
今日は ホワイトデー♪  〇藤 会長 のために 至上最強の 贈り物 超高級腕時計 のバンド ? まばゆく キラめく ばかりのダイヤモンド ??

 今日は、待ちに待った ホワイトデー??


  史上最強の男 〇藤会長 の ・・・・・




  大変、長い時間待っていただいたかいがあり、( 8ヶ月間 )


 史上最強の男 〇藤会長の

   特別注文されたものとは・・・・・( パリス・ヒルトンもビックリ! )

ファイル 123-1.jpg


  世界でたった 1つの 

   スペシャルオーダーで 特別注文された

  超高級な アルミホイール なんです!!

 ( もちろん! 一緒にデザインを考えてくれた

     デザイナーさんも世界で5本の指に入る超有名人なんですよ♪ )

 アルミホイール と言っても



 なんと! 超高級 腕時計の バンド が


   合計 〇〇〇カラット あるか分からないくらいの

     宝の石 が 数え切れないくらいです・・・!!


  スイスの 超高級腕時計 の バンドは、100m防水付  です!



ファイル 123-2.jpg


 オシャレはまず 足元から ですからね!






     時計とネックレス ぐらいですよね! それに、車♪♪


     オシャレ な オヤジは 小ワザ が 違う!

 アレ や コレ や と 揃えたものの、


    必要なのは、センスじゃなくて、 お金 です!!





 ベントレーが、もう一台! 買えてしまいますよ~~~~~~♪

   それに、高級車には、 それに見合った

 高級なタイヤが必要です。( タイヤをケチると恥をかきますから )

ファイル 123-3.jpg

 フェイスコーポレーション では、

  タイヤの ハメ替え や バランス調整 も

  その場で 出来てしまう と言う、
  お客様にとって、超便利な 車屋さんです!

  しかし、今回の タイヤ ハメ替え 作業 には、



   ハメ撮り プロフェッショナル な2人組みが


  なんと! 6時間以上もかかってしまったんです・・・

   〇藤会長 秘書の 〇田さんには



 村上店長が せっかく 最近 生えてきた 毛 が



ファイル 123-4.jpg


 世界 で 1セットしかない ホイールが 取り付け 完了です~!!!!!

  ベントレー フライングスパー に

   この 22インチ 特別注文 ホイールは

         スゴく キマッてますよね!!! カッコ良すぎます!!

 しょうじ のセンスは 抜群 でしょ!


   どんなことでも 相談してくださいね!

 必要なのは、 お金 じゃなくて センス です!!!!

 今回は、クリスタルガラスコーティング の施工も




 輝きになりましたね!! 〇藤会長の輝きには負けますけど・・!

 まかせてください!  何なりと・・!!

 * オー〇クチュール の 〇田会長 にも

   今回は 大変ご協力頂き、本当にありがとうございました。

   お土産のお菓子も大変美味しかったです! 大好評でした!


ファイル 123-5.jpg

( この写真は、〇藤会長 じゃありません。少し似ている写真です )

