)08時10分 受信
here from here
It would be great if I could post text and pics to the blog from my cell (iPhone). Maybe even video??. . I'm new at the whole blog thing, so it really would need to be free and pretty easy to use.. . THANKS!.
2015年04月12日(日)09時08分 受信
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I have a blog made with Blogger and it has Blogger logos at the top.. I've seen Blogger blogs without them, and it makes them a lot cooler..
2015年04月12日(日)09時15分 受信
here from here
I don't see a prompt or indication about how to start writing a blog. I want to know how to initiate one. Thank you..
2015年04月12日(日)09時47分 受信
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How can I find cheap, reliable wordpress web designers that I can out source my webdesign work to?
2015年04月12日(日)09時57分 受信
here from here
How often will Facebook check for a new LiveJournal blog post to import to my notes?
2015年04月12日(日)12時15分 受信
here from here
Wordpress blog posts being emailed to another persons blogs subscribers?
2015年04月12日(日)12時21分 受信
here from here
I am interested in advertising a new social networking site. I have never wrote a Blog before. How should I write this? . And where do I go to write a Blog. This is all new to me and I want to start rocking.. Thanks..
2015年04月12日(日)14時23分 受信
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i want to start a website to sell my beaded jewelry but i dont know how to start website so if u have any ideas or frnds that u know please tell me i really nee help or if u have any frnds that like wearing jewelry please tell me to i can do special orders.
2015年04月12日(日)14時36分 受信
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What are the best schools for a creative writing major?
2015年04月12日(日)14時55分 受信
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Hi,. . I want to post directly to my wordpress blog from my desktop, specifically from Command prompt. . . I know there is a protocol called xml-rpc, but that is of no help to me, as I don't know what on earth it is. Any help would be appreciated..
2015年04月12日(日)15時36分 受信
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How do you start a blog? How do you get your own blog site or page?
2015年04月12日(日)16時09分 受信
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How to add your blogspot address to google web search?
2015年04月12日(日)16時25分 受信
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my blog is a link on my web home page and I would like it to show the posts from the blog? Any ideas?
2015年04月12日(日)16時52分 受信
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I want to start a blog. It seems like blogspot is really popular. Does anyone have another free site that they like where you can make a blog?.
2015年04月12日(日)17時15分 受信
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What are the best schools for a creative writing major?
2015年04月12日(日)18時20分 受信
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Any recomendations on how to start a blog for teens?
2015年04月12日(日)18時26分 受信
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want to start blog how and where go about it?
2015年04月12日(日)19時00分 受信
here from here
How do I put up my Blogspot blog on Google Search?
2015年04月12日(日)20時01分 受信
here from here
I've seen other bloggers have more than one image per post, but the templates blogspot only allows one image per post. Does anyone know the .html or is there something else I have to do to get multiple images?.
2015年04月12日(日)22時26分 受信
here from here
A) it is acceptable to use copyrighted material for economic gain as long as proper credit is given to the author.. . B) all original work located on the Internet is to be considered copyrighted.. . C) only items marked with the ? symbol are considered copyrighted.. . D) all Internet content is free...
2015年04月12日(日)23時02分 受信
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What's the best way to save documents to a blogspot blog?
2015年04月12日(日)23時42分 受信
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I am 15 and I want to start a fashion blog. What should I call it? Also, please tell me any tips you have for getting started and what I could do on it or how to do it..
2015年04月13日(月)01時00分 受信
here from here
From where to start blogging?Suggest good blogging websites and also hot topics to write blog on.?
2015年04月13日(月)01時11分 受信
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The screen in my blogger website is way too small. I don't know how to make it bigger, do you guys know how to make blogger videos in your site bigger? .
2015年04月13日(月)01時44分 受信
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This made me snicker for a protracted time.
2015年04月13日(月)02時03分 受信
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Please, I only like to have answer from articles expert/s. -Can you get penalized in search engines for submitting the same articles to multiple article submmision websites?. -What should I do to claim the copyright of my article/s? Should I post it on my website first before submit it to those web...
2015年04月13日(月)02時46分 受信
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What is the best application for posting blogs or articles to my website?
2015年04月13日(月)03時14分 受信
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I was diagnosed with celiac over a year ago and have started inventing my own gluten-free recipes. I've gotten so many requests from people that I want to start a blog to start posting them. What free blog websites are out there and which ones are the easiest to access/most likely to pop up on a sea...
2015年04月13日(月)04時33分 受信
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How do I start a website? I know that I have to buy a domain or something like that?
2015年04月13日(月)05時03分 受信
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How do I go about copyrighting content of my website?
2015年04月13日(月)05時14分 受信
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I want to start a personal blog.. an online journal. I have no idea which blog website to start it with.. . anything I should know about having a blog and who to have one with?.
2015年04月13日(月)07時39分 受信
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Someone left me a comment on my blogger. I have clicked to publish the comment. Now I wish to delete this comment. How do I do that?. .
2015年04月13日(月)07時59分 受信
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Okay here are the details. I want to add a new button to firefox, the purpose of that button is that when i type something in the address bar in firefox and click that button in navigation toolbar, that must serve the purpose of "I am feeling lucky button on google homepage". Any sup...
2015年04月13日(月)09時11分 受信
here from here
Hey,. . My site went down a while ago now, i just need to know how to upload my backup file back onto the site, is it on the dashboard in wordpress or on cpanel or something?. . Thanks..
2015年04月13日(月)09時28分 受信
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2015年04月13日(月)10時41分 受信
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I am developing a joomla website for a boat club and would like members to be able to upload photos of fish they caught. Additional info: I am basing the structure on the K2 component..
2015年04月13日(月)11時18分 受信
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Wordpress is up and running on my host -- but it completely mismatches my site's existing theme/CSS. How hard would it be to modify/write a new theme to make it fit in? Is there an easier way to do this?.
2015年04月13日(月)12時03分 受信
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I've been trying everything and unfortunately they won't work. I tried posting a playlist in my wordpress in the 'Pages' section but the playlist won't show. Can someone please help with this?.
2015年04月13日(月)12時28分 受信
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I have heard about sites that will pay you per post on your blog . . The one im planning on joining pays $10 per post. . Anyone know any good ones? Or better ones for that matter?.
2015年04月13日(月)13時46分 受信
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Can I copyright 20 pages of old newspaper articles ?
2015年04月13日(月)14時46分 受信
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I have got a web template but I want to customize it using joomla. Is it possible. Please let me know..
2015年04月13日(月)15時07分 受信
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What are the core or basic lessons taught Writing classes? One of the first things I learned about was Freytags Pyramid. I was told that isn't an across the board learning device. So what is? I'm really curious. In poetry I was taught, 'if it means too many things to too many people it misses i...
2015年04月13日(月)15時28分 受信
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I want to build a blog in wordpress where I can share photos, have people upload photos and everyone can rate them. Can anybody recommend a good theme or some tips? Free is preferred or like, under $100.. . Thanks!.
2015年04月13日(月)15時46分 受信
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I want to start a blog that deals with moral issues. I want people to be able to see it, and also be easy to use and post..
2015年04月13日(月)17時03分 受信
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I'd like to be able to tag blogs I like and have them show on my website. Any suggestions on the best route to take on this. Any input would be helpful..
2015年04月13日(月)17時30分 受信
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I use a micro SD card between my laptop and netbook as an external hardrive for my class files. I often download files on one computer or the other without the drive in that computer. Is it possible to set my computer up so that when I insert my drive my computer automatically updates the folder on...
2015年04月13日(月)19時13分 受信
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I enabled comments on my blogger page but it only shows the comments link, and when it's clicked, a new page opens to show the comments. Is there a way to just have the comments show on my main page right underneath the blog, I don't want just a link to the comments page..
2015年04月13日(月)20時01分 受信
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what is some fun online sites to blog on and make fun posts besides facebook and tumblr?
2015年04月13日(月)21時33分 受信
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I want to start a blog written by a fictitious character commenting on politics, current events, news etc..How?.
2015年04月13日(月)21時53分 受信
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Columbia University has a new creative writing major and on the application instructions, it says that anyone pursuing anything in the creative or visual arts may submit a supplement to their application. Creative writing is specifically listed, however, I am not sure what to submit. . . Would they ...
2015年04月13日(月)23時30分 受信
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Can Wordpress host a guide to a mmorpg game with probably hundreds of pages?
2015年04月14日(火)00時12分 受信
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I would like to be a creative writing professor, but I can no find out exactly what they do. I love to write, and to help other people become better writers, so that is why I want to become a creative writing/english professor. Does this fit with the profession? What is the life of such a professor ...
2015年04月14日(火)00時17分 受信
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How do you create your own blogger header for your blogspot?
2015年04月14日(火)01時35分 受信
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How come I get this ? when using Firefox and when I am using Internet Explorer shows what I am supposed to get, (Wed) ,as the text. If you cannot see what I put down it is a small box with the numbers 26 and 20 inside of it.. Is there a fix for my problem?. Thanks in advance..
2015年04月14日(火)02時03分 受信
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What websites are for blogging only? Like writing journals but we can use a different name?
2015年04月14日(火)02時24分 受信
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Just started my own blog on Blogspot need help with header?
2015年04月14日(火)04時12分 受信
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How could I write blogs or articles and get paid for it?
2015年04月14日(火)05時14分 受信
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I have a domain name bought, but i havent had time to make the website look nice. i want to forward the website url to my blogspot blog for the time being. how do i do this?.
2015年04月14日(火)05時41分 受信
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How to change the preferences on a secondary Tumblr blog?
2015年04月14日(火)05時59分 受信
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This would have to be a new blog. Something that you want to read about, but havent found online. This can be religious, fashion-based, etc. Im just getting some ideas for the blog i want to start- Thanks!.
2015年04月14日(火)06時09分 受信
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I don't really like livejournal or xanga. I already have both of those. I was going to try deadjournal because I read on here that it was really good, but I don't want to have to pay for it and you have to have an invite code to get in free. Does anybody have an invite code they could give me, or...