 〇藤会長 いつも フェイスコーポレーション を




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im starting a blog and i need a way to prove the content is mine so i think when i write a post i will record it on camtasia studio, will it prove 100% it is mine?. . i dont want to pay 30 $ each post to copyright them..
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Just got a Blogger account, it works good, but how do I find different users blogs I like with search. I remember there is a way, but I am not seeing it now. Thanks for your help..
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Anyone know of or have links to Australian copyright infringement cases involving photos or articles? Thanks.?
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I made a blogger account a few months ago, and i added some pictures to my sidebar and don't know how to remove them. I used the image hosting site 'Photobucket' to put the pictures on my blog, and put my login information there nd they did it for me. I don't like how one of the pictures look and I ...
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I have a small background in magazine journalism but my new job requires no writing at all, except for emails. . . I would like to start doing some creative writing but I don't know where to start, as in, what do I write about, and whether it's actually worth bothering with or not. I'd probably be m...
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Hi all - I have a straight-up HTML website that I'd like to transition to Joomla. If possible, I'd like to install Joomla into a subfolder and create and test the site there, while keeping the existing site functioning until I'm ready to move it over. Is this possible?. . Thanks!.
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I am new to web designing and it made me more confused when I stumble into this content-management-system thing. I'm planning to update a site that is not designed using JOOMLA and was wondering if I can use Joomla to update it..
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I have a wordpress blog with a lot of pictures hosted on third party websites. I want all the pictures to be hosted in my wordpress blogs. I don't want to manually download all pictures and replace them in the posts, i need something to do that automatically..
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I have a wordpress blog and I would like to remove everything (it's hosted on my own domain and hosting) because I would like to delete my site. How can I save my blog posts in a folder or something in my documents (offline) because I don't want to delete everything completely. Can I do that in one ...
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I have a site, and my content is protected with a Creative Commons license, but I want to copyright it so places like eBaums World doesn't steal my content. How can I get my entire site copyrighted?.
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I have written several articles and posted them on internet article directories. All directories I have posted on state that if others wish to use the article they must place the author's link/s along with the article. I have found a website that used my article and did not give me any credit (inclu...
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How do I export my Blogspot blogs to my Weebly blog?
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I have a food blog on blogger and I would like to add a option to make it easy for people to print my recipes. Any help? I have looked at the few places the net has up but they do not seem to be good nor work. Thank you..
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I just went on Blogspot and made a blog, I want to make it for invited members only. I've seen blogs like that, but I don't know how to do it myself. I already made it so that my blog isn't visible from my profile, but I don't know what to do next..
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I've mistakenly changed my admin priveleges on one of my blogs to "guest". I need the blogger people to restore it. I cannot find an actual email or contact form anywhere, and I've googled everything, including the Blogger Group on Google Groups, where they try to push everyone who n...
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I am trying to find a free Dreamweaver alternative and it looks like Kompozer is good. But I could not find any feedback with using this program for wordpress templates. I wanted to know if anyone has used it and how well it works. Thanks in advance..
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I am a business man dealing in direct marketing. I need to start a blog for my business purposes. For this I hope I do not have to have an exclusive web site. Kindly advise about books where the fundamentals are explained..
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I have not read too many good things about Webfetti - mainly people wanting to remove it from their computers, so I'm looking for alternatives that I do not need to install.. Do you have web-sites where I can copy codes from to change the layout of my blogspot blog? The templates on blogspot are fin...
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I just arrived in Chiang Mai. I wanted to post on my blog, at Blogspot, but all of the headings are now in Thai, not English. Is the problem with my computer, or the hotel's wi-fi service, or what? How can I get things back to English again?.
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I need to find blogging websites that deal with legal issues such as contracts, wrongful death claims, fraud, etc. I don't even know where to start looking. Any advice would be appreciated.. . Thanks..
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I'm going to start a serious blog that will eventually hold a great deal of content. I am a graphic designer, and my husband does my web programming, so this is for reals (haha, yes I just said that). That being said, I've already started collecting my content and writing entries, but just how much ...
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I see articles online all the time and some are quite interesting. Since I've written quite a few articles myself, and even published a few books, it could be helpful for me to get my name out there by presenting my articles. How would I go about putting them online for everyone to access, and coul...
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I just installed a new itunes on a different computer, and I want to manually sync some videos to my ipod. What I need to know if if I plug my ipod into the computer(which is FILLED with my music) will it start to synchronize right away to the empty itunes list? I don't want to loose my music on the...
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I recently got a blogspot for my mixtapes that I uploaded but when I search my DJ name (even full url), it doesn't appear in the google search. Does it take about a week for it to appear or do I have to pay to get it to come up?.
2014年03月30日(日)21時18分 受信
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i am setting up A web portal for my business. and i want to know the copyright guidelines, specifically the legality of copying other articles from other websites. in other words, is it ok to copy an article from another site and paste it in my site ( of course, i will be putting the reference sourc...
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I want to start a website where i can put google adds on, i have 10 dollars to spend and i know that isn't a lot but it is better than those free websites that don't let you do anything. so how do i get started?.
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I keep several blogs & forums and allow people to write their comments on them. I check regularly and remove any swear words, etc. I also ask commentors not to leave any derogatory terms on the blogs/forums.. However, that said, am i still legally responsible for the content on my blog/forums if ...
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I am trying to start a formal, influential blog and I want to make sure it is professional. Since I have little to no blogging experience, I am trying to save some time by asking you..
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Is this possible? I am following two Blogspot accounts using my Twitter account. But when I look at my Twitter news feed, I never see updates from either of these Blogspots (and they have been updated). Is there a setting I need to change, or is this not even possible to do?.
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I want to have a secret blogspot page, but some people I know have been able to find my URL via a Google search...is there a way I can prevent this? I don't want anyone to be able to realistically find the URL unless I give it to them. . . (Please don't suggest that I switch to another blog site.) ....
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I have written several articles and posted them on internet article directories. All directories I have posted on state that if others wish to use the article they must place the author's link/s along with the article. I have found a website that used my article and did not give me any credit (inclu...
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I am new to blogging. How do I add a subscribe function to my site so new post will go to their email?.
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What do people think would be a good blog hosting website for creating a blog on? There are a lot I think so I don't know which would be most useful and versatile..
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I have seen a lot of blogs in blogspot. What purpose do they serve? Is it possible to make money through blogs. If yes how?.
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I am going to be a junior in high school in a month when school starts and I want to start looking at schools. I am really interested in creative writing and literature. What are some good schools for that? I also want to study philosophy. . . Thanks!.
2014年06月28日(土)18時15分 受信
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I'm trying to find blogs that have really great advice on what's in fashion and what the best makeup is..
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How do I get traffic to a blog on blogger?
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What computer software were computers using before Microsoft was invented? I googled it and couldn't find any info on it. Thanks and no jokes or dissing please..
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I bought a brand new hp computer over a month ago. Is turning it off every night bad for the computer or should the computer be left on 24-7. I have heard both ways. Any computer techs answers would be appreciated..
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2014年07月04日(金)18時03分 受信
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I have a MacBook computer and I want my pictures that are on my computer to be on my Motorola Razr 2 v9. I have a memory card and a memory card adapter. When I put the card in the adapter, the computer recognizes it. And the pictures that I have on my phone can transfer to the computer with no pr...
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If somebody like Julia Roberts or Natalie Portman had a personal blog where they posted pictures of their vacations or something, would you still take them seriously as actors? Do you think celebrities with personal blogs are less credible and taken less seriously than those who don't? Furthermore, ...
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I just discovered using Joomla for dynamic website design but feel the limitation on use of templates is a major minus. I think it should be possible to use my own template in the design. Anyone help?.
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I am looking both for blogs that give unbiased, balanced commentary on all issues or blogs that have a liberal or left-wing slant. Thank you..
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I am looking for a great blogging website, but there are just too many! I am actually looking for a website that's free and there can be many bloggers on one site. For example, I created a blog and people who I choose (friends and family) can easily start blogging on the site. If I could easily upda...
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Hi,. I have a question that I hope will have a simple answer. I have a wordpress blog and right now my side navigation menu is on the right side. I would like for the menu to be on the left side. Can someone please tell me how I would go about doing this, in simple terms, please? . . Or point me in...
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I've recently started a webcomic. After viewing some of my favorite other webcomic sites I noticed that they had a ? in every comic posted. My questions are: Do you have to Copyright a webcomic? Is it as simple as just typing in a ? into every comic or do I have to register something somewhere?.
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I'm wanting to look at blogs containing music I like, but sifting through all the detached, outdated and crap blogs is a hassle. . I know there are thousands of blogs, is there a good resource to seek out the preferred ones?.
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I want to gain more followers by submitting my pictures to blogs. Like when people click through, they will link to my blog.
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How Can I Copyright Protect Stories and Articles on My Website?
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I think I set the settings wrongly. Now that I changed the settings, there's only 1 out of 8 posts visible to the public. Previously set to mature content, despite the lack of nudity. Should I double-post? It's the blog part that confused me..
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I have a great interest in computer and aircrafts, especially military aircrafts. I am planning to do computer engineering and be involved in the designing of military aircrafts (aircraft's computer).. I need to know whether the US Air Force needs computer engineers and if yes, will a computer engin...
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I'm interested in fashion and I want to start a blog but I have no idea where to start or how to get people interested in my blog. Any ideas welcome..
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I am thinking about becoming a 'ProBlogger". I know Blogging is a very slow business, but still i want to know how much time will it take me to start earning at least $100.. I can work everyday for approximately 11 hrs. Can i expect start earning $100 within two months.. Please folks help, g...
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Our business has been mentioned on a blog in a negative way and I am not sure how I can get the anonymous blogger to remove the post.. I've emailed her but have had no response. What are my options and what should my next step be?.
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Is Joomla software harder than Dreamweaver to learn. I have been told that Joomla is easier than Dreamweaver. Do Joomla make its own codes like Dreamweaver. I want to learn it and I want to buy the software. Please give me your opinion. Do I need to buy the Joomla program or not? . . Thx, God bless...
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I want to start an online business where I can earn money. I am planning an online parent coaching business where I can help parents through email and telephone conversations. I've never started a website and would like it to be fairly easy (if possible). Are there any free or inexpensive places whe...
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What do people think would be a good blog hosting website for creating a blog on? There are a lot I think so I don't know which would be most useful and versatile..
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So I'm obviously new to the site. I figured out how to customize my blog page but now I need some help learning how to delete the posts that seem to automatically be there as examples and create my own..
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Preach it my brother.
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How can I have updates of new blog posts from my blog being automatically posted on my Twitter?
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I really want to start a blog about Fashion and cute things for girls. But I can't seem to know how to start it. I'm not that confident because I'm not sure if it'll have potential like other blogs. I also don't know if what I post should keep up with Fashion trends or be my style. Another thing, ho...
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What is the difference between a Website Columnist and a blogger?
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I want to pursue a major in creative writing, and eventually become a fiction writer, but my question is, besides teaching english (which I NEVER picture myself doing), what is there for someone with a creative writing degree to do before they have written any books. My mom says a degree in creative...
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Is this possible? I am following two Blogspot accounts using my Twitter account. But when I look at my Twitter news feed, I never see updates from either of these Blogspots (and they have been updated). Is there a setting I need to change, or is this not even possible to do?.
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What is the best application for posting blogs or articles to my website?
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How do I copyright articles and newsletters that I am wanting to publish?
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I sign into my Tumblr account, and switch the dashboard from my main blog to the secondary blog, then I go to Account > Preferences > Customize your blog, but then it just takes me to the customization page for my main blog. Any way to customize my secondary blog, or should I just create...
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I am interested in advertising a new social networking site. I have never wrote a Blog before. How should I write this? . And where do I go to write a Blog. This is all new to me and I want to start rocking.. Thanks..
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How can I add a byline to the beginning of my blog posts?
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What is the easiest blog site to use? I also need one that you can post pics to from your cell phone?
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I love to write creative things such as poetry and short stories, but I don't know what I would be able to do with the creative writing degree. . . Besides an author or poet, what can I do with a creative writing degree?.
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I wanted to start making some money off of my blog, how would I go about doing so? What about google adsense or other programs like it?.
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How do I get "undefined" on my blog posts? There are 3 undefined words right below the title of my blog post. How do I get rid of it?.
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Hi. A few days ago I read somewhere that there is a website that has movies/songs etc for free downloading and they are not copyrighted. I forgot the name of the website. I think there was the word 'nation' in it, but I am not sure. Does anyone know about it? Thanks..
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I'm wanting to download some videos from various different sites like youtube, Google videos, and a few other sites for my entertainment at home. I've downloaded an extension from Media Converter for Firefox, but I don't see it anywhere. Can someone recommend an extension to allow me to download onl...
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I'm finding them for my sister. I'm trying to find the most recipes with pictures and the ages of baby for the recipes. Blogs are usually where I would expect to find them..
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What are good blog posts for a writer who wants to start a blog that even non-readers might want to visit?
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How can I install WordPress without losing all the indexed html pages?
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I wish to write articles based on the information collected through some copyright books. I won't copy - paste the material but edit or modify it in such a way that the meaning remains the same. I would also give credit to the books and their authors. Am I breaking any copyright laws?.
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I wrote a new LiveJournal blog post about 20 minutes ago, and have Facebook set up to import my blog posts. It's already imported all my old ones; how long does it take for Facebook to check for new blog posts, and to import them to my Facebook notes?.
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My bestfriend and I want to create a blogging site, but we dont know which one to use. We basically will just be uploading random stuff about anything but we want the site to be fun and decorative, not just a plain layout..
2014年12月24日(水)17時06分 受信
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2014年12月24日(水)19時51分 受信
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For instance, major music stores like iTunes are not available in Asia and US TV networks which let viewers see programmes on their website don't make such programmes available to viewers outside the US. This is even if people are willing to pay to download or see the content.. Isn't an online stor...
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Long time The planet pandora enthusiast, but since pointed out, really vastly outdone by simply different expert services when it comes to written content. Currently subscribed to help MOG and that is fairly great, although a work happening in a few parts. For instance , you'll still cannot ban/disl...
2014年12月24日(水)23時26分 受信
Fort Pierce trash removal from Fort Pierce trash removal
I have a portable version of Firefox on an external drive and I'd like to export my current Firefox settings form my laptop Firefox to it.. . Is this possible?.
2014年12月25日(木)02時31分 受信
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VI3?????!!!!!! holy cow gentleman... so what can i really do to help you upgrade? WICKED Acquiring looking at that to verify if Heavens are actually being sly I have found you happen to be looking at 2 various things. The web page contains the T&C's and also listed below these the licenses contra...
2014年12月25日(木)03時11分 受信
Mission TX dumpster from Mission TX dumpster
How can i change the font on my wordpress blog?
2014年12月25日(木)12時09分 受信
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What computer software do you need to make business cards from a personal computer?
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2014年12月25日(木)22時00分 受信
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What are some great ideas on teaching creative writing to kids?
2014年12月25日(木)22時35分 受信
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I want to start a website. It will be asking for money only to fund the seminars associated with holding meetings for the clients and for mailouts. How should I go about setting that up?.
2014年12月26日(金)06時42分 受信
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It didn't used to, the Specs are Nvidia 5500gt, 1gb RAM, so on, I know it's not the latest computer out there, it's mostly for playing very old games or surfing the internet. The computer automatically restarts at the beginning of a streaming video, it doesn't even try to run it. I ran the compute...
2014年12月26日(金)09時07分 受信
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2014年12月26日(金)09時37分 受信
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Confused about Copyright policies from sites that let you 'digg' articles?
2014年12月26日(金)19時25分 受信
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I am trying to build a blog as part of a project, and I have been told not use blogger or any of the blog building websites, Requirement is to get access to my blog privately without using any public site that requires me to log on to them before i get to my blog. How do i do it? Or is there any web...
2014年12月26日(金)23時58分 受信
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Creative writing copywright: How to protect work when submitting to potential publishers or literary agents?
2014年12月27日(土)04時55分 受信
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2014年12月27日(土)13時14分 受信
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If I start a blog on Myspace, will it get listed in search engines like Google?
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Zero HARDWARE?? It Pulls! . -= Chethan's very last weblog... Is actually all about Affiliate marketing! The Art of Communication =-.
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It didn't used to, the Specs are Nvidia 5500gt, 1gb RAM, so on, I know it's not the latest computer out there, it's mostly for playing very old games or surfing the internet. The computer automatically restarts at the beginning of a streaming video, it doesn't even try to run it. I ran the compute...
2014年12月27日(土)15時51分 受信
junk removal Muskegon MI from junk removal Muskegon MI
I want to be able to customize a wordpress themes to make them look a bit more origional. I know you can change the colors, etc. But i want to be able to change the size of the boxes and such. I like iblog and am looking for something similar but the free version is very limited and i cant afford to...
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2014年12月28日(日)02時38分 受信
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I actually hardly depart a response, on the other hand i had a couple of browsing and wound up in this article Joel Fights Again » Reveal Your Story. U get a number of questions to suit your needs in the event you usually do not brain. Can it be just me or maybe would it look like some of t...
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I have on the other hand expertise a few technological troubles by using this web-site, since I knowledgeable to help charge the web page sometimes earlier than I possibly could have it to load effectively. I was wanting to know if your web host will be ALL RIGHT? Certainly not which i in the mornin...
2014年12月28日(日)04時01分 受信
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2014年12月28日(日)05時49分 受信
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2014年12月28日(日)06時06分 受信
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It appears that this mobile phone provides great improvements over ipad tablet,,, the thing i always abhor is definitely, it's not going to support hardware,,,
2014年12月28日(日)09時01分 受信
Lima OH flood damage repair from Lima OH flood damage repair
There's an interesting webpage that has just been deleted, but thanks to the miracle of hibernation, it's still open in Firefox. The problem is, when I save it, it seems to attempt to retrieve the page from its source on the internet, which no longer exists. Is there any way I can configure Firefox...
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There's beneficial on my telephone referred to as deadbeat radio station... We have a google, therefore idk if there is schooling internet site That's why slacker entirely includes a laptop or computer web site. The fantastic. Really like deadbeat. They get considerably more music in comparison with...
2014年12月28日(日)10時07分 受信
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What computer careers involve the work that a computer repair technician or technical support specialist does?
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Hmmmm! wow its such as an addon can it be... High priced! damn.. each of their components are generally damn darn costly. -= Chethan's very last website... 15 Awesome Attributes of Ubuntu 12. 04. LTS Discharge upon April 28 =-.
2014年12月28日(日)11時00分 受信
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Someone said that you had to buy a domain, or your blogs weren't seen by everybody, is that true? Do you know what a domain is? IF not do not answer please..
2014年12月28日(日)20時40分 受信
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My spouse and i tested out the idea again today and while it proved helpful, it took permanently to download that. (2 minutes)
2014年12月29日(月)02時12分 受信
Hamilton dumpsters from Hamilton dumpsters
I have a website I will be updating a few times a week with original animations and short films along with concept art for the animations and other kinds of media. How can I copyright everything on my site so that the copyright info I have on the bottom of every page "All original content (C...
2014年12月29日(月)02時37分 受信
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I am struggling with this problem, unknowingly i started importing other person blog posts..............which i want to disable. Please help me out.
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Thank you! We invested in excess of 1 hour trying to find our. htaccess data file and then found the item thanks to your current post!
2014年12月29日(月)10時58分 受信
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Typically the report manufactured in this article (extract below) is actually incorrect.
2014年12月29日(月)16時03分 受信
flood damage repair Duncanville TX from flood damage repair Duncanville TX
My husband loves to write and he love sports?He needs a part time job so he was wonder if he can get paid doing what he love. How can he get paid blogging or writing about sports?. Thanks,He love and know allot about soccer or futball,and american football..
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Well... In my opinion anyone skipped often the goal connected with the article (or My spouse and i did not make the goal apparent and that is possibly more likely)
2014年12月29日(月)18時17分 受信
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The template needs to accommodate text as well as some videos. Any apt ready templates in Joomla?.
2014年12月29日(月)20時12分 受信
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Sawzag, I looked into this challenge, along with was struggling to replicate the item. Once you have been mailing the particular picture, ended up an individual capable to see the image in your information? William
2014年12月29日(月)20時32分 受信
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2014年12月29日(月)22時54分 受信
Mountain View CA flood damage from Mountain View CA flood damage
I want to start a blog but would like to own the domain. Any ideas how to go about this?.
2014年12月30日(火)04時24分 受信
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You actually suggest these opinion pockets? Really just the main design and style My spouse and i made only to have developed into the WP design. It’s not the tool.
2014年12月30日(火)11時51分 受信
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What is the easiest way to copy my WordPress blogs to a new hosting company?
2014年12月30日(火)13時02分 受信
Sunnyvale CA portable storage from Sunnyvale CA portable storage
I'm in high school and starting next year I will have to start looking at colleges. I know I want to find a college just for creative writing. I love writing stories of all sorts, and I know of a couple colleges that specialize in creative writing. But where would you recommend? Remember, I'm talkin...
2014年12月30日(火)14時47分 受信
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I can not run these kind of owners in the Windows 6.
2014年12月30日(火)15時13分 受信
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Wicked appears interesting my partner and i dnt tink diz ipad device is intended regarding humans Simply no additional units merely programs however software mean More cash to invest, and this will be the most awful issue. . -= GDI Blog's previous blog site... Come across Great Personal Injury Insur...
2014年12月30日(火)16時56分 受信
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3D machines usually are relatively great. They""re furthermore among the most detrimental thoughts at any time.
2014年12月30日(火)20時24分 受信
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I tried taking a look at your blog together with my very own i-pod touch along with the configuration doesnt are generally appropriate. Might want to give it a look upon WAP in addition to seems like almost all mobile cool layouts are not really working together with your web site.
2014年12月30日(火)22時10分 受信
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When i would generally agree, in cases like this it can quite simple. Additionally, Wikipedia possesses occur a good techniques mainly because it had been bashed with regard to enabling consumers to modify written content, there are lots of clubs associated with moderators in which the path in addit...
2014年12月30日(火)23時52分 受信
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How to recover blog in blogger When it counted as spam in blogger?
2014年12月31日(水)00時26分 受信
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Precisely how would a person make use of this solution yet build within the redundancy of any SAN? Could you develop only two of these along with influence VMWare and Windows features for you to duplicate files throughout the 2 in in close proximity to live?
2014年12月31日(水)03時20分 受信
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it is including Problem is together with LG ELECTRONICS Back button observe RD400, each week back again by mistake a number of records or declare a few process record or perhaps motorists say lost currently when ever my partner and i plugin LAN wire portable computer tend not to recognise that. I hi...
2014年12月31日(水)05時06分 受信
junk removal Decatur from junk removal Decatur
I have a website idea that i know will make me money, i just don't know what to do and where to start..
2014年12月31日(水)05時10分 受信
Jackson TN remove junk from Jackson TN remove junk
I have been told to improve your creative writing you need to read a lot.. What great classic books, can I read (from any period or country) that will improve my writing.. Genre is unimportant, though I am not writing for children.. I said classic, I read science fiction/recent literature as enterta...
2014年12月31日(水)10時00分 受信
Lafayette LA portable storage containers from Lafayette LA portable storage containers
I would like to remove the blogger and designer links on the attribution bar at the bottom of a blogger page. I know its not good to remove it and usually i don't, but this is a page for a business so it needs to look clean and profesisonal..
2014年12月31日(水)19時45分 受信
tree pruning in Santa Barbara CA from tree pruning in Santa Barbara CA
Blogspot blog: How do I get rounded corners for my backgrounds?
2014年12月31日(水)21時18分 受信
water extraction Baldwin Park CA from water extraction Baldwin Park CA
I close my browser often for various reasons, and having to repeatedly log into my accounts like Facebook, Yahoo, Gmail, and etc, is very inconvenient and getting gold. Firefox 2 never did this, just my current Firefox 3..
2015年01月01日(木)05時29分 受信
Plainfield NJ tree pruning from Plainfield NJ tree pruning
Is it necessary to get the copyright of the game content developed individualy before publication?
2015年01月01日(木)13時49分 受信
Vallejo CA junk hauling from Vallejo CA junk hauling
How many followers can be of your blog at blogspot?
2015年01月01日(木)15時28分 受信
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Certainly one of the conference speeches is termed Sorted out Homeschooler. I adore to notice fresh items persons accomplish.
2015年01月01日(木)21時02分 受信
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How does Computer Ram make a computer faster and deliver better performance?
2015年01月02日(金)01時10分 受信
Layton remove junk from Layton remove junk
What are some of the most popular/best blogs about cell phones and wireless tech?
2015年01月02日(金)06時12分 受信
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http://www.museudemedicina.fm.ul.pt/UserFiles_old_/config/fm.ul.pt-louisvuitton-f7oy11d5j.htmlヴィトン 偽物
2015年01月02日(金)10時22分 受信
tree cutting Gary IN from tree cutting Gary IN
I'm not great with html, but I think there's a simple way to add a byline to the beginning of my blog posts under the title. Is there anywhere I can find a step-by-step guide on how to do this?. The blog is set up on Wordpress, and is using the pilcrow theme - I hope this helps?.
2015年01月02日(金)11時11分 受信
water extraction Farmington Hills from water extraction Farmington Hills
How do I find someones blogger blogs with their email address?
2015年01月02日(金)21時05分 受信
dumpsters Warren OH from dumpsters Warren OH
I have three blogs on tumblr under the same email address. How do I delete one of those blogs without deleting the other two?. Preferably, I'd like someone to answer whom has encountered this problem before and solved it without deleting their other blogs.. Thanks!.
2015年01月02日(金)23時07分 受信
upholstery cleaning Albany NY from upholstery cleaning Albany NY
So I accidentally deleted the joomla folder. But the database its still there untouched..Is it posible that I re-install joomla and connect it with the old database and have all my articles and files back as it was?.
2015年01月03日(土)06時55分 受信
Eau Claire WI portable storage containers from Eau Claire WI portable storage containers
Is it possible to register a domain name and start web site through Microsoft Small Business in UAE ?.. If it is not possible through Microsoft small business, please advise me the best website to create a new website which can operate from UAE..
2015年01月03日(土)16時18分 受信
Pocatello ID junk hauling from Pocatello ID junk hauling
How can I transfer firefox settings from one computer to another?
2015年01月03日(土)16時53分 受信
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2015年01月03日(土)18時18分 受信
St. Peters MO dumpster from St. Peters MO dumpster
As I look at the major courses for both it seems that I can take screen writing and film courses as my general major elective as a English major. When I choose a minor which can be creative writing or film studies, I'm having a hard time because I want to pursue a career as a screenwriter for film a...
2015年01月04日(日)02時33分 受信
trx blog from trx blog
How do you start your own website to advertise your new business?
2015年01月04日(日)08時09分 受信
Baldwin Park CA tree service from Baldwin Park CA tree service
Can i protect my blog content copyright without registering it to copyright departmen? please help?
2015年01月04日(日)10時18分 受信
tree cutting Roswell NM from tree cutting Roswell NM
I am trying to get remote desktop connection going, for the computers in the same network.. The problem is, my computer (Windows 7) does not seem to register the other computers on the network.. . Can anybody point me in the direction that might solve this issue?. The other computers are xp, if that...
2015年01月04日(日)13時28分 受信
carpet cleaning Bakersfield CA from carpet cleaning Bakersfield CA
How to make a false blog on a character expressing his feelings?
2015年01月04日(日)23時13分 受信
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want to start blog how and where go about it?
2015年01月05日(月)00時30分 受信
here from here
How do I transfer my Blogger feed readers to my Wordpress blog?
2015年01月05日(月)01時08分 受信
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It"s i bet its hard to believe how novice individuals could be, scammers never stick to laws. In addition, they will not likely "print guns" It"s far more expedient of stealing or maybe acquire thieved firearms. Furthermore from this article you can see within the vid...
2015年01月05日(月)03時03分 受信
trx kit from trx kit
How do I switch some blog posts from one of my blogs, onto a different blog. Both on Blogger?
2015年01月05日(月)03時24分 受信
Tupelo MS water damage and restoration from Tupelo MS water damage and restoration
I want to know how to make my browser load fast on reboot. Most of the time, I only need the web browser but it takes ages because of other programs loading.. . I hope to find a way to boot up and get web browser straight up. I have IE, and FireFox and I am running windows xp media edition.. . Any s...
2015年01月05日(月)03時55分 受信
Vacaville CA junk hauling from Vacaville CA junk hauling
What type of images am I 'legally' allowed to include in my blog posts?
2015年01月05日(月)09時19分 受信
Caldwell ID tree pruning from Caldwell ID tree pruning
How to create a with connection to flash player in joomla?
2015年01月05日(月)19時13分 受信
water damage restoration Prescott AZ from water damage restoration Prescott AZ
I have a blog with blogger. I have registered my blog using a gmail account. Now, I want to use a new gmail account and I wanted to import my whole blog along with the posts and comments to this new gmail id.. . Please tell me, is this possible and how can it be done?.
2015年01月05日(月)21時25分 受信
dumpster rental Rochester Hills MI from dumpster rental Rochester Hills MI
I want to start a website and I have no idea how. It has to be free and relatively simple, and I want other people to be able to comment on articles/pictures. Any suggestions?.
2015年01月06日(火)05時06分 受信
Doudoune Moncler Pas Cher from Doudoune Moncler Pas Cher
Look at a new Siamese Kitty? (They intuitively run after and episode puppies even a Siamese cat may buzz whiz rustle fizz fizzle wheeze whistle snuffle and also spit and also pursue a complete dimension canine.... ) some remarkable nAnd a component of my family wants Romney to inquire Harry R...
2015年01月06日(火)10時49分 受信
tree removal Brentwood TN from tree removal Brentwood TN
How can I best copyright protect stories and articles on my writing website? I know you can insert a copyright symbol, but can this COMPLETELY protect against somebody copying and pasting your stuff and claiming that it is theirs?.
2015年01月06日(火)14時41分 受信
Modesto upholstery cleaning from Modesto upholstery cleaning
I'd like to start blogging but I have no idea which website to use? Which ones are the best?.
2015年01月06日(火)15時57分 受信
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to reach and touch individuals using a gameand a multimedia teacherAn incredibly significant issue you want to is |アグムートンブーツ口コミ|
2015年01月06日(火)18時33分 受信
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My wordpress blog with Arras theme shows different on different PC. Perfect on one PC, but wiered on the other?
2015年01月06日(火)23時30分 受信
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How can I get Firefox to save a webpage from the local files, rather than downloading it from the Internet?
2015年01月07日(水)03時49分 受信
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Blogspot Question: How can I make my current blog appear on my personal webpage?
2015年01月07日(水)03時52分 受信
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I've figured out how I wanted my blog layout and everything, it's just that other blogs that I've visited that use Blogspot have nice big headers. Mine is just text, so can someone enlighten me on how to make a pretty header?.
2015年01月07日(水)07時34分 受信
West Sacramento water extraction from West Sacramento water extraction
I've been building websites for a while now... like 10 years, haha. Just for fun of course. Nothing major. But some people have seen my work and suggested I start a website building business or some sort. How would I go about doing this? I don't know a whole lot about servers and such but I'm a very...
2015年01月07日(水)10時12分 受信
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Can I copyright 20 pages of old newspaper articles ?
2015年01月07日(水)11時09分 受信
Bartlesville OK tree cutting from Bartlesville OK tree cutting
I have a website I will be updating a few times a week with original animations and short films along with concept art for the animations and other kinds of media. How can I copyright everything on my site so that the copyright info I have on the bottom of every page "All original content (C...
2015年01月07日(水)14時33分 受信
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How can i migrate from Joomla to Wordpress together with all my posts?
2015年01月07日(水)15時25分 受信
here from here
How do I transfer current joomla files over to yahoo web hosting?
2015年01月08日(木)00時21分 受信
State College tree services from State College tree services
I have seen a lot of blogs in blogspot. What purpose do they serve? Is it possible to make money through blogs. If yes how?.
2015年01月08日(木)00時45分 受信
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I'm planning to create my own blog, and a question comes up to my mind..
2015年01月08日(木)03時50分 受信
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Am new to blogging. So would like to know more about blogs..
2015年01月08日(木)19時22分 受信
carpet cleaners Barnstable from carpet cleaners Barnstable
Thank you for a great post.
2015年01月08日(木)21時38分 受信
arvixe from arvixe
I'm looking for a nice digital camera under or around $200 for the purpose of blogging (as in wordpress, blogger, etc). I'm trying to get a blog which will be based around the daily photos I take despite the fact that I'm not really a photographer but only doing it for fun. Any cool features like ...
2015年01月09日(金)00時28分 受信
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I am trying to find a free Dreamweaver alternative and it looks like Kompozer is good. But I could not find any feedback with using this program for wordpress templates. I wanted to know if anyone has used it and how well it works. Thanks in advance..
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I want to use the WayBackMachine to try to retrieve my old Yahoo! 360 Blog posts, but I don't know what the URL format was. So far I am coming up empty. Anybody have an example URL that I can use to reconstruct a valid URL for my old blog? Thanks!.
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Is there free software or online database to keep track of scheduled blog posts? I would also like it to keep a record of past and future posts. I am trying to avoid creating a spreadsheet in Excel..
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I'm studying Journalism at the University of Minnesota, and I am looking for a good website to start blogging on. I'm mostly looking for a good sports blogging website, but a music website would also be of interest. I've heard about Bleacher Report, is that one of the main sites?.
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My friend wants to read a story I wrote in a video on her Youtube channel. I'm concerned that my story could be stolen by some one, and have them claim it as their own, not that I think it's really good enough for anyone to want to steal it. How likely do you think it would be that my story would be...
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I know that there are countless plug-ins designed to make the comments do-follow, but I'm looking for something that will make the links in the blog-posts themselves do-follow. Please include a link or detailed instructions on how to do this. Thanks!. Do you have any examples of themes that you kno...