2015年04月14日(火)08時07分 受信
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How can creative writing be taught in a standardized way?
2015年04月14日(火)08時37分 受信
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How many articles does it take to start a good blog?
2015年04月14日(火)09時47分 受信
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I wanted to translate some articles from a foreign magazine and I was wondering if its legal to post them online..
2015年04月14日(火)10時37分 受信
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Where can I find info on how to protect/copyright articles posted on the web?
2015年04月14日(火)11時42分 受信
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Is this possible? I am following two Blogspot accounts using my Twitter account. But when I look at my Twitter news feed, I never see updates from either of these Blogspots (and they have been updated). Is there a setting I need to change, or is this not even possible to do?.
2015年04月14日(火)12時04分 受信
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What are the most popular blog sites in the Philippines where I can submit my blogs for others to read?
2015年04月14日(火)12時14分 受信
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What is the best software to design websites and blogs?
2015年04月14日(火)14時22分 受信
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I have had an online magazine for 3 years, and we are looking to spice up the website. We've used Joomla, but are now looking for something new. Is Wordpress better than Joomla? We will be adding content rich items on the site: videos, etc. Any suggestions?.
2015年04月14日(火)15時01分 受信
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I want to start a newspaper online and need to register the name and the content. Need to do it internationally. However, not a clue how to do it... I've already got a domain, but the title would be slightly different from the domain name..
2015年04月14日(火)15時18分 受信
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New to joomla please guide me i have download joomla from website ? What should i do ?
2015年04月14日(火)15時49分 受信
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I'm only 15, but i'm trying to raise money to go on a expensive trip next year. I am planning on getting a summer job, but it usually only pays minimum wage. I just want other people's opinions on whether its safe and a good idea to become a blogger to get money. thanks!.
2015年04月14日(火)16時48分 受信
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How do i use frame or iframe to put facebook or else to blogspot?
2015年04月14日(火)18時20分 受信
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I am going to start a website in Australia but a website with same concept is already exist in UK and patented?
2015年04月14日(火)18時36分 受信
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Every few minutes Firefox tries to open a site. Because I just got a Trojan off my computer. So the link to the virus does not work anymore but Firefox keeps trying to open it. It says it cannot display this webpage. So how do I stop this?.
2015年04月14日(火)18時49分 受信
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What is the best way to search for blogs you are interested in?
2015年04月14日(火)19時17分 受信
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I recently did a system restore on my computer and have yet to reload my antivirus software. Apparently somewhere along the process something called Antivi took over my computer and I can't do anything, not even get to my task manager to end the program. Any advice?.
2015年04月14日(火)19時37分 受信
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How can I search blog posts from during the olympics?
2015年04月14日(火)20時53分 受信
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Hello, I'm having trouble trying to change the settings for my facebook account. I use firefox, and when I opened the account I clicked on the button saying I wanted firefox to remember my password info. Well, I've now changed my mind and want to remove firefox from remembering my info. Does anyone ...
2015年04月14日(火)20時57分 受信
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I have about 4-5 sites that are outdated and not used. I have a new blog @ blogspot and I would like to forward those domains so they show up on the blogspot address. How do I go about doing this? My domains are hosted by GoDaddy and are blank at the moment. I had originally forwarded them to anothe...
2015年04月14日(火)22時28分 受信
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I'm into photography and would like to start selling my work and attracting more clients. My question is how would I go about starting a website where people can buy my photos or contact me about taking photos? I'm looking for a way to maximize my advertising and would really like to start a website...
2015年04月15日(水)00時37分 受信
here from here
I have been told to improve your creative writing you need to read a lot.. What great classic books, can I read (from any period or country) that will improve my writing.. Genre is unimportant, though I am not writing for children.. I said classic, I read science fiction/recent literature as enterta...
2015年04月15日(水)00時42分 受信
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How can I get blogspot updates on my Twitter feed?
2015年04月15日(水)01時37分 受信
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Hi I'm interested in computer courses to study, today I spoke to someone from one of the unis I was interested in one of the courses were more about designing and the other practical and more technical fixing and support the system. I'm really interested in that. Its called computer enterprising. ...
2015年04月15日(水)04時06分 受信
here from here
How to rotate my blog posts over and over with a preset time interval with PHP code?
2015年04月15日(水)04時30分 受信
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I'm a 17 year old male who has very good experience with Relationships, I have helped a lot of my friends get through situations and got everything back to normal. I want to start a website where people post any questions about their Relationship and allow me to help them get things back in action a...
2015年04月15日(水)04時40分 受信
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I have a web page for my business and there is a link to my blog on it, it want to show the blog posts on the webpage not just the link and I can't figure out how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
2015年04月15日(水)04時43分 受信
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I want to create a custom Wordpress theme, but I don't have administrative access to the computer that I'm using, so I can't install Wordpress to test my theme. Is there another easy way to do it? I have photoshop, and notepad ++ both installed on my flash drive, but as far as I know there is no way...
2015年04月15日(水)05時10分 受信
here from here
How do i start a blog? Are there any websites that can provide step by step directions?
2015年04月15日(水)05時11分 受信
here from here
I've been looking high and low, and it seems that most liberal arts schools are populated by heavy drinkers and partiers, which I am not interested in. If I can, I'd like to double major in creative writing and journalism.. Thank you!.
2015年04月15日(水)05時45分 受信
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How do you make the navbar in blogger come back?
2015年04月15日(水)06時41分 受信
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How to stop importing blog posts on facebook? 'Stop importing' button is not found.?
2015年04月15日(水)06時59分 受信
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I'm into photography and would like to start selling my work and attracting more clients. My question is how would I go about starting a website where people can buy my photos or contact me about taking photos? I'm looking for a way to maximize my advertising and would really like to start a website...
2015年04月15日(水)08時28分 受信
here from here
I want to use the WayBackMachine to try to retrieve my old Yahoo! 360 Blog posts, but I don't know what the URL format was. So far I am coming up empty. Anybody have an example URL that I can use to reconstruct a valid URL for my old blog? Thanks!.
2015年04月15日(水)09時16分 受信
here from here
I want to be able to use my gmail account to forward blog posts to people, but for some reason Thunderbird keeps forcing me to use my college e-mail. Is there a way to change this?.
2015年04月15日(水)09時43分 受信
here from here
I'm an experienced pro author (of science fiction) based in the UK, and I'm looking into setting up a creative writing course at a local arts centre focused on sf and fantasy. Are there any resources out there in book form or otherwise I might find useful in teaching about both science fiction/fanta...
2015年04月15日(水)09時54分 受信
here from here
I was just wondering what computer software you would need to make business cards or labels from a home computer. Is is easy or even worth the time or money..
2015年04月15日(水)13時10分 受信
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Where can I get copyright free content to write blog on the net?
2015年04月15日(水)13時21分 受信
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How to reduce the number of feed headlines in Blogger?
2015年04月15日(水)14時04分 受信
here from here
I need to import about 50 of 458 posts from a blogspot blog into wordpress. If I use the plug in import tool, I am concerned that it will duplicate the posts that were already imported in a previous batch. Also the prior posts have been re-categorized. I need to hold those as well. Any tips will hel...
2015年04月15日(水)14時09分 受信
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Is a computer science degree any good for computer forensics?
2015年04月15日(水)14時19分 受信
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How do I copy Firefox bookmarks between users on the same computer?
2015年04月15日(水)16時32分 受信
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I wanted to start making some money off of my blog, how would I go about doing so? What about google adsense or other programs like it?.
2015年04月15日(水)16時57分 受信
here from here
I'm a teenager and I heard that you can actually get paid for things like this. I'm experienced with computers and have good literature skills and I'm sure I can write successful blogs/articles.. . On a different (sort of) topic, would I be able to join affiliate programs?.
2015年04月15日(水)17時26分 受信
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I don't know what "Wordpress" is but if it has something to do with the way I can have automatic updates of new posts from my blog posted in my Twitter, than I'd like to know more about it.. . Please & Thank you. * My blog is a Blogspot / Blogger blog..
2015年04月15日(水)17時42分 受信
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how do i start a blog to share my ideals?.
2015年04月15日(水)18時07分 受信
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And I HAVE read wordpress support page. Just want to know, if my files over 3GB will be deleted if I will not extend my upgrade for another 12 months..
2015年04月15日(水)18時10分 受信
here from here
I want to start a website. It will be asking for money only to fund the seminars associated with holding meetings for the clients and for mailouts. How should I go about setting that up?.
2015年04月15日(水)18時34分 受信
here from here
When is it time to purchase a new computer?. . Some people I have talked to told me its good to purchase a new computer every 2 years however that could be expensive for most people. I always thought every 4-5 years.. . What is your opinion on this?. . The computer I own is 11 months old?.
2015年04月15日(水)18時56分 受信
here from here
Basically, I want it to be on the main page where all of my posts go but then I also want to be able to put it on a separate page of my blog dedicated to only that subject. Hopefully this makes sense!.
2015年04月15日(水)22時17分 受信
here from here
I would like to start a blog speaking out against feminism. So I would like to know the best way to do it and the best place to go to start one..
2015年04月15日(水)22時19分 受信
here from here
I have been told to improve your creative writing you need to read a lot.. What great classic books, can I read (from any period or country) that will improve my writing.. Genre is unimportant, though I am not writing for children.. I said classic, I read science fiction/recent literature as enterta...
2015年04月15日(水)23時01分 受信
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I would like to start a free Wordpress blog on the Wordpress site (not my own domain) but I don't like the themes they provide. Can I use a downloaded theme on there? I have seen some Wordpress hosted blogs with different themes, so it looks like it's possible..
2015年04月15日(水)23時06分 受信
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How can I get the computer in one room to send stuff to the printer on my computer in another room. Internet?
2015年04月15日(水)23時52分 受信
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How can I have updates of new blog posts from my blog being automatically posted on my Twitter?