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Just how does one make money from blogs? How does one start it or go about it? Is there a specific way to do it? Just how does one make money from blogs in the first place? Where does one get started in this? Do you have to advertise and use your credit card? Are there any certain kinds of rules you...
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I've figured out how I wanted my blog layout and everything, it's just that other blogs that I've visited that use Blogspot have nice big headers. Mine is just text, so can someone enlighten me on how to make a pretty header?.
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Please, I only like to have answer from articles expert/s. -Can you get penalized in search engines for submitting the same articles to multiple article submmision websites?. -What should I do to claim the copyright of my article/s? Should I post it on my website first before submit it to those web...
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I want to know how to make my browser load fast on reboot. Most of the time, I only need the web browser but it takes ages because of other programs loading.. . I hope to find a way to boot up and get web browser straight up. I have IE, and FireFox and I am running windows xp media edition.. . Any s...
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So I accidentally deleted the joomla folder. But the database its still there untouched..Is it posible that I re-install joomla and connect it with the old database and have all my articles and files back as it was?.
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I recently did a system restore on my computer and have yet to reload my antivirus software. Apparently somewhere along the process something called Antivi took over my computer and I can't do anything, not even get to my task manager to end the program. Any advice?.
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I wanted to start my own blog and I was looking for your suggestions for which sites you think are the best to start one with. . I want to be able to post pictures, text, and music (maybe).. I only want to use a free blog host..
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Just curious if there are any blogging websites where I can start a blog that aren't as well known.. I am already aware of sites like blogger, wordpress, livejournal, xanga, vox, etc. . . Are there any up and coming blogging websites possibly?.
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What do people think would be a good blog hosting website for creating a blog on? There are a lot I think so I don't know which would be most useful and versatile..
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I got collection of 22000 songs, and i would like to create own internet radio and DJ as well. Do anyone know how to do this in my blog page(blogspot) ?.
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I have about 4-5 sites that are outdated and not used. I have a new blog @ blogspot and I would like to forward those domains so they show up on the blogspot address. How do I go about doing this? My domains are hosted by GoDaddy and are blank at the moment. I had originally forwarded them to anothe...
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I want to start a blog that deals with moral issues. I want people to be able to see it, and also be easy to use and post..
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I have been told to go and open a Wordpress blog account to make web mini sites (web presence) and I am wanting to know if you have better ideas or simply more ideas? Advise for Wordpress would be great as well!.
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I have had an online magazine for 3 years, and we are looking to spice up the website. We've used Joomla, but are now looking for something new. Is Wordpress better than Joomla? We will be adding content rich items on the site: videos, etc. Any suggestions?.
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If I want to use a font that says it's for personal use only, would it be ok to use on blogger? Also, I don't know if getting Google Adsense would make a difference..
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There are a lot of blogging sites dedicated to celebrities (ex. Perez Hilton), love, fashion, travel, and food. But, how do I start one of my own specialty?.
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I have heard about sites that will pay you per post on your blog . . The one im planning on joining pays $10 per post. . Anyone know any good ones? Or better ones for that matter?.
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Whenever i start a video call/ web cam/voice call on live messenger, skype, google talk, yahoo messenger, my computer totally freezes, and gives an echo. I have to restart it manually. Sometimes it comes with a blue screen, and it restarts itself.. I am using Vista, and this situation existed when i...
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I am trying to build a blog as part of a project, and I have been told not use blogger or any of the blog building websites, Requirement is to get access to my blog privately without using any public site that requires me to log on to them before i get to my blog. How do i do it? Or is there any web...
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I am asking for my mother. She doesn't necessarily want to make money off them, her purpose is to use her blog (once popular) and use it as references to possibly help her get a newspaper article. She has a title for one called "Answers to Life's Problems". Where can she post blogs a...
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I have a video post in blogger then how can I put a repost link to that? I have already go to addthis but don't know how to put the code in its proper place wherein the individual posts are being place with an embed this or repost this or share this. Please help..
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I have two computers: I call one the "good" computer -- it has two monitors. The other is my "junk" computer with one screen where I download a lot of stuff to it.. . If I wanted to continue using both computers but only with the dual monitors, what would I need to bu...
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In other words, how do i search for blogs that fit what I want to read about? Does anyone know how to BROWSE through blogs by subject or whatever on blogger?.
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I want to start a blog that deals with moral issues. I want people to be able to see it, and also be easy to use and post..
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I have asked a question similar to this topic before and was helped out, but now id like to get specific. In the beginning of the movie he (Mark) posts on a blog as he works on the girl rating site, "FaceMash", and as well as bash his ex girlfriend he updates his progress on creating...
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In Blogger's new Template Designer there is no template which contains fluid width in for the text body. Does anybody know how to change to fluid width in the new templates? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated..
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I want to create a blogspot of my own and want to earn some money from that. Is possible?.
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When is it time to purchase a new computer?. . Some people I have talked to told me its good to purchase a new computer every 2 years however that could be expensive for most people. I always thought every 4-5 years.. . What is your opinion on this?. . The computer I own is 11 months old?.
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I'm finding them for my sister. I'm trying to find the most recipes with pictures and the ages of baby for the recipes. Blogs are usually where I would expect to find them..
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I'm wanting to download some videos from various different sites like youtube, Google videos, and a few other sites for my entertainment at home. I've downloaded an extension from Media Converter for Firefox, but I don't see it anywhere. Can someone recommend an extension to allow me to download onl...
2015年03月03日(火)08時16分 受信
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If you say admit to crimes (real or not real) on blog posts, can you be reported to the police and be tried on what is written online?. What if the crime was just a lie, and its a supposed crime you did in another country?.
2015年03月03日(火)18時34分 受信
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How do I copy my Wordpress blog onto my computer so I can locally edit and try out plugins before publishing?
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Is there a degree that exists for use of music AND creative writing two fields? If there is, do you know the name of it?. . I want to combine these two of my interests (loves) but I don't know what kind of degree offers the use of both.. . Please help? Approaching college?.
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What are some good sites and blogs for affordable fashion for adults?
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I made a few songs and I want to know how to alter the copyright content on an MP3 file so I can share it online? I want to add (p) Swagers Studios (2009) to the copyright content and was wondering if it was possible. Any help is greatly appreciated.. It's still not letting me edit the copyright con...
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How do I start a website with minimum or no advertsing for free?
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I'm finding them for my sister. I'm trying to find the most recipes with pictures and the ages of baby for the recipes. Blogs are usually where I would expect to find them..
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New to blogging. How can I make sure no one obtains my background images and text?
2015年03月05日(木)21時07分 受信
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I noticed that Wordpress charges a fee for you to make changes to your blog and blogspot doesn't..But does wordpress have some other advantage over google's blogspot that I'm missing?.
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Where are some good places to get good free blogger templates?. I know of pyzam but I would like to search others, what are some good sites?.
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Hey I was wondering if anyone could tell me which universities are the best (anywhere) for creative writing? I'm not interested in any universities in ontario because they dont offer the type of courses I want. I was also wondering if maybe there are schools specifically for creative writing? Please...
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What I have tried so far is: copy pasting from googledocs to Notes to wordpress, and copy pasting from googledics into HTML tab in wordpress. Neither tries retained the boldface text. Thanks in advance!.
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I understand how to use Banners in Joomla, but the banners are not displaying. How do I choose where the banners show up? I see no option for that. Its published..
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What is the best way to start a photography website?
2015年03月07日(土)12時27分 受信
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How do I go about copyrighting content of my website?
2015年03月07日(土)23時02分 受信
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Hi all - I have a straight-up HTML website that I'd like to transition to Joomla. If possible, I'd like to install Joomla into a subfolder and create and test the site there, while keeping the existing site functioning until I'm ready to move it over. Is this possible?. . Thanks!.
2015年03月08日(日)09時25分 受信
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I've heard you can make money off of advertisers. Is it really a significant enough amount to make it worth it? Or does the real benefit in blogging come from the exposure you get? I'm a bellydancer and I dance at private parties and events. How could I use a blog to get more business? I've hea...
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What is the difference between a Website Columnist and a blogger?
2015年03月08日(日)16時00分 受信
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It means i create a database using mysql and create a website using joomla so when i click a link from the web i can directly retrieve the data from mysql server.
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I was thinking of publishing or posting online some of my articles I've written for school but can't afford to copyright them. If they are in my school paper, do I hold any ownership over them or are they protected by law?.
2015年03月08日(日)18時26分 受信
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How do I put rss feeds on a classic blogger template?
2015年03月08日(日)23時08分 受信
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Where can I start a personal blog about anything & everything?
2015年03月08日(日)23時18分 受信
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I recently did a system restore on my computer and have yet to reload my antivirus software. Apparently somewhere along the process something called Antivi took over my computer and I can't do anything, not even get to my task manager to end the program. Any advice?.
2015年03月09日(月)00時35分 受信
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The background image of my website is labeled for commercial reuse. However, I need to copyright all other content (since I do not own the image), how do I go about doing so? Just to label my website as copyrighted... I am not concerned with the entire copyrighting process... All help is greatly app...
2015年03月09日(月)01時43分 受信
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So I just made a blogspot about SNSD. I dont really know how to let other people know about the blogspot, like you know famous? But not the real famous glamorous type. Because I really want to maintain the site but thats kinda tiring if you keep on posting stuffs if no one knows about it..
2015年03月09日(月)01時45分 受信
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I like Facebook, but I hate that their notes section isn't as appealing as MySpace's blogs. I've recently transferred a blog from MySpace to Facebook using the "share" icon located beneath each blog.. . However, I do not like the way it appears on my Facebook page. Are there any bett...
2015年03月09日(月)03時08分 受信
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Does everyone like blogspot or is there a better way to go?
2015年03月09日(月)03時15分 受信
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How long can my computer keep running with an outdated browser?. I browser my computer is outdated. However my computer's little outdated too, and doesn't have what it would need to run the new browser. Should I start saving up for a new one, or can this problem be dealt with for a few more years ye...
2015年03月09日(月)03時54分 受信
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How do you make your blog (on Blogspot) for invited members only?
2015年03月09日(月)04時15分 受信
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How to embed a music playlist in my wordpress blog?
2015年03月09日(月)04時16分 受信
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I have a blog made with Blogger and it has Blogger logos at the top.. I've seen Blogger blogs without them, and it makes them a lot cooler..
2015年03月09日(月)04時29分 受信
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I just downloaded Mozilla firefox, how do i make it so my opening page is bebo? I know its possible i just can't remember how. I mean so that when you open firefox its not google its bebo, if yous get what i mean?.
2015年03月09日(月)06時17分 受信
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What is the best website to start a blog that I eventually want to make revenue with?
2015年03月09日(月)06時21分 受信
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I am trying to start a formal, influential blog and I want to make sure it is professional. Since I have little to no blogging experience, I am trying to save some time by asking you..
2015年03月09日(月)06時26分 受信
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Fact: 99% of all articles and website content online is regurgitated and rewritten material from some original piece of literary or artistic work.. . So, isn't it true about web content copyright that as long as you reword or rewrite a piece of content from a site's copy online, then it's not theft ...
2015年03月09日(月)06時48分 受信
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Whenever I open firefox, it instantly crashes. I've tried opening it in safe mode and still it doesn't work. I even tried changing my homepage. When my friends give me a link in my msn messenger, it opens up firefox and it works fine, I'm able to browse the internet normally. What do I do? I already...
2015年03月09日(月)06時48分 受信
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Hi,. I am new to joomla and my boss is asking me to add some of the joomla functionality to the current website so that the owner of the website can itself modify the contents. I am having no idea about how to do that. My boss says that there is no need to re-build the website in joomla. If anybody ...
2015年03月09日(月)07時36分 受信
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I need to find blogging websites that deal with legal issues such as contracts, wrongful death claims, fraud, etc. I don't even know where to start looking. Any advice would be appreciated.. . Thanks..
2015年03月09日(月)08時54分 受信
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I want to start my own blog but I want a free blogging site that I can video blog on but I also want to be able to do a text blogs on it to? Does anyone know a good site for this?.
2015年03月09日(月)09時14分 受信
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New to blogging. How can I make sure no one obtains my background images and text?
2015年03月09日(月)09時14分 受信
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For the "letter to the editor," can one send his/her blog post to the editor. The instructions say: "Letters to the editor should only be sent to The Times, and not to other publications. We do not publish open letters or third-party letters.". . Does that mean blog p...
2015年03月09日(月)09時16分 受信
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I need to start up a website but i don't want to use a free web host. I will be using the website for a webcomic but i'm not sure how to go about it. Can someone help me?.
2015年03月09日(月)09時22分 受信
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I opened up a blogspot website and when I closed it 15 or so new windows opened back up to the same site. Why did that happen? Was it a virus?. Will it hurt my computer? How do I find it and get rid of it? I am running 2 virus scans right now but if those do not find it, how do I find it?.
2015年03月09日(月)10時37分 受信
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What degree could I get involving music AND creative writing?
2015年03月09日(月)11時22分 受信
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I want to start a blog that everyone will read. After all, my opinions are extremely important. How do I get started?.
2015年03月09日(月)11時43分 受信
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How can I prevent my blogspot from showing up in search engines?
2015年03月09日(月)11時43分 受信
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Is it true that blogs are just forum discussions with rss that would enable the user to watch what they wanted to watch more convieniently? Is that all the differences?.
2015年03月09日(月)11時53分 受信
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If I set up my own blogging web site. Is it okay to copy and paste pics on my site to suppour my blogging?
2015年03月09日(月)12時12分 受信
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How do I remove an image from my blogger sidebar?
2015年03月09日(月)13時46分 受信
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I was planning on starting the guide with wordpress..
2015年03月09日(月)13時56分 受信
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I know many wikipedia articles contains copyright violation or licence violation. how do i do this..
2015年03月09日(月)14時17分 受信
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What is a blogging site that allows you to sync with facebook for comments?
2015年03月09日(月)14時23分 受信
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It happens with out my knowledge. This leads me to lose my bookmarks, settings and is such a nuisance. How do I stop FireFox from losing my settings and bookmarks? Thank you..
2015年03月09日(月)15時05分 受信
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What are the most effective Wordpress plugins to attract the most relevant traffic and maximize website sales?
2015年03月09日(月)15時24分 受信
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I am helping some friends get their shop on the map and noticed. They have a web site. One of the ways in my research to optimize a web site is to use a blog. I am not blog savvy and neither are they so need a little help as to good sites to place there blog so that they get noticed..
2015年03月09日(月)16時50分 受信
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How much money have you earned by blogging on the internet?
2015年03月09日(月)17時18分 受信
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Wow! That's an appealing slant.
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Properly said & with glorious timing
2015年03月09日(月)17時24分 受信
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I just bought business plan pro, but I still don't quite understand how to estimate/compute the start-up costs for starting a business, in my case an online business at that. Is there a website that can assist me? Any suggestions? Thanks.
2015年03月09日(月)18時59分 受信
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What is the easiest way to get updates from my subscribed blogs?
2015年03月09日(月)19時16分 受信
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I've been trying everything and unfortunately they won't work. I tried posting a playlist in my wordpress in the 'Pages' section but the playlist won't show. Can someone please help with this?.
2015年03月09日(月)20時10分 受信
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What is the easiest way to add a blog to my existing website?
2015年03月09日(月)20時25分 受信
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I just went on Blogspot and made a blog, I want to make it for invited members only. I've seen blogs like that, but I don't know how to do it myself. I already made it so that my blog isn't visible from my profile, but I don't know what to do next..
2015年03月09日(月)20時33分 受信
Toko Selimut Di Solo from Toko Selimut Di Solo
I want to start a blog. It seems like blogspot is really popular. Does anyone have another free site that they like where you can make a blog?.
2015年03月09日(月)21時05分 受信
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I want to add a registration form to Joomla.. . I need to be able to edit the fields of the form. . The form needs to register people as users in Joomla, and trigger an HTML welcome email, as well as a notification to an admin about the registration.. . I've tried community builder, but you can't di...
2015年03月09日(月)22時30分 受信
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Firefox / internet does not work but internet connection is excellent?
2015年03月09日(月)22時39分 受信
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Copyright? Can I distribute publically distributed legal articles to my clients without violating copyright?
2015年03月09日(月)23時18分 受信
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I'd like to be able to tag blogs I like and have them show on my website. Any suggestions on the best route to take on this. Any input would be helpful..
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What's up with the new WordPress dashboard??? I don't know how to work it!!!.
2015年03月10日(火)01時59分 受信
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I want to start a website to post merchandise from home. Would a blog be fine? Or are there free sources for creating websites?.
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How do I start a website? I know that I have to buy a domain or something like that?
2015年03月10日(火)02時20分 受信
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How to create a with connection to flash player in joomla?
2015年03月10日(火)02時29分 受信
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I made a blogger account a few months ago, and i added some pictures to my sidebar and don't know how to remove them. I used the image hosting site 'Photobucket' to put the pictures on my blog, and put my login information there nd they did it for me. I don't like how one of the pictures look and I ...
2015年03月10日(火)04時03分 受信
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What are the norms of copyright of web content? How's it different from Patent?
2015年03月10日(火)04時50分 受信
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I'm not the owner of the site or of the copyrights, but it's very clear to me that this website is violating many copyrights. Is there a way I can report it under the DMCA? Thanks!.
2015年03月10日(火)04時57分 受信
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What type of images am I 'legally' allowed to include in my blog posts?
2015年03月10日(火)05時10分 受信
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Fair use provisions of the copyright law allow for limited copying or distribution of published works without the author's permission in some cases. Examples of fair use of copyrighted materials include quotation of excerpts in a review or critique, or copying of a small part of a work by a teacher ...
2015年03月10日(火)06時04分 受信
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What is blogspot when it comes to live streaming football?
2015年03月10日(火)07時29分 受信
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How can I copyright all original content current and future on my website?
2015年03月10日(火)07時34分 受信
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How do you create your own blogger header for your blogspot?
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I don't see a prompt or indication about how to start writing a blog. I want to know how to initiate one. Thank you..
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I want to start a blog that everyone will read. After all, my opinions are extremely important. How do I get started?.
2015年03月10日(火)08時17分 受信
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I wrote a new LiveJournal blog post about 20 minutes ago, and have Facebook set up to import my blog posts. It's already imported all my old ones; how long does it take for Facebook to check for new blog posts, and to import them to my Facebook notes?.
2015年03月10日(火)12時06分 受信
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Im a computer engineering student but i am planning to shift to other programs if computer engineering will not have a licensure/board exam.. i want to be a registered computer engineer!.
2015年03月10日(火)12時16分 受信
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From where to start blogging?Suggest good blogging websites and also hot topics to write blog on.?
2015年03月10日(火)12時42分 受信
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I have a friend that needs to raise $35,000 to get out of debt after being laid off. This would give her the fresh start on life since there are not many jobs in this area she could move and start over. I would like to help her and start a website for donations, even if people just gave a dollar, ...
2015年03月10日(火)15時21分 受信
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If I start a blog on Myspace, will it get listed in search engines like Google? If so, is there a way to keep them from being crawled?. . Thank you.
2015年03月10日(火)15時36分 受信
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I want to create a blog that has a creative layout like what you find on MySpace, but with more traffic. I'm not a fan of the Blogger site. . . Any suggestions?.
2015年03月10日(火)15時39分 受信
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How can I find cheap, reliable wordpress web designers that I can out source my webdesign work to?
2015年03月10日(火)17時09分 受信
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Blogspot Question: How can I make my current blog appear on my personal webpage?
2015年03月10日(火)17時34分 受信
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I am constantly signing in and out of my college website and it is rather annoying to always have to type in my user id. It used to be saved, but then I updated Firefox and it won't save.. . If anyone could explain to make Firefox remember that would be great. Thanks..
2015年03月10日(火)19時07分 受信
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How many articles does it take to start a good blog?
2015年03月10日(火)20時17分 受信
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I want to protect some of the original writing on my website & was wondering how to do this.... a)Can I put the Copyright notation on it without revealing my real name? . b)How do I have proof that it is my original work? How about saving the writing in MS Word?. c)Is there any point in copyright...
2015年03月10日(火)20時39分 受信
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How to install a custom blog design while using ftp publishing?
2015年03月10日(火)22時23分 受信
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How can I get Firefox to save a webpage from the local files, rather than downloading it from the Internet?
2015年03月10日(火)22時43分 受信
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I keep several blogs & forums and allow people to write their comments on them. I check regularly and remove any swear words, etc. I also ask commentors not to leave any derogatory terms on the blogs/forums.. However, that said, am i still legally responsible for the content on my blog/forums if ...
2015年03月11日(水)01時34分 受信
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How to let the other people know about your blogspot?
2015年03月11日(水)01時57分 受信
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I am 15 and I want to start a fashion blog. What should I call it? Also, please tell me any tips you have for getting started and what I could do on it or how to do it..
2015年03月11日(水)02時09分 受信
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How to change the preferences on a secondary Tumblr blog?
2015年03月11日(水)03時40分 受信
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I post them, they get 1 or 2 views, and then no more. I would like my content to do more than just give me a few views...how do I get them on the search engines or something like that? Will no one ever go to my blog just because I don't post every day?.
2015年03月11日(水)04時02分 受信
Toko Selimut Cirebon from Toko Selimut Cirebon
I was diagnosed with celiac over a year ago and have started inventing my own gluten-free recipes. I've gotten so many requests from people that I want to start a blog to start posting them. What free blog websites are out there and which ones are the easiest to access/most likely to pop up on a sea...
2015年03月11日(水)04時42分 受信
Toko Selimut Di Medan from Toko Selimut Di Medan
How can I drive more traffic to my railroad blog?
2015年03月11日(水)07時01分 受信
jamu tradisional agar cepat hamil from jamu tradisional agar cepat hamil
It means i create a database using mysql and create a website using joomla so when i click a link from the web i can directly retrieve the data from mysql server.
2015年03月11日(水)07時21分 受信
distributor madu penyubur al mabruroh from distributor madu penyubur al mabruroh
I want to start a newspaper online and need to register the name and the content. Need to do it internationally. However, not a clue how to do it... I've already got a domain, but the title would be slightly different from the domain name..
2015年03月11日(水)08時57分 受信
nutrisi supaya cepat hamil from nutrisi supaya cepat hamil
I need to find blogging websites that deal with legal issues such as contracts, wrongful death claims, fraud, etc. I don't even know where to start looking. Any advice would be appreciated.. . Thanks..
2015年03月11日(水)09時21分 受信
sepatu wanita murah from sepatu wanita murah
How does one copyright an article or story and what is the cost?
2015年03月11日(水)09時25分 受信
jual kaos captain america from jual kaos captain america
Would becoming a paid blogger be a good idea to get money?
2015年03月11日(水)12時02分 受信
dompet wanita from dompet wanita
How to delete comment that I have approved to published on blogger?
2015年03月11日(水)12時19分 受信
minuman agar cepat hamil from minuman agar cepat hamil
Are there any good schools where you could double major journalism and creative writing?
2015年03月11日(水)12時35分 受信
posisi ml agar cepat hamil from posisi ml agar cepat hamil
Is it possible for a 16 year old to make money out of blogging?. . I have no idea what a blog is or how they work.. . I know that it can make money though. . Thanks!.
2015年03月11日(水)14時16分 受信
madu penyubur kandungan balikpapan from madu penyubur kandungan balikpapan
I have had Firefox, IE, and Google chrome downloaded onto my computer for a while now with no problem. Recently I downloaded YIM and now Firefox doesn't start up. If I restart my computer a few times, and try to open it a few dozen times each time I restart, it will eventually pop up. How do I fix i...
2015年03月11日(水)14時42分 受信
Toko Selimut Hello Kitty from Toko Selimut Hello Kitty
I'm trying to find blogs that have really great advice on what's in fashion and what the best makeup is..
2015年03月11日(水)16時29分 受信
Toko Selimut Bola from Toko Selimut Bola
Is it possible to have CPAlead widget in a Joomla site?
2015年03月11日(水)17時33分 受信
cepat hamil dengan xamthone from cepat hamil dengan xamthone
What is the best free blog for a photographer to use?
2015年03月11日(水)17時39分 受信
jual kaos one piece from jual kaos one piece
I was diagnosed with celiac over a year ago and have started inventing my own gluten-free recipes. I've gotten so many requests from people that I want to start a blog to start posting them. What free blog websites are out there and which ones are the easiest to access/most likely to pop up on a sea...
2015年03月11日(水)18時46分 受信
bahaya madu untuk ibu hamil from bahaya madu untuk ibu hamil
What websites are for blogging only? Like writing journals but we can use a different name?
2015年03月11日(水)19時12分 受信
semenax obat penyubur sperma from semenax obat penyubur sperma
I want to be able to use my gmail account to forward blog posts to people, but for some reason Thunderbird keeps forcing me to use my college e-mail. Is there a way to change this?.
2015年03月11日(水)19時49分 受信
efek samping madu penyubur from efek samping madu penyubur
I really love to write and I'm pretty good at it. But whenever I try to write a story or something I start off good but always end up throwing it away--I can never seem to finish it. . . Sometimes I have a good idea that I really like but it's just hard for me to write a story about and keep going. ...
2015年03月11日(水)22時32分 受信
jual kaos linux from jual kaos linux
I'm planning to create my own blog, and a question comes up to my mind..
2015年03月11日(水)22時34分 受信
jual kaos nike from jual kaos nike
I work for a company that is wanting to e-mail some of our media contacts from our Press Release blog posts. The main problem I am running into is finding a service that doesn't require opt-in. Does anybody have any suggestions?.
2015年03月11日(水)22時47分 受信
madu penyubur kandungan untuk pria from madu penyubur kandungan untuk pria
Im based in London have worked as a secretary for more than 10 years and have an HND in Business Studies but am tired of admin work and office politics and would like to do something more creative- change careers.. . I write in my spare time and have attended an advanced writing course for the past ...
2015年03月12日(木)00時03分 受信
tas sekolah from tas sekolah
What is the procedure to copyright a blog content (text and images)?. I wish to copyright the content on my blog (content and images)?? can anyone please guide as to how can i go abt it?.
2015年03月12日(木)00時56分 受信
khasiat madu untuk hamil from khasiat madu untuk hamil
I would like to setup wordpress blog that would allow people to sign up to receive news letters and updates? Do I need to download wordpress to my computer? Is there any pre-made templates for this type?.
2015年03月12日(木)01時02分 受信
agen madu al mabruroh di surabaya from agen madu al mabruroh di surabaya
How do I get computer to turn off automatically after a period of inactivity?
2015年03月12日(木)03時26分 受信
tas selempang wanita from tas selempang wanita
What if i created a blog with the same name as other blog accidentally? is that legal?
2015年03月12日(木)03時30分 受信
khasiat madu bagi wanita hamil from khasiat madu bagi wanita hamil
What computer should I buy to run an Adobe CS4 Suite at full speed?
2015年03月12日(木)05時04分 受信
tas ransel from tas ransel
How do i put the blog comment approval on my myspace to approve blog comments before posting them?
2015年03月12日(木)05時25分 受信
ingin cepat hamil setelah kb from ingin cepat hamil setelah kb
I have a WordPress blog and what I need is to rotate my blog posts over and over with a preset time interval. And also I'd like to shuffle my posts. Would RSS feeds pick up the rotated blog posts as new ones? Does someone have this PHP code? Thanks.
2015年03月12日(木)06時10分 受信
grosir tanah abang from grosir tanah abang
How do I put a digg button for all my posts in my blog on blogger?
2015年03月12日(木)07時48分 受信
herbal untuk cepat hamil from herbal untuk cepat hamil
I wrote a new LiveJournal blog post about 20 minutes ago, and have Facebook set up to import my blog posts. It's already imported all my old ones; how long does it take for Facebook to check for new blog posts, and to import them to my Facebook notes?.
2015年03月12日(木)08時23分 受信
jual kaos joger from jual kaos joger
Can Blogger be a good place to post a webcomic?
2015年03月12日(木)08時25分 受信
rahasia cepat hamil from rahasia cepat hamil
How to install a custom blog design while using ftp publishing?
2015年03月12日(木)09時54分 受信
madu penyubur semarang from madu penyubur semarang
I have a blogger blog with a custom domain set up. I want to export it to a hosted wordpress blog. Some of my posts have good ranks with google and I don't want to mess that up. My new WP blog will be the .net of my custom blogger domain so the permalinks will technically change if I import the o...
2015年03月12日(木)10時59分 受信
www doa agar cepat hamil from www doa agar cepat hamil
How do i put music playing on my wordpress homepage?
2015年03月12日(木)13時10分 受信
tas branded terbaru from tas branded terbaru
Hi to all,. . Need tool for checking content copyright.
2015年03月12日(木)13時12分 受信
jual kaos crooz from jual kaos crooz
I have a website that has been up and running for some time now, and for numerous reasons I want to replace it with a Wordpress site.. . So, how do I start building the Wordpress site - in a seperate folder from the "public_html" folder? Then when you are ready to move it into the...
2015年03月12日(木)14時44分 受信
harga madu almabruroh from harga madu almabruroh
I know where the images from the blog posts are, but don't know where to look for the blog posts in my backups. Can you help? Hope it's not a silly question..
2015年03月12日(木)14時51分 受信
madu penyubur kandungan solo from madu penyubur kandungan solo
Can I copyright 20 pages of old newspaper articles ?
2015年03月12日(木)15時55分 受信
resep biar cepat hamil from resep biar cepat hamil
I enabled comments on my blogger page but it only shows the comments link, and when it's clicked, a new page opens to show the comments. Is there a way to just have the comments show on my main page right underneath the blog, I don't want just a link to the comments page..
2015年03月12日(木)17時48分 受信
jual kaos nike just do it from jual kaos nike just do it
How do I switch some blog posts from one of my blogs, onto a different blog. Both on Blogger?
2015年03月12日(木)17時49分 受信
merk madu penyubur kandungan from merk madu penyubur kandungan
Just bought a new laptop, not sure whether there is a way to take firefox bookmarks from old laptop to new laptop.. . Thanks..
2015年03月12日(木)19時20分 受信
agen madu penyubur kandungan al mabruroh from agen madu penyubur kandungan al mabruroh
Either double major with journalism and creative writing, or a "good" school in an urban area where I could major in journalism and minor in creative writing? I'm only a sophmore in high school but I know I love to write and I don't know what I'd enjoy more as an actual career, jour...
2015年03月12日(木)20時26分 受信
jual kaos liverpool from jual kaos liverpool
Whats a good website to start a blog on (a free one), and how would i do that?.
2015年03月12日(木)20時56分 受信
Toko Selimut Di Surabaya from Toko Selimut Di Surabaya
When trying to publish a book wouldn't you protect your story or content with a copyright?
2015年03月12日(木)22時16分 受信
bahaya madu untuk ibu hamil from bahaya madu untuk ibu hamil
What user friendly Wordpress text editing program should I use that is a free download?
2015年03月12日(木)22時17分 受信
manfaat sari kurma dan madu from manfaat sari kurma dan madu
I have just downloaded Joomla Stand Alone Server (JSAS) but i havent seen or set the password for the administrator console within.. I wondered whether or not there is a default username/password for this, if so, what is it?. . Thanks.
2015年03月13日(金)00時18分 受信
distributor madu al mabruroh from distributor madu al mabruroh
I want to change my Blogger/Blogspot background into a picture I want instead of the ugly plain ones that provide you with.. . I tried looking up on google how to change it but it only came up with how to change the background with the old Blogger. . . HELP!.
2015年03月13日(金)01時50分 受信
tas branded murah from tas branded murah
How to get FireFox or any browser up first on reboot?
2015年03月13日(金)04時07分 受信
jual kaos natgeo from jual kaos natgeo
I want to start a blog. How do I get free web site traffic?
2015年03月13日(金)04時13分 受信
posisi bercinta agar cepat hamil from posisi bercinta agar cepat hamil
what is some fun online sites to blog on and make fun posts besides facebook and tumblr?
2015年03月13日(金)04時24分 受信
madu kurma untuk ibu hamil from madu kurma untuk ibu hamil
I want to start my own website. Are there any places I can do this for free with minimum advertising on them? Or all free places have heaps of advertising?.
2015年03月13日(金)06時14分 受信
senam agar cepat hamil from senam agar cepat hamil
How to make a spoiler button in blogger blog posts ?
2015年03月13日(金)07時37分 受信
jual kaos captain america from jual kaos captain america
How do i put music playing on my wordpress homepage?
2015年03月13日(金)09時46分 受信
manfaat madu buat ibu hamil tua from manfaat madu buat ibu hamil tua
I want to know where exactly to paste the code on my template in my blog so that the 'Digg It' Button shows up for each and every post of mine.. . Also If I want to show how many diggs I got on one of my blog post where do I show it? Where exactly do I put the code? And where do I get the code from...
2015年03月13日(金)10時00分 受信
Toko Bantal Selimut Online from Toko Bantal Selimut Online
How to uninstall firefox using command prompt or from registry?
2015年03月13日(金)11時34分 受信
www.cepat hamil.com from www.cepat hamil.com
My wordpress blog with Arras theme shows different on different PC. Perfect on one PC, but wiered on the other?
2015年03月13日(金)11時39分 受信
madu untuk menambah kesuburan from madu untuk menambah kesuburan
I would like to start a free Wordpress blog on the Wordpress site (not my own domain) but I don't like the themes they provide. Can I use a downloaded theme on there? I have seen some Wordpress hosted blogs with different themes, so it looks like it's possible..
2015年03月13日(金)12時50分 受信
tas selempang from tas selempang
I stored a library account number and had to renew the card. How do I now eliminate the old account number from the Firefox memory?. Thanks!.
2015年03月13日(金)14時37分 受信
surat alquran untuk cepat hamil from surat alquran untuk cepat hamil
I have a blog on blogger and I want to add a background image. How do I do that? And the image is from the internet on my flickr account. So how?.
2015年03月13日(金)14時47分 受信
posisi bersetubuh agar cepat hamil from posisi bersetubuh agar cepat hamil
How can I obtain a Philippine copyright for my literary articles and/or books?
2015年03月13日(金)16時18分 受信
tips supaya cepat hamil from tips supaya cepat hamil
How an advertiser can put their ads in my blogger?
2015年03月13日(金)17時27分 受信
tas import murah from tas import murah
I just install WordPress. I post some posts but they all go to homepage. How can I let posts go to different page, for example, I have 'articles' tab and ''events' tab. I want articles postings go to articles section and I want events postings go to events section..
2015年03月13日(金)18時01分 受信
toko baju online from toko baju online
My video player in joomla doesn't play videos in firefox if the latest flash player isn't installed. I'd like to have it like a professional player to show a dialog saying: "Do you want to install flash player 10" or how it says when you go to a professional website so users don't ha...
2015年03月13日(金)19時19分 受信
langkah-langkah supaya cepat hamil from langkah-langkah supaya cepat hamil
My friend and I have been discussing personal blogs and online journaling. She feels that personal feelings and such should not expressed in such open forums. I see no problem with it. Share your thoughts:. 1. Do you blog or journal?. 2. Do you prefer face to face expression of feelings over written...
2015年03月13日(金)19時30分 受信
zikir supaya cepat hamil from zikir supaya cepat hamil
Thing is, I've just migrated to Wordpress. However, I have a number of people who have subscribed to my feeds from my blogger blog. What should I do to ensure that they now receive updates from my Wordpress blog? . . FYI, I have a feedburner account..
2015年03月13日(金)21時25分 受信
susu cepat hamil from susu cepat hamil
Im curious about how much it costs to start websites such as Facebook or Twitter. I have been thinking about starting a website for a while now, but i feel as though the initial prices that website design firms give you are for a very low tech and sparsely populated website..
2015年03月13日(金)22時38分 受信
Toko Selimut Di Bandung from Toko Selimut Di Bandung
I sign into my Tumblr account, and switch the dashboard from my main blog to the secondary blog, then I go to Account > Preferences > Customize your blog, but then it just takes me to the customization page for my main blog. Any way to customize my secondary blog, or should I just create...
2015年03月14日(土)00時24分 受信
belanja online from belanja online
im starting a blog and i need a way to prove the content is mine so i think when i write a post i will record it on camtasia studio, will it prove 100% it is mine?. . i dont want to pay 30 $ each post to copyright them..
2015年03月14日(土)00時34分 受信
madu almabruroh from madu almabruroh
I want to start a website. It will be asking for money only to fund the seminars associated with holding meetings for the clients and for mailouts. How should I go about setting that up?.
2015年03月14日(土)00時37分 受信
madu untuk program hamil from madu untuk program hamil
For the "letter to the editor," can one send his/her blog post to the editor. The instructions say: "Letters to the editor should only be sent to The Times, and not to other publications. We do not publish open letters or third-party letters.". . Does that mean blog p...
2015年03月14日(土)02時12分 受信
manfaat madu bagi ibu hamil dan janin from manfaat madu bagi ibu hamil dan janin
How do I find someones blogger blogs with their email address?
2015年03月14日(土)03時26分 受信
madu ibu hamil el iman from madu ibu hamil el iman
I got two networked blog setting of a single blog in facebook. I want to delete of them. Is there any way to delete only one networked blog keeping the another as it is ?.
2015年03月14日(土)06時05分 受信
yoga agar cepat hamil from yoga agar cepat hamil
I noticed that Wordpress charges a fee for you to make changes to your blog and blogspot doesn't..But does wordpress have some other advantage over google's blogspot that I'm missing?.
2015年03月14日(土)08時12分 受信
tas selempang from tas selempang
How to rotate my blog posts over and over with a preset time interval with PHP code?
2015年03月14日(土)08時14分 受信
obat penyubur pria di apotik from obat penyubur pria di apotik
I am changing hosting companies and would like to move my WordPress Blogs over. Does anyone know of an easy way to accomplish this?.
2015年03月14日(土)09時50分 受信
jual kaos game from jual kaos game
How can I change to fluid width in the New Blogger Template Designer?
2015年03月14日(土)11時24分 受信
langkah cepat hamil from langkah cepat hamil
I think I set the settings wrongly. Now that I changed the settings, there's only 1 out of 8 posts visible to the public. Previously set to mature content, despite the lack of nudity. Should I double-post? It's the blog part that confused me..
2015年03月14日(土)11時44分 受信
net from net
I want to study creative writing in college. As in to become a novelist or possibly screenplays. It doesnt really matter where as long as its an english speaking country. Anybody have any ideas of where would be best?.
2015年03月15日(日)06時32分 受信
net from net
I bought a new wordpress blog but it doesn't have the blog stats which shows site hits on it. The blog has over a million hits so I need it. And blog stats are on my other wordpress blog so where is it on my new one?.
2015年03月19日(木)20時04分 受信
fonder.tykespot.com from fonder.tykespot.com
2015年03月21日(土)17時23分 受信
dunted.schmidt-pr.com from dunted.schmidt-pr.com
2015年03月21日(土)21時26分 受信
【楽天市場】【即納】エイムス/アローヘッド140F【ルアー】【RCP】【一竿風月】【02P13Dec14】:FishingHouse一竿風月,【楽天市場】【メール便発送可能!】よつあみ リアルスポーツ ジーソウル WX8PE 1.2号(20lb) 150m エギングからライトシーバスまで幅広く対応。:おさかな侍 from 【楽天市場】【即納】エイムス/アローヘッド140F【ルアー】【RCP】【一竿風月】【02P13Dec14】:FishingHouse一竿風月,【楽天市場】【メール便発送可能!】よつあみ リアルスポーツ ジーソウル WX8PE 1.2号(20lb) 150m エギングからライトシーバスまで幅広く対応。:おさかな侍
アップルが昨年9月に発売した「iPhone 6」と「iPhone 6 Plus」が驚異的ともいる好調さを見せている。(東洋経済オンライン)
2015年03月25日(水)03時50分 受信
【楽天市場】Major Craft/メジャークラフト RAYCAL/ライカル RE-892EX 【釣り/フィッシング/釣り具/釣具】【エギングロッド/エギ用/釣り竿】:Lure&Boats Back Lash,【楽天市場】HERO'S限定カラー! ヴァルケイン×デュオ(ValkeIN×Duo) シュヴァーンシャッド (Schwan S) 【メール便OK】:プロショップケイズ楽天市場店 from 【楽天市場】Major Craft/メジャークラフト RAYCAL/ライカル RE-892EX 【釣り/フィッシング/釣り具/釣具】【エギングロッド/エギ用/釣り竿】:Lure&Boats Back Lash,【楽天市場】HERO'S限定カラー! ヴァルケイン×デュオ(ValkeIN×Duo) シュヴァーンシャッド (Schwan S) 【メール便OK】:プロショップケイズ楽天市場店
【モデルプレス】アーティストのきゃりーぱみゅぱみゅが、交際中のSEKAI NO OWARIのFukaseが歌う「あったかいんだからぁ」を公開した。(モデルプレス)
2015年03月25日(水)11時32分 受信
net from net
2015年03月26日(木)15時17分 受信
find out more from find out more
Okay so I have two blogs, one with blogger and one with wordpress, both have the same content. However, no one is visiting my blogger site, while people are visiting the wordpress one. How can I increase traffic on the blogger site?.
2015年03月29日(日)08時55分 受信
learn more here from learn more here
Im 13 and i really want to start a blog?
2015年03月29日(日)19時28分 受信
read more here from read more here
How to transfer my blog from blogspot to paid hosting?.
2015年03月30日(月)06時21分 受信
go here from go here
2015年03月30日(月)13時22分 受信
click this link from click this link
How to make a select category on wordpress use a different domain?
2015年03月30日(月)17時15分 受信
click here from click here
I've been looking high and low, and it seems that most liberal arts schools are populated by heavy drinkers and partiers, which I am not interested in. If I can, I'd like to double major in creative writing and journalism.. Thank you!.
2015年03月31日(火)04時11分 受信
【楽天市場】DAIWA/ダイワフリームスキックス 2000【釣り/フィッシング/釣り具/釣具】【リール/スピニングリール】:Lure&Boats Back Lash,【楽天市場】勝負シリーズ! マドネス(MADNESS) タングステンモデル シリテンバイブ 53TG 【メール便OK】:プロショップケイズ楽天市場店 from 【楽天市場】DAIWA/ダイワフリームスキックス 2000【釣り/フィッシング/釣り具/釣具】【リール/スピニングリール】:Lure&Boats Back Lash,【楽天市場】勝負シリーズ! マドネス(MADNESS) タングステンモデル シリテンバイブ 53TG 【メール便OK】:プロショップケイズ楽天市場店
2015年03月31日(火)13時36分 受信
learn more from learn more
I want to know if I should do a trademark or copyright for the following.... . This pseudonym is used too make music (band) photography, writing and website. . . I want to own the name and also protect the work under it, what is the best way of doing this? Do I have to keep copyrighting individual p...
2015年03月31日(火)14時54分 受信
【楽天市場】アピア(APIA) 青龍ミニ(SEIRYU MINI) 6g 【メール便OK】:プロショップケイズ楽天市場店,【楽天市場】シマノ (SHIMANO) 炎月 暁月(あかつき)EJ-604M [03T レッドゴールド/45g] 【02P10Jan15】【RCP】:釣人館ますだ 楽天市場店 from 【楽天市場】アピア(APIA) 青龍ミニ(SEIRYU MINI) 6g 【メール便OK】:プロショップケイズ楽天市場店,【楽天市場】シマノ (SHIMANO) 炎月 暁月(あかつき)EJ-604M [03T レッドゴールド/45g] 【02P10Jan15】【RCP】:釣人館ますだ 楽天市場店
2015年04月01日(水)00時03分 受信
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I need as much suggestions as possible. The more the better. I haven't had the chance to sit and really go over the process. Again, looking for some answers where I can start blogging immediately..
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What Is The Best Way To Import MySpace Blogs To Facebook?
2015年04月05日(日)10時50分 受信
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Actually my blog name is not relevant to my blog niche..in this time i want to convert my blog to a website through blogger. but i dont know if i will do it ,then how much will affect my blog traffic?.
2015年04月05日(日)11時31分 受信
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New to blogging. How can I make sure no one obtains my background images and text?
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When trying to publish a book wouldn't you protect your story or content with a copyright?
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What would be a good way to start a creative writing essay?
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Hi I'm interested in computer courses to study, today I spoke to someone from one of the unis I was interested in one of the courses were more about designing and the other practical and more technical fixing and support the system. I'm really interested in that. Its called computer enterprising. ...
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Just want to share something. I need to submit my blogs to blog sites with so many people reading blogs. That's what I need most..
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Is there a degree that exists for use of music AND creative writing two fields? If there is, do you know the name of it?. . I want to combine these two of my interests (loves) but I don't know what kind of degree offers the use of both.. . Please help? Approaching college?.
2015年04月06日(月)01時49分 受信
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I wanted to start making some money off of my blog, how would I go about doing so? What about google adsense or other programs like it?.
2015年04月06日(月)02時08分 受信
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I should add that I'm not that technical, so a solution that is easy to use would be more appropriate of the two. . . The website will work in a similar way to gumtree's classified ads. If this is possible would I also be able to add a charging mechanism for the ads using Joomla or Wordpress.. . Any...
2015年04月06日(月)03時45分 受信
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I'm wanting to download some videos from various different sites like youtube, Google videos, and a few other sites for my entertainment at home. I've downloaded an extension from Media Converter for Firefox, but I don't see it anywhere. Can someone recommend an extension to allow me to download onl...
2015年04月06日(月)03時52分 受信
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How can i allow anyone to write on my Blogspot blog?
2015年04月06日(月)04時31分 受信
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I would like to remove the blogger and designer links on the attribution bar at the bottom of a blogger page. I know its not good to remove it and usually i don't, but this is a page for a business so it needs to look clean and profesisonal..
2015年04月06日(月)05時27分 受信
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I don't really like livejournal or xanga. I already have both of those. I was going to try deadjournal because I read on here that it was really good, but I don't want to have to pay for it and you have to have an invite code to get in free. Does anybody have an invite code they could give me, or...
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What would you like to see out of a creative writing short story?
2015年04月06日(月)05時53分 受信
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What are the pros and cons of housing a blog on corporate website vs. using Blogspot?
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How to get Banners in Joomla to display in a certain spot?
2015年04月06日(月)06時50分 受信
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Can I copyright 20 pages of old newspaper articles ?
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My home computer is hooked up to a router. I would like to have access to my home computer's webcam through my work computer. . My home computer is hooked up through a DSL modem and is always on.. My work computer obviously has access to the Internet..
2015年04月06日(月)07時47分 受信
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For the "letter to the editor," can one send his/her blog post to the editor. The instructions say: "Letters to the editor should only be sent to The Times, and not to other publications. We do not publish open letters or third-party letters.". . Does that mean blog p...
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Hello? I run a student service oriented website which has a good no of hits. I would like to convert it to a business. Can I register the website itslef as a company or should I start a company and the website should be owned by it? What is the protocol to start a new website company in India? Pleas...
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What would you like to see out of a creative writing short story?
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What information technologies could we use to make it easier to keep track of when new blog posts were made and which blog posts we had read and which we haven't read? Please be precise.
2015年04月06日(月)14時00分 受信
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The first piece is geotagging each blog post on some sort of map.. . The second piece is meshing those points on a map with other people. Essentially we'd like several members of our team to provide updates regularly and post their locations to the same map..
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How do I start a website that costs me nothing at all?
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Which program is better and designing and creating an online magazine? Joomla or WordPress?
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I'm excellent at financial planning, and giving advice about weather to buy certain items or cut back. how can i start a website giving out this advice?.
2015年04月06日(月)15時43分 受信
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I have a printer hooked up to the computer in my room. My daughter has a computer in her room and no printer. How can she do her homework on her computer, but have it print out on the printer in my room? Do I need the internet on one computer or both? Maybe not at all?.
2015年04月06日(月)16時11分 受信
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I am visiting Hollins University very soon because I've researched all the aspects of the english/creative writing department and love it to death. But I am looking for a couple good safety schools with the same strenghts. Any ideas?.
2015年04月06日(月)17時43分 受信
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I open it then something pops up saying:. . Firefox has stopped working.. Windows can check online for a solution to the problem.. . So can anyone help to fix it?.
2015年04月06日(月)17時52分 受信
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In Blogger's new Template Designer there is no template which contains fluid width in for the text body. Does anybody know how to change to fluid width in the new templates? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated..
2015年04月06日(月)19時08分 受信
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And I HAVE read wordpress support page. Just want to know, if my files over 3GB will be deleted if I will not extend my upgrade for another 12 months..
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I just posted my first blog on blogspot. How will people find it? Do i have to give them the link, or can just anyone find it?.
2015年04月06日(月)22時18分 受信
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What can be the ideal Joomla template for a magazine or feature wire service?
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2015年04月06日(月)23時03分 受信
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I need to find blogging websites that deal with legal issues such as contracts, wrongful death claims, fraud, etc. I don't even know where to start looking. Any advice would be appreciated.. . Thanks..
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What computer should I buy to run an Adobe CS4 Suite at full speed?
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I am thinking about building a local news website that will, for the most part, be a collection of local news stories published by newspapers and other sources. Is it legal to do this? I would, of course, give all credit to the authors. I'm just wondering what the legality of this would be? Thanks f...
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We want to start a celebrity blog, like Perez Hilton. But how do we create a blog, with two people writing? Also how do we get celebrity gossip? We would like to know all the steps to get this blog popular in the world and how to start it..
2015年04月07日(火)03時26分 受信
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I am planning on being a creative writing teacher for my Senior project. The problem is, I can't think of a grade that kids start creative writing. I would rather deal with younger kids than older ones because in the end I want to give them a book of the classes collected works. I was thinking 3rd G...
2015年04月07日(火)03時44分 受信
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My video player in joomla doesn't play videos in firefox if the latest flash player isn't installed. I'd like to have it like a professional player to show a dialog saying: "Do you want to install flash player 10" or how it says when you go to a professional website so users don't ha...
2015年04月07日(火)04時01分 受信
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How an advertiser can put their ads in my blogger?
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Is downloading a copyright content through rapidshare & megaupload is illegal in uk?
2015年04月07日(火)06時06分 受信
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How do you create your own blogger header for your blogspot?
2015年04月07日(火)06時10分 受信
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I'm going to start a serious blog that will eventually hold a great deal of content. I am a graphic designer, and my husband does my web programming, so this is for reals (haha, yes I just said that). That being said, I've already started collecting my content and writing entries, but just how much ...
2015年04月07日(火)06時13分 受信
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How do you start building a WordPress site for an already existing website?
2015年04月07日(火)07時07分 受信
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So I just made a blogspot about SNSD. I dont really know how to let other people know about the blogspot, like you know famous? But not the real famous glamorous type. Because I really want to maintain the site but thats kinda tiring if you keep on posting stuffs if no one knows about it..
2015年04月07日(火)07時48分 受信
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Someone said that you had to buy a domain, or your blogs weren't seen by everybody, is that true? Do you know what a domain is? IF not do not answer please..
2015年04月07日(火)07時53分 受信
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Is it safe? . Safer than myspace?. Can you use myspace layouts for it?. How old do you how to be to have one?. . Please answer as many as possible . Thanx :].
2015年04月07日(火)07時53分 受信
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Is getting a Masters Degree in Creative Writing a waste of time?
2015年04月07日(火)08時57分 受信
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2015年04月07日(火)08時59分 受信
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If I reword a news article I read online. Rewording it so it is totally different, is this copyright infringement? I want to send a few stories to local community papers. Thanks for your answers..
2015年04月07日(火)09時23分 受信
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Creative writing copywright: How to protect work when submitting to potential publishers or literary agents?
2015年04月07日(火)09時36分 受信
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"Norwich Fashion Week is the ideal time to hold a fashion auction where you can pick up a designer item at a fantastic price. The lots also include pieces from Armani, Radley, Amanda Wakeley, Miu Miu, Russell and Bromley and Longchamp.
2015年04月07日(火)09時43分 受信
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Wordpress blog posts being emailed to another persons blogs subscribers?
2015年04月07日(火)11時38分 受信
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I've Googled around but no luck yet. The ones I've come across so far all have to do with MP3s, software and what not. If you have any in mind, please provide links to the sources. Many thanks in advance!.
2015年04月07日(火)12時32分 受信
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How can my blog be popular and read by many people?
2015年04月07日(火)12時36分 受信
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How do I get my Wordpress articles to pop up in peoples google searches?
2015年04月07日(火)12時38分 受信
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I'm a freshman in college and I was planning on majoring in Computer Engineering, but unfortunately it doesn't really seem too interesting to me, especially all the computer programming. I'm considering changing my major to Computer Science except I don't really know what kind of career a degree in...
2015年04月07日(火)13時55分 受信
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Is it possible to have CPAlead widget in a Joomla site?
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Hi,. . I want to know can I use content from websites like Microsoft or apple or similar to write technical articles or is it violation of copyright law?. . Thank you.
2015年04月07日(火)15時11分 受信
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What's the best way to copyright a website and all its contents? Copyright poetry?
2015年04月07日(火)15時30分 受信
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What are the best websites and blogs dedicated to reading and literature?
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I want to write and I wonder how to start a blog for people on this yahoo community. .
2015年04月07日(火)17時35分 受信
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I have two computers: I call one the "good" computer -- it has two monitors. The other is my "junk" computer with one screen where I download a lot of stuff to it.. . If I wanted to continue using both computers but only with the dual monitors, what would I need to bu...
2015年04月07日(火)18時01分 受信
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If I start a blog on Myspace, will it get listed in search engines like Google? If so, is there a way to keep them from being crawled?. . Thank you.
2015年04月07日(火)18時29分 受信
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I am from India. I did my Engineering in Computer Science. I had a made a poor career choice and regretting now.. . I am currently working as a Senior Software Engineer in one of the software firms.. . I wish to do MS in USA. But I dont want to do it in anything related to Computer Science.. . I am ...
2015年04月07日(火)19時21分 受信
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I need as much suggestions as possible. The more the better. I haven't had the chance to sit and really go over the process. Again, looking for some answers where I can start blogging immediately..
2015年04月07日(火)19時40分 受信
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Hi,. I have a question that I hope will have a simple answer. I have a wordpress blog and right now my side navigation menu is on the right side. I would like for the menu to be on the left side. Can someone please tell me how I would go about doing this, in simple terms, please? . . Or point me in...
2015年04月07日(火)20時28分 受信
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Does everyone like blogspot or is there a better way to go?
2015年04月07日(火)21時02分 受信
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Should I start a blog or website for addiction/recovery related information?
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I've been thinking of moving from Joomla to Wordpress because it's much easier to use and much more convenient. But the problem is I have many posts, and I don't know what to do... since I'm not a programmer or anything.. . How can I migrate from Joomla to Wordpress?.
2015年04月07日(火)21時59分 受信
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I want to start a website and I have no idea how. It has to be free and relatively simple, and I want other people to be able to comment on articles/pictures. Any suggestions?.
2015年04月07日(火)22時14分 受信
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Okay so I'm to write a creative writing essay on my own personal utopia and what i would like it to be like and all that. I'm having issues starting though. I can't seem to come up with a good introduction that would lead to my thesis---which i don't even have..
2015年04月07日(火)22時59分 受信
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I would like to change my blogger archive frequency from 1 month to longer, like 3 months. How do I do this?.
2015年04月08日(水)00時05分 受信
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I need as much suggestions as possible. The more the better. I haven't had the chance to sit and really go over the process. Again, looking for some answers where I can start blogging immediately..
2015年04月08日(水)00時41分 受信
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I am developing a joomla website for a boat club and would like members to be able to upload photos of fish they caught. Additional info: I am basing the structure on the K2 component..
2015年04月08日(水)02時15分 受信
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How do I change firefox from remembering my facebook info?
2015年04月08日(水)02時31分 受信
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I'm planning on doing an English Literature with Creative Writing undergraduate degree course, beginning in 2010. Initially, I just wanted to study English, but recently I've decided I would be better suited to English Literature with Creative Writing. Are there any universities that are especially ...
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Wow! That's an remarkable slant.
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How do you make your blog (on Blogspot) for invited members only?
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2015年04月08日(水)04時37分 受信
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I have a website I will be updating a few times a week with original animations and short films along with concept art for the animations and other kinds of media. How can I copyright everything on my site so that the copyright info I have on the bottom of every page "All original content (C...
2015年04月08日(水)05時29分 受信
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Someone said that you had to buy a domain, or your blogs weren't seen by everybody, is that true? Do you know what a domain is? IF not do not answer please..
2015年04月08日(水)05時31分 受信
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I'm finding them for my sister. I'm trying to find the most recipes with pictures and the ages of baby for the recipes. Blogs are usually where I would expect to find them..
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Basically, I want it to be on the main page where all of my posts go but then I also want to be able to put it on a separate page of my blog dedicated to only that subject. Hopefully this makes sense!.
2015年04月08日(水)06時42分 受信
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GoDaddy tech support is so frustrating. First, I used their applications panel to install joomla, but when I uploaded my local site via ftp, it didn't work. I called GoDaddy support and they do not give support for migrating a local site to their host. You just have to build it from scratch from ...
2015年04月08日(水)08時34分 受信
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Does anyone know of a good site offering tutorials in customising blogspot/blogger skins? I'm a total novice who doesn't know anything about HTML. Help!.
2015年04月08日(水)08時58分 受信
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It didn't used to, the Specs are Nvidia 5500gt, 1gb RAM, so on, I know it's not the latest computer out there, it's mostly for playing very old games or surfing the internet. The computer automatically restarts at the beginning of a streaming video, it doesn't even try to run it. I ran the compute...
2015年04月08日(水)09時19分 受信
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My computer with itunes crashed, just installed itunes on new computer. How to keep ipod from syncing to it?
2015年04月08日(水)09時52分 受信
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what are some good and popular websites for blogs???.
2015年04月08日(水)10時45分 受信
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I have a video post in blogger then how can I put a repost link to that? I have already go to addthis but don't know how to put the code in its proper place wherein the individual posts are being place with an embed this or repost this or share this. Please help..
2015年04月08日(水)11時03分 受信
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Is using a custom font on blogger considered personal or commercial use?
2015年04月08日(水)11時10分 受信
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How can you make your blog posts visible to only you on Yahoo! Pulse?
2015年04月08日(水)11時13分 受信
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Does anyone know if photocopying an article out of a magzine would be considered copyright infringement? Thanks :-). Okay, now that I see some of the answers I'm going to add some details. What if I bought the magazine myself, made the copies to keep for myself, but then gave the magazine to a frien...
2015年04月08日(水)12時12分 受信
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I want to start a review blog. My friend and I would be reviewing books, games, toys etc..
2015年04月08日(水)12時21分 受信
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In Firefox I normally use right-click > "Open in new tab" when browsing web pages. This can also be done when clicking on a bookmark. . . Is there any way to get Firefox to do this automatically (by default) when left-clicking a bookmark instead of having to do the right click?...
2015年04月08日(水)13時48分 受信
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How do you protect articles put on a website against copyright infringement?
2015年04月08日(水)13時56分 受信
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May I use Wikipedia content in my blog without violating the copyright law? How can I do that? Explain in details please..
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What blogs do you read for information on the candidates?
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How can you tell if a video has copyright content or not?.
2015年04月08日(水)16時55分 受信
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hello everyone. I am planning to start a website with my partner in Australia. But now, later, we get know that a website with the same concept is already exist in UK and they have patent themselves. so does this can cause us a problem. second thing is how we can set the term and conditions and priv...
2015年04月08日(水)17時04分 受信
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How do I make my previous Yahoo 360 blog posts visible to the public?
2015年04月08日(水)17時22分 受信
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I have heard that you can make money from blogging, but i really don't understand the concept. How do you make the money? How much can you make? Is it hard? Is it easy? Is it time consuming? Is it worth it? If you could answer that would be great, thanks..
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I was planning on starting the guide with wordpress..
2015年04月08日(水)19時04分 受信
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I am using the ja_purity2 and have confined the template to the centre of the screen (much like the joomla website). Now I want to add a shadow on the left and right of the "confined" template/website but have no idea on how to do it.. Any help would be appreciated.. Thank You in adv...
2015年04月08日(水)19時31分 受信
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I am a young software professional and indie game developer. I have developed some contents but hasitate to send for publication . I think I should not proceed without obtaining licensed softwares and copyright of the content. An experienced guidance will oblige me..
2015年04月08日(水)19時55分 受信
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Do you have a blog? I have a poetry blog. =) If so, what's your link so I can check it out and follow you. =). I already have one started. =).
2015年04月08日(水)21時37分 受信
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I've been trying everything and unfortunately they won't work. I tried posting a playlist in my wordpress in the 'Pages' section but the playlist won't show. Can someone please help with this?.
2015年04月08日(水)22時08分 受信
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Using "Capability Manager" I have allowed contributors to upload media to the media library of my wordpress website.. . At the moment, however, they can still see the uploads that have been submitted by other users.. . I need to be able to moderate the uploads, so if everyone can see...
2015年04月08日(水)22時36分 受信
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I want to blog about issues I don't want associating with my 'work' self. How do I choose a blog host that has a good anonymity record, in other words, I don't want it to be easy for people to match up my IP address or access my personal details.. Also, having set the blog up, how do you encourage h...
2015年04月08日(水)23時21分 受信
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Can i upload short excerpts of copyrighted content on youtube?Is it supported by fair use provision?
2015年04月08日(水)23時39分 受信
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I'm looking to find out as much about the online surfing community as I can. Can anyone recommend their favorite blogs, twitter handles, or sites that you find most comprehensive? Which ones are most popular? Thanks!.
2015年04月09日(木)01時02分 受信
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I am trying to get my articles published in a newspaper or magazine. How do I protect my work? .
2015年04月09日(木)01時23分 受信
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I have a blog made with Blogger and it has Blogger logos at the top.. I've seen Blogger blogs without them, and it makes them a lot cooler..
2015年04月09日(木)01時27分 受信
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How would you start a website to help people that are having problems in there Relationship?
2015年04月09日(木)01時51分 受信
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How can you use a custom blog design if you are using ftp publishing for your blogger blog?. . How do I install the design?.
2015年04月09日(木)01時52分 受信
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I am trying to build a blog as part of a project, and I have been told not use blogger or any of the blog building websites, Requirement is to get access to my blog privately without using any public site that requires me to log on to them before i get to my blog. How do i do it? Or is there any web...
2015年04月09日(木)03時04分 受信
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I have a lot of bookmarked websites part of Blogspot that I check daily for updates, but it is so annoying to click through a list. If I make an account is there some sort of feature where I can see new posts on the websites? (Sort of like Subscriptions on Xanga)?.
2015年04月09日(木)03時17分 受信
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How do you prevent content from being removed on youtube due to copyright?
2015年04月09日(木)04時53分 受信
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How does Computer Ram make a computer faster and deliver better performance?
2015年04月09日(木)05時41分 受信
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It would be great if I could post text and pics to the blog from my cell (iPhone). Maybe even video??. . I'm new at the whole blog thing, so it really would need to be free and pretty easy to use.. . THANKS!.
2015年04月09日(木)05時52分 受信
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What is the best blogging platform for a podcast or a video blog?
2015年04月09日(木)06時12分 受信
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I'm trying to change the entire background of my blogspot. I can get it on the left side, but the sidebar still remains at the ugly solid color. any help?.
2015年04月09日(木)06時18分 受信
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I've been looking high and low, and it seems that most liberal arts schools are populated by heavy drinkers and partiers, which I am not interested in. If I can, I'd like to double major in creative writing and journalism.. Thank you!.
2015年04月09日(木)07時04分 受信
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Is there automatic and legitimate copyright for the content on a site?
2015年04月09日(木)08時47分 受信
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Copyright - How Can The Week Magazine Re-Print Magazine Articles?
2015年04月09日(木)08時48分 受信
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You my acquaintance are a genius
2015年04月09日(木)08時59分 受信
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I need step by step process. . Are all hosting sites Joomla compatible? How can you tell if they don't and do?.
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2015年04月09日(木)10時16分 受信
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How do I transfer my Blogger feed readers to my Wordpress blog?
2015年04月09日(木)10時35分 受信
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What computer software were computers using before Microsoft was invented? I googled it and couldn't find any info on it. Thanks and no jokes or dissing please..
2015年04月09日(木)12時23分 受信
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I want to do a live webcast, but I can't figure out how to do it on the Blogger platform. Can anyone give me some direction?. . Thanks!.
2015年04月09日(木)12時30分 受信
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Any one know how to get a free copyright for articles published in blogs..?
2015年04月09日(木)12時39分 受信
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Right on my man!
2015年04月09日(木)13時21分 受信
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What makes a computer choosing random numbers, start at 3, or 5, or 3027846?
2015年04月09日(木)14時06分 受信
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What are the most popular blog sites in the Philippines where I can submit my blogs for others to read?
2015年04月09日(木)14時47分 受信
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How can I get a blogger to remove a defammatory post on a blog?
2015年04月09日(木)15時11分 受信
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I'm having some problems with Firefox, so I want to uninstall it and then reinstall it. But I want to save all my bookmarks, so can I save my bookmarks to my computer, and then import them back to Firefox once I reinstall it? Thanks for the help..
2015年04月09日(木)16時05分 受信
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I have a degree in creative writing from a top university, but still have no significant credits yet. How should I go about getting published in a reputable magazine or web site for the first time? Is self-publishing the way to go? I have short stories that are done, but I am not sure where to send ...
2015年04月09日(木)16時11分 受信
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My goal here is to link the wordpress blog entries to a frame in a personal site. So I want only the blog entries to appear, but none of the menu bars or other things associated with wordpress only what was posted. I know wordpress is done in PHP so i was wondering if anybody knew the specifics of...
2015年04月09日(木)16時39分 受信
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How do you transfer your bookmarks and RSS feeds from Firefox to a portable version of Firefox?
2015年04月09日(木)17時21分 受信
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Do you know of a good site for creative writing prompts and exercises?
2015年04月09日(木)17時36分 受信
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Presumably the magazine doesn't do deals with each source that it reproduces, so how does copyright law allow them to re-print editorial content that they don't own without paying royalties?. . Also, can this law be applied internationally?.
2015年04月09日(木)18時31分 受信
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It seems like the internet is where it's at. I studied Computer Information and Film/Video at school, but I'm not too shabby with a keyboard when it comes to writing interesting stuff. Does anyone know of anyone (aside from Drudge and Arianna Huffington) who has been able to make a few bucks by blog...
2015年04月09日(木)18時51分 受信
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Do u know a good, safe(from virus) blogging site that is easy..other than myspace,facebook, and twitter.
2015年04月09日(木)19時23分 受信
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I am a little confused on exactly how I would make money by blogging, I mean who pay me and how, once I blog who come to my page and how do I get them there. I really appreciate if some one could break it down for me.. . Thanks!.
2015年04月09日(木)19時35分 受信
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What computer software were computers using before Microsoft was invented? I googled it and couldn't find any info on it. Thanks and no jokes or dissing please..
2015年04月09日(木)21時03分 受信
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2015年04月09日(木)21時35分 受信
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Do you blog? Do you blog to advertise items you are selling? I am rather new to the blogging world. I mainly blog to advertise products that I am selling and websites that I am selling on. How do I get traffic to my blog? Do I basically just need to add content? Does my blog get picked up in t...
2015年04月09日(木)21時41分 受信
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Is this possible? I am following two Blogspot accounts using my Twitter account. But when I look at my Twitter news feed, I never see updates from either of these Blogspots (and they have been updated). Is there a setting I need to change, or is this not even possible to do?.
2015年04月09日(木)22時29分 受信
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Blogspot blog: How do I get rounded corners for my backgrounds?
2015年04月09日(木)23時11分 受信
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I want to start a blog. It seems like blogspot is really popular. Does anyone have another free site that they like where you can make a blog?.
2015年04月10日(金)00時34分 受信
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I sign into my Tumblr account, and switch the dashboard from my main blog to the secondary blog, then I go to Account > Preferences > Customize your blog, but then it just takes me to the customization page for my main blog. Any way to customize my secondary blog, or should I just create...
2015年04月10日(金)01時25分 受信
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I always used to think that, while, the first word meant a person who blogs, the second word stood for a blog hosting site! Now, I am utterly confused because my uncle tells me, that both of them are the same hosting site for those who blog with Google using blogger/blogspot! Can somebody with authe...
2015年04月10日(金)01時30分 受信
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On my friend's blogs they have added me on their blog rolls, but mine always sits at the bottom of the list and does not list when I post like it does for others. Is this a setting that I need to change or is this a choice that they have made?.
2015年04月10日(金)02時22分 受信
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I have a new filming and editing businesses in which I run.. Its not a big popular job so I want to advertise it by creating a web site. How do I start a website thats not too expensive and its easy to use?.
2015年04月10日(金)02時45分 受信
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How do I copy my Wordpress blog onto my computer so I can locally edit and try out plugins before publishing?
2015年04月10日(金)02時48分 受信
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How can I personalize my blog without making it look like crap?
2015年04月10日(金)03時12分 受信
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You my good friend are a genius
2015年04月10日(金)03時42分 受信
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Hello, I'm having trouble trying to change the settings for my facebook account. I use firefox, and when I opened the account I clicked on the button saying I wanted firefox to remember my password info. Well, I've now changed my mind and want to remove firefox from remembering my info. Does anyone ...
2015年04月10日(金)04時25分 受信
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I was diagnosed with celiac over a year ago and have started inventing my own gluten-free recipes. I've gotten so many requests from people that I want to start a blog to start posting them. What free blog websites are out there and which ones are the easiest to access/most likely to pop up on a sea...
2015年04月10日(金)05時05分 受信
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I want to start to put all my photos up on my camera, and start a blog or something. Where is a good place to do this like a website or something, do i have to copyright them thanks :).
2015年04月10日(金)05時07分 受信
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I have a blogger blog with a custom domain set up. I want to export it to a hosted wordpress blog. Some of my posts have good ranks with google and I don't want to mess that up. My new WP blog will be the .net of my custom blogger domain so the permalinks will technically change if I import the o...
2015年04月10日(金)06時33分 受信
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How to upload a wordpress backup on to a site?
2015年04月10日(金)07時26分 受信
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How can I show the latest article of my blogger blog on a different site?s home page?
2015年04月10日(金)07時49分 受信
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Im based in London have worked as a secretary for more than 10 years and have an HND in Business Studies but am tired of admin work and office politics and would like to do something more creative- change careers.. . I write in my spare time and have attended an advanced writing course for the past ...
2015年04月10日(金)08時11分 受信
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I'm new to blogspot and I'm having a difficult time. How can I change the background to a picture I want?.
2015年04月10日(金)08時22分 受信
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I have been wanting to start blogging and/or vlogging for a while, and I was wondering what to do to prepare to start vlogging and what type of camera to get and just anything information you could give me on the subject. This would be a tremendous help to me. Serious answers only please. Thank you....
2015年04月10日(金)10時11分 受信
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I cut a movie into 10 minute parts and uploaded to youtube, i only had uploaded two parts by the time i got a copyright notice. How can i upload movies without it getting deleted?.
2015年04月10日(金)10時50分 受信
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How many articles does it take to start a good blog?
2015年04月10日(金)11時17分 受信
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Why does Firefox not work since I downloaded yahoo instant messenger?
2015年04月10日(金)11時46分 受信
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I want to use the WayBackMachine to try to retrieve my old Yahoo! 360 Blog posts, but I don't know what the URL format was. So far I am coming up empty. Anybody have an example URL that I can use to reconstruct a valid URL for my old blog? Thanks!.
2015年04月10日(金)12時07分 受信
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Since the MSM is totally skewed, what blogs/websites have you found that give you information that the MSM ignores?.
2015年04月10日(金)12時38分 受信
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How do I start a blog with payment options for readers?
2015年04月10日(金)13時18分 受信
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When Someone googles something that relates to one of my wordpress blogs how can I get it to appear on the first page of their serach results?? Thanks!.
2015年04月10日(金)13時56分 受信
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I have seen a lot of blogs in blogspot. What purpose do they serve? Is it possible to make money through blogs. If yes how?.
2015年04月10日(金)14時03分 受信
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Any suggestions on sites to start a blog where I can BS sports and another happenings?
2015年04月10日(金)14時22分 受信
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How to get my site at Blogspot from Thai to English?
2015年04月10日(金)14時51分 受信
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How to recover blog in blogger When it counted as spam in blogger?
2015年04月10日(金)15時28分 受信
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Hi,. can enybody please tell me other platforms that blogger, wordpress, posterous, dupral where I can make blog posts by email?. I need a list of free blog services that allow you to make your post by email..