2015年04月16日(木)02時36分 受信
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How do I start and use a blog? Also, what is the best blogging site?
2015年04月16日(木)03時35分 受信
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2015年04月16日(木)03時58分 受信
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How to start a blog. Kindly suggest books on the subject?
2015年04月16日(木)04時22分 受信
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What is the best website to start a blog that I eventually want to make revenue with?
2015年04月16日(木)04時23分 受信
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I have had Firefox, IE, and Google chrome downloaded onto my computer for a while now with no problem. Recently I downloaded YIM and now Firefox doesn't start up. If I restart my computer a few times, and try to open it a few dozen times each time I restart, it will eventually pop up. How do I fix i...
2015年04月16日(木)05時23分 受信
here from here
I'm not the owner of the site or of the copyrights, but it's very clear to me that this website is violating many copyrights. Is there a way I can report it under the DMCA? Thanks!.
2015年04月16日(木)06時20分 受信
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I know there are lots of firefox addons that help manage saving pictures, but what I am specifically looking for is, one which can allow me to simply paste the picture link and it will download the picture from that link. . Reason being, the pictures I am saving is has their own individual link and ...
2015年04月16日(木)06時22分 受信
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Is it necessary to get the copyright of the game content developed individualy before publication?
2015年04月16日(木)07時20分 受信
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For wordpress there is the wphone which works great for simple themes, how about joomla? any way of updating a joomla website via mobile?.
2015年04月16日(木)07時35分 受信
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How can I have updates of new blog posts from my blog being automatically posted on my Twitter?
2015年04月16日(木)07時55分 受信
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Blogger/Blog*Spot feeds shows the most recent (recently updated as the default setting) 25 headlines or what others call as post titles. My question is how can I increase/decrease the number of those headlines because I think they're too many..
2015年04月16日(木)08時56分 受信
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I want to make my own website to sell things but I have no idea where to start.. I don't no what websites to go on, or how much it will be (or if there's any way i can do it for free?). Can someone give me as much information as possible and a website where i can start please?. I need as much help a...
2015年04月16日(木)09時50分 受信
here from here
I have a school project for my creative writing class that requires a writing portfolio, but I have no clue how to make one. I never really understood what a portfolio was. If someone could help out, it'd be wonderful..
2015年04月16日(木)11時00分 受信
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I noticed that Wordpress charges a fee for you to make changes to your blog and blogspot doesn't..But does wordpress have some other advantage over google's blogspot that I'm missing?.
2015年04月16日(木)12時55分 受信
here from here
I want to do a live webcast, but I can't figure out how to do it on the Blogger platform. Can anyone give me some direction?. . Thanks!.
2015年04月16日(木)13時30分 受信
here from here
I am using the ja_purity2 and have confined the template to the centre of the screen (much like the joomla website). Now I want to add a shadow on the left and right of the "confined" template/website but have no idea on how to do it.. Any help would be appreciated.. Thank You in adv...
2015年04月16日(木)13時52分 受信
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I'm interested in starting a blog, and am curious as to how much revenue can come out of blogging..
2015年04月16日(木)14時44分 受信
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I've been thinking of moving from Joomla to Wordpress because it's much easier to use and much more convenient. But the problem is I have many posts, and I don't know what to do... since I'm not a programmer or anything.. . How can I migrate from Joomla to Wordpress?.
2015年04月16日(木)16時17分 受信
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I agree 100%
2015年04月16日(木)16時37分 受信
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How do I change firefox from remembering my facebook info?
2015年04月16日(木)16時44分 受信
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How do I start a website with minimum or no advertsing for free?
2015年04月16日(木)17時30分 受信
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I'm trying to start up a small blog, primarily to hold a few short stories I've written and get feedback, but also for various other blog-type activities. This won't do me any good if I can't get my words where people can read them.. . Blogspot is preferred, but anything allowing advertising would b...
2015年04月16日(木)18時12分 受信
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How do i use frame or iframe to put facebook or else to blogspot?
2015年04月16日(木)18時21分 受信
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I just downloaded Mozilla firefox, how do i make it so my opening page is bebo? I know its possible i just can't remember how. I mean so that when you open firefox its not google its bebo, if yous get what i mean?.
2015年04月16日(木)19時03分 受信
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Can Blogger be a good place to post a webcomic?
2015年04月16日(木)19時26分 受信
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I'm curious how creative writing instructors at colleges and universities handle students who write about really disturbing things and who seem potentially dangerous to themselves and others? Are instructors privy to students' mental health records? Do they let such students get away with violent ...
2015年04月16日(木)21時02分 受信
here from here
Hi,. I am new to joomla and my boss is asking me to add some of the joomla functionality to the current website so that the owner of the website can itself modify the contents. I am having no idea about how to do that. My boss says that there is no need to re-build the website in joomla. If anybody ...
2015年04月16日(木)22時21分 受信
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This made me laugh for an extended time.
2015年04月16日(木)22時22分 受信
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Confused about Copyright policies from sites that let you 'digg' articles?
2015年04月16日(木)22時43分 受信
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I wanted to start making some money off of my blog, how would I go about doing so? What about google adsense or other programs like it?.
2015年04月16日(木)23時42分 受信
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I want to gain more followers by submitting my pictures to blogs. Like when people click through, they will link to my blog.
2015年04月17日(金)00時21分 受信
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My friend put together my small business website in dreamweaver for me. However, I now want to maintain it myself---my friend recommended putting it into wordpress. However, I am not a web designer and have no idea what I'm doing---is there an easy way to convert my current website from dreamweave...
2015年04月17日(金)00時55分 受信
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What are some great ideas on teaching creative writing to kids?
2015年04月17日(金)00時59分 受信
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I just install WordPress. I post some posts but they all go to homepage. How can I let posts go to different page, for example, I have 'articles' tab and ''events' tab. I want articles postings go to articles section and I want events postings go to events section..
2015年04月17日(金)03時44分 受信
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Whenever i start a video call/ web cam/voice call on live messenger, skype, google talk, yahoo messenger, my computer totally freezes, and gives an echo. I have to restart it manually. Sometimes it comes with a blue screen, and it restarts itself.. I am using Vista, and this situation existed when i...
2015年04月17日(金)04時58分 受信
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What Is The Best Way To Import MySpace Blogs To Facebook?
2015年04月17日(金)05時17分 受信
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It means i create a database using mysql and create a website using joomla so when i click a link from the web i can directly retrieve the data from mysql server.
2015年04月17日(金)06時01分 受信
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What is in the content of a copyright waiver ? I need to make one and need to know what it includes?
2015年04月17日(金)06時11分 受信
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Where can I find legitimate blogs that are focused on or at least delve seriously into penis enlargement?
2015年04月17日(金)07時13分 受信
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how do u put u're own pics for the background? also how do u put music?.
2015年04月17日(金)07時26分 受信
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How do I create a feed of the comments I add to others' blog posts?
2015年04月17日(金)07時43分 受信
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I want to start a website about paranormal stuff..
2015年04月17日(金)07時46分 受信
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I have a blog with blogger. I have registered my blog using a gmail account. Now, I want to use a new gmail account and I wanted to import my whole blog along with the posts and comments to this new gmail id.. . Please tell me, is this possible and how can it be done?.
2015年04月17日(金)08時46分 受信
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What are the norms of copyright of web content? How's it different from Patent?
2015年04月17日(金)09時10分 受信
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In Blogger's new Template Designer there is no template which contains fluid width in for the text body. Does anybody know how to change to fluid width in the new templates? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated..
2015年04月17日(金)09時41分 受信
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I want to start selling hair bows. How do I get a website started and what are the costs?. How do I design it?.
2015年04月17日(金)10時34分 受信
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How to insert Dynamic Drive codes and scripts on my Joomla site?
2015年04月17日(金)12時06分 受信
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I know there are lots of firefox addons that help manage saving pictures, but what I am specifically looking for is, one which can allow me to simply paste the picture link and it will download the picture from that link. . Reason being, the pictures I am saving is has their own individual link and ...
2015年04月17日(金)12時35分 受信
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Do you know of a good site for creative writing prompts and exercises?
2015年04月17日(金)13時56分 受信
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I am 13 and write the scripts for the school's plays, write stories and film mini documentaries. I want to become a creative writer for WWE (writing the storylines). I know I will have to work for other TV productions before joining the WWE corporate. How can I improve my creative writing skills so ...
2015年04月17日(金)15時39分 受信
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What are some good Tumblr blogs that allow you to submit photos, to gain more followers?
2015年04月17日(金)15時42分 受信
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I am a 19 year old female quadriplegic and a mother of a two-year-old daughter. I am not able to work because of my disability but I do have a voice-activated computer and I know a lot about computers and the Internet. I want to start a website I do not know about what. I need IDEAS! I would lik...
2015年04月17日(金)16時27分 受信
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Basically, I want it to be on the main page where all of my posts go but then I also want to be able to put it on a separate page of my blog dedicated to only that subject. Hopefully this makes sense!.
2015年04月17日(金)16時30分 受信
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How to configure joomla that can retrieve the data from mysql?
2015年04月17日(金)16時42分 受信
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I really love to write and I'm pretty good at it. But whenever I try to write a story or something I start off good but always end up throwing it away--I can never seem to finish it. . . Sometimes I have a good idea that I really like but it's just hard for me to write a story about and keep going. ...
2015年04月17日(金)17時16分 受信
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What Firefox Extension can I get to download streaming videos from sites?
2015年04月17日(金)17時35分 受信
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I am looking for a great blogging website, but there are just too many! I am actually looking for a website that's free and there can be many bloggers on one site. For example, I created a blog and people who I choose (friends and family) can easily start blogging on the site. If I could easily upda...
2015年04月17日(金)18時08分 受信
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What's the best way to save documents to a blogspot blog?
2015年04月17日(金)18時33分 受信
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How do I copyright my site?. How do I use a pic from other sites, if I hapened 2b blogging on something relating to that pics?.
2015年04月17日(金)19時28分 受信
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For instance, major music stores like iTunes are not available in Asia and US TV networks which let viewers see programmes on their website don't make such programmes available to viewers outside the US. This is even if people are willing to pay to download or see the content.. Isn't an online stor...
2015年04月17日(金)21時29分 受信
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Now that is some fantastic writing.
2015年04月17日(金)23時05分 受信
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What are some creative writing games to use for junior high students?
2015年04月17日(金)23時44分 受信
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I need a good male pseudonym to use when blogging.. Sorry if this is the wrong place for the question :(. It sort of relates because I want to blog, but I don't want my acquaintances/friends to see it..
2015年04月18日(土)00時26分 受信
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What is the best free blog for a photographer to use?
2015年04月18日(土)00時33分 受信
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How to delete comment that I have approved to published on blogger?
2015年04月18日(土)00時41分 受信
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What are the most effective Wordpress plugins to attract the most relevant traffic and maximize website sales?
2015年04月18日(土)01時03分 受信
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can any post on a personal blog (with disclaimer that it is his personal view) be used by any brand for filing a case against an individual for 'brand tarnishing' etc?.
2015年04月18日(土)01時49分 受信
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How can I have updates of new blog posts from my blog being automatically posted on my Twitter?
2015年04月18日(土)02時04分 受信
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Do adsense people mind if I publish articles whcih are not copyrighted?
2015年04月18日(土)03時55分 受信
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I like to collect information from various sites. There are time when I like few points while reading a site. I would like to blog my findings. Will I face a copyright issue if i directly copy paste the few points from other sites? I have seen the usage of "source". If i mention the ...
2015年04月18日(土)03時58分 受信
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i need some ideas for a blog. i already do poems and surveys on it but i wanna talk about something..
2015年04月18日(土)04時55分 受信
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Flash is already installed on my work computer, however firefox is not communicating with it for some odd reason. I can not reinstall flash because like i said this is my works computer, therefore i need admin rights to install flash. So how can i make Firefox work with the flash thats already been ...
2015年04月18日(土)06時17分 受信
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What blogs for political commentary would you recommend me to read?
2015年04月18日(土)07時19分 受信
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How can I get new free layouts for blogspot, without using Webfetti?
2015年04月18日(土)08時19分 受信
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I want to create a blogspot of my own and want to earn some money from that. Is possible?.
2015年04月18日(土)08時33分 受信
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I recently got a blogspot for my mixtapes that I uploaded but when I search my DJ name (even full url), it doesn't appear in the google search. Does it take about a week for it to appear or do I have to pay to get it to come up?.
2015年04月18日(土)08時44分 受信
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I recently did a system restore on my computer and have yet to reload my antivirus software. Apparently somewhere along the process something called Antivi took over my computer and I can't do anything, not even get to my task manager to end the program. Any advice?.
2015年04月18日(土)09時02分 受信
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Is using a custom font on blogger considered personal or commercial use?
2015年04月18日(土)09時21分 受信
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I deleted my Blogspot account some time ago. However, I saved the link from the blog and it appears to still be active. I don't understand what I did wrong. I cannot get to the blog by typing in the original address, but I can by following the link. I want this thing permanently deleted. Can anyone ...
2015年04月18日(土)10時16分 受信
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I just arrived in Chiang Mai. I wanted to post on my blog, at Blogspot, but all of the headings are now in Thai, not English. Is the problem with my computer, or the hotel's wi-fi service, or what? How can I get things back to English again?.
2015年04月18日(土)11時32分 受信
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I've figured out how I wanted my blog layout and everything, it's just that other blogs that I've visited that use Blogspot have nice big headers. Mine is just text, so can someone enlighten me on how to make a pretty header?.
2015年04月18日(土)13時01分 受信
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I started creating templates, but I don't know how to make demos in my Joomla website, for my visitors to test them..
2015年04月18日(土)13時24分 受信
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It means i create a database using mysql and create a website using joomla so when i click a link from the web i can directly retrieve the data from mysql server.
2015年04月18日(土)13時51分 受信
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^. . Background: I'm applying for an MFA in creative writing program, and I've never taken a creative writing course. Most of my creative writing knowledge comes from research I did on my own. I'm wondering if during my research I at least learned the basics of creative writing, or if I really do ne...
2015年04月18日(土)15時03分 受信
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I am very new to web design as I have no prior experience and know little HTML.. I just want to know what the best software is to purchase to design blogs. I have downloaded CS5 Design Premium with Dreamweaver and Photoshop, but I realize this is a little advanced for me and expensive!!!. Does anyo...
2015年04月18日(土)15時38分 受信
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I just bought a new computer and would like the same settings I have on my other computer. How do I go about doing this? The one thing I want to change in firefox on my new computer is when I type a website in the address bar I would like it to show my history instead of my bookmarks. I changed it b...
2015年04月18日(土)16時22分 受信
here from here
I need to import about 50 of 458 posts from a blogspot blog into wordpress. If I use the plug in import tool, I am concerned that it will duplicate the posts that were already imported in a previous batch. Also the prior posts have been re-categorized. I need to hold those as well. Any tips will hel...
2015年04月18日(土)17時00分 受信
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how come some blogs in a blogroll do not have their most recent post listed and others do? How to change that?
2015年04月18日(土)17時50分 受信
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My home computer is hooked up to a router. I would like to have access to my home computer's webcam through my work computer. . My home computer is hooked up through a DSL modem and is always on.. My work computer obviously has access to the Internet..
2015年04月18日(土)18時18分 受信
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How do I stop FireFox from discreetly installing updates, which removes the bookmarks and seetings?
2015年04月18日(土)18時31分 受信
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Without asking them to delete it, is there a way i can delete my own blog comments on someone else's blog? Please help(:.
2015年04月18日(土)18時55分 受信
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How do you start a blog? How do you get your own blog site or page?
2015年04月18日(土)20時28分 受信
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I read many of the blogs in the food and drink category and they are all informative in one way or another. I love food and have a great deal of food design experience. Please let me know how I may become a blogger there..
2015年04月18日(土)21時14分 受信
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I need to know how to view my posts or comments on other peoples blogs. Is there anywhere I could go to get a list of all my posts? . . Any help appreciated..
2015年04月18日(土)21時27分 受信
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I need to start a free website and need information on where to go to get it started. Any info about starting a website is welcome!.
2015年04月18日(土)23時28分 受信
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I'm creating a collaborative blog and I need to know if I can transform a blogspot blog into one where anyone can add content and edit or change the text. Maybe there is another type of blog whee you can do this.. Thanks everyone..
2015年04月19日(日)00時28分 受信
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How do I edit a wordpress page to display only the posts, so minus the menubars?
2015年04月19日(日)01時45分 受信
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How do you start a website for a clothing company?
2015年04月19日(日)03時11分 受信
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What blogging website had the least invasive ads for free-account users?
2015年04月19日(日)03時33分 受信
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can i protect my blog content copyright without registering it to copyright departmen? please help?
2015年04月19日(日)03時55分 受信
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I'm just looking for place to start up a blog with a friend where we talk sports in Chicago as well as other things going on nationwide....just for fun. Any suggestions on sites would be great. Thanks..
2015年04月19日(日)04時03分 受信
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What is the best blogging platform for a podcast or a video blog?
2015年04月19日(日)04時05分 受信
here from here
I'm studying for my bachelors degree in computer science, and I might continue on to get a masters degree. I have my A+ and Network+ certifications, and I'm planning on getting Linux, Network Security, and the Microsoft certifications.. . Can I get a job doing computer forensics with this? If not, w...
2015年04月19日(日)04時12分 受信
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Is it possible to install multiple joomla site on one wamp server?
2015年04月19日(日)04時26分 受信
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How do I get traffic to a blog on blogger?. I need people to find my blog via keywords but I can't find the Webmaster tool on blogger to do this. Or the Sitemap tab that supposedly exists. And how to do feeds. And I don't understand how I sign up my blog with search engines. Can someone explain this...
2015年04月19日(日)04時30分 受信
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Hi I'm interested in computer courses to study, today I spoke to someone from one of the unis I was interested in one of the courses were more about designing and the other practical and more technical fixing and support the system. I'm really interested in that. Its called computer enterprising. ...
2015年04月19日(日)07時31分 受信
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How could I write blogs or articles and get paid for it?
2015年04月19日(日)09時17分 受信
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I have a wordpress blog and I would like to remove everything (it's hosted on my own domain and hosting) because I would like to delete my site. How can I save my blog posts in a folder or something in my documents (offline) because I don't want to delete everything completely. Can I do that in one ...
2015年04月19日(日)10時06分 受信
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I have a Blogspot blog, and I want that any time I publish a new post on my blog, a link to the new post will automatically be added to my Facebook news feed. Is there anyway to do this?.
2015年04月19日(日)10時20分 受信
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How does one find out how to become a blogger, or how much a blogger makes?
2015年04月19日(日)10時29分 受信
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Excellent thoughts
2015年04月19日(日)10時48分 受信
here from here
I was thinking of starting a blog so I did some research into it on the internet and came across a lot of stuff that talks about legal issues and blogging. I'm not planning on blogging about controversial issues, (my blog would focus on posts about books, movies, culture, theater, music etc, and all...
2015年04月19日(日)12時13分 受信
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Why is my computer making a beeping noise and freezing on start up?
2015年04月19日(日)12時45分 受信
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Hello.. . I would be grateful for advice on creative writing copywright issues.. . When submitting poetry, short stories, novels, or features to publishers and literary agents to consider for publication, is it an idea to protect the copywright?. . If so, what's the best way to do this?. . Thank you...
2015年04月19日(日)13時27分 受信
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I haven't a clue how to use Wordpress and Comicpress to create sites and publish comic strips! Please help. Do you know of a good walkthrough? Thanks much!.