2015年04月10日(金)17時19分 受信
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I want to make my own Blogger layout because none of the ones I have found incorporate my Header correctly/match with my Header that I want to use. Is there a website that can teach me how to do this? (I also do not have Photoshop, so I need to use another software than that to design). Thank you!.
2015年04月10日(金)17時27分 受信
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I can't seem to find a way on how to start as a blogger. I could use some help on how to start blog .
2015年04月10日(金)17時52分 受信
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Using "Capability Manager" I have allowed contributors to upload media to the media library of my wordpress website.. . At the moment, however, they can still see the uploads that have been submitted by other users.. . I need to be able to moderate the uploads, so if everyone can see...
2015年04月10日(金)18時09分 受信
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I want to change my home page to another page with wordpress, is it possible?.
2015年04月10日(金)19時47分 受信
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I'm really into photography and would quite like a job involving it however i do NOT want to take pictures of people (weddings and stuff), i like taking arty/creative pictures. I also love writing and I have been thinking of writing for a teenage magazine and hopefully being able to get photography ...
2015年04月10日(金)19時58分 受信
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A) it is acceptable to use copyrighted material for economic gain as long as proper credit is given to the author.. . B) all original work located on the Internet is to be considered copyrighted.. . C) only items marked with the ? symbol are considered copyrighted.. . D) all Internet content is free...
2015年04月10日(金)20時14分 受信
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I received an e-mail about starting a website for a small business. I don't yet have a business but I would like to start my own personal website..
2015年04月10日(金)21時13分 受信
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I am starting a business during the summer where I work with kids individually or during a camp. I was wondering how I could start a website for my clients parents to look at during the summer..
2015年04月10日(金)21時26分 受信
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I had two computers both connected to a wireless router. Yesterday I connected a third computer to the network and, although the connection goes through for this new computer, one of the original computers now says "Limited or no connectivity" and cannot connect to the Internet. Is i...
2015年04月10日(金)21時30分 受信
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Where are some good places to get good free blogger templates?
2015年04月10日(金)22時39分 受信
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how come some blogs in a blogroll do not have their most recent post listed and others do? How to change that?
2015年04月10日(金)23時59分 受信
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New to blogging. How can I make sure no one obtains my background images and text?
2015年04月11日(土)00時44分 受信
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Do actually think that is true?
2015年04月11日(土)00時47分 受信
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Why do copyright holders only allow people from certain countries to view their content?
2015年04月11日(土)00時47分 受信
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For the "letter to the editor," can one send his/her blog post to the editor. The instructions say: "Letters to the editor should only be sent to The Times, and not to other publications. We do not publish open letters or third-party letters.". . Does that mean blog p...
2015年04月11日(土)00時48分 受信
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Is there free software or online database to keep track of scheduled blog posts? I would also like it to keep a record of past and future posts. I am trying to avoid creating a spreadsheet in Excel..
2015年04月11日(土)01時16分 受信
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Where are some good places to get good free blogger templates?. I know of pyzam but I would like to search others, what are some good sites?.
2015年04月11日(土)02時30分 受信
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what are some good and popular websites for blogs???.
2015年04月11日(土)03時17分 受信
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Fair use provisions of the copyright law allow for limited copying or distribution of published works without the author's permission in some cases. Examples of fair use of copyrighted materials include quotation of excerpts in a review or critique, or copying of a small part of a work by a teacher ...
2015年04月11日(土)04時14分 受信
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How do I add the shadows to a Joomla template?
2015年04月11日(土)04時36分 受信
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How do I configure my computer to be able to act as a server (host) for my second computer using crossover?
2015年04月11日(土)05時44分 受信
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How to stop Firefox download window from popping up in Mac?
2015年04月11日(土)06時19分 受信
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I have Joomla and a Joomla template(rt_refraction_j15) installed on my website. But i want the same template and css styling, as a basic HTML template, so i don't have to use Joomla for editing. Is there an easy way to convert the template to basic HTML/CSS template?.
2015年04月11日(土)06時23分 受信
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I have a blog made with Blogger and it has Blogger logos at the top.. I've seen Blogger blogs without them, and it makes them a lot cooler..
2015年04月11日(土)07時03分 受信
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What is the difference between Computer science and information technology?
2015年04月11日(土)07時22分 受信
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I want to write and I wonder how to start a blog for people on this yahoo community. .
2015年04月11日(土)07時55分 受信
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I have a great interest in computer and aircrafts, especially military aircrafts. I am planning to do computer engineering and be involved in the designing of military aircrafts (aircraft's computer).. I need to know whether the US Air Force needs computer engineers and if yes, will a computer engin...
2015年04月11日(土)08時19分 受信
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Wonderful views on that!
2015年04月11日(土)08時36分 受信
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I have a blog made with Blogger and it has Blogger logos at the top.. I've seen Blogger blogs without them, and it makes them a lot cooler..
2015年04月11日(土)10時32分 受信
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Confused about Copyright policies from sites that let you 'digg' articles?
2015年04月11日(土)10時37分 受信
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What is the easiest way to add a blog to my existing website?
2015年04月11日(土)11時25分 受信
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What is the best website to start a blog that I eventually want to make revenue with?
2015年04月11日(土)11時42分 受信
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Can my blogs be seen by others even if I do not buy a domain name?
2015年04月11日(土)12時46分 受信
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okay so i downloaded firefox. i've been using firefox for a while, and all a sudden when i x'ed out my firefox and opened it again it wont go to websites, it wont even say page not displayed. it will just be blank. so i unstalled it and re stalled it and it worked when it was launched from the reins...
2015年04月11日(土)12時50分 受信
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I am starting a business selling various baby things that I make. And I want to start a website to be able to sell them on. Can anyone tell me the steps that I would need to go through to do this? And what is the cost?. Thanks..
2015年04月11日(土)13時09分 受信
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I'm planning to start website where people can post projects and buy projects. Do you think it is a good idea?
2015年04月11日(土)13時23分 受信
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How do I get my Wordpress blog posts to get views in the days after I first post them?
2015年04月11日(土)13時53分 受信
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How can I create a Wordpress Theme without installing Wordpress on my computer?
2015年04月11日(土)14時40分 受信
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What if i created a blog with the same name as other blog accidentally? is that legal?
2015年04月11日(土)15時05分 受信
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The widget works with Wordpress but it's impossible to make it work with Joomla. Is any of you using it with that cms?. Thanks..
2015年04月11日(土)15時23分 受信
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How can I obtain a Philippine copyright for my literary articles and/or books?
2015年04月11日(土)17時01分 受信
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What are the best colleges to go to for a Creative Writing degree?
2015年04月11日(土)17時20分 受信
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I want to be able to use my gmail account to forward blog posts to people, but for some reason Thunderbird keeps forcing me to use my college e-mail. Is there a way to change this?.
2015年04月11日(土)17時51分 受信
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I was thinking of publishing or posting online some of my articles I've written for school but can't afford to copyright them. If they are in my school paper, do I hold any ownership over them or are they protected by law?.
2015年04月11日(土)18時46分 受信
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How do you password protect a Blogger blog on a custom domain?
2015年04月11日(土)19時07分 受信
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This made me snort for a long time.
2015年04月11日(土)19時44分 受信
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Hi!. I would like to have an online store using blogger and paypal. Any ideas how to do it? Could you please give me step by step instructions? I appreciate it. Thanks!.
2015年04月11日(土)20時02分 受信
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What's a good site to post creative writing for others to comment on?
2015年04月11日(土)20時32分 受信
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2015年04月11日(土)20時41分 受信
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Can i protect my blog content copyright without registering it to copyright departmen? please help?
2015年04月11日(土)21時05分 受信
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How can I add a hit counter to my blogger blog? Detailed instructions would be appreciated. I searched counter on google and i can get this html code but i dont know what to do with it. Thanks!.
2015年04月11日(土)21時11分 受信
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Do you care if I put part of this on my site if I post a link to this site?
2015年04月11日(土)21時28分 受信
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What degree could I get involving music AND creative writing?
2015年04月11日(土)22時13分 受信
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What are good blog posts for a writer who wants to start a blog that even non-readers might want to visit?
2015年04月11日(土)22時46分 受信
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I see in my blog trackers significant traffic coming from facebook. My blog is not connected with facebook, I don't have an account there, and I can't see, who posts the links...any ideas?.
2015年04月12日(日)00時02分 受信
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How can I do a live streaming webcast on Blogger?
2015年04月12日(日)01時09分 受信
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I am 15 and I want to start a fashion blog. What should I call it? Also, please tell me any tips you have for getting started and what I could do on it or how to do it..
2015年04月12日(日)01時22分 受信
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What are the most effective Wordpress plugins to attract the most relevant traffic, the most relevant traffic and maximize website sales?. . I am thinking maybe:. 1. RSS feed plugins, . 2. Cost Per Action (CPA) plugins or code snippets, . 3. Affiliate plugins and/or links. . Can you provide links to...
2015年04月12日(日)01時59分 受信
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I have been told to improve your creative writing you need to read a lot.. What great classic books, can I read (from any period or country) that will improve my writing.. Genre is unimportant, though I am not writing for children.. I said classic, I read science fiction/recent literature as enterta...
2015年04月12日(日)02時31分 受信
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Can i upload short excerpts of copyrighted content on youtube?Is it supported by fair use provision?
2015年04月12日(日)03時02分 受信
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So I'm obviously new to the site. I figured out how to customize my blog page but now I need some help learning how to delete the posts that seem to automatically be there as examples and create my own..
2015年04月12日(日)03時25分 受信
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I want to change my home page to another page with wordpress, is it possible?.
2015年04月12日(日)04時02分 受信
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New to joomla please guide me i have download joomla from website ? What should i do ?
2015年04月12日(日)04時26分 受信
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Hi. I have a blog which i installed wordpress. So far so good. Except that wordpress stats shows me the visits and i want it to show how many visitors visited my blog. Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot..
2015年04月12日(日)04時33分 受信
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Is there a computer program that will automatically start other programs?
2015年04月12日(日)07時18分 受信
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I am starting a Virtual assistant business and would like to start building a website that can expand with me. I am on a very limited income so I need to start it for next to no money upfront. Please help..
2015年04月12日(日)07時37分 受信
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I think I set the settings wrongly. Now that I changed the settings, there's only 1 out of 8 posts visible to the public. Previously set to mature content, despite the lack of nudity. Should I double-post? It's the blog part that confused me..
2015年04月12日(日)09時35分 受信
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I have seen a lot of blogs in blogspot. What purpose do they serve? Is it possible to make money through blogs. If yes how?.
2015年04月12日(日)09時57分 受信
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I want to start selling hair bows. How do I get a website started and what are the costs?. How do I design it?.
2015年04月12日(日)10時22分 受信
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I have a wordpress blog with a lot of pictures hosted on third party websites. I want all the pictures to be hosted in my wordpress blogs. I don't want to manually download all pictures and replace them in the posts, i need something to do that automatically..
2015年04月12日(日)10時26分 受信
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How can i change the font on my wordpress blog?
2015年04月12日(日)10時41分 受信
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How do you password protect a Blogger blog on a custom domain?
2015年04月12日(日)10時48分 受信
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Can I use Joomla to update a purely HTML coded website (I mean a website that is not designed using Joomla) ?
2015年04月12日(日)11時12分 受信
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What is the best way to search for blogs you are interested in?
2015年04月12日(日)11時32分 受信
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How do I put up my Blogspot blog on Google Search?
2015年04月12日(日)11時57分 受信
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How to upload a template that was made in dreamweaver to my joomla site?
2015年04月12日(日)12時36分 受信
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Hi,. . I want to post directly to my wordpress blog from my desktop, specifically from Command prompt. . . I know there is a protocol called xml-rpc, but that is of no help to me, as I don't know what on earth it is. Any help would be appreciated..
2015年04月12日(日)14時20分 受信
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What is a blog subject that you would find interesting to read about?
2015年04月12日(日)14時53分 受信
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I am trying to get my articles published in a newspaper or magazine. How do I protect my work? .
2015年04月12日(日)15時30分 受信
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I am in an english class at the University of Tennessee and my professor stated that if one of us can get published our blog published on the website, we will get an automatic A in the course. Please, if anyone knows how you can get a blog published on Amnesty International, or has any tips, please ...
2015年04月12日(日)17時09分 受信
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I have been given a Dell computer from my sister. However, her former husband set up his account on this computer (says he cannot remember the password), making himself the only administrator. Now, I cannot add any programs ( like iTunes), nor can I delete anything. How can I clear his passwords fr...
2015年04月12日(日)17時15分 受信
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I want to put the advertisements in blogger, so I can get payments?.
2015年04月12日(日)18時33分 受信
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I have been a yahoo users for some years now. I am only starting to make use of the tools which they provide, one of which being blog posts. I have written a blog and would like to know if my blog posts are being seen by others. If not then does anyone know how I get my blogs posts read..
2015年04月12日(日)18時39分 受信
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How do you start a blog? And what is the best way?
2015年04月12日(日)19時30分 受信
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How to restore computer when my computer just randomly shuts off?
2015年04月12日(日)20時01分 受信
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How to configure joomla that can retrieve the data from mysql?
2015年04月12日(日)21時08分 受信
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I accidentally deleted my joomla files from server? How to install it and have it as it was?
2015年04月12日(日)21時14分 受信
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What computer software were computers using before Microsoft was invented? I googled it and couldn't find any info on it. Thanks and no jokes or dissing please..
2015年04月12日(日)22時23分 受信
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I'm finding them for my sister. I'm trying to find the most recipes with pictures and the ages of baby for the recipes. Blogs are usually where I would expect to find them..
2015年04月12日(日)23時13分 受信
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I have a blog using Blogspot. I would like to ban a specific person from viewing and/or commenting. I am not looking to make the entire blog password-protected or moderate comments. I just want to ban a specific IP address. How can I do this?.
2015年04月12日(日)23時30分 受信
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I want to know how to get the CSS code for rounded corners for my header, post background, and sidebar background! It's for my blogspot blog. PLEASE tell me how to get the css code!.
2015年04月13日(月)00時15分 受信
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I have a Blogger blog that is hooked up to my personal website. The actual blog is linked off of the homepage. I would like to know if there's a widget or something that I can put on my website's homepage that will show my latest blog posts. Not the whole post, but maybe just the headline and a lin...
2015年04月13日(月)01時07分 受信
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I am in an english class at the University of Tennessee and my professor stated that if one of us can get published our blog published on the website, we will get an automatic A in the course. Please, if anyone knows how you can get a blog published on Amnesty International, or has any tips, please ...
2015年04月13日(月)02時01分 受信
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How I Can make my article copyright marked?Who is authorized agency for copyright articles?
2015年04月13日(月)03時38分 受信
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How do i make videos bigger in my blogger website larger?
2015年04月13日(月)03時53分 受信
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I am working on an educational website and the owners wanted an article section where I put articles they indicate on the site. The articles come from news/magazine and other online article/new sources. I have been listing ?Article Taken From: (URL)? and a link to the original article. I thought ...
2015年04月13日(月)04時32分 受信
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How can I add a hit counter to my blogger blog?
2015年04月13日(月)05時33分 受信
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Actually, I?m a blog starter. I just want more people to visit my blog to make me a popular blog. I?m capable of writing, and I know writing skill is a must. But is there any other way to make my blog more popular?.
2015年04月13日(月)05時37分 受信
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Ok so I have looked around a lot on this matter and I keep finding stuff like VNC (or VNSea) that allows you to access the computers on your WiFi network, but all of these require you to install something onto the computer itself. Is there a way to access the computer WITHOUT even touching the compu...
2015年04月13日(月)06時49分 受信
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Can I start a blog that has recording of bad customer service?
2015年04月13日(月)07時31分 受信
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I love to write creative things such as poetry and short stories, but I don't know what I would be able to do with the creative writing degree. . . Besides an author or poet, what can I do with a creative writing degree?.
2015年04月13日(月)08時34分 受信
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I want to be able to forward Mashable's or Engadgets, or Techcrunch's blog post titles to my blog. Just the titles, not the actually blog part. Is this in any way possible?.
2015年04月13日(月)09時46分 受信
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I've asked my older sister countless times to format my computer because I'm experiencing lag in the game I play. Btw, this computer has been formatted 4-5 times. But whenever I ask my sister to format my computer, she says no because she says that if you format a computer too much, the computer its...
2015年04月13日(月)10時53分 受信
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can anyone give me copyright guidelines pertaining to getting articles from other sites.?
2015年04月13日(月)11時28分 受信
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I want to know what is the best 100% free blog/web or search engine directory for the blog site that can provide a lot of traffic to the blog site and spur reading..
2015年04月13日(月)11時41分 受信
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Can I start a blog that has recording of bad customer service?
2015年04月13日(月)13時02分 受信
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how do u put u're own pics for the background? also how do u put music?.
2015年04月13日(月)13時13分 受信
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My friend put together my small business website in dreamweaver for me. However, I now want to maintain it myself---my friend recommended putting it into wordpress. However, I am not a web designer and have no idea what I'm doing---is there an easy way to convert my current website from dreamweave...
2015年04月13日(月)14時17分 受信
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I'm wanting to look at blogs containing music I like, but sifting through all the detached, outdated and crap blogs is a hassle. . I know there are thousands of blogs, is there a good resource to seek out the preferred ones?.
2015年04月13日(月)14時55分 受信
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How many blog post should i have before i start promoting it?
2015年04月13日(月)15時33分 受信
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What should I do to get rid of the blockage of video on youtube due to copyright content?
2015年04月13日(月)15時52分 受信
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How do I remove an image from my blogger sidebar?
2015年04月13日(月)17時15分 受信
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I see articles online all the time and some are quite interesting. Since I've written quite a few articles myself, and even published a few books, it could be helpful for me to get my name out there by presenting my articles. How would I go about putting them online for everyone to access, and coul...
2015年04月13日(月)17時56分 受信
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How to ban a person from a blog on blogspot?
2015年04月13日(月)18時00分 受信
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What is the copyright situation for film stills taken from DVDs and used in academic articles?
2015年04月13日(月)20時40分 受信
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What college-university has a good creative writing program or focus on English?
2015年04月13日(月)20時49分 受信
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What is the best computer virus remover?. My computer is slow as hell and freezes on me. Most of the time, I have to restart my computer. I think I may have a virus on my computer. What is the best software to remove the viruses of my computer?.
2015年04月13日(月)22時26分 受信
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I am using the revolution code blue template for wordpress. I would like to change all fonts to Trebuchet MS. I have tried editing the stylesheet but no luck. Any suggestions?.
2015年04月13日(月)22時39分 受信
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What is the best way to start a photography website?
2015年04月13日(月)23時26分 受信
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I need to start up a website but i don't want to use a free web host. I will be using the website for a webcomic but i'm not sure how to go about it. Can someone help me?.
2015年04月14日(火)01時22分 受信
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When Someone googles something that relates to one of my wordpress blogs how can I get it to appear on the first page of their serach results?? Thanks!.
2015年04月14日(火)01時25分 受信
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Is there a way to report a website for violating copyright of articles and images?
2015年04月14日(火)02時11分 受信
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I have a Blogspot blog, and I want that any time I publish a new post on my blog, a link to the new post will automatically be added to my Facebook news feed. Is there anyway to do this?.
2015年04月14日(火)03時05分 受信
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What was the URL format for Yahoo! 360 Blog posts back in the day?
2015年04月14日(火)03時36分 受信
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i am setting up A web portal for my business. and i want to know the copyright guidelines, specifically the legality of copying other articles from other websites. in other words, is it ok to copy an article from another site and paste it in my site ( of course, i will be putting the reference sourc...
2015年04月14日(火)04時33分 受信
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I want to start a blog/online diary, but not sure where to start..
2015年04月14日(火)04時55分 受信
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What is the best free software to automatically backup wordpress database and files?
2015年04月14日(火)06時09分 受信
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I'm an aspiring writer-of all literary trades (journalism, screen writing, satire, etc)-but I want to start a blog for some adult oriented, romantic fantasy literature. Anyone know how I can start a blog that will allow me to do this? I believe I'll need a warning page before entrance, and I want it...
2015年04月14日(火)06時51分 受信
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I am trying to find a good blogging site where I can actually get viewers or readers to view my blog. I have tried blogspot and live journal with no real success. Does anyone know of any good sites where I can actually blog and get readers?. . Another thing is any tips to get readers to your blogs? ...
2015年04月14日(火)08時13分 受信
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Hi,. can enybody please tell me other platforms that blogger, wordpress, posterous, dupral where I can make blog posts by email?. I need a list of free blog services that allow you to make your post by email..
2015年04月14日(火)08時39分 受信
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How does one find out how to become a blogger, or how much a blogger makes?
2015年04月14日(火)10時46分 受信
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I am looking to start a blog, though I don't know which is the best way to go about this. Some of my friends recommend buying a domain from iPage, and then using WordPress. However, I feel that this is limiting. My next option is through TypePad as it appears to have the level of control desired, th...
2015年04月14日(火)11時09分 受信
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I have a web page for my business and there is a link to my blog on it, it want to show the blog posts on the webpage not just the link and I can't figure out how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
2015年04月14日(火)11時13分 受信
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How do I use my wordpress theme on my regular subpages?
2015年04月14日(火)11時43分 受信
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What are some of the most popular/best blogs about cell phones and wireless tech?
2015年04月14日(火)11時51分 受信
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I wrote a new LiveJournal blog post about 20 minutes ago, and have Facebook set up to import my blog posts. It's already imported all my old ones; how long does it take for Facebook to check for new blog posts, and to import them to my Facebook notes?.
2015年04月14日(火)12時26分 受信
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I want to start a blog/online diary, but not sure where to start..
2015年04月14日(火)13時12分 受信
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I want to start a blog written by a fictitious character commenting on politics, current events, news etc..How?.
2015年04月14日(火)14時53分 受信
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I have clients and associates that would find the article helpful. Is it ok to forward the article without getting into trouble? Usually the articles are sent out to the public as a newsletter or an rss feed. I am not changing it or hiding the author, simple sending and saying "this might be...
2015年04月14日(火)15時24分 受信
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How do you delete media files with apostrophes from Joomla?
2015年04月14日(火)17時10分 受信
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hello everyone. I am planning to start a website with my partner in Australia. But now, later, we get know that a website with the same concept is already exist in UK and they have patent themselves. so does this can cause us a problem. second thing is how we can set the term and conditions and priv...
2015年04月14日(火)17時43分 受信
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Im 13 and i really want to start a blog?
2015年04月14日(火)19時04分 受信
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How can I drive more traffic to my railroad blog?
2015年04月14日(火)19時30分 受信
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So I created a secondary blog off my first one, but I now want my secondary blog to be my personal or my main blog. So that as soon and I sign on the newer blog I made would be my default blog. If that makes any sense... Is there a way to do this?.
2015年04月14日(火)20時39分 受信
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I was wondering if I could use the ebay logo as a picture in one of my blog posts about ebay. Can I do so with any web site as long as I'm not claiming to be that company?.
2015年04月14日(火)20時59分 受信
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How do I copyright the title and the content of an international online newspaper?
2015年04月14日(火)21時51分 受信
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I'm working on company shopping website that uses joomla as its server (if that's the correct word). . Someone uploaded files with spaces and apostrophes in the wrong folder and Joomla won't let me delete them in the usual way.. . How can I delete these files (or edit the file names so that they ca...
2015年04月14日(火)22時34分 受信
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Should I submit a writing portfolio to Columbia University if I plan on being a creative writing major?
2015年04月14日(火)22時42分 受信
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Creative writing copywright: How to protect work when submitting to potential publishers or literary agents?
2015年04月14日(火)23時42分 受信
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I am apart of a commitee that is trying to start a clothing company. I am in charge of designing the clothing website because for right now you can only order stuff online. But I was just wondering how do you start a website for a clothing company? What are some good domain places to sign up for a d...
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Is there a copyright or anything on content in Youtube videos?
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Any recomendations on how to start a blog for teens?
2015年04月15日(水)01時06分 受信
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How to get FireFox or any browser up first on reboot?
2015年04月15日(水)02時58分 受信
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How can I be sure that my Blogspot account was deleted?
2015年04月15日(水)05時16分 受信
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I had choices from essays to videos and I figured blogging can be fun. Can you give me a good free website and a little help on how to get started with what to say, and whether i put it under one day or do it every day until its due. Please help and I promise to select you as the best answer if it h...
2015年04月15日(水)06時23分 受信
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What is the average start up cost for a high profile website?
2015年04月15日(水)06時27分 受信
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What are some of the most popular/best blogs about cell phones and wireless tech?
2015年04月15日(水)07時28分 受信
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I've been trying everything and unfortunately they won't work. I tried posting a playlist in my wordpress in the 'Pages' section but the playlist won't show. Can someone please help with this?.
2015年04月15日(水)07時46分 受信
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How can I get Firefox 3 to stop logging me out everytime I close the browser?
2015年04月15日(水)08時18分 受信
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I have a blog using Blogspot. I would like to ban a specific person from viewing and/or commenting. I am not looking to make the entire blog password-protected or moderate comments. I just want to ban a specific IP address. How can I do this?.
2015年04月15日(水)09時09分 受信
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Where are some good places to get good free blogger templates?. I know of pyzam but I would like to search others, what are some good sites?.
2015年04月15日(水)09時27分 受信
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Columbia University has a new creative writing major and on the application instructions, it says that anyone pursuing anything in the creative or visual arts may submit a supplement to their application. Creative writing is specifically listed, however, I am not sure what to submit. . . Would they ...
2015年04月15日(水)09時32分 受信
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I am not experienced with joomla but I want to use to make a website. My only trouble right now is getting it installed on Yahoo hosting I don't know what to do.. . Can anyone direct me to a site or forum for this or tell me how do it? Greatly appreciated, thank you..
2015年04月15日(水)10時55分 受信
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I'm looking for a nice digital camera under or around $200 for the purpose of blogging (as in wordpress, blogger, etc). I'm trying to get a blog which will be based around the daily photos I take despite the fact that I'm not really a photographer but only doing it for fun. Any cool features like ...
2015年04月15日(水)11時39分 受信
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I am a business man dealing in direct marketing. I need to start a blog for my business purposes. For this I hope I do not have to have an exclusive web site. Kindly advise about books where the fundamentals are explained..
2015年04月15日(水)11時46分 受信
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What is the best website to start a blog that I eventually want to make revenue with?
2015年04月15日(水)11時59分 受信
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How to make old computer a client of new vista computer?
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2015年04月15日(水)14時52分 受信
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How do you start a blog? And what is the best way?
2015年04月15日(水)15時22分 受信
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I don't know what "Wordpress" is but if it has something to do with the way I can have automatic updates of new posts from my blog posted in my Twitter, than I'd like to know more about it.. . Please & Thank you. * My blog is a Blogspot / Blogger blog..
2015年04月15日(水)16時39分 受信
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Any recomendations on how to start a blog for teens?
2015年04月15日(水)16時46分 受信
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How can I automatically publish my blog posts to Facebook?
2015年04月15日(水)17時40分 受信
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I want to create my own website but I have no experience. A classmate recommended me to instead create a blog so that I can get experience. . What free blog site should I use?. Any tips?.
2015年04月15日(水)17時40分 受信
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Hello, I'm having trouble trying to change the settings for my facebook account. I use firefox, and when I opened the account I clicked on the button saying I wanted firefox to remember my password info. Well, I've now changed my mind and want to remove firefox from remembering my info. Does anyone ...
2015年04月15日(水)19時16分 受信
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2015年04月15日(水)20時39分 受信
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How to build a wordpress site while domain is on redirect.?
2015年04月15日(水)20時46分 受信
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What is the best way to copyright the content of an online blog?
2015年04月15日(水)22時17分 受信
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I wish to copyright the content on my blog (content and images)?? can anyone please guide as to how can i go abt it?.
2015年04月15日(水)23時07分 受信
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Copyright Infringement With Properly Cited Articles For A Created For Profit Website?
2015年04月15日(水)23時45分 受信
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What is online blogging and how do people make money out of it?
2015年04月15日(水)23時49分 受信
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How to upload a wordpress backup on to a site?
2015年04月16日(木)00時45分 受信
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How can I add a hit counter to my blogger blog? Detailed instructions would be appreciated. I searched counter on google and i can get this html code but i dont know what to do with it. Thanks!.
2015年04月16日(木)00時59分 受信
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I have a business blog through which I offer certain goods and services. It is also a general-information blog, however. I am seeking to move it to another blog host. I know that blogspot offers user-sponsored advertising, but are there any other free blogs that allow something like blogspot's ad...
2015年04月16日(木)01時56分 受信
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It is very annoying to me that Firefox always opens mp3, wmv, mpg and opther file types in the browser window. Is there a way to set it to always open these files in winamp, VLC player, or anything else?.
2015年04月16日(木)02時35分 受信
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I have a MacBook computer and I want my pictures that are on my computer to be on my Motorola Razr 2 v9. I have a memory card and a memory card adapter. When I put the card in the adapter, the computer recognizes it. And the pictures that I have on my phone can transfer to the computer with no pr...
2015年04月16日(木)02時38分 受信
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how do i start a blog to share my ideals?.
2015年04月16日(木)03時06分 受信
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How can I drive more traffic to my railroad blog?
2015年04月16日(木)03時35分 受信
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Is a URL for copyrighted web content also covered by the copyright?
2015年04月16日(木)05時49分 受信
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I'm currently using a classic blogger template and I would like to know how you put an rss feed on it. Normally, blogger has an rss feed avaliable on the newer templates but my blog doesn't have one. Also, is there some sort of widget I could also install for followers?.
2015年04月16日(木)06時46分 受信
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Where or what would I have to do? And what's the cost?.
2015年04月16日(木)08時34分 受信
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I have one computer running Vista which is connected to the internet and I want to be able to get the internet on my second computer (that's got XP) which is connected via a crossover cable. What do I need to set to be able to surf the net on my second computer?. The LAN connection is running fine, ...
2015年04月16日(木)10時11分 受信
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Hi,. . I want to post directly to my wordpress blog from my desktop, specifically from Command prompt. . . I know there is a protocol called xml-rpc, but that is of no help to me, as I don't know what on earth it is. Any help would be appreciated..
2015年04月16日(木)11時02分 受信
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How do you make firefox use your existing installation of Flash?
2015年04月16日(木)11時22分 受信
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What user friendly Wordpress text editing program should I use that is a free download?
2015年04月16日(木)11時23分 受信
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Whats a good website to start a blog on (a free one), and how would i do that?.
2015年04月16日(木)11時29分 受信
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What are the pros and cons of housing a blog on corporate website vs. using Blogspot?
2015年04月16日(木)12時07分 受信
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I’m really impressed with your writing skills as well as with the layout on your blog. Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? Either way keep up the nice quality writing, it is rare to see a nice blog like this one nowadays..
2015年04月16日(木)12時14分 受信
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I had two computers both connected to a wireless router. Yesterday I connected a third computer to the network and, although the connection goes through for this new computer, one of the original computers now says "Limited or no connectivity" and cannot connect to the Internet. Is i...
2015年04月16日(木)12時16分 受信
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What are good blog posts for a writer who wants to start a blog that even non-readers might want to visit?
2015年04月16日(木)12時24分 受信
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How do I post to my wordpress blog from my desktop, without 3rd party software?
2015年04月16日(木)12時39分 受信
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i want to be able to do that kind of work with computers, but they don't necessarily pay that well (40k a yr). Are there any other computer careers that involve repair work, ect. that pay at least 10k higher yearly? Thanks!. thanks anyway ppl i got some information from my dad who works in it depa...
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Eu não me importo quantas pessoas ele diz são alinhados para alugar o espaço, você deve ter o contrato de arrendamento para casa e tomar todo o tempo que você precisa para revê-lo completamente antes de colocar o seu nome na linha pontilhada.
2015年04月16日(木)14時37分 受信
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I got collection of 22000 songs, and i would like to create own internet radio and DJ as well. Do anyone know how to do this in my blog page(blogspot) ?.
2015年04月16日(木)14時54分 受信
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I am a business man dealing in direct marketing. I need to start a blog for my business purposes. For this I hope I do not have to have an exclusive web site. Kindly advise about books where the fundamentals are explained..
2015年04月16日(木)15時37分 受信
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How do you copyright content on your site (Webcomic specifically)?
2015年04月16日(木)16時47分 受信
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Can I share some links with copyright content on twitter?
2015年04月16日(木)19時17分 受信
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I have Joomla and a Joomla template(rt_refraction_j15) installed on my website. But i want the same template and css styling, as a basic HTML template, so i don't have to use Joomla for editing. Is there an easy way to convert the template to basic HTML/CSS template?.
2015年04月16日(木)19時52分 受信
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I developed a joomla site on my localhost. Now I want to upload it to GoDaddy. How do I do that?
2015年04月16日(木)20時24分 受信
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Most of the files in the Wordpress theme I have end in .php. I would like to be able to make the text changes on screen in the Wordpress theme, also, how do you add additional pages, etc?.
2015年04月16日(木)21時00分 受信
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How to make a select category on wordpress use a different domain?
2015年04月16日(木)21時37分 受信
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What are the most effective Wordpress plugins to attract the most relevant traffic and maximize website sales?
2015年04月16日(木)21時47分 受信
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Is there a degree that exists for use of music AND creative writing two fields? If there is, do you know the name of it?. . I want to combine these two of my interests (loves) but I don't know what kind of degree offers the use of both.. . Please help? Approaching college?.