2015年04月19日(日)14時07分 受信
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I recently got a blogspot for my mixtapes that I uploaded but when I search my DJ name (even full url), it doesn't appear in the google search. Does it take about a week for it to appear or do I have to pay to get it to come up?.
2015年04月19日(日)15時29分 受信
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I'm planning to create my own blog, and a question comes up to my mind..
2015年04月19日(日)15時44分 受信
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From where to start blogging?Suggest good blogging websites and also hot topics to write blog on.?
2015年04月19日(日)16時58分 受信
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What is the difference between a blog and a website?
2015年04月19日(日)17時23分 受信
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How to create a with connection to flash player in joomla?
2015年04月19日(日)17時26分 受信
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I'm going to do a presentation about thebillboard website . I need some informations about how is started ? and if there is a story behind its starting , and I need to know why it's important for the media's life ? Alos, what does it do ?.
2015年04月19日(日)18時27分 受信
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So how can I delete an activity from my blogspot profile? Thanks <3. So I just followed another persons blog and then I clicked on my profile from the list of her followers and I want to delete one of my activities from there but I don't see a delete button? Where is it?.
2015年04月19日(日)18時34分 受信
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In Firefox I normally use right-click > "Open in new tab" when browsing web pages. This can also be done when clicking on a bookmark. . . Is there any way to get Firefox to do this automatically (by default) when left-clicking a bookmark instead of having to do the right click?...
2015年04月19日(日)20時02分 受信
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I want to start a fashion/lifestyle blog. I love photography, but I want to upgrade my digital camera to a more professional one. I also wanted to start this blog, so which camera would you recommend me. I have a small budget, so if you could find something that is not too pricey, I would appreciate...
2015年04月19日(日)20時51分 受信
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My school has both and they are the same thing. Everytime I go to a site it says either: You must have firefox, or You must have internet explorer. Also why is firefox downloadable? Wouldn't you already have a browser?. What are the add ons like? Internet explorer has tabbed browsing..
2015年04月19日(日)21時07分 受信
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Why do copyright holders want to restrict distribution of their content to a particular country?
2015年04月19日(日)22時36分 受信
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How to install a custom blog design while using ftp publishing?
2015年04月19日(日)23時31分 受信
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Is it necessary to get the copyright of the game content developed individualy before publication?
2015年04月19日(日)23時32分 受信
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I have had Firefox, IE, and Google chrome downloaded onto my computer for a while now with no problem. Recently I downloaded YIM and now Firefox doesn't start up. If I restart my computer a few times, and try to open it a few dozen times each time I restart, it will eventually pop up. How do I fix i...
2015年04月19日(日)23時41分 受信
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The first piece is geotagging each blog post on some sort of map.. . The second piece is meshing those points on a map with other people. Essentially we'd like several members of our team to provide updates regularly and post their locations to the same map..
2015年04月20日(月)02時28分 受信
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I want to start a blog that deals with moral issues. I want people to be able to see it, and also be easy to use and post..
2015年04月20日(月)02時46分 受信
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What sites and blogs do the surfing community communicate most on?
2015年04月20日(月)03時03分 受信
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I understand how to use Banners in Joomla, but the banners are not displaying. How do I choose where the banners show up? I see no option for that. Its published..
2015年04月20日(月)03時12分 受信
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Can you access a computer from the iPod touch without installing anything onto the computer?
2015年04月20日(月)04時07分 受信
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They are noteworthy for the possibly of the making of a book..
2015年04月20日(月)04時44分 受信
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So I created a secondary blog off my first one, but I now want my secondary blog to be my personal or my main blog. So that as soon and I sign on the newer blog I made would be my default blog. If that makes any sense... Is there a way to do this?.
2015年04月20日(月)05時41分 受信
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Blogspot blog: How do I get rounded corners for my backgrounds?
2015年04月20日(月)05時44分 受信
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Well I started my blog in the beginning of March, I have 21 different entries already. How soon do you think the web crawler will pickup my blog and index it into the search engines ?.
2015年04月20日(月)05時53分 受信
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I find myself wanting another website to blog,post,etc. help ?.
2015年04月20日(月)06時11分 受信
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I want to start a website for my Roller derby team, all we have is a myspace right now. How can I start a website that has a dot com, or html, etc, that I can design on my own, and keep up on my own so that we can actually have a website for fans to go to???? Thanks any and all help appreciated..
2015年04月20日(月)06時31分 受信
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How to recover blog in blogger When it counted as spam in blogger?
2015年04月20日(月)07時57分 受信
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Every code I try either leaves a massive gap at the top of the page, or at the bottom of the page. Its definitely that code causing it.. I've tried so many codes trying to hide the blogs & extended network, but they all leave a white gap either at the top or at the bottom.. Anyone got one that do...
2015年04月20日(月)09時20分 受信
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For instance, major music stores like iTunes are not available in Asia and US TV networks which let viewers see programmes on their website don't make such programmes available to viewers outside the US. This is even if people are willing to pay to download or see the content.. Isn't an online stor...
2015年04月20日(月)11時17分 受信
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How do I copyright articles and newsletters that I am wanting to publish?
2015年04月20日(月)12時07分 受信
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How to reduce the number of feed headlines in Blogger?
2015年04月20日(月)12時23分 受信
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I'm finding them for my sister. I'm trying to find the most recipes with pictures and the ages of baby for the recipes. Blogs are usually where I would expect to find them..
2015年04月20日(月)12時40分 受信
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GoDaddy tech support is so frustrating. First, I used their applications panel to install joomla, but when I uploaded my local site via ftp, it didn't work. I called GoDaddy support and they do not give support for migrating a local site to their host. You just have to build it from scratch from ...
2015年04月20日(月)13時54分 受信
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What is the difference between a blog and a website?
2015年04月20日(月)14時30分 受信
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Every few minutes Firefox tries to open a site. Because I just got a Trojan off my computer. So the link to the virus does not work anymore but Firefox keeps trying to open it. It says it cannot display this webpage. So how do I stop this?.
2015年04月20日(月)14時43分 受信
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I've been building websites for a while now... like 10 years, haha. Just for fun of course. Nothing major. But some people have seen my work and suggested I start a website building business or some sort. How would I go about doing this? I don't know a whole lot about servers and such but I'm a very...
2015年04月20日(月)15時15分 受信
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I have a website that has been up and running for some time now, and for numerous reasons I want to replace it with a Wordpress site.. . So, how do I start building the Wordpress site - in a seperate folder from the "public_html" folder? Then when you are ready to move it into the...
2015年04月20日(月)15時45分 受信
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I am going to be a junior in high school in a month when school starts and I want to start looking at schools. I am really interested in creative writing and literature. What are some good schools for that? I also want to study philosophy. . . Thanks!.
2015年04月20日(月)16時10分 受信
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How do i make videos bigger in my blogger website larger?
2015年04月20日(月)17時10分 受信
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Is there automatic and legitimate copyright for the content on a site?
2015年04月20日(月)17時29分 受信
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I am helping some friends get their shop on the map and noticed. They have a web site. One of the ways in my research to optimize a web site is to use a blog. I am not blog savvy and neither are they so need a little help as to good sites to place there blog so that they get noticed..
2015年04月20日(月)19時03分 受信
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What are some good blogging sites where your posts are actually read by others daily?
2015年04月20日(月)19時47分 受信
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I need to see facebook live from my blogspot page..
2015年04月20日(月)19時55分 受信
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I'm looking for some really good business blogs to add to my google reader that are worthwhile following on an ongoing basis. Can you make and recommendations? I have Seth Godin's already. Thanks!. . It would also be helpful if you told me why you liked these blogs..
2015年04月20日(月)23時10分 受信
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I'm an aspiring writer-of all literary trades (journalism, screen writing, satire, etc)-but I want to start a blog for some adult oriented, romantic fantasy literature. Anyone know how I can start a blog that will allow me to do this? I believe I'll need a warning page before entrance, and I want it...
2015年04月20日(月)23時25分 受信
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How can I get a blogger to remove a defammatory post on a blog?
2015年04月20日(月)23時30分 受信
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Why do copyright holders want to restrict distribution of their content to a particular country?
2015年04月21日(火)00時51分 受信
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I need a good male pseudonym to use when blogging.. Sorry if this is the wrong place for the question :(. It sort of relates because I want to blog, but I don't want my acquaintances/friends to see it..
2015年04月21日(火)01時35分 受信
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Is this possible? I am following two Blogspot accounts using my Twitter account. But when I look at my Twitter news feed, I never see updates from either of these Blogspots (and they have been updated). Is there a setting I need to change, or is this not even possible to do?.
2015年04月21日(火)02時16分 受信
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I have created a blog using Blogspot, and I want it to appear on Google Search. Can someone provide me with the steps to do so? . . Much appreciated!.
2015年04月21日(火)02時45分 受信
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What is the top blogging site in the United States?
2015年04月21日(火)03時00分 受信
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How long does a copyright last on newspaper articles?. . If a service copies newspapers articles and then posts it in a database on the Internet, is there also a copyright on the Internet content?.
2015年04月21日(火)04時10分 受信
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I bought a new wordpress blog but it doesn't have the blog stats which shows site hits on it. The blog has over a million hits so I need it. And blog stats are on my other wordpress blog so where is it on my new one?.
2015年04月21日(火)04時35分 受信
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I am in an english class at the University of Tennessee and my professor stated that if one of us can get published our blog published on the website, we will get an automatic A in the course. Please, if anyone knows how you can get a blog published on Amnesty International, or has any tips, please ...
2015年04月21日(火)04時37分 受信
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How do I switch some blog posts from one of my blogs, onto a different blog. Both on Blogger?
2015年04月21日(火)06時39分 受信
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How much money have you earned by blogging on the internet?
2015年04月21日(火)07時40分 受信
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How do you password protect a Blogger blog on a custom domain?
2015年04月21日(火)08時08分 受信
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Is there a computer program that will automatically start other programs?
2015年04月21日(火)08時52分 受信
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I am new to blogging. What website is good for blogging for a summer reading book assignment?
2015年04月21日(火)09時00分 受信
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What joomla component would you recommend for member photo uploads?
2015年04月21日(火)09時40分 受信
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Confused about Copyright policies from sites that let you 'digg' articles?
2015年04月21日(火)11時46分 受信
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where is the best site to do a blog,blog tips be grateful. thanks for help. sam i tried get your blog but seems no thread,check it out.
2015年04月21日(火)12時14分 受信
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Every few minutes Firefox tries to open a site. Because I just got a Trojan off my computer. So the link to the virus does not work anymore but Firefox keeps trying to open it. It says it cannot display this webpage. So how do I stop this?.
2015年04月21日(火)12時32分 受信
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People post links to websites that have (for example) live streaming football and they nearly always have .blogspot. in the link. When I follow these there is just match details and adverts, no football (even when I know the game is being played). Do I need to install something or sign up to somethi...
2015年04月21日(火)13時49分 受信
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Hi, What is the best free software to automatically backup wordpress database and files ? A software that is trustworthy and would not hack your password in wordpress. Have you tried it ? For How long ? Thanks......
2015年04月21日(火)14時12分 受信
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I follow all the installation instructions, after downloading, but Mozilla Firefox blocks the installation..
2015年04月21日(火)14時30分 受信
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Also, what degrees (if anyone) would be required to be an independent creative writing teacher?.
2015年04月21日(火)15時55分 受信
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I will regularly upload tons of stock imagery but I?m not sure what to do about the copyright issue? please help!. . Thanks!.
2015年04月21日(火)15時56分 受信
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Well put from an ideal blogger
2015年04月21日(火)16時34分 受信
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I have an essay in Microsoft Word format which I want to copy/paste into my blogspot blog. But every time I do this, I get error messages from blogspot about all the weird Word coding, and then it comes out looking all crazy format-wise. How can I strip the text of all the Word junk?. . I don't know...
2015年04月21日(火)18時03分 受信
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Whenever I go on my computer after a few minutes (I'd say about 5) it just restarts for some reason. I've tried to restore my computer but can't because it will restart before it finishes. How can i stop the restarting or reatore my computer when this is happening Someone please help.
2015年04月21日(火)20時26分 受信
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For my Creative Writing class we have to write a short story, I really want to write some thing along the lines of Columbine, but I'm worried about the reaction of my teacher. As far as I know, he has no personal history with the idea, but ... I don't know. What would you want to see out of a short ...
2015年04月21日(火)20時48分 受信
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How does one find out how to become a blogger, or how much a blogger makes?
2015年04月21日(火)21時23分 受信
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Preach it my brother.
2015年04月21日(火)21時48分 受信
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I'm looking to spike my journalistic career and thought that a blog might be a good idea. But I also know that there are ways to set up a paypal account attached to the blog for payment to read it or donate. I guess I was inspired by the movie Julia and Julie and I want to do it on my own. Any ideas...
2015年04月21日(火)22時56分 受信
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I really love the sciences, especially chemistry and physics. But I also love the creative aspect of the spectrum, such as writing and books. I really want to write. Would it be smart to minor in English or Creative Writing but major in the sciences? Does it look acceptable? I'm new to college stuff...
2015年04月21日(火)23時05分 受信
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I have just spent the last few months creating a blogging website from scratch and i am launching on Monday. I was just wondering if anyone knew some free ways to get it noticed on google or through fan pages or something, other cheap options would be great too thanks..
2015年04月22日(水)00時22分 受信
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Whats the difference between firefox, google chrome, and internet explorer?
2015年04月22日(水)01時09分 受信
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How do you save your bookmarks in Firefox when transferring from one computer to another?
2015年04月22日(水)01時14分 受信
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What is the best free blog for a photographer to use?
2015年04月22日(水)01時45分 受信
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I've heard you can make money off of advertisers. Is it really a significant enough amount to make it worth it? Or does the real benefit in blogging come from the exposure you get? I'm a bellydancer and I dance at private parties and events. How could I use a blog to get more business? I've hea...
2015年04月22日(水)03時05分 受信
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What blogging site can I start a blog and actually get viewers or subscribers?
2015年04月22日(水)03時12分 受信
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I have a wordpress blog with a lot of pictures hosted on third party websites. I want all the pictures to be hosted in my wordpress blogs. I don't want to manually download all pictures and replace them in the posts, i need something to do that automatically..
2015年04月22日(水)03時30分 受信
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I want to start my own blog but I want a free blogging site that I can video blog on but I also want to be able to do a text blogs on it to? Does anyone know a good site for this?.
2015年04月22日(水)04時39分 受信
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How can I change the settings in Thunderbird so that I choose the e-mail address used to forward blog posts?
2015年04月22日(水)05時41分 受信
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Right on!
2015年04月22日(水)06時47分 受信
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How can I install WordPress without losing all the indexed html pages?
2015年04月22日(水)07時56分 受信
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i want to start a website to sell my beaded jewelry but i dont know how to start website so if u have any ideas or frnds that u know please tell me i really nee help or if u have any frnds that like wearing jewelry please tell me to i can do special orders.
2015年04月22日(水)08時28分 受信
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Is it possible to hide certain blog posts on Blogger? If so, how?. . I know that I can save my post as a draft, or have it scheduled, but what I need is to hide my post for a giveaway but still have certain followers be able to access it through a link.. . So it needs a url in blogger before I actua...
2015年04月22日(水)09時08分 受信
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I'll be teaching a creative writing class this summer to a group of 11-14 year-olds. I have experience teaching writing (mostly poetry) to adults, but teaching kids will be new territory. Does anyone have some great tips, websites, resources for exercises, and reading materials for this age group? T...
2015年04月22日(水)09時24分 受信
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Every few minutes Firefox tries to open a site. Because I just got a Trojan off my computer. So the link to the virus does not work anymore but Firefox keeps trying to open it. It says it cannot display this webpage. So how do I stop this?.
2015年04月22日(水)10時45分 受信
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Now, I'm a complete newbie (and dummie), so please help - I like a few features from Dynamic Drive, but how EXACTLY to insert them? Where do I go after I login into my Control Panel on Joomla?. I know how to copy-paste, but details? Please? I'm just afraid to delete something necessary and break the...
2015年04月22日(水)11時55分 受信
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I have had an online magazine for 3 years, and we are looking to spice up the website. We've used Joomla, but are now looking for something new. Is Wordpress better than Joomla? We will be adding content rich items on the site: videos, etc. Any suggestions?.
2015年04月22日(水)12時14分 受信
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I want to start a blog, which camera is the best ?
2015年04月22日(水)12時41分 受信
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I have a wordpress blog now, but I can't figure out how to get readers into there! I have been using myspace and it's been great, subscriptions like crazy, but a lot of them don't have wordpress...so no leads there. Besides, I am posting the same info to both, so it's not much of a point of them g...
2015年04月22日(水)12時58分 受信
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How do I get Firefox not to block the installation of farmville toolbar, Allow did not work?
2015年04月22日(水)13時53分 受信
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How do I change the background on my blogger/blogspot to what I want?
2015年04月22日(水)14時10分 受信
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Where can I find blogging websites that deal with legal issues?
2015年04月22日(水)14時44分 受信
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There are thousands of blogs that requires comments on them. What is the intention of blog comments?
2015年04月22日(水)16時12分 受信
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Like videos on the internet. I think people should have to have proof, cause there are a lot of trolls, you know people with no life that have nothing better to do than screw things up for everyone else..
2015年04月22日(水)16時54分 受信
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I've been thinking of moving from Joomla to Wordpress because it's much easier to use and much more convenient. But the problem is I have many posts, and I don't know what to do... since I'm not a programmer or anything.. . How can I migrate from Joomla to Wordpress?.
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Confused about Copyright policies from sites that let you 'digg' articles?
2015年04月22日(水)22時49分 受信
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How would I go about creating a new blog that could become successful in less than a year. I have a lot of ideas of different things I could include, so I don't know that content would be an issue. What are good ways to promote a new blog and is it better to jump around with different topics or stic...
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How to delete comment that I have approved to published on blogger?
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I was thinking of starting a blog so I did some research into it on the internet and came across a lot of stuff that talks about legal issues and blogging. I'm not planning on blogging about controversial issues, (my blog would focus on posts about books, movies, culture, theater, music etc, and all...
2015年04月23日(木)01時28分 受信
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I just arrived in Chiang Mai. I wanted to post on my blog, at Blogspot, but all of the headings are now in Thai, not English. Is the problem with my computer, or the hotel's wi-fi service, or what? How can I get things back to English again?.
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I work for a company that is wanting to e-mail some of our media contacts from our Press Release blog posts. The main problem I am running into is finding a service that doesn't require opt-in. Does anybody have any suggestions?.
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I want to transfer to a college that focuses on English and have a good Creative Writing program. I want to major in creative writing but don't know what college to transfer to..
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I recently did a system restore on my computer and have yet to reload my antivirus software. Apparently somewhere along the process something called Antivi took over my computer and I can't do anything, not even get to my task manager to end the program. Any advice?.
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How can I show the latest article of my blogger blog on a different site?s home page?
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My friend wants to read a story I wrote in a video on her Youtube channel. I'm concerned that my story could be stolen by some one, and have them claim it as their own, not that I think it's really good enough for anyone to want to steal it. How likely do you think it would be that my story would be...
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Hi,. . I want to know can I use content from websites like Microsoft or apple or similar to write technical articles or is it violation of copyright law?. . Thank you.
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I have got a web template but I want to customize it using joomla. Is it possible. Please let me know..
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I want to protect some of the original writing on my website & was wondering how to do this.... a)Can I put the Copyright notation on it without revealing my real name? . b)How do I have proof that it is my original work? How about saving the writing in MS Word?. c)Is there any point in copyright...