2015年04月16日(木)23時02分 受信
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How to recover blog in blogger When it counted as spam in blogger?
2015年04月16日(木)23時30分 受信
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How to build a wordpress site while domain is on redirect.?
2015年04月16日(木)23時32分 受信
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I'm going to do a presentation about thebillboard website . I need some informations about how is started ? and if there is a story behind its starting , and I need to know why it's important for the media's life ? Alos, what does it do ?.
2015年04月16日(木)23時45分 受信
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I closed a blogspot website and the site opened up 15 times?
2015年04月17日(金)00時04分 受信
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In other words, how do i search for blogs that fit what I want to read about? Does anyone know how to BROWSE through blogs by subject or whatever on blogger?.
2015年04月17日(金)02時16分 受信
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I am trying to get remote desktop connection going, for the computers in the same network.. The problem is, my computer (Windows 7) does not seem to register the other computers on the network.. . Can anybody point me in the direction that might solve this issue?. The other computers are xp, if that...
2015年04月17日(金)02時23分 受信
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Hi there. I was just wondering why its such a big thing these days to have a ridiculous amount of ram in a computer? People tell me that the more Ram you have in your computer the faster your computer will be. I always thought that it was the processor that controls the speed of a computer and not t...
2015年04月17日(金)04時05分 受信
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How do you start a website for a clothing company?
2015年04月17日(金)04時11分 受信
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Why does Firefox not work since I downloaded yahoo instant messenger?
2015年04月17日(金)04時15分 受信
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I got two networked blog setting of a single blog in facebook. I want to delete of them. Is there any way to delete only one networked blog keeping the another as it is ?.
2015年04月17日(金)05時22分 受信
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I have a hosted Wordpress blog. For some reason, my blog posts are being sent out to followers of another blog. The other blog owners uses Blogger. We can figure out why or how this is happening?.
2015年04月17日(金)06時41分 受信
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In Mozilla Firefox how do you customize the toolbars to different colors and styles?
2015年04月17日(金)06時57分 受信
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Joomla Software vs Dreamweaver Software which one is the best?
2015年04月17日(金)07時51分 受信
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I am looking to start a blog, though I don't know which is the best way to go about this. Some of my friends recommend buying a domain from iPage, and then using WordPress. However, I feel that this is limiting. My next option is through TypePad as it appears to have the level of control desired, th...
2015年04月17日(金)08時21分 受信
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Just how does one make money from blogs? How does one start it or go about it? Is there a specific way to do it? Just how does one make money from blogs in the first place? Where does one get started in this? Do you have to advertise and use your credit card? Are there any certain kinds of rules you...
2015年04月17日(金)10時20分 受信
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What are the laws on republishing newspaper articles in a book? Are there copyright issues?
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Either double major with journalism and creative writing, or a "good" school in an urban area where I could major in journalism and minor in creative writing? I'm only a sophmore in high school but I know I love to write and I don't know what I'd enjoy more as an actual career, jour...
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2015年04月17日(金)11時44分 受信
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Can my blogs be seen by others even if I do not buy a domain name?
2015年04月17日(金)11時50分 受信
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How do you start a blog? How do you get your own blog site or page?
2015年04月17日(金)11時50分 受信
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I have a degree in creative writing from a top university, but still have no significant credits yet. How should I go about getting published in a reputable magazine or web site for the first time? Is self-publishing the way to go? I have short stories that are done, but I am not sure where to send ...
2015年04月17日(金)12時30分 受信
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From where to start blogging?Suggest good blogging websites and also hot topics to write blog on.?
2015年04月17日(金)13時47分 受信
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I opened up a blogspot website and when I closed it 15 or so new windows opened back up to the same site. Why did that happen? Was it a virus?. Will it hurt my computer? How do I find it and get rid of it? I am running 2 virus scans right now but if those do not find it, how do I find it?.
2015年04月17日(金)15時15分 受信
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Starting with registering the domain and designing the layout.
2015年04月17日(金)15時38分 受信
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How does one find out how to become a blogger, or how much a blogger makes?
2015年04月17日(金)15時42分 受信
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How to reduce the number of feed headlines in Blogger?
2015年04月17日(金)15時54分 受信
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well my friend made a blog and he won't show me what his blog is until he finishes everything with it. So i was wondering if there was a way to find someones blogger with their email address. If anyone could show me how. thatd be great thanks!.
2015年04月17日(金)16時34分 受信
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What is a blogging site where people give a lot of quick feedback?
2015年04月17日(金)17時17分 受信
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How can I copyright the material on my website, content, images and all?
2015年04月17日(金)19時40分 受信
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I'm not the owner of the site or of the copyrights, but it's very clear to me that this website is violating many copyrights. Is there a way I can report it under the DMCA? Thanks!.
2015年04月17日(金)20時25分 受信
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A logo, accompanying punch line and rest of the content of a portal needs to be secured against any republication or use by any other party..
2015年04月17日(金)20時56分 受信
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Our business has been mentioned on a blog in a negative way and I am not sure how I can get the anonymous blogger to remove the post.. I've emailed her but have had no response. What are my options and what should my next step be?.
2015年04月17日(金)22時31分 受信
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How do you start your own website to advertise your new business?
2015年04月17日(金)22時44分 受信
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I have a Mac and use the latest version of Firefox. I want the download window to stop popping up every time i save like a picture or something. For instance when i save a picture i see in firefox, the download window pops up saying what i've downloaded and stuff. How do i get that pop up window to ...
2015年04月17日(金)22時52分 受信
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I'll be teaching a creative writing class this summer to a group of 11-14 year-olds. I have experience teaching writing (mostly poetry) to adults, but teaching kids will be new territory. Does anyone have some great tips, websites, resources for exercises, and reading materials for this age group? T...
2015年04月17日(金)22時52分 受信
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What blogs do you read for information on the candidates?
2015年04月18日(土)00時11分 受信
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Why does Firefox not work since I downloaded yahoo instant messenger?
2015年04月18日(土)00時25分 受信
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I never installed any copyright stuff online/offline. I know what i did or not. i just want to remove this warning from my computer but don't know how. can anyone help me??.
2015年04月18日(土)00時42分 受信
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I have a lot of bookmarked websites part of Blogspot that I check daily for updates, but it is so annoying to click through a list. If I make an account is there some sort of feature where I can see new posts on the websites? (Sort of like Subscriptions on Xanga)?.
2015年04月18日(土)00時51分 受信
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There are a lot of blogging sites dedicated to celebrities (ex. Perez Hilton), love, fashion, travel, and food. But, how do I start one of my own specialty?.
2015年04月18日(土)02時38分 受信
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I wanted to translate some articles from a foreign magazine and I was wondering if its legal to post them online..
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how can u get rid of unwanted files on ur computer....like old movies u deleted that are still on the computer or books that were digital?!.
2015年04月18日(土)04時31分 受信
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Is there free software or online database to keep track of scheduled blog posts? I would also like it to keep a record of past and future posts. I am trying to avoid creating a spreadsheet in Excel..
2015年04月18日(土)05時28分 受信
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Just bought a new laptop, not sure whether there is a way to take firefox bookmarks from old laptop to new laptop.. . Thanks..
2015年04月18日(土)05時44分 受信
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How do I prevent Firefox from opening a site that has a virus?
2015年04月18日(土)05時56分 受信
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How to get your customized blogspot to appear on google search?
2015年04月18日(土)07時26分 受信
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I just tried to watch a National Geographic video on YouTube to find a message saying that the copyright holder had blocked me from viewing it because I'm not in the USA.. . Similar to HULU, and Comedy Central.. . Why?.
2015年04月18日(土)08時51分 受信
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Is this possible? I am following two Blogspot accounts using my Twitter account. But when I look at my Twitter news feed, I never see updates from either of these Blogspots (and they have been updated). Is there a setting I need to change, or is this not even possible to do?.
2015年04月18日(土)09時20分 受信
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Is it possible to hide certain blog posts on Blogger? If so, how?. . I know that I can save my post as a draft, or have it scheduled, but what I need is to hide my post for a giveaway but still have certain followers be able to access it through a link.. . So it needs a url in blogger before I actua...
2015年04月18日(土)10時09分 受信
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How do i start a website and what is the approximate cost?
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Hi to all,. . Need tool for checking content copyright.
2015年04月18日(土)10時24分 受信
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I recently did a system restore on my computer and have yet to reload my antivirus software. Apparently somewhere along the process something called Antivi took over my computer and I can't do anything, not even get to my task manager to end the program. Any advice?.
2015年04月18日(土)11時57分 受信
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How do I delete computer passwords from a different user on my computer?
2015年04月18日(土)12時00分 受信
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I have a wordpress blog now, but I can't figure out how to get readers into there! I have been using myspace and it's been great, subscriptions like crazy, but a lot of them don't have wordpress...so no leads there. Besides, I am posting the same info to both, so it's not much of a point of them g...
2015年04月18日(土)12時10分 受信
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What are the skills that I need to run a website business, I want to display some useful info on my site to earn money. I am not talking about designing part, I know how to launch a website but don't know how to get advertisements from companies, marketing, managing, updating, customer service and t...
2015年04月18日(土)12時54分 受信
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How to configure joomla that can retrieve the data from mysql?
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2015年04月18日(土)15時29分 受信
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I own a .info web domain hosted on 50webs. I have tried uploading via FTP from Blogger but I keep getting java errors. Is there an easier way of having Blog type software on my website? Or what is your suggestion for the BEST blog site to use that lets you use your own domain as a homepage for your ...
2015年04月18日(土)16時28分 受信
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Do I violate copyright if I use news article on my own newsletter?
2015年04月18日(土)17時28分 受信
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The mozzila firefox is removed from the add remove programs but still it is not uninstalled. I would like to uninstall it is there any way to uninstall it using command promt or from registry?.
2015年04月18日(土)18時01分 受信
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What's a good wordpress blog theme for an icanhascheeseburer or failblog clone?
2015年04月18日(土)18時18分 受信
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A friend has a computer that turns itself off after a certain period of time of inactivity. And all you have to do is move the mouse a little, and the computer comes back on. Maybe the computer is not completely off, maybe this is called hibernate or standby or something. Is this a good thing to ...
2015年04月18日(土)18時39分 受信
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I know many wikipedia articles contains copyright violation or licence violation. how do i do this..
2015年04月18日(土)20時03分 受信
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How do I get my Wordpress blog posts to get views in the days after I first post them?
2015年04月18日(土)20時23分 受信
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Computer question (How long does an average person keep a computer for?
2015年04月18日(土)22時04分 受信
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I wonder why those servers with copyrighted content stay up. I see a lot of "don't post any US content" but they don't care at all about content from japan.. . Is it just that Japan doesn't care much about their copyright laws?. . It is hundreds or maybe even thousands of servers wit...
2015年04月18日(土)22時12分 受信
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I have a weird desire now to make a false blog. What is a good blog site to do this and let people know that its not really my thoughts but of my characters thoughts?.
2015年04月18日(土)22時28分 受信
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Hi. I have a blog which i installed wordpress. So far so good. Except that wordpress stats shows me the visits and i want it to show how many visitors visited my blog. Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot..
2015年04月18日(土)23時36分 受信
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What are the best colleges for creative writing and screenwriting?
2015年04月19日(日)01時33分 受信
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What is the best way to search for blogs you are interested in?
2015年04月19日(日)01時38分 受信
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Hello.. . I would be grateful for advice on creative writing copywright issues.. . When submitting poetry, short stories, novels, or features to publishers and literary agents to consider for publication, is it an idea to protect the copywright?. . If so, what's the best way to do this?. . Thank you...
2015年04月19日(日)02時04分 受信
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How can I be sure that my Blogspot account was deleted?
2015年04月19日(日)02時07分 受信
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In Firefox you have the standard silver toolbars where the address bar and file/edit bars are there is the silver background. How do you customize and change that around?.
2015年04月19日(日)02時33分 受信
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I am going to be a junior in high school in a month when school starts and I want to start looking at schools. I am really interested in creative writing and literature. What are some good schools for that? I also want to study philosophy. . . Thanks!.
2015年04月19日(日)03時44分 受信
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Right now firefox automatically downloads an mp3 and opens it. I want it to prompt me with the dialog box so I can choose where to save it. I've looked in options->downloads->view and edit actions and there is nothing set there that I can change..
2015年04月19日(日)05時13分 受信
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I use a micro SD card between my laptop and netbook as an external hardrive for my class files. I often download files on one computer or the other without the drive in that computer. Is it possible to set my computer up so that when I insert my drive my computer automatically updates the folder on...
2015年04月19日(日)06時06分 受信
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When installing Joomla on my computer in order to update a preexisting site, do I need my client to give me the Host Name, MySQL User Name, MySQL Password, MySQL Database NAme and MySQL Table Prefix? I already have their FTP information, and the Joomla admin control panel login information..
2015年04月19日(日)08時11分 受信
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How do I know if my blogs are being seen by others?
2015年04月19日(日)08時32分 受信
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My bestfriend and I want to create a blogging site, but we dont know which one to use. We basically will just be uploading random stuff about anything but we want the site to be fun and decorative, not just a plain layout..
2015年04月19日(日)08時45分 受信
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How come Firefox displays a weird character when it should show a word?
2015年04月19日(日)08時47分 受信
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I've always had internet explorer and I never used anything else. What can google chrome and firefox do that internet explorer cant?.
2015年04月19日(日)09時50分 受信
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What is the best way to copyright the content of an online blog?
2015年04月19日(日)10時23分 受信
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If somebody like Julia Roberts or Natalie Portman had a personal blog where they posted pictures of their vacations or something, would you still take them seriously as actors? Do you think celebrities with personal blogs are less credible and taken less seriously than those who don't? Furthermore, ...
2015年04月19日(日)11時23分 受信
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The Firefox updated tab comes up everytime i start firefox. What do i do to stop it?
2015年04月19日(日)11時29分 受信
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I just downloaded Mozilla firefox, how do i make it so my opening page is bebo? I know its possible i just can't remember how. I mean so that when you open firefox its not google its bebo, if yous get what i mean?.
2015年04月19日(日)11時32分 受信
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I am a 19 year old female quadriplegic and a mother of a two-year-old daughter. I am not able to work because of my disability but I do have a voice-activated computer and I know a lot about computers and the Internet. I want to start a website I do not know about what. I need IDEAS! I would lik...
2015年04月19日(日)13時34分 受信
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What is the difference between a blog and a website?
2015年04月19日(日)13時34分 受信
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How do I remove an image from my blogger sidebar?
2015年04月19日(日)14時56分 受信
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I want to start a blog on myyearbook but i cant find the box on my profile.. I have made sure i have checked the box to show my latest blog in the manage profile boxes section.. But it still wont show up.. Please help.. Is there any other way to start the blog?.
2015年04月19日(日)15時07分 受信
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How do i start a website and what is the approximate cost?
2015年04月19日(日)15時29分 受信
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How can I make a personalized banner for a blogspot blog?
2015年04月19日(日)17時31分 受信
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The mozzila firefox is removed from the add remove programs but still it is not uninstalled. I would like to uninstall it is there any way to uninstall it using command promt or from registry?.
2015年04月19日(日)17時40分 受信
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There's an interesting webpage that has just been deleted, but thanks to the miracle of hibernation, it's still open in Firefox. The problem is, when I save it, it seems to attempt to retrieve the page from its source on the internet, which no longer exists. Is there any way I can configure Firefox...
2015年04月19日(日)19時43分 受信
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Right on my man!
2015年04月19日(日)20時32分 受信
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We want to start a celebrity blog, like Perez Hilton. But how do we create a blog, with two people writing? Also how do we get celebrity gossip? We would like to know all the steps to get this blog popular in the world and how to start it..
2015年04月19日(日)20時49分 受信
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What are your standards of success for a blog? Readership? Quality? Is there a relationship between readership and quality?. . What did people with successful blogs do to make them successful? Was it a kind of "if you build it, they will come" thing? Do they actively market them...
2015年04月19日(日)20時51分 受信
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I'm looking for clothing and style ideas at a reasonable prices for a woman over 25.. . Anyone know any good sites or blogs?. . Seems like everything I find is either geared toward teens or is insanely expensive couture.. . Thanks!.
2015年04月19日(日)21時47分 受信
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I have many setting in my previous windows in Mozila Firefox, now I've installed an onother version of windows on other hardisk.. What should I copy to have the same settings, history and bookmarks from the earlier one?. Nothing is lost I just have an onother windows in another hard and I want to mo...
2015年04月19日(日)21時53分 受信
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So I'm obviously new to the site. I figured out how to customize my blog page but now I need some help learning how to delete the posts that seem to automatically be there as examples and create my own..
2015年04月19日(日)22時02分 受信
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Hi I'm interested in computer courses to study, today I spoke to someone from one of the unis I was interested in one of the courses were more about designing and the other practical and more technical fixing and support the system. I'm really interested in that. Its called computer enterprising. ...
2015年04月19日(日)22時16分 受信
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I'd like to start blogging but I have no idea which website to use? Which ones are the best?.
2015年04月19日(日)23時42分 受信
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People post links to websites that have (for example) live streaming football and they nearly always have .blogspot. in the link. When I follow these there is just match details and adverts, no football (even when I know the game is being played). Do I need to install something or sign up to somethi...
2015年04月20日(月)00時56分 受信
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I have three blogs on tumblr under the same email address. How do I delete one of those blogs without deleting the other two?. Preferably, I'd like someone to answer whom has encountered this problem before and solved it without deleting their other blogs.. Thanks!.
2015年04月20日(月)02時14分 受信
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How do I copy Firefox bookmarks between users on the same computer?
2015年04月20日(月)03時15分 受信
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I am at a crossroads in my career. I am in the middle of applying for law school, but I really want to write. Is there a field that can combine the two, or do I choose one over the other? I am not looking to practice law, that much I know about myself. I want to do something that is challenging, fun...
2015年04月20日(月)04時01分 受信
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I am visiting Hollins University very soon because I've researched all the aspects of the english/creative writing department and love it to death. But I am looking for a couple good safety schools with the same strenghts. Any ideas?.
2015年04月20日(月)04時09分 受信
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I have been wanting to start a successful blog i want to start a blogg useing the best free blogg starting website .... pleez tell me which one is the best??????\.
2015年04月20日(月)04時17分 受信
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Am new to blogging. So would like to know more about blogs..
2015年04月20日(月)05時41分 受信
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How do I add the shadows to a Joomla template?
2015年04月20日(月)05時55分 受信
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Hello? I run a student service oriented website which has a good no of hits. I would like to convert it to a business. Can I register the website itslef as a company or should I start a company and the website should be owned by it? What is the protocol to start a new website company in India? Pleas...
2015年04月20日(月)06時08分 受信
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I have a shopping cart site on Joomla. I want to add my wordpress blog to my joomla site. How do i do this? Many sites suggest using a tool called joomblog, but joomla shut that product down because messes with the core modules of the site. . . What do i do?.
2015年04月20日(月)09時41分 受信
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I need to start up a website but i don't want to use a free web host. I will be using the website for a webcomic but i'm not sure how to go about it. Can someone help me?.
2015年04月20日(月)10時25分 受信
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How do you start your own website to advertise your new business?
2015年04月20日(月)10時35分 受信
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What hosting sites will allow my blog to make money off adds being placed on my blog?
2015年04月20日(月)11時09分 受信
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How can I insert a tag cloud into my blog @ blogspot?
2015年04月20日(月)11時13分 受信
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I have heard about sites that will pay you per post on your blog . . The one im planning on joining pays $10 per post. . Anyone know any good ones? Or better ones for that matter?.
2015年04月20日(月)11時55分 受信
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I need 2 set up wordpess through a webhost.... . i know i have to download wordpress but whats a good host to go with? and after i set up an account with a host, how difficult is the set up before I can begin building a site? and last but not least, can i still import the free wordpress templates?.
2015年04月20日(月)13時06分 受信
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I am starting a business selling various baby things that I make. And I want to start a website to be able to sell them on. Can anyone tell me the steps that I would need to go through to do this? And what is the cost?. Thanks..
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2015年04月20日(月)14時42分 受信
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My website is on a remote server, I have copied all the files from their remote host server. How do I now configure MAMP to see this as a local copy of wordpress so I can edit it and try out different themes. . Please help. I am pulling my hair out!.
2015年04月20日(月)15時27分 受信
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What blog sites would be good for a small business in floral and gifts?
2015年04月20日(月)16時59分 受信
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I didn't know that.
2015年04月20日(月)17時25分 受信
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Where can I take a creative writing class in Chicago this summer?
2015年04月20日(月)18時37分 受信
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I want to create a site where it's a one stop shop for stories and articles on a particular subject....as long as I give credit to the author or source will I be ok, I will not steal original content, but rather gather it...is this legal?.
2015年04月20日(月)19時36分 受信
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How to use mozila firefox seting from an other windows?
2015年04月20日(月)20時07分 受信
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There are thousands of blogs that requires comments on them. What is the intention of blog comments?.
2015年04月20日(月)20時15分 受信
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Right on my man!
2015年04月20日(月)21時00分 受信
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Actually, I?m a blog starter. I just want more people to visit my blog to make me a popular blog. I?m capable of writing, and I know writing skill is a must. But is there any other way to make my blog more popular?.
2015年04月20日(月)21時45分 受信
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For instance, major music stores like iTunes are not available in Asia and US TV networks which let viewers see programmes on their website don't make such programmes available to viewers outside the US. This is even if people are willing to pay to download or see the content.. Isn't an online stor...
2015年04月20日(月)21時49分 受信
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I am a little confused on exactly how I would make money by blogging, I mean who pay me and how, once I blog who come to my page and how do I get them there. I really appreciate if some one could break it down for me.. . Thanks!.
2015年04月20日(月)22時39分 受信
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can i protect my blog content copyright without registering it to copyright departmen? please help?
2015年04月20日(月)23時07分 受信
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How do I get my Wordpress blog posts to get views in the days after I first post them?
2015年04月20日(月)23時07分 受信
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How do you start a blog? How do you get your own blog site or page?
2015年04月21日(火)00時44分 受信
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Okay so I have two blogs, one with blogger and one with wordpress, both have the same content. However, no one is visiting my blogger site, while people are visiting the wordpress one. How can I increase traffic on the blogger site?.
2015年04月21日(火)00時54分 受信
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Will computer engineers in the philippines be able to have a licensure exam?
2015年04月21日(火)04時53分 受信
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I put a WordPress blog on my website a few days ago, and I was just curious about how it works. So I just want to know if all the posts are saved into a single file or if they are separate for each post. Then I also want to know where they can be found on my server. Thanks.
2015年04月21日(火)05時40分 受信
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on fire fox,. how do you get to your favorites???. =/. haha im dumb.
2015年04月21日(火)05時48分 受信
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How do I start and use a blog? Also, what is the best blogging site?
2015年04月21日(火)06時03分 受信
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I'm trying to use software to erase the information on my old computer before donating it. The mouse is not working on the computer. I've tried another mouse on the computer and it still will not work. I need to reboot my computer in order to start the disc wiper. Is there a way of rebooting my ...
2015年04月21日(火)06時18分 受信
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I have seen a lot of blogs in blogspot. What purpose do they serve? Is it possible to make money through blogs. If yes how?.
2015年04月21日(火)06時41分 受信
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What is the best blogging platform for a podcast or a video blog?
2015年04月21日(火)07時24分 受信
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What was the URL format for Yahoo! 360 Blog posts back in the day?
2015年04月21日(火)08時05分 受信
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What are the core or basic lessons taught Writing classes? One of the first things I learned about was Freytags Pyramid. I was told that isn't an across the board learning device. So what is? I'm really curious. In poetry I was taught, 'if it means too many things to too many people it misses i...
2015年04月21日(火)09時15分 受信
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Can I move a secondary Tumblr blog to a different account?
2015年04月21日(火)09時48分 受信
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I just figured out that my computer has this kind of trojan. I was running pretty much all of the Anti-virus things my computer has. The main one says there is nothing there and my Windows defender says I have two trojans so I'm not sure what to do. I'm thinking of buying or building a new one. . Ri...
2015年04月21日(火)10時21分 受信
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Is it true that blogs are just forum discussions with rss that would enable the user to watch what they wanted to watch more convieniently? Is that all the differences?.
2015年04月21日(火)12時16分 受信
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I am going to start a website in Australia but a website with same concept is already exist in UK and patented?
2015年04月21日(火)13時18分 受信
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What user friendly Wordpress text editing program should I use that is a free download?
2015年04月21日(火)13時45分 受信
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How Can I Copyright Protect Stories and Articles on My Website?
2015年04月21日(火)14時32分 受信
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I am trying to find a good blogging site where I can actually get viewers or readers to view my blog. I have tried blogspot and live journal with no real success. Does anyone know of any good sites where I can actually blog and get readers?. . Another thing is any tips to get readers to your blogs? ...
2015年04月21日(火)15時03分 受信
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where is the best site to do a blog,blog tips be grateful. thanks for help. sam i tried get your blog but seems no thread,check it out.
2015年04月21日(火)15時29分 受信
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I would like to be a creative writing professor, but I can no find out exactly what they do. I love to write, and to help other people become better writers, so that is why I want to become a creative writing/english professor. Does this fit with the profession? What is the life of such a professor ...
2015年04月21日(火)16時07分 受信
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What is the difference between a Creative Writing major and a Creative Writing concentration?
2015年04月21日(火)16時09分 受信
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I want to know how to get the CSS code for rounded corners for my header, post background, and sidebar background! It's for my blogspot blog. PLEASE tell me how to get the css code!.
2015年04月21日(火)17時13分 受信
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What is the best way to start a Blog for profit?
2015年04月21日(火)17時52分 受信
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How to get Banners in Joomla to display in a certain spot?
2015年04月21日(火)18時48分 受信
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I would like to start making money blogging. Can someone lead me in the right direction? There are so many free sites, kits, etc? Don't know where to start?.
2015年04月21日(火)19時25分 受信
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I like Facebook, but I hate that their notes section isn't as appealing as MySpace's blogs. I've recently transferred a blog from MySpace to Facebook using the "share" icon located beneath each blog.. . However, I do not like the way it appears on my Facebook page. Are there any bett...
2015年04月21日(火)20時26分 受信
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I have been a yahoo users for some years now. I am only starting to make use of the tools which they provide, one of which being blog posts. I have written a blog and would like to know if my blog posts are being seen by others. If not then does anyone know how I get my blogs posts read..
2015年04月21日(火)21時23分 受信
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What do I need from a client in order to install Joomla and update their preexisting site?
2015年04月21日(火)21時53分 受信
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How can I transfer firefox settings from one computer to another?
2015年04月21日(火)22時59分 受信
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I was thinking of starting a blog so I did some research into it on the internet and came across a lot of stuff that talks about legal issues and blogging. I'm not planning on blogging about controversial issues, (my blog would focus on posts about books, movies, culture, theater, music etc, and all...
2015年04月21日(火)23時46分 受信
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Thank you for a great post.
2015年04月22日(水)00時13分 受信
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I'd see all kinds of ads about blogging on the Internet to earn money, but don't know of anybody that has actually made any money this way. I'd love to hear from anybody who has..
2015年04月22日(水)02時26分 受信
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Is a Wordpress or Blogspot a better place to host your blog?
2015年04月22日(水)02時34分 受信
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Right on!
2015年04月22日(水)02時51分 受信
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I just bought a new computer and would like the same settings I have on my other computer. How do I go about doing this? The one thing I want to change in firefox on my new computer is when I type a website in the address bar I would like it to show my history instead of my bookmarks. I changed it b...
2015年04月22日(水)03時32分 受信
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I have a blogspot page, How can I traffic the vistors and get their ip address?
2015年04月22日(水)03時49分 受信
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For wordpress there is the wphone which works great for simple themes, how about joomla? any way of updating a joomla website via mobile?.
2015年04月22日(水)06時11分 受信
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I have clients and associates that would find the article helpful. Is it ok to forward the article without getting into trouble? Usually the articles are sent out to the public as a newsletter or an rss feed. I am not changing it or hiding the author, simple sending and saying "this might be...
2015年04月22日(水)06時13分 受信
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How can I add a byline to the beginning of my blog posts?
2015年04月22日(水)07時06分 受信
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I've Googled around but no luck yet. The ones I've come across so far all have to do with MP3s, software and what not. If you have any in mind, please provide links to the sources. Many thanks in advance!.
2015年04月22日(水)07時33分 受信
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For example,a movie's download link or a book's ed2k links?.
2015年04月22日(水)07時53分 受信
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What is a good blogging site based on my needs?
2015年04月22日(水)08時01分 受信
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Hi,. I have a question that I hope will have a simple answer. I have a wordpress blog and right now my side navigation menu is on the right side. I would like for the menu to be on the left side. Can someone please tell me how I would go about doing this, in simple terms, please? . . Or point me in...
2015年04月22日(水)08時10分 受信
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How can I get more people to visit my blogger site?
2015年04月22日(水)09時09分 受信
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I am 13 and write the scripts for the school's plays, write stories and film mini documentaries. I want to become a creative writer for WWE (writing the storylines). I know I will have to work for other TV productions before joining the WWE corporate. How can I improve my creative writing skills so ...
2015年04月22日(水)11時25分 受信
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I want to start a fashion blog but have no idea where to start?
2015年04月22日(水)12時53分 受信
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How Can I Copyright Protect Stories and Articles on My Website?
2015年04月22日(水)13時10分 受信
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2015年04月22日(水)14時39分 受信
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How can I drive more traffic to my railroad blog?
2015年04月22日(水)14時43分 受信
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If somebody like Julia Roberts or Natalie Portman had a personal blog where they posted pictures of their vacations or something, would you still take them seriously as actors? Do you think celebrities with personal blogs are less credible and taken less seriously than those who don't? Furthermore, ...
2015年04月22日(水)15時22分 受信
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Im 13 and i really want to start a blog?
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What is the easiest way to add a blog to my existing website?
2015年04月22日(水)18時21分 受信
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I'm looking to find out as much about the online surfing community as I can. Can anyone recommend their favorite blogs, twitter handles, or sites that you find most comprehensive? Which ones are most popular? Thanks!.
2015年04月22日(水)18時28分 受信
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How do i make videos bigger in my blogger website larger?
2015年04月22日(水)18時36分 受信
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I love to write. I mean, I really love to write. It's probably the only passion I have stronger than love. But I need to know what college to go to.. . What college should I go to for Creative Writing?.
2015年04月22日(水)18時43分 受信
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How can I get a blogger to remove a defammatory post on a blog?
2015年04月22日(水)19時01分 受信
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I would like to start a free Wordpress blog on the Wordpress site (not my own domain) but I don't like the themes they provide. Can I use a downloaded theme on there? I have seen some Wordpress hosted blogs with different themes, so it looks like it's possible..
2015年04月22日(水)20時31分 受信
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are blog posts reason enough for a company to sue an individual according to the Indian law?
2015年04月22日(水)20時49分 受信
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what is some fun online sites to blog on and make fun posts besides facebook and tumblr?
2015年04月22日(水)21時50分 受信
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heyas :-). how are you all?. well i love to write and i rele want to get into creative writing and but i have a hard time coming up with ideas on what to write about and was wondering if you knew how i could get over this "writer's block"?. . thanks so much!!.
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I've always had internet explorer and I never used anything else. What can google chrome and firefox do that internet explorer cant?.
2015年04月22日(水)23時21分 受信
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What is the easiest way to get updates from my subscribed blogs?
2015年04月22日(水)23時56分 受信
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How do I start and use a blog? Also, what is the best blogging site?
2015年04月23日(木)00時52分 受信
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im pretty good with Dreamweaver so i know how to design the site, but i dont know which site would get alot of attention... i want either a Hip Hop site with news, board and etc.. or A youtube like site... or a porn site.. my main interest is making money off this so i need help picking the right st...
2015年04月23日(木)03時10分 受信
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Every code I try either leaves a massive gap at the top of the page, or at the bottom of the page. Its definitely that code causing it.. I've tried so many codes trying to hide the blogs & extended network, but they all leave a white gap either at the top or at the bottom.. Anyone got one that do...
2015年04月23日(木)03時52分 受信
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Where can I find info on how to protect/copyright articles posted on the web?
2015年04月23日(木)04時01分 受信
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I want to create a custom Wordpress theme, but I don't have administrative access to the computer that I'm using, so I can't install Wordpress to test my theme. Is there another easy way to do it? I have photoshop, and notepad ++ both installed on my flash drive, but as far as I know there is no way...
2015年04月23日(木)04時06分 受信
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Can a computer virus passively infect the computer by just being online?
2015年04月23日(木)06時54分 受信
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I'm looking for a nice digital camera under or around $200 for the purpose of blogging (as in wordpress, blogger, etc). I'm trying to get a blog which will be based around the daily photos I take despite the fact that I'm not really a photographer but only doing it for fun. Any cool features like ...
2015年04月23日(木)07時21分 受信
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I'm just looking for place to start up a blog with a friend where we talk sports in Chicago as well as other things going on nationwide....just for fun. Any suggestions on sites would be great. Thanks..
2015年04月23日(木)07時41分 受信
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I want to make my own website to sell things but I have no idea where to start.. I don't no what websites to go on, or how much it will be (or if there's any way i can do it for free?). Can someone give me as much information as possible and a website where i can start please?. I need as much help a...
2015年04月23日(木)07時50分 受信
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I have a blog that's private, so no one else sees it, but I still want to make it look nice. How can I personalize my blog without fucking it all up?.