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I wrote a new LiveJournal blog post about 20 minutes ago, and have Facebook set up to import my blog posts. It's already imported all my old ones; how long does it take for Facebook to check for new blog posts, and to import them to my Facebook notes?.
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I have a wordpress blog with a lot of pictures hosted on third party websites. I want all the pictures to be hosted in my wordpress blogs. I don't want to manually download all pictures and replace them in the posts, i need something to do that automatically..
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I have asked a question similar to this topic before and was helped out, but now id like to get specific. In the beginning of the movie he (Mark) posts on a blog as he works on the girl rating site, "FaceMash", and as well as bash his ex girlfriend he updates his progress on creating...
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How can I add a byline to the beginning of my blog posts?
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I have a blog that's private, so no one else sees it, but I still want to make it look nice. How can I personalize my blog without fucking it all up?.
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How realistic is it to make money by writing articles or blogging on the internet from home?
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Hey guys, I know not many people use Blogspot anymore, but I'm trying to add some music to may page. I keep finding really bad explanations for how to upload music. I've already uploaded my music onto various websites so they are in URL format, but I don't know where to go from there. Anybody care t...
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Blogger/Blog*Spot feeds shows the most recent (recently updated as the default setting) 25 headlines or what others call as post titles. My question is how can I increase/decrease the number of those headlines because I think they're too many..
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I have a blogspot page, How can I traffic the vistors and get their ip address?
2015年04月24日(金)06時53分 受信
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I'd see all kinds of ads about blogging on the Internet to earn money, but don't know of anybody that has actually made any money this way. I'd love to hear from anybody who has..
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I'm just having this crazy idea, I'm planning to post comic pages or strips on Blogger, since its generating revenue from Google Adsense, I might profit from this, hehe (me gloating like an alien Ferengi). Will this idea work?.
2015年04月24日(金)11時22分 受信
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How can I insert a tag cloud into my blog @ blogspot?
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I need to earn a little extra money and I am a very opinionated person so I feel like writing blogs would be a good start to making some extra cash. I am a full time college student and I also have a $20 hour a week job but I am still having problems making ends meet. Thanks for any help!.
2015年04月24日(金)12時15分 受信
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How come I get this ? when using Firefox and when I am using Internet Explorer shows what I am supposed to get, (Wed) ,as the text. If you cannot see what I put down it is a small box with the numbers 26 and 20 inside of it.. Is there a fix for my problem?. Thanks in advance..
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How to reduce the number of feed headlines in Blogger?
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If I start a blog on Myspace, will it get listed in search engines like Google? If so, is there a way to keep them from being crawled?. . Thank you.
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How do I copyright the title and the content of an international online newspaper?
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I currently have a two column Joomla website, however I don't like the sidebar being on the right. Is there a way to either convert a two-column jJomla website into a three column one, or at least move the sidebar to the left?.
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Hello? I run a student service oriented website which has a good no of hits. I would like to convert it to a business. Can I register the website itslef as a company or should I start a company and the website should be owned by it? What is the protocol to start a new website company in India? Pleas...
2015年04月24日(金)18時18分 受信
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How do I get my Wordpress blog posts to get views in the days after I first post them?
2015年04月24日(金)18時50分 受信
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I am working on an educational website and the owners wanted an article section where I put articles they indicate on the site. The articles come from news/magazine and other online article/new sources. I have been listing ?Article Taken From: (URL)? and a link to the original article. I thought ...
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How to insert Dynamic Drive codes and scripts on my Joomla site?
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Hi,. I am new to joomla and my boss is asking me to add some of the joomla functionality to the current website so that the owner of the website can itself modify the contents. I am having no idea about how to do that. My boss says that there is no need to re-build the website in joomla. If anybody ...
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I wonder why those servers with copyrighted content stay up. I see a lot of "don't post any US content" but they don't care at all about content from japan.. . Is it just that Japan doesn't care much about their copyright laws?. . It is hundreds or maybe even thousands of servers wit...
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I created a new user, opened Firefox, and there are only the default bookmarks. There is an "import" function, but it only offers to import Internet Explorer bookmarks. Is there any way to copy/import between users on the same machine?.
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The template needs to accommodate text as well as some videos. Any apt ready templates in Joomla?.
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I have a WordPress blog and what I need is to rotate my blog posts over and over with a preset time interval. And also I'd like to shuffle my posts. Would RSS feeds pick up the rotated blog posts as new ones? Does someone have this PHP code? Thanks.
2015年04月25日(土)03時45分 受信
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How can I fix Firefox browser because it opens everytime not only my homepage but 2 more pages from NoScript and Firefox update? I tried cleaning cache and everything I found. Still no ideea! Thanks!.
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How do Microsoft and the owners of Firefox make money? Google is planning to create a browser also to compete with them called "chrome". I was wondering where does the source of revenue come in? There are no ads, etc. These programs are free..
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I was watching the episode of Ugly Betty where she started a blog.. . I've always wanted to have a blog (that people would actually read!) and I have some great ideas for some but how do i actually start one on the internet?. . Help much appreciated..
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I've asked my older sister countless times to format my computer because I'm experiencing lag in the game I play. Btw, this computer has been formatted 4-5 times. But whenever I ask my sister to format my computer, she says no because she says that if you format a computer too much, the computer its...
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I have got a web template but I want to customize it using joomla. Is it possible. Please let me know..
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I wanna start a website about fantasy sports. I have lots of ideas for content..
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I want to transfer to a college that focuses on English and have a good Creative Writing program. I want to major in creative writing but don't know what college to transfer to..
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I was thinking of starting a blog so I did some research into it on the internet and came across a lot of stuff that talks about legal issues and blogging. I'm not planning on blogging about controversial issues, (my blog would focus on posts about books, movies, culture, theater, music etc, and all...
2015年04月25日(土)13時41分 受信
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I'm trying to build a membership website and people have told me that Joomla works best. I have downloaded Joomla and don't know what to do from there. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Does this cover PHP as well or do I need to download that?.
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I have a food blog on blogger and I would like to add a option to make it easy for people to print my recipes. Any help? I have looked at the few places the net has up but they do not seem to be good nor work. Thank you..
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I want to start a website and I have no idea how. It has to be free and relatively simple, and I want other people to be able to comment on articles/pictures. Any suggestions?.
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Im 13 and i really want to start a blog?
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My friend and I have been discussing personal blogs and online journaling. She feels that personal feelings and such should not expressed in such open forums. I see no problem with it. Share your thoughts:. 1. Do you blog or journal?. 2. Do you prefer face to face expression of feelings over written...
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Like videos on the internet. I think people should have to have proof, cause there are a lot of trolls, you know people with no life that have nothing better to do than screw things up for everyone else..
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I want to know where exactly to paste the code on my template in my blog so that the 'Digg It' Button shows up for each and every post of mine.. . Also If I want to show how many diggs I got on one of my blog post where do I show it? Where exactly do I put the code? And where do I get the code from...
2015年04月26日(日)00時39分 受信
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The widget works with Wordpress but it's impossible to make it work with Joomla. Is any of you using it with that cms?. Thanks..
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Almost three years ago, my old computer had many bad viruses and bad pop-ups. I have some files left on that computer and I did not see them for almost three years ago. I wonder I will like to see my old files again that I can connect to my new computer to old computer. That is problem that I am afr...
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Does everyone like blogspot or is there a better way to go?
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Can I install a different Wordpress theme to a Wordpress hosted blog?
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I want to start a blog. How do I get free web site traffic?
2015年04月26日(日)08時09分 受信
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I have asked a question similar to this topic before and was helped out, but now id like to get specific. In the beginning of the movie he (Mark) posts on a blog as he works on the girl rating site, "FaceMash", and as well as bash his ex girlfriend he updates his progress on creating...
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How can I get Firefox to save a webpage from the local files, rather than downloading it from the Internet?
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I am a little confused on exactly how I would make money by blogging, I mean who pay me and how, once I blog who come to my page and how do I get them there. I really appreciate if some one could break it down for me.. . Thanks!.
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So I just made a blogspot about SNSD. I dont really know how to let other people know about the blogspot, like you know famous? But not the real famous glamorous type. Because I really want to maintain the site but thats kinda tiring if you keep on posting stuffs if no one knows about it..
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How can you make your blog posts visible to only you on Yahoo! Pulse?
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I would like to know if there is a way to post short stories, and ongoing episodes for a story online and that it gets legitimate copyright on a site. I want to avoid sending my material to get copyright each time I make an update to my stories. The bottom line is that I want to enjoy getting onlin...
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How do I change the background on my blogspot including sidebars?
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I use firefox and some nights at 12:00 exactly or 12:30 exactly, firefox stops working and does not load a page. The internet connection is perfectly fine though because it says excellent. I am connected to a home router and the signal strength is always excellent. I do not know why this happens at ...
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I'm curious, because I want to study creative writing in college. Thanks!.
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I want to start a blog but would like to own the domain. Any ideas how to go about this?.
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How do I start and use a blog? Also, what is the best blogging site?
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If I publish my articles to my school paper are they copyrighted or do I have any ownership over them?
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In Blogger's new Template Designer there is no template which contains fluid width in for the text body. Does anybody know how to change to fluid width in the new templates? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated..
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What if i created a blog with the same name as other blog accidentally? is that legal?
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How do I switch some blog posts from one of my blogs, onto a different blog. Both on Blogger?
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A) it is acceptable to use copyrighted material for economic gain as long as proper credit is given to the author.. . B) all original work located on the Internet is to be considered copyrighted.. . C) only items marked with the ? symbol are considered copyrighted.. . D) all Internet content is free...
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I have a hosted Wordpress blog. For some reason, my blog posts are being sent out to followers of another blog. The other blog owners uses Blogger. We can figure out why or how this is happening?.
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I have some videos that say "includes third party content" and others that say "blocked in some countries" (due to copyright).. Is it still possible for me to become a partner (considering I have all of the other requirements filled).