2015年04月23日(木)08時02分 受信
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I updated to the latest version, and now it keeps on coming up with that tab whenever i startup firefox. What should i do?. I have updated it, there is a tab saying that i have, that is the problem. It is telling me all of the new features that this version offers and everything..
2015年04月23日(木)08時08分 受信
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Hey,. . My site went down a while ago now, i just need to know how to upload my backup file back onto the site, is it on the dashboard in wordpress or on cpanel or something?. . Thanks..
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I work for a company that is wanting to e-mail some of our media contacts from our Press Release blog posts. The main problem I am running into is finding a service that doesn't require opt-in. Does anybody have any suggestions?.
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Is it possible to make a spoiler button in blogger blog posts ? I don't know javascript and know very basic html only. I've tried copying snippets of javascript into my posts to try but most of them doesn't work. Some only works in the create post window but after publishing it doesn't work anymore....
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Someone said that you had to buy a domain, or your blogs weren't seen by everybody, is that true? Do you know what a domain is? IF not do not answer please..
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I am going to be a junior in high school in a month when school starts and I want to start looking at schools. I am really interested in creative writing and literature. What are some good schools for that? I also want to study philosophy. . . Thanks!.
2015年04月23日(木)16時14分 受信
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I have been blogging since last month, my blog was indexed already in google but during the test i conducted, i search for a certain keyword related on my blog but it only shows the blog title and it directs me to the homepage not on the actual post. Need help!!!.
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I want to start a review blog. My friend and I would be reviewing books, games, toys etc..
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Most of the files in the Wordpress theme I have end in .php. I would like to be able to make the text changes on screen in the Wordpress theme, also, how do you add additional pages, etc?.
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Hi there. I was just wondering why its such a big thing these days to have a ridiculous amount of ram in a computer? People tell me that the more Ram you have in your computer the faster your computer will be. I always thought that it was the processor that controls the speed of a computer and not t...
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No matter what I do with my Joomla homepage, I can't take the giant Joomla banner off of the top of the screen and replace it with my own. Does anybody know how to do this?.
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Is there a degree that exists for use of music AND creative writing two fields? If there is, do you know the name of it?. . I want to combine these two of my interests (loves) but I don't know what kind of degree offers the use of both.. . Please help? Approaching college?.
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I have a business blog through which I offer certain goods and services. It is also a general-information blog, however. I am seeking to move it to another blog host. I know that blogspot offers user-sponsored advertising, but are there any other free blogs that allow something like blogspot's ad...
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Someone said that you had to buy a domain, or your blogs weren't seen by everybody, is that true? Do you know what a domain is? IF not do not answer please..
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I want to be able to write entries and add pics. I do not mean something like myspace or facebook or anything like that. I mean an actual blog. .
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I know of blog starting websites like web and wetpaint, but I hear google has a program that helps people do blogs. Does anyone know the name of the program? If not, any one know some good blogging websites?.
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I am trying to start a formal, influential blog and I want to make sure it is professional. Since I have little to no blogging experience, I am trying to save some time by asking you..
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I'm in high school and starting next year I will have to start looking at colleges. I know I want to find a college just for creative writing. I love writing stories of all sorts, and I know of a couple colleges that specialize in creative writing. But where would you recommend? Remember, I'm talkin...
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I use firefox and some nights at 12:00 exactly or 12:30 exactly, firefox stops working and does not load a page. The internet connection is perfectly fine though because it says excellent. I am connected to a home router and the signal strength is always excellent. I do not know why this happens at ...
2015年04月25日(土)23時56分 受信
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I currently have a two column Joomla website, however I don't like the sidebar being on the right. Is there a way to either convert a two-column jJomla website into a three column one, or at least move the sidebar to the left?.
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What is the best website to start a blog on?
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If I start a blog on Myspace, will it get listed in search engines like Google? If so, is there a way to keep them from being crawled?. . Thank you.
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Is there a way to forward other people's blog posts to my site?
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I have had Firefox, IE, and Google chrome downloaded onto my computer for a while now with no problem. Recently I downloaded YIM and now Firefox doesn't start up. If I restart my computer a few times, and try to open it a few dozen times each time I restart, it will eventually pop up. How do I fix i...
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I think I set the settings wrongly. Now that I changed the settings, there's only 1 out of 8 posts visible to the public. Previously set to mature content, despite the lack of nudity. Should I double-post? It's the blog part that confused me..
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I was watching the episode of Ugly Betty where she started a blog.. . I've always wanted to have a blog (that people would actually read!) and I have some great ideas for some but how do i actually start one on the internet?. . Help much appreciated..
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How can you use a custom blog design if you are using ftp publishing for your blogger blog?. . How do I install the design?.
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How many blog post should i have before i start promoting it?
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Im 13 and i really want to start a blog?
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I would like to save all my blog posts on wordpress ?
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I own a .info web domain hosted on 50webs. I have tried uploading via FTP from Blogger but I keep getting java errors. Is there an easier way of having Blog type software on my website? Or what is your suggestion for the BEST blog site to use that lets you use your own domain as a homepage for your ...
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I am looking to start my own blog, but I want to make sure it is on a popular site where people will read it. I plan on discussing sports, video games and whatever else is interesting at the time. What are the best/most popular sites to blog on?.
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Fact: 99% of all articles and website content online is regurgitated and rewritten material from some original piece of literary or artistic work.. . So, isn't it true about web content copyright that as long as you reword or rewrite a piece of content from a site's copy online, then it's not theft ...
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I'm going to start a serious blog that will eventually hold a great deal of content. I am a graphic designer, and my husband does my web programming, so this is for reals (haha, yes I just said that). That being said, I've already started collecting my content and writing entries, but just how much ...
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I have to write about two pages for creative writing. Do you have any ideas that I could use, or a topic for by paper? Thank you!.
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I'm really into photography and would quite like a job involving it however i do NOT want to take pictures of people (weddings and stuff), i like taking arty/creative pictures. I also love writing and I have been thinking of writing for a teenage magazine and hopefully being able to get photography ...
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I am 13 and write the scripts for the school's plays, write stories and film mini documentaries. I want to become a creative writer for WWE (writing the storylines). I know I will have to work for other TV productions before joining the WWE corporate. How can I improve my creative writing skills so ...
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I'm looking to start a food blog and i would like for my friends to be able to log on and comment through their facebook accounts so they don't need to make an account on the chosen blogging site to comment. What are some FREE blogging sites that allow you to use your facebook to comment?.
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I stored a library account number and had to renew the card. How do I now eliminate the old account number from the Firefox memory?. Thanks!.
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I would like the steps, ideas, or websites that can help me start a website that I can make money off of companies advertising on it? Any help websites or ideas on how to start one and what I need to start one.. . Much appreciated..
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The template needs to accommodate text as well as some videos. Any apt ready templates in Joomla?.
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I wrote a new LiveJournal blog post about 20 minutes ago, and have Facebook set up to import my blog posts. It's already imported all my old ones; how long does it take for Facebook to check for new blog posts, and to import them to my Facebook notes?.
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Are there any good poetry sites that you know of so that I can have an account that has lots of space to type out stories/poems on? Or do you know of any writing sites at all that I could post blogs on, sort of like having a whole website to myself?.
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I want to start a fashion/lifestyle blog. I love photography, but I want to upgrade my digital camera to a more professional one. I also wanted to start this blog, so which camera would you recommend me. I have a small budget, so if you could find something that is not too pricey, I would appreciate...
2015年04月27日(月)08時25分 受信
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im starting a blog and i need a way to prove the content is mine so i think when i write a post i will record it on camtasia studio, will it prove 100% it is mine?. . i dont want to pay 30 $ each post to copyright them..
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Where can I find free images?. Which images are usually considered free?. When is it ok to insert a picture from a website?.
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I have a degree in psychology, which I have found to be useless. And I am planning on going back to school and getting a Masters in Creative Writing, because I enjoy writing and would love to learn more techniques to make myself a better writer. I am worried, however, that this degree will not open ...
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How can I copyright all original content current and future on my website?
2015年04月27日(月)15時13分 受信
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Fact: 99% of all articles and website content online is regurgitated and rewritten material from some original piece of literary or artistic work.. . So, isn't it true about web content copyright that as long as you reword or rewrite a piece of content from a site's copy online, then it's not theft ...
2015年04月27日(月)15時43分 受信
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If I start a blog on Myspace, will it get listed in search engines like Google?
2015年04月27日(月)16時52分 受信
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How do I add the shadows to a Joomla template?
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I'd see all kinds of ads about blogging on the Internet to earn money, but don't know of anybody that has actually made any money this way. I'd love to hear from anybody who has..
2015年04月27日(月)18時00分 受信
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Hi there. I was just wondering why its such a big thing these days to have a ridiculous amount of ram in a computer? People tell me that the more Ram you have in your computer the faster your computer will be. I always thought that it was the processor that controls the speed of a computer and not t...
2015年04月27日(月)18時17分 受信
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I am at a crossroads in my career. I am in the middle of applying for law school, but I really want to write. Is there a field that can combine the two, or do I choose one over the other? I am not looking to practice law, that much I know about myself. I want to do something that is challenging, fun...
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Actually my blog name is not relevant to my blog niche..in this time i want to convert my blog to a website through blogger. but i dont know if i will do it ,then how much will affect my blog traffic?.
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How many blog post should i have before i start promoting it?
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I was wondering if I could use the ebay logo as a picture in one of my blog posts about ebay. Can I do so with any web site as long as I'm not claiming to be that company?.
2015年04月27日(月)22時44分 受信
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How do i build a blog without using blogger or any of those websites?
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What is the easiest way to make money off of my blog posts?
2015年04月28日(火)02時53分 受信
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I want to make my own Blogger layout because none of the ones I have found incorporate my Header correctly/match with my Header that I want to use. Is there a website that can teach me how to do this? (I also do not have Photoshop, so I need to use another software than that to design). Thank you!.
2015年04月28日(火)03時24分 受信
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Someone left me a comment on my blogger. I have clicked to publish the comment. Now I wish to delete this comment. How do I do that?. .
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I want to major in either English Literature, Creative Writing or English with a minor/concentration in Creative Writing..
2015年04月28日(火)03時58分 受信
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How can I change the settings in Thunderbird so that I choose the e-mail address used to forward blog posts?
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How can I add a hit counter to my blogger blog? Detailed instructions would be appreciated. I searched counter on google and i can get this html code but i dont know what to do with it. Thanks!.
2015年04月28日(火)04時47分 受信
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I am using the revolution code blue template for wordpress. I would like to change all fonts to Trebuchet MS. I have tried editing the stylesheet but no luck. Any suggestions?.
2015年04月28日(火)06時08分 受信
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How an advertiser can put their ads in my blogger?
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Just got a Blogger account, it works good, but how do I find different users blogs I like with search. I remember there is a way, but I am not seeing it now. Thanks for your help..
2015年04月28日(火)09時35分 受信
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My friend wants to read a story I wrote in a video on her Youtube channel. I'm concerned that my story could be stolen by some one, and have them claim it as their own, not that I think it's really good enough for anyone to want to steal it. How likely do you think it would be that my story would be...
2015年04月28日(火)11時06分 受信
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Thing is, I've just migrated to Wordpress. However, I have a number of people who have subscribed to my feeds from my blogger blog. What should I do to ensure that they now receive updates from my Wordpress blog? . . FYI, I have a feedburner account..
2015年04月28日(火)12時29分 受信
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I have asked several questions, and many of the replies suggest that I consider FIREFOX. I'm not sure what it is - probably a browser. Is it similar to Netscape and Internet Explorer? What are its good features and its bad features?.
2015年04月28日(火)12時33分 受信
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I have a MacBook computer and I want my pictures that are on my computer to be on my Motorola Razr 2 v9. I have a memory card and a memory card adapter. When I put the card in the adapter, the computer recognizes it. And the pictures that I have on my phone can transfer to the computer with no pr...
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I wish to write articles based on the information collected through some copyright books. I won't copy - paste the material but edit or modify it in such a way that the meaning remains the same. I would also give credit to the books and their authors. Am I breaking any copyright laws?.
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What colleges/universities are best for english literature and creative writing?
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Im a computer engineering student but i am planning to shift to other programs if computer engineering will not have a licensure/board exam.. i want to be a registered computer engineer!.
2015年04月28日(火)18時14分 受信
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What are your standards of success for a blog? Readership? Quality? Is there a relationship between readership and quality?. . What did people with successful blogs do to make them successful? Was it a kind of "if you build it, they will come" thing? Do they actively market them...
2015年04月28日(火)19時29分 受信
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I have two computers: I call one the "good" computer -- it has two monitors. The other is my "junk" computer with one screen where I download a lot of stuff to it.. . If I wanted to continue using both computers but only with the dual monitors, what would I need to bu...
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I'm not great with html, but I think there's a simple way to add a byline to the beginning of my blog posts under the title. Is there anywhere I can find a step-by-step guide on how to do this?. The blog is set up on Wordpress, and is using the pilcrow theme - I hope this helps?.
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I'm interested in making my own music blog and I'm constantly looking through many music blogs throughout the day finding new music first before other people that I know. But how exactly do those blogs find that music first? Can I really start by just posting the music I find on other blogs?.
2015年04月28日(火)20時36分 受信
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My partner is making a template in dreamweaver for joomla site and we are not to sure on how to upload it to it. We appreciate the help, thanks in advance..
2015年04月28日(火)20時42分 受信
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I'm creating a collaborative blog and I need to know if I can transform a blogspot blog into one where anyone can add content and edit or change the text. Maybe there is another type of blog whee you can do this.. Thanks everyone..
2015年04月28日(火)20時53分 受信
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I've been trying everything and unfortunately they won't work. I tried posting a playlist in my wordpress in the 'Pages' section but the playlist won't show. Can someone please help with this?.
2015年04月28日(火)21時35分 受信
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How do I go about removing articles that breach copyright?
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How do I copy Firefox bookmarks between users on the same computer?
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I have heard that you can make money from blogging, but i really don't understand the concept. How do you make the money? How much can you make? Is it hard? Is it easy? Is it time consuming? Is it worth it? If you could answer that would be great, thanks..
2015年04月29日(水)04時04分 受信
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We have learned a great deal about recovering from narcotic addiction and have found several methods that work well. This is information drug treatment programs would not want out since it would cause them to lose a large number of patients. Would it be better to start with a blog or a website? W...
2015年04月29日(水)06時27分 受信
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2015年04月29日(水)06時36分 受信
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I am new to Joomla and don't know how to add a link from a Joomla website to mine. I looged into administrator section and can't find any that will let me put my link in the footer of the pages..
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Right now firefox automatically downloads an mp3 and opens it. I want it to prompt me with the dialog box so I can choose where to save it. I've looked in options->downloads->view and edit actions and there is nothing set there that I can change..
2015年04月29日(水)06時53分 受信
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Is it safe? . Safer than myspace?. Can you use myspace layouts for it?. How old do you how to be to have one?. . Please answer as many as possible . Thanx :].
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It means i create a database using mysql and create a website using joomla so when i click a link from the web i can directly retrieve the data from mysql server.
2015年04月29日(水)08時37分 受信
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How do I make my own Blogger layout? I already made a header, I want to learn how to make a matching layout?
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It didn't used to, the Specs are Nvidia 5500gt, 1gb RAM, so on, I know it's not the latest computer out there, it's mostly for playing very old games or surfing the internet. The computer automatically restarts at the beginning of a streaming video, it doesn't even try to run it. I ran the compute...
2015年04月29日(水)08時54分 受信
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If I publish my articles to my school paper are they copyrighted or do I have any ownership over them?
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I am starting a business during the summer where I work with kids individually or during a camp. I was wondering how I could start a website for my clients parents to look at during the summer..
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Blogger/Blog*Spot feeds shows the most recent (recently updated as the default setting) 25 headlines or what others call as post titles. My question is how can I increase/decrease the number of those headlines because I think they're too many..
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Is it possible to make a spoiler button in blogger blog posts ? I don't know javascript and know very basic html only. I've tried copying snippets of javascript into my posts to try but most of them doesn't work. Some only works in the create post window but after publishing it doesn't work anymore....
2015年04月29日(水)13時24分 受信
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I want to start a blog that everyone will read. After all, my opinions are extremely important. How do I get started?.
2015年04月29日(水)15時11分 受信
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How do you reply to comments on your blogspot blog?
2015年04月29日(水)15時35分 受信
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I have a business blog through which I offer certain goods and services. It is also a general-information blog, however. I am seeking to move it to another blog host. I know that blogspot offers user-sponsored advertising, but are there any other free blogs that allow something like blogspot's ad...
2015年04月29日(水)15時47分 受信
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I have just gotten a blog on blogspot. People comment me and I was wondering how you comment back to them without e-mailing or going to their blog. .
2015年04月29日(水)16時20分 受信
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How to Protect my Internet Articles with a Copyright ?
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What type of images am I 'legally' allowed to include in my blog posts?
2015年04月29日(水)20時32分 受信
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When installing Joomla on my computer in order to update a preexisting site, do I need my client to give me the Host Name, MySQL User Name, MySQL Password, MySQL Database NAme and MySQL Table Prefix? I already have their FTP information, and the Joomla admin control panel login information..
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Other than blogger what are good blog sites teens can use?
2015年04月29日(水)23時14分 受信
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I'll be teaching a creative writing class this summer to a group of 11-14 year-olds. I have experience teaching writing (mostly poetry) to adults, but teaching kids will be new territory. Does anyone have some great tips, websites, resources for exercises, and reading materials for this age group? T...
2015年04月29日(水)23時46分 受信
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2015年04月30日(木)00時18分 受信
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Wordpress blog posts being emailed to another persons blogs subscribers?
2015年04月30日(木)01時06分 受信
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I would like to be a creative writing professor, but I can no find out exactly what they do. I love to write, and to help other people become better writers, so that is why I want to become a creative writing/english professor. Does this fit with the profession? What is the life of such a professor ...
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What do I need from a client in order to install Joomla and update their preexisting site?
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What resources are available to anyone wanting to set up a creative writing course?
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i want to put the blog comment approval on my myspace, but i cant figure out how to do it. some one please help. .
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If I create a blog, at blogspot. How many people can be my followers? Is there any limit of followers for a particular blog?.
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I have a blog using Blogspot. I would like to ban a specific person from viewing and/or commenting. I am not looking to make the entire blog password-protected or moderate comments. I just want to ban a specific IP address. How can I do this?.
2015年04月30日(木)03時59分 受信
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Hello, I'm having trouble trying to change the settings for my facebook account. I use firefox, and when I opened the account I clicked on the button saying I wanted firefox to remember my password info. Well, I've now changed my mind and want to remove firefox from remembering my info. Does anyone ...
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How can I drive more traffic to my railroad blog?
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2015年04月30日(木)08時39分 受信
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I wonder why those servers with copyrighted content stay up. I see a lot of "don't post any US content" but they don't care at all about content from japan.. . Is it just that Japan doesn't care much about their copyright laws?. . It is hundreds or maybe even thousands of servers wit...
2015年04月30日(木)08時51分 受信
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What are some creative writing games to use for junior high students?
2015年04月30日(木)10時00分 受信
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How to let the other people know about your blogspot?
2015年04月30日(木)10時01分 受信
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What blogging website had the least invasive ads for free-account users?. Or what blogging website is best for someone looking to start a professional literary blog?.
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How do I switch some blog posts from one of my blogs, onto a different blog. Both on Blogger?
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Through Blogger, i have a blog using Blogspot. I would likie to know how to export all my posts from Blogspot to my newly created Weebly blog..
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I wanna start a website about fantasy sports. I have lots of ideas for content..
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How do i use frame or iframe to put facebook or else to blogspot?
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I need step by step process. . Are all hosting sites Joomla compatible? How can you tell if they don't and do?.
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I want to know how to get the CSS code for rounded corners for my header, post background, and sidebar background! It's for my blogspot blog. PLEASE tell me how to get the css code!.
2015年04月30日(木)17時58分 受信
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I want to start a website and I have no idea how. It has to be free and relatively simple, and I want other people to be able to comment on articles/pictures. Any suggestions?.
2015年04月30日(木)18時49分 受信
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I have a diet blog i just started, i have about 3 posts, someone said i should start promoting i now. I thought i should wait until i had at least 10 posts and feedback from a few people in various forums before I promote it so maybe in 2 weeks. What do you think?.
2015年04月30日(木)19時06分 受信
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Where can I find blogging websites that deal with legal issues?
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A logo, accompanying punch line and rest of the content of a portal needs to be secured against any republication or use by any other party..
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What should I do to get rid of the blockage of video on youtube due to copyright content?
2015年05月01日(金)00時57分 受信
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I am working on consolodating my online brand and identity. How to i set my blog up to receive the comments i post on others blogs or the questions I answer on Yahoo Answers or Linked in Q&A? . . What do I have to do when i comment or answer on others sites to ensure it improves my SEO?.
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And I HAVE read wordpress support page. Just want to know, if my files over 3GB will be deleted if I will not extend my upgrade for another 12 months..
2015年05月01日(金)03時54分 受信
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If I want to use a font that says it's for personal use only, would it be ok to use on blogger? Also, I don't know if getting Google Adsense would make a difference..
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Can I copyright 20 pages of old newspaper articles ?
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How can I change to fluid width in the New Blogger Template Designer?
2015年05月01日(金)10時56分 受信
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Just started my own blog on Blogspot need help with header?
2015年05月01日(金)11時13分 受信
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I have a website I will be updating a few times a week with original animations and short films along with concept art for the animations and other kinds of media. How can I copyright everything on my site so that the copyright info I have on the bottom of every page "All original content (C...
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I want to change my Blogger/Blogspot background into a picture I want instead of the ugly plain ones that provide you with.. . I tried looking up on google how to change it but it only came up with how to change the background with the old Blogger. . . HELP!.
2015年05月01日(金)13時03分 受信
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I would like to setup wordpress blog that would allow people to sign up to receive news letters and updates? Do I need to download wordpress to my computer? Is there any pre-made templates for this type?.
2015年05月01日(金)13時44分 受信
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Thing is, I've just migrated to Wordpress. However, I have a number of people who have subscribed to my feeds from my blogger blog. What should I do to ensure that they now receive updates from my Wordpress blog? . . FYI, I have a feedburner account..
2015年05月01日(金)13時44分 受信
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Now that is some terrific writing.
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I am thinking of creating ebook of articles that are not copyrighted.. How , where can I go to get it?.
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How to get your customized blogspot to appear on google search?
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How can I change to fluid width in the New Blogger Template Designer?
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I just discovered using Joomla for dynamic website design but feel the limitation on use of templates is a major minus. I think it should be possible to use my own template in the design. Anyone help?.
2015年05月01日(金)22時37分 受信
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Does anyone know how you get those customised backgrounds on wordpress. All i can seem to get is the ones they provide. Can someone help me pleaseeeeeeeeeee?.
2015年05月01日(金)23時02分 受信
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I hosted my new site from powweb, and did a little work on it, then I downloaded joomla and I am navagating through joomla trying to find how to upload my material from powweb? I tried to get into powweb website maker and it doesn't work... obviously because I downloaded joomla. Now, I also can't ac...
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I am wanting to start my own business and need to know how to start a website for a cheap/free price.. I am looking to start my own photography business and want to get a website up. I am planning on using this for a way to let people know about me, give them different albams of an axample of my wor...
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How do you start building a WordPress site for an already existing website?
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I just bought business plan pro, but I still don't quite understand how to estimate/compute the start-up costs for starting a business, in my case an online business at that. Is there a website that can assist me? Any suggestions? Thanks.
2015年05月02日(土)03時34分 受信
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I'm into photography and would like to start selling my work and attracting more clients. My question is how would I go about starting a website where people can buy my photos or contact me about taking photos? I'm looking for a way to maximize my advertising and would really like to start a website...
2015年05月02日(土)05時01分 受信
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What is the best software to design websites and blogs?
2015年05月02日(土)06時29分 受信
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2015年10月19日(月)17時50分 受信
コーチ メンズ ビジネスバッグ from コーチ メンズ ビジネスバッグ
http://creationfest.com/QWCRBTFMZQ1ケイトスペード 店舗 西宮
2015年10月19日(月)20時02分 受信
アグ ニット from アグ ニット
http://boncuklu.org/1bHNGBONWT3プラダ バッグ リボン 公式
2015年10月19日(月)22時15分 受信
グッチ ゴルフバッグ from グッチ ゴルフバッグ
http://iloeshow.com/1bYBLJGDWN3プラダ バッグ レザー 美品
2015年10月20日(火)00時27分 受信
ケイトスペード リュック レディース from ケイトスペード リュック レディース
http://boncuklu.org/QQSXVMLBSU8グッチ メンズ バッグ ナイロン
2015年10月20日(火)02時41分 受信
バレンシアガ 名刺入れ from バレンシアガ 名刺入れ
http://boncuklu.org/QOIJOFMSUH2トリーバーチ 仙台
2015年10月20日(火)04時53分 受信
九州 グッチ 店舗 from 九州 グッチ 店舗
http://boncuklu.org/QGRQIFWRFA7ジバンシー バイマ
2015年10月20日(火)07時07分 受信
グッチ お家騒動 from グッチ お家騒動
http://boncuklu.org/QQKEPDYLJY3グッチ バッグ 名前
2015年10月20日(火)09時22分 受信
シャネル iphone6ケース from シャネル iphone6ケース
http://creationfest.com/QLCWVVKVFK1ロエベ リュック ホワイト
2015年10月20日(火)11時33分 受信
トリーバーチ 小倉 from トリーバーチ 小倉
http://iloeshow.com/QCUPKPMXPO3マルニ ダイニングセット
2015年10月20日(火)13時30分 受信
グッチ メンズ ウエストポーチ from グッチ メンズ ウエストポーチ
http://boncuklu.org/QIYTHSOJEF0ブルガリ 財布 図鑑
2015年10月20日(火)15時08分 受信
ジミーチュウ 外反母趾 from ジミーチュウ 外反母趾
http://iloeshow.com/QPNAQPOTJB1モンクレール ツイード
2015年10月20日(火)16時46分 受信
セリーヌ 折り畳み傘 from セリーヌ 折り畳み傘
http://boncuklu.org/QLWOEERCEF2ロエベ ファミリーセール 招待状
2015年10月20日(火)18時24分 受信
ミュウミュウ e-store from ミュウミュウ e-store
http://creationfest.com/QLENVLDVXJ3ロエベ ボディクリーム
2015年10月20日(火)20時01分 受信
トリーバーチ 類似品 from トリーバーチ 類似品
http://boncuklu.org/QHQKNJASBS9セリーヌ ミニボストン
2015年10月20日(火)21時38分 受信
ブルガリ ベルト スーパーコピー from ブルガリ ベルト スーパーコピー
http://creationfest.com/QQCUQOSZWG1グッチ 財布 耐久
2015年10月20日(火)23時15分 受信
アグ ミネトンカ from アグ ミネトンカ
http://iloeshow.com/QICSEJOXDT6ブルガリ ポケットチーフ
2015年10月21日(水)00時54分 受信
エルメス 年式 from エルメス 年式
http://creationfest.com/QQMNCWEGUS7グッチ ストール メンズ
2015年10月21日(水)02時30分 受信
プラダ 化粧品 from プラダ 化粧品
http://iloeshow.com/QIWPZLAKTF2ブルガリ ミニ香水セット
2015年10月21日(水)04時04分 受信
グッチ ブーツカット from グッチ ブーツカット
http://boncuklu.org/QXFYUFIABK1クロエ オードパルファム 30ml
2015年10月21日(水)05時39分 受信
コーチ エナメルバッグ from コーチ エナメルバッグ
http://creationfest.com/QIVNGLNVLN5ブルガリ レッタンゴロ
2015年10月21日(水)07時16分 受信
エルメス 引き出物 from エルメス 引き出物
http://boncuklu.org/QQWJRMEVPP1グッチ メンズ シューズ
2015年10月21日(水)08時53分 受信
ジミーチュウ バイカー from ジミーチュウ バイカー
http://iloeshow.com/QPSRYBEIVC7モンクレール 日本
2015年10月21日(水)10時30分 受信
エルメス 偽物 from エルメス 偽物
http://creationfest.com/QQSKCGOFFJ8グッチ ピンク 財布 ハート
2015年10月21日(水)12時09分 受信
ケイトスペード 銀座三越 from ケイトスペード 銀座三越
http://iloeshow.com/QRDTEQPVCI1シャネル ノベルティ リュック
2015年10月21日(水)13時47分 受信
プラダ 財布 イニシャル from プラダ 財布 イニシャル
http://boncuklu.org/QZNAIQHJHG7フルラ 財布 ピンク
2015年10月21日(水)15時23分 受信
ティンバーランド give it a go from ティンバーランド give it a go
http://boncuklu.org/1aVRJHWFHE6プラダ 財布 カメオ
2015年10月21日(水)16時59分 受信
ミュウミュウ レオパード 財布 from ミュウミュウ レオパード 財布
http://creationfest.com/QJNNPVPKUP2フェンディ 定価
2015年10月21日(水)18時36分 受信
グッチ 財布 ジャッキー from グッチ 財布 ジャッキー
http://creationfest.com/QYAWAMSNLL6ティンバーランド レディース 靴
2015年10月21日(水)20時12分 受信
ルイヴィトン 後藤象二郎 from ルイヴィトン 後藤象二郎
http://iloeshow.com/QPLNDZCDHI9モンクレール アシックス
2015年10月21日(水)21時48分 受信
マルニ ダウンコート from マルニ ダウンコート
http://iloeshow.com/QQMFEINDMD7グッチ 長財布 未使用
2015年10月21日(水)23時25分 受信
シャネル 創業 from シャネル 創業
http://iloeshow.com/QHIKOZXGUX4セリーヌ バッグ キャンバス 地
2015年10月22日(木)01時01分 受信
マルニ 販売店 from マルニ 販売店
http://creationfest.com/QVFUTUENFO6アグ クリスタルボウ
2015年10月22日(木)02時37分 受信
グッチ デニム from グッチ デニム
http://boncuklu.org/QQNMMCVFQJ0p グッチ タイバー へ
2015年10月22日(木)04時13分 受信
マイケルコース 名駅 from マイケルコース 名駅
http://iloeshow.com/QQUFTNSPZJ2グッチ スウィング
2015年10月22日(木)05時49分 受信
コーチ アウトレット 新作 from コーチ アウトレット 新作
http://iloeshow.com/QWXAWXYISS0ケイトスペード 鹿児島
2015年10月22日(木)07時25分 受信
グッチ 時計 電池交換 新宿 from グッチ 時計 電池交換 新宿
http://boncuklu.org/QHCZPFJIMU0セリーヌ ソロトリオ
2015年10月22日(木)08時59分 受信
トリーバーチ 手帳カバー from トリーバーチ 手帳カバー
http://iloeshow.com/QLQMCHRXZN9ロエベ 免税店
2015年10月22日(木)10時35分 受信
グッチ 愛用 芸能人 from グッチ 愛用 芸能人
http://boncuklu.org/QRJLYQLRNM6シャネル へあごむ
2015年10月22日(木)12時11分 受信
定期入れ グッチ 楽天 from 定期入れ グッチ 楽天
http://creationfest.com/QQFVHVAKEP7フローラ バイ グッチ オードトワレスプレー
2015年10月22日(木)13時47分 受信
ジミーチュウ アウトレット 三田 from ジミーチュウ アウトレット 三田
http://boncuklu.org/QQNRTFWMVE1グッチ リング 日本限定
2015年10月22日(木)15時22分 受信
シャネル 指輪 値段 from シャネル 指輪 値段
http://creationfest.com/QQSNTAEHHQ1グッチ 鞄 レディース
2015年10月22日(木)16時56分 受信
ジミーチュウ ハワイ from ジミーチュウ ハワイ
http://creationfest.com/QQQWBVVDEZ2グッチ 財布 どこで買う
2015年10月22日(木)18時31分 受信
シャネル ショルダーバッグ マトラッセ from シャネル ショルダーバッグ マトラッセ
http://iloeshow.com/QAKLIOIMHN0プラダ カナパ 2015
2015年10月22日(木)20時04分 受信
ミュウミュウ エクセル from ミュウミュウ エクセル
http://boncuklu.org/QQAVNOIJLO1グッチ 長財布 レディース 白
2015年10月22日(木)21時38分 受信
トリーバーチ 店舗 from トリーバーチ 店舗
http://creationfest.com/QUGVYRRMOY0エルメス 上野
2015年10月22日(木)23時12分 受信
ロエベ コレクション from ロエベ コレクション
http://boncuklu.org/QRPJGOKENP0シャネル ココ マドモアゼル
2015年10月23日(金)00時46分 受信
モンクレール ノーカラー from モンクレール ノーカラー
http://iloeshow.com/QTMDGHJRTX5ルイヴィトン ナイル
2015年10月23日(金)02時20分 受信
ケイトスペード iphone6 ケース 手帳 from ケイトスペード iphone6 ケース 手帳
http://iloeshow.com/QUBEWERUNM9エルメス 高い
2015年10月23日(金)03時54分 受信
セリーヌ 激安 コピー from セリーヌ 激安 コピー
http://boncuklu.org/QERDUOLUCJ6コーチ 御殿場アウトレット
2015年10月23日(金)05時29分 受信
スペイン ロエベ 現地価格 from スペイン ロエベ 現地価格
http://boncuklu.org/QQNFNZVMGU2グッチ 財布 ウォレットチェーン
2015年10月23日(金)07時13分 受信
how to lose belly fat from how to lose belly fat
Pounds losing rules and health and fitness?
2015年11月09日(月)17時41分 受信
シャネル 香水 男性 from シャネル 香水 男性
http://www.wibariatrics.com/6dcQIZJQQI3グッチ トートバッグ メンズ 茶色
2015年11月11日(水)18時11分 受信
p シャネル 筆 こ from p シャネル 筆 こ
http://wengphotography.com/6tYVdCHHNP4シャネル 財布 激安 本物
2015年11月11日(水)18時56分 受信
パスケース フルラ from パスケース フルラ
http://jmfs.com/6vUZYJCVIc9ロレックス 修理 見積もり
2015年11月11日(水)20時09分 受信
シャネル ハンドバッグ バイマ from シャネル ハンドバッグ バイマ
http://wellsaudio.com/6vbKMNPbFB6シャネル マスカラ イニミタブル エクストレム
2015年11月11日(水)21時18分 受信
シャネル コスメ 雑貨 from シャネル コスメ 雑貨
http://werestillhot.com/6kJTXPIZVW4prada ポーチ チェック
2015年11月11日(水)23時24分 受信
ルイヴィトン 布 from ルイヴィトン 布
http://govanstowne.org/1wMDKFQSPb6バーバリー アウトレット スーツ 価格}
2015年11月12日(木)03時43分 受信
フルラ オードリー from フルラ オードリー
http://www.judithragir.org/6xYZZGVacG9ガガミラノ マヌアーレ 48mm
2015年11月12日(木)03時52分 受信
vans 豹柄 from vans 豹柄
http://alc.md/4rABRBbRHR4クロムハーツ キーリング 着用画像
2015年11月12日(木)04時10分 受信
chanel ファンデーション 激安 from chanel ファンデーション 激安
http://1minutepoetry.com/6vBJSOOSWT7シャネル コスメ ブラシ
2015年11月12日(木)04時25分 受信
ナイキ ショックス バッシュ from ナイキ ショックス バッシュ
http://www.njlegdistrict3.com/lkUBTRDQOB3コルム hermes
2015年11月12日(木)07時05分 受信
シャネル 長財布 安 from シャネル 長財布 安
http://firstcircle.net/6vIXaCDFDJ5シャネル アリュール オム スポーツ 評判
2015年11月12日(木)07時32分 受信
シャネル ジュエリー 品質 from シャネル ジュエリー 品質
http://www.gameamonth.com/6yGFbAcNZd8ロレックス オーバーホール 人気
2015年11月12日(木)23時12分 受信
シャネル ノベルティ バッグ ブルー from シャネル ノベルティ バッグ ブルー
http://www.noisedesignlab.com/6yEGFDADGV0ロレックス オーバーホール 江東区
2015年11月13日(金)01時09分 受信
シャネル ツイードハンドバッグ ブランド from シャネル ツイードハンドバッグ ブランド
http://lindsaycope.org/6vSSHOZUPF6シャネル ロゴマーク 商標権
2015年11月13日(金)02時11分 受信
シャネル 下地 紫外線吸収剤 from シャネル 下地 紫外線吸収剤
http://www.eaglefordproperties.com/6qODJcNBdB4タグホイヤー ランキング
2015年11月13日(金)02時25分 受信
シャネル ネイル 使い方 from シャネル ネイル 使い方
http://lindsaycope.org/6cMQXRJZdX3ブルガリ きーりんぐ
2015年11月13日(金)04時20分 受信
クロエ バッグ ブログ from クロエ バッグ ブログ
http://experimentsinartandtechnology.net/6bIacQPWPV9シャネル カンボンライン
2015年11月13日(金)08時58分 受信
mcm 販売店 大阪 from mcm 販売店 大阪
http://www.tommystokesdesign.com/6yCNULPRDB5ロレックス ヨットマスター 新品
2015年11月13日(金)10時36分 受信
ジバンシー 免税店 from ジバンシー 免税店
http://weirdweb.net/6vcdGGHZBD9シャネル アウトレット 店舗
2015年11月13日(金)14時35分 受信
シャネル 通販 激安 from シャネル 通販 激安
http://carlson-inc.com/6lQUTBENSC0トリーバーチ ドレス
2015年11月13日(金)14時42分 受信
グッチ バンブーハンドルとは from グッチ バンブーハンドルとは
http://pulitoinfinito.it/qaVBGNEEEE7エルメス カラー 番号
2015年11月13日(金)14時51分 受信
nike(ナイキ) ランニング シューズ エア リレントレス メンズ from nike(ナイキ) ランニング シューズ エア リレントレス メンズ
http://www.acsimeri.it/4wCSPGGBQD1クロムハーツ ディストリクト
2015年11月13日(金)17時04分 受信
ルイヴィトン 中途採用 from ルイヴィトン 中途採用
http://postpartumpain.org/6uZMFaVPBc4コーチ ラグジュアリー シグネチャー
2015年11月14日(土)05時02分 受信
ルイヴィトン キーポル 50 from ルイヴィトン キーポル 50
http://carlson-inc.com/6cZDWXKAHY0ブルガリ iphoneカバー
2015年11月14日(土)06時13分 受信
エルメス メンズ ウォッチ from エルメス メンズ ウォッチ
http://hopelighthousecc.com/6yZaBOMWIM9chloe 財布 評価
2015年11月14日(土)07時16分 受信
バーバリー トレンチコート 女性 from バーバリー トレンチコート 女性
http://www.mybeautifulebook.com/6wYMbNBYcC2バーバリー 手袋 通販
2015年11月14日(土)09時50分 受信
ジバンシー レディース ジャケット from ジバンシー レディース ジャケット
http://akshiitha.com/6pUYJdcXYW3グッチ インプリメ 長財布 中古
2015年11月14日(土)12時02分 受信
miumiu 財布 横浜 from miumiu 財布 横浜
http://akshiitha.com/6aYJUSYUEI7エルメス 安い
2015年11月14日(土)13時38分 受信
vans 迷彩 コート from vans 迷彩 コート
http://www.pgprofessionalgolf.com/xcIQTTEJET3シャネル ペン
2015年11月14日(土)13時59分 受信
シャネル ヴィンテージ チェーンバッグ from シャネル ヴィンテージ チェーンバッグ
http://www.nathanbphillips.com/6sBDDQLaET8ケイトスペード gap バッグ
2015年11月14日(土)14時10分 受信
ハワイ ルイヴィトン セール from ハワイ ルイヴィトン セール
http://prydonian.net/6vYLbRGPdJ3ロレックス ガラス 割れた
2015年11月14日(土)14時32分 受信
ロレックス 金属アレルギー from ロレックス 金属アレルギー
http://www.tommystokesdesign.com/6uCEDZbcSV9コーチ 腕時計 レディース 人気
2015年11月14日(土)17時39分 受信
ロレックス ブレス フィット from ロレックス ブレス フィット
http://wendycrumpler.com/6rLaIGJdXa0セリーヌ 財布 ミラー
2015年11月14日(土)17時47分 受信
ロレックス 買うなら 東京 from ロレックス 買うなら 東京
http://weirdweb.net/6cMWXEYOQD2タグホイヤー ムーブメント eta
2015年11月14日(土)18時11分 受信
ブルガリ 時計 修理 東京 from ブルガリ 時計 修理 東京
http://abedisabilities.org/6vOYTHTQYD0シャネル イニミタブルウォータープルーフ マスカラ
2015年11月17日(火)13時57分 受信
ロレックス シードゥエラー 価格ドットコム from ロレックス シードゥエラー 価格ドットコム
http://www.kenaitze.org/plAQWUYYBP6シャネル ガーデニア 大阪
2015年11月17日(火)20時21分 受信
nike ジャケット サッカー from nike ジャケット サッカー
http://www.festo-bildungsfonds.de/2vPNBUJWZL3ラコステ トレーナー
2015年11月17日(火)20時33分 受信
モバオク シャネル ネックレス from モバオク シャネル ネックレス
http://1minutepoetry.com/6uVDZVTVXd3コーチ ホーボー シグネチャー
2015年11月17日(火)20時44分 受信
ルイ ヴィトン 公式 通販 from ルイ ヴィトン 公式 通販
http://carlson-inc.com/6yMYdGLAML9chloe 財布 ブログ
2015年11月17日(火)22時49分 受信
シャネル ルースパウダー 人気 from シャネル ルースパウダー 人気
http://bestgroomweddingspeeches.com/qtNNaGXScG6CHANEL 財布 コピー
2015年11月18日(水)00時44分 受信
ルイヴィトン オデオン mm from ルイヴィトン オデオン mm
http://assistingchildreninneed.org/1vZYADNbZE2シャネル コピー へそピ
2015年11月18日(水)01時12分 受信
シャネル ノベルティ ポーチ オークション from シャネル ノベルティ ポーチ オークション
http://www.yoga.com.my/1fNWHLPUCE1ルイヴィトン ダミエ シガレットケース
2015年11月18日(水)01時45分 受信
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http://www.yoga.com.my/2qEHMGSTCd8adidas メンズ
2015年11月18日(水)02時16分 受信
シャネル アリュール オム ボディ from シャネル アリュール オム ボディ
http://altogenlabs.com/qpTbLTcYHQ5グッチ ペアリング 偽物
2015年11月18日(水)03時00分 受信
ルイヴィトン louis vuitton ヴィトン from ルイヴィトン louis vuitton ヴィトン
http://captanlaw.com/1vUXMZSSBI0シャネル チャンス ボディクリーム
2015年11月18日(水)03時35分 受信
ゼニスインターナショナル パン from ゼニスインターナショナル パン
http://www.yoga.com.my/1faQKIdRCP3ルイヴィトン ダミエ ソミュール
2015年11月18日(水)04時35分 受信
シャネル 長財布 ピンク from シャネル 長財布 ピンク
http://www.wibariatrics.com/6fCWVAUASO6ルイヴィトン サックプラ 買取
2015年11月18日(水)12時25分 受信
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vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)08時29分 編集・削除