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Is Joomla software harder than Dreamweaver to learn. I have been told that Joomla is easier than Dreamweaver. Do Joomla make its own codes like Dreamweaver. I want to learn it and I want to buy the software. Please give me your opinion. Do I need to buy the Joomla program or not? . . Thx, God bless...
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I am trying to find a good blogging site where I can actually get viewers or readers to view my blog. I have tried blogspot and live journal with no real success. Does anyone know of any good sites where I can actually blog and get readers?. . Another thing is any tips to get readers to your blogs? ...
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Hi,. . I want to post directly to my wordpress blog from my desktop, specifically from Command prompt. . . I know there is a protocol called xml-rpc, but that is of no help to me, as I don't know what on earth it is. Any help would be appreciated..
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I'll be teaching a creative writing class this summer to a group of 11-14 year-olds. I have experience teaching writing (mostly poetry) to adults, but teaching kids will be new territory. Does anyone have some great tips, websites, resources for exercises, and reading materials for this age group? T...
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I want to start a blog that deals with moral issues. I want people to be able to see it, and also be easy to use and post..
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I'm a teenager and I heard that you can actually get paid for things like this. I'm experienced with computers and have good literature skills and I'm sure I can write successful blogs/articles.. . On a different (sort of) topic, would I be able to join affiliate programs?.
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What are the best free blogs that allow user-sponsored advertising and sales?
2015年04月28日(火)13時17分 受信
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I have my own blog and might bid on projects to blog for others. I believe there are some guidelines out there around what is allowed or not regarding images posted on public blogs (such as copyright rules, licensing, or trademarks). Is there anywhere to go to find industry guidelines for blog po...
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Someone said that you had to buy a domain, or your blogs weren't seen by everybody, is that true? Do you know what a domain is? IF not do not answer please..
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I want to start my own website. Are there any places I can do this for free with minimum advertising on them? Or all free places have heaps of advertising?.
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What are the skills that I need to run a website business, I want to display some useful info on my site to earn money. I am not talking about designing part, I know how to launch a website but don't know how to get advertisements from companies, marketing, managing, updating, customer service and t...
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How can I be sure that my Blogspot account was deleted?
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Getting a new computer. Can't seem to get my bookmarks out of firefox. Need this information TONIGHT. Have to give the computer to it's new owner tomorrow morning. Is there anyway I can save the bookmarks within an firefox account online so that when I download firefox on the new computer they will ...
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I want to start a fashion blog but have no idea where to start?
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I have to write about two pages for creative writing. Do you have any ideas that I could use, or a topic for by paper? Thank you!.
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What information technologies could we use to make it easier to keep track of when new blog posts were made and which blog posts we had read and which we haven't read? Please be precise.
2015年04月29日(水)05時09分 受信
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I have a domain that is redirecting it views to my main site. I want to build a wordpress site on that domain but i cant access my admin for wordpress because it just redirects me to my main site. I don't want to take my domain off redirect until the wordpress site is done. So what do i do?. It is r...
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How can you tell if a video has copyright content or not?.
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^. . Background: I'm applying for an MFA in creative writing program, and I've never taken a creative writing course. Most of my creative writing knowledge comes from research I did on my own. I'm wondering if during my research I at least learned the basics of creative writing, or if I really do ne...
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I will regularly upload tons of stock imagery but I?m not sure what to do about the copyright issue? please help!. . Thanks!.
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How do I go about copyrighting content of my website?
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I am visiting Hollins University very soon because I've researched all the aspects of the english/creative writing department and love it to death. But I am looking for a couple good safety schools with the same strenghts. Any ideas?.
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I have a weird desire now to make a false blog. What is a good blog site to do this and let people know that its not really my thoughts but of my characters thoughts?.
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2015年04月29日(水)16時49分 受信
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I'm looking for clothing and style ideas at a reasonable prices for a woman over 25.. . Anyone know any good sites or blogs?. . Seems like everything I find is either geared toward teens or is insanely expensive couture.. . Thanks!.
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So I kinda wanna get into blogging. I was wondering where can I make a blog where people might actually read it?.
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How can I get Firefox to save a webpage from the local files, rather than downloading it from the Internet?
2015年04月29日(水)17時39分 受信
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I like Facebook, but I hate that their notes section isn't as appealing as MySpace's blogs. I've recently transferred a blog from MySpace to Facebook using the "share" icon located beneath each blog.. . However, I do not like the way it appears on my Facebook page. Are there any bett...
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What is the easiest way to copy my WordPress blogs to a new hosting company?
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I am looking for creative writing training(novel writing), cause you can only teach yourself so much until you need outside help!. . Has anyone had any positive experience with such a service that they would recommend?.
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In Blogger's new Template Designer there is no template which contains fluid width in for the text body. Does anybody know how to change to fluid width in the new templates? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated..
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I have a blog with blogger. I have registered my blog using a gmail account. Now, I want to use a new gmail account and I wanted to import my whole blog along with the posts and comments to this new gmail id.. . Please tell me, is this possible and how can it be done?.
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Looking for a good website to post samples of creative writing for others to read, review and comment on. Any ideas?.
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Confused about Copyright policies from sites that let you 'digg' articles?
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I'm going to start a serious blog that will eventually hold a great deal of content. I am a graphic designer, and my husband does my web programming, so this is for reals (haha, yes I just said that). That being said, I've already started collecting my content and writing entries, but just how much ...
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I would like to start making money blogging. Can someone lead me in the right direction? There are so many free sites, kits, etc? Don't know where to start?.
2015年04月30日(木)00時09分 受信
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Am i legally responsible for content on my blogs & forums that others have written?
2015年04月30日(木)02時36分 受信
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Where can I find info on how to protect/copyright articles posted on the web?
2015年04月30日(木)03時01分 受信
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If I publish my articles to my school paper are they copyrighted or do I have any ownership over them?
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There are thousands of blogs that requires comments on them. What is the intention of blog comments?.
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Preach it my brother.
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How do I copyright the content on my web site?
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I have been blogging since last month, my blog was indexed already in google but during the test i conducted, i search for a certain keyword related on my blog but it only shows the blog title and it directs me to the homepage not on the actual post. Need help!!!.
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Copyright - How Can The Week Magazine Re-Print Magazine Articles?
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I'm only 15, but i'm trying to raise money to go on a expensive trip next year. I am planning on getting a summer job, but it usually only pays minimum wage. I just want other people's opinions on whether its safe and a good idea to become a blogger to get money. thanks!.
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I have just gotten a blog on blogspot. People comment me and I was wondering how you comment back to them without e-mailing or going to their blog. .
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I'm wanting to look at blogs containing music I like, but sifting through all the detached, outdated and crap blogs is a hassle. . I know there are thousands of blogs, is there a good resource to seek out the preferred ones?.
2015年04月30日(木)12時02分 受信
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Fair use provisions of the copyright law allow for limited copying or distribution of published works without the author's permission in some cases. Examples of fair use of copyrighted materials include quotation of excerpts in a review or critique, or copying of a small part of a work by a teacher ...
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Hi All,. . I am creating a website for overseas students who are in Australia and those who are thinking of applying a student visa to Australia. (fyi, website will be in the local language).. . I have found a PDF file on the Australian Embassy website advising how to apply those main visas and appl...
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I am just starting out and want to get a blog started..
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Why does Alex Jones just post mainstream news articles on his website? Isn't he breaking copyright laws?
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I want to major in either English Literature, Creative Writing or English with a minor/concentration in Creative Writing..
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I wonder why those servers with copyrighted content stay up. I see a lot of "don't post any US content" but they don't care at all about content from japan.. . Is it just that Japan doesn't care much about their copyright laws?. . It is hundreds or maybe even thousands of servers wit...
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What are Mark Zuckerberg's blog posts in the movie "The Social Network"?
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Hi, What is the best free software to automatically backup wordpress database and files ? A software that is trustworthy and would not hack your password in wordpress. Have you tried it ? For How long ? Thanks......
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I want to start a newspaper online and need to register the name and the content. Need to do it internationally. However, not a clue how to do it... I've already got a domain, but the title would be slightly different from the domain name..
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I want to have a secret blogspot page, but some people I know have been able to find my URL via a Google search...is there a way I can prevent this? I don't want anyone to be able to realistically find the URL unless I give it to them. . . (Please don't suggest that I switch to another blog site.) ....
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I am going to be a junior in high school in a month when school starts and I want to start looking at schools. I am really interested in creative writing and literature. What are some good schools for that? I also want to study philosophy. . . Thanks!.
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I like to collect information from various sites. There are time when I like few points while reading a site. I would like to blog my findings. Will I face a copyright issue if i directly copy paste the few points from other sites? I have seen the usage of "source". If i mention the ...
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I have been told to go and open a Wordpress blog account to make web mini sites (web presence) and I am wanting to know if you have better ideas or simply more ideas? Advise for Wordpress would be great as well!.
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I'm not great with html, but I think there's a simple way to add a byline to the beginning of my blog posts under the title. Is there anywhere I can find a step-by-step guide on how to do this?. The blog is set up on Wordpress, and is using the pilcrow theme - I hope this helps?.
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I have a Blogger blog that is hooked up to my personal website. The actual blog is linked off of the homepage. I would like to know if there's a widget or something that I can put on my website's homepage that will show my latest blog posts. Not the whole post, but maybe just the headline and a lin...
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I use firefox and some nights at 12:00 exactly or 12:30 exactly, firefox stops working and does not load a page. The internet connection is perfectly fine though because it says excellent. I am connected to a home router and the signal strength is always excellent. I do not know why this happens at ...
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^. . Background: I'm applying for an MFA in creative writing program, and I've never taken a creative writing course. Most of my creative writing knowledge comes from research I did on my own. I'm wondering if during my research I at least learned the basics of creative writing, or if I really do ne...
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I was thinking of publishing or posting online some of my articles I've written for school but can't afford to copyright them. If they are in my school paper, do I hold any ownership over them or are they protected by law?.
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