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vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)09時26分 編集・削除


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valium Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)10時21分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)10時23分 編集・削除


adipex Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)10時46分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)10時53分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)11時23分 編集・削除


ambien Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)11時30分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)11時57分 編集・削除


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vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)12時20分 編集・削除


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valium Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)14時01分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)14時14分 編集・削除


ambien Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)14時21分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)14時31分 編集・削除


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vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)16時01分 編集・削除


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valium Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)16時53分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)16時56分 編集・削除


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ambien Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)17時44分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)17時49分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)17時53分 編集・削除


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ambien Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)18時26分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)18時49分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)18時56分 編集・削除


ambien Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)19時10分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)19時27分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)19時46分 編集・削除


ambien Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)19時54分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)19時58分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)20時28分 編集・削除


ambien Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)20時36分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)20時44分 編集・削除


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valium Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)21時32分 編集・削除


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vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)22時41分 編集・削除


ambien Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)22時46分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)23時09分 編集・削除


ambien Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)23時28分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)23時37分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月13日(日)23時40分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月14日(月)00時12分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月14日(月)00時38分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月14日(月)00時50分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月14日(月)01時22分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月14日(月)01時36分 編集・削除


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valium Eメール URL 2010年06月14日(月)02時19分 編集・削除


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valium Eメール URL 2010年06月14日(月)05時09分 編集・削除


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vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月14日(月)14時07分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月14日(月)15時19分 編集・削除


Annalise Eメール URL 2010年06月14日(月)15時45分 編集・削除

こんにちは Canadian or International pharmacy has never been easier. http://www.freewebs.com/petitangel1095/trimox/buy-trimox.html is about buy trimox ... http://harte.9f.com/norco/ is about norco ... http://maeliwen.ifrance.com/danazol/danazol-danocrine.html is about danazol danocrine ... ありがとうございました !

vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月14日(月)16時23分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月14日(月)17時24分 編集・削除


Braylyn Eメール URL 2010年06月21日(月)17時41分 編集・削除

こんにちは International Online Pharmacy and Drugstore - Order Prescription Drugs Online! http://www.freewebs.com/emohideout/botox/atlanta-botox.html is about atlanta botox ... http://deare.happyhost.org/online-pharmacy/asian-online-pharmacy.html is about asian online pharmacy ... http://mulsho.itgo.com/butalbital/butalbital-and-drug-testing.html is about butalbital and drug testing ... ありがとうございました !

klonopin Eメール URL 2010年06月24日(木)06時55分 編集・削除


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klonopin Eメール URL 2010年06月25日(金)16時08分 編集・削除


Michael Eメール URL 2010年06月25日(金)16時25分 編集・削除

こんにちは International Online Pharmacy and Drugstore - Order Prescription Drugs Online! http://raynes.happyhost.org/vardenafil/generic-vardenafil.html is about generic vardenafil ... http://www.freewebs.com/bruyters/klonopin/buy-klonopin-online.html is about buy klonopin online ... http://andreschile.8m.com/meridia/cheap-meridia.html is about cheap meridia ... ありがとうございました !

klonopin Eメール URL 2010年06月25日(金)17時11分 編集・削除


acomplia Eメール URL 2010年06月25日(金)18時10分 編集・削除


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xanax Eメール URL 2010年06月26日(土)05時24分 編集・削除


adipex Eメール URL 2010年06月26日(土)05時52分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月26日(土)06時20分 編集・削除


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valium Eメール URL 2010年06月26日(土)07時42分 編集・削除


adipex Eメール URL 2010年06月26日(土)07時44分 編集・削除


acomplia Eメール URL 2010年06月26日(土)08時08分 編集・削除


ambien Eメール URL 2010年06月26日(土)08時12分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月26日(土)08時35分 編集・削除


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ambien Eメール URL 2010年06月26日(土)19時00分 編集・削除


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adipex Eメール URL 2010年06月27日(日)04時55分 編集・削除


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vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月27日(日)06時33分 編集・削除


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adipex Eメール URL 2010年06月27日(日)07時39分 編集・削除


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vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月27日(日)09時42分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月27日(日)10時14分 編集・削除


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acomplia Eメール URL 2010年06月27日(日)20時36分 編集・削除


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parliament_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月27日(日)23時35分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)00時13分 編集・削除


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xanax Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)02時05分 編集・削除


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valium Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)03時11分 編集・削除


winston_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)03時43分 編集・削除


acomplia Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)04時14分 編集・削除


ambien Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)04時45分 編集・削除


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xanax Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)06時16分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)06時47分 編集・削除


parliament_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)07時17分 編集・削除


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winston_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)10時36分 編集・削除


dunhill_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)11時05分 編集・削除


ambien Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)11時35分 編集・削除


xanax Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)12時06分 編集・削除


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dunhill_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)13時37分 編集・削除


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vigrx Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)16時16分 編集・削除


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xanax Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)18時08分 編集・削除


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kent_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)19時12分 編集・削除


marlboro_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)19時13分 編集・削除


winston_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)19時43分 編集・削除


acomplia Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)20時15分 編集・削除


camel_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)20時48分 編集・削除


ambien Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)21時23分 編集・削除


adipex Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)21時58分 編集・削除


adipex Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)22時31分 編集・削除


vigrx Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)23時05分 編集・削除


ambien Eメール URL 2010年06月28日(月)23時37分 編集・削除


camel_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)00時11分 編集・削除


adipex Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)00時47分 編集・削除


winston_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)01時25分 編集・削除


acomplia Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)01時57分 編集・削除


cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)02時28分 編集・削除


pallmall_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)03時02分 編集・削除


winston_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)03時34分 編集・削除


pallmall_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)04時05分 編集・削除


vigrx Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)04時37分 編集・削除


adipex Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)04時37分 編集・削除


pallmall_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)04時37分 編集・削除


winston_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)04時37分 編集・削除


vogue_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)05時49分 編集・削除


xanax Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)06時19分 編集・削除


parliament_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)06時47分 編集・削除


acomplia Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)07時15分 編集・削除


lucky_strike_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)07時44分 編集・削除


dunhill_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)08時11分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)08時38分 編集・削除


kent_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)09時08分 編集・削除


acomplia Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)09時36分 編集・削除


pallmall_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)10時03分 編集・削除


vogue_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)10時31分 編集・削除


adipex Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)11時04分 編集・削除


winston_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)11時33分 編集・削除


kent_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)12時01分 編集・削除


pallmall_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)12時29分 編集・削除


dunhill_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)12時58分 編集・削除


vogue_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)13時25分 編集・削除


winston_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)13時54分 編集・削除


marlboro_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)14時23分 編集・削除


camel_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)14時51分 編集・削除


dunhill_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)15時20分 編集・削除


vogue_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)15時50分 編集・削除


parliament_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)16時19分 編集・削除


parliament_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)16時49分 編集・削除


kent_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)17時20分 編集・削除


lucky_strike_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)17時51分 編集・削除


adipex Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)17時51分 編集・削除


ativan Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)17時51分 編集・削除


dunhill_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)17時51分 編集・削除


adipex Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)18時23分 編集・削除


pallmall_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)18時23分 編集・削除


winston_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)18時23分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)18時55分 編集・削除


kent_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)19時24分 編集・削除


dunhill_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)19時52分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)20時20分 編集・削除


winston_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)20時50分 編集・削除


dunhill_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)21時19分 編集・削除


vogue_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)21時54分 編集・削除


dunhill_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)22時25分 編集・削除


marlboro_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)22時57分 編集・削除


ativan Eメール URL 2010年06月29日(火)23時28分 編集・削除


marlboro_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)00時00分 編集・削除


parliament_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)00時31分 編集・削除


winston_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)01時03分 編集・削除


dunhill_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)01時32分 編集・削除


winston_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)02時04分 編集・削除


pallmall_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)02時35分 編集・削除


winston_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)03時08分 編集・削除


adipex Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)03時08分 編集・削除


vogue_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)03時38分 編集・削除


dunhill_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)04時11分 編集・削除


marlboro_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)04時39分 編集・削除


kent_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)05時08分 編集・削除


winston_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)05時36分 編集・削除


camel_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)06時03分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)06時31分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)06時58分 編集・削除


parliament_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)07時25分 編集・削除


dunhill_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)07時51分 編集・削除


kent_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)08時17分 編集・削除


ativan Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)08時17分 編集・削除


camel_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)08時42分 編集・削除


dunhill_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)09時08分 編集・削除


parliament_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)09時35分 編集・削除


kent_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)10時28分 編集・削除


adipex Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)10時56分 編集・削除


cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)11時23分 編集・削除


marlboro_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)11時51分 編集・削除


parliament_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)12時20分 編集・削除


ativan Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)12時53分 編集・削除


camel_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)13時22分 編集・削除


valium Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)13時50分 編集・削除


ativan Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)14時18分 編集・削除


parliament_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)14時47分 編集・削除


vogue_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)15時16分 編集・削除


vigrx Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)15時44分 編集・削除


kent_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)16時15分 編集・削除


cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)16時44分 編集・削除


pallmall_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)17時14分 編集・削除


pallmall_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)17時46分 編集・削除


dunhill_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)18時18分 編集・削除


ativan Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)18時52分 編集・削除


winston_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)19時24分 編集・削除


pallmall_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)20時04分 編集・削除


cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)20時35分 編集・削除


camel_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)21時09分 編集・削除


marlboro_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)21時46分 編集・削除


pallmall_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)22時23分 編集・削除


pallmall_cigarettes Eメール URL 2010年06月30日(水)22時59分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)02時48分 編集・削除


acomplia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)02時51分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)03時32分 編集・削除


lady_sonia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)04時11分 編集・削除


lady_sonia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)04時50分 編集・削除


acomplia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)05時27分 編集・削除


lady_sonia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)06時04分 編集・削除


lady_sonia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)06時42分 編集・削除


rimonabant Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)07時00分 編集・削除


vigrx Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)07時20分 編集・削除


propecia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)07時48分 編集・削除


lady_sonia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)07時51分 編集・削除


generic_viagra Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)08時14分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)08時23分 編集・削除


rimonabant Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)08時37分 編集・削除


klonopin Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)08時56分 編集・削除


lasix Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)09時00分 編集・削除


generic_cialis Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)09時23分 編集・削除


acomplia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)09時27分 編集・削除


levitra Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)09時47分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)09時58分 編集・削除


generic_viagra Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)10時10分 編集・削除


lady_sonia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)10時34分 編集・削除


levitra Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)10時57分 編集・削除


vigrx Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)11時09分 編集・削除


propecia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)11時21分 編集・削除


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generic_viagra Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)12時08分 編集・削除


lady_sonia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)12時15分 編集・削除


levitra Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)12時32分 編集・削除


lady_sonia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)12時49分 編集・削除


rimonabant Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)12時55分 編集・削除


generic_cialis Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)13時17分 編集・削除


FFFFFFE5rial_ed_pack Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)13時19分 編集・削除


propecia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)13時41分 編集・削除


tricor Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)13時44分 編集・削除


lady_sonia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)13時51分 編集・削除


generic_cialis Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)14時04分 編集・削除


acomplia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)14時25分 編集・削除


levitra Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)14時27分 編集・削除


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generic_cialis Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)14時52分 編集・削除


vigrx Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)14時56分 編集・削除


generic_viagra Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)15時16分 編集・削除


tricor Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)15時27分 編集・削除


levitra Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)15時41分 編集・削除


FFFFFFE5rial_ed_pack Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)15時56分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)15時59分 編集・削除


rimonabant Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)16時04分 編集・削除


levitra Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)16時28分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)16時31分 編集・削除


generic_cialis Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)16時52分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)17時05分 編集・削除


levitra Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)17時17分 編集・削除


generic_cialis Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)17時40分 編集・削除


FFFFFFE5rial_ed_pack Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)17時41分 編集・削除


propecia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)18時05分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)18時10分 編集・削除


generic_cialis Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)18時31分 編集・削除


lady_sonia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)18時44分 編集・削除


rimonabant Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)18時56分 編集・削除


propecia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)19時20分 編集・削除


generic_cialis Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)19時45分 編集・削除


zyban Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)19時46分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)19時51分 編集・削除


lasix Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)20時11分 編集・削除


vigrx Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)20時26分 編集・削除


FFFFFFE5rial_ed_pack Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)20時37分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)20時58分 編集・削除


tricor Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)21時03分 編集・削除


rimonabant Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)21時21分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)21時30分 編集・削除


generic_viagra Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)21時45分 編集・削除


FFFFFFE5rial_ed_pack Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)21時56分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)22時03分 編集・削除


propecia Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)22時09分 編集・削除


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vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)23時09分 編集・削除


FFFFFFE5rial_ed_pack Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)23時18分 編集・削除


generic_cialis Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)23時40分 編集・削除


vigrx Eメール URL 2010年07月03日(土)23時42分 編集・削除


propecia Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)00時04分 編集・削除


zyban Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)00時06分 編集・削除


vigrx Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)00時15分 編集・削除


FFFFFFE5rial_ed_pack Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)00時31分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)00時50分 編集・削除


FFFFFFE5rial_ed_pack Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)00時56分 編集・削除


lady_sonia Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)01時22分 編集・削除


FFFFFFE5rial_ed_pack Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)01時50分 編集・削除


vigrx Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)01時53分 編集・削除


lasix Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)02時16分 編集・削除


acomplia Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)02時25分 編集・削除


rimonabant Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)02時28分 編集・削除


lasix Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)02時44分 編集・削除


generic_viagra Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)02時52分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)02時57分 編集・削除


plendil Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)03時11分 編集・削除


generic_viagra Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)03時16分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)03時31分 編集・削除


lasix Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)03時37分 編集・削除


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vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)04時04分 編集・削除


rimonabant Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)04時26分 編集・削除


acomplia Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)04時35分 編集・削除


levitra Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)04時50分 編集・削除


vigrx Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)05時11分 編集・削除


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generic_cialis Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)05時38分 編集・削除


zyban Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)05時39分 編集・削除


lady_sonia Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)05時41分 編集・削除


generic_cialis Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)06時01分 編集・削除


plendil Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)06時03分 編集・削除


lady_sonia Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)06時13分 編集・削除


rimonabant Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)06時25分 編集・削除


plendil Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)06時28分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)06時46分 編集・削除


plendil Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)06時53分 編集・削除


rimonabant Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)07時10分 編集・削除


lasix Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)07時16分 編集・削除


propecia Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)07時33分 編集・削除


FFFFFFE5rial_ed_pack Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)07時41分 編集・削除


lady_sonia Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)07時46分 編集・削除


propecia Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)07時54分 編集・削除


tricor Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)08時05分 編集・削除


acomplia Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)08時17分 編集・削除


lady_sonia Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)08時47分 編集・削除


tricor Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)08時53分 編集・削除


generic_cialis Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)08時59分 編集・削除


FFFFFFE5rial_ed_pack Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)09時17分 編集・削除


generic_cialis Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)09時20分 編集・削除


rimonabant Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)09時42分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)09時45分 編集・削除


generic_viagra Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)10時04分 編集・削除


acomplia Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)10時13分 編集・削除


generic_cialis Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)10時27分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)10時43分 編集・削除


propecia Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)10時49分 編集・削除


propecia Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)11時11分 編集・削除


FFFFFFE5rial_ed_pack Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)11時12分 編集・削除


generic_cialis Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)11時34分 編集・削除


vimax Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)11時41分 編集・削除


generic_viagra Eメール URL 2010年07月04日(日)11時57分 編集・削除


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こんにちは International Online Pharmacy and Drugstore - Order Prescription Drugs Online! http://www.freewebs.com/muchostruquitos/alesse/alesse-birth-control-pill.html is about alesse birth control pill ... http://roadprincess.50megs.com/flexeril/ is about flexeril ... http://madsen.snn.gr/caverta/caverta-at-cut-rates.html is about caverta at cut rates ... ありがとうございました !

